100 days Chapter 6: Fake Girlfriend

100 days
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After the heart-to-heart talk, the group decided to rest first on the resthouse. Yuri especially is now sound asleep after crying pails of tears earlier. The group felt bad for forcing Yuri to share a very personal memory but she just shrugged it off saying her friends deserved to know the truth. Minjoo even offered accompanying Yuri on her first day of work. The rest just agreed to accompany Yuri and visit Minjoo's mom as well.

The sun has now set and darkness completely dominated the sky. Each star twinkled giving off a calm vibe. Minjoo is currently lying on the grass, stargazing. Chaeyeon then called her.

"Minjoo-yah, can you wake Yuri up for me? We'll start the night swimming."

"Okay, just give me a second."

Minjoo and Yuri both changed into their swim wear and walked down to there friends. The two joined their friends who were already playing in the pool.

After an hour of swimming, the cold wind started to seep through the water. They decided to finish swimming and take a warm shower.

They setup a bonfire near the pool and sat around it. They talked about different topics from business, to politics, and to same relationships. While on the topic, Sakura remembered Minjoo's problem.

"By the way, is Hyunjin still bothering you, Minjoo?" Sakura asked Minjoo with full of concern in her eyes. Minjoo just nodded.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm just fine. He just spams me messages everyday." Minjoo reassured them.

"You really need to have a girlfriend now so Hyunjin would stop pestering you already. Have you found a potential girlfriend already?" Sakura asked. Minjoo just shook her head and sighed.

"Tell us your type, Minjoo. Maybe we know someone that fits your type." Chaeyeon said.

"Hmmm. I don't really know what I like. I don't real

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Chapter 22: 2kim, pls comeback😭😭
2kim deprived here! I hope you still update this 🙏
Chapter 22: Baby comeback ~🎶🎶
I will still wait for an update! Just take your time author❤️
Huhu please update this is so good pls pls pls
Chapter 22: I miss this now😭😭 pls comeback
Chapter 22: Updated pls author 😭😭
cleofierayne 35 streak #8
Chapter 22: Ahhhh I'm sad for Ryujin! 😭😭 I hope Lia realize her feelings and be with Ryujin again hehehe Chaewon too i knoww your attracted to Minjoo hehehe. Soon you'll realize what you truly feels 😂😂

Yena yena Yuri yuri ahhhh! Cute couple hehehe yeah i know they're getting back together soon heheh
hhhhhhhhh #9
Chapter 22: Ummm maybe chaewon jealous because lia ride ryujin motorcycle..... Hahaha but 2kim still my fav ship here
Chapter 22: I-i think chaewon is confused, that's why she kissed Lia. To know her heart beat for who. But can feeling be easily change like that? Omooo feeling is so complicated TT
ps: great update author nim