100 days Chapter 17: New Fellows

100 days
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I have been receiving letters everyday after I went on a date with Chaewon.

I know they are from you.

My best friend has always been there for me during my ups and downs. She stayed by my side when you left me. I always feel bad for not giving back the same amount of love Chaewon has been giving me. To be honest, she's not hard to love—she's pretty, smart, and most of all, she can make you feel safe.


Actually, Chaewon got one flaw.


She is very flirty without her knowing it. Haha.

At first, I found it quite charming, it made my heart flutter giving me butterflies in my stomach. However, the female nurses in the hospital started having crush on her since she is just being 'nice' all the time—tsk, more like being flirty.

Kim Chaewon, if you only know I almost got swooned by your charm and flirting.



Because there's still one thing that is holding me back from completely loving her.

It's you.

I opened the letter you left on my doorstep.


'I can't wait to meet you again.'

I looked for you everywhere but I saw not even a strand of your hair.

I sighed.

I just put this letter in my bag and tried to shrug off thoughts of you. I still have a long day in the hospital today.

End of Lia's POV



As promised, the whole squad cleared their schedule for today to accompany Yuri on her first day in the hospital. They are also planning to visit Minjoo's mom.

They are currently infront of the General Surgery Department Office waiting for Yuri to be called inside.

"Yuri-yah, text us if something happens, okay?" Chaeyeon reminded the younger for the nth time.

"Guys, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Yuri reassured them. "I'll text you if something happens."

"Are you sure, Yuri? Do you uhm... need water or anything? Are you hungry? I can grab you a bottle of water or a pack of biscuit." Kkura quickly asked the younger.

"Kkura unnie, I'm fine hahaha. You treat me as if I'm your child going to a field trip or something. You guys can visit Aunt Jisoo now. I'll go there on my break." Yuri replied to them with a sweet smile. Not long after she was called inside and the squad proceeded to Minjoo's mom's room.




Chaewon is feeling all good today. She got a well-deserved sleep last night. She's currently heading towards Mrs. Kim's room to start her rounds.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim." Chaewon excitedly greeted her patient.

"Good morning to you, too Dr. Kim. I see you're early today. You seem like in a good mood." Mrs. Kim replied with a wide smile on her face.

"I got an ample amount of sleep last night that's why I'm fully recharged now." Chaewon scrunched her nose and showed off a cute muscle pose with her biceps. Jisoo giggled at the young doctor's antics.

"How about you, Mrs. Kim? Why are you already up this early?" Chaewon helped her patient to lift her back from the cushion and lean on the headboard.

"It's because my daughter and her friends are coming. Minjoo said she will be accompanying her friend today. I think she's a new fellow here in the hospital. Her other friends decided to visit me, too." Mrs. Kim excitedly told the doctor.

Chaewon, on the other hand, suddenly felt the rapid increase in her heart beat rate at the mere mention of Minjoo's name. She felt weird that she's getting nervous and excited at the same time at meeting her patient's daughter for the first time.

Moments later, they heard a knock from the door and Chaewon's heart almost dropped. The doorknob was slowly turned and the doctor's heart almost burst.


'Is that you already...' Chaewon thought.


"Good morning, Dr. Kim. You are being summoned on the Cardiology Department Office." a nurse head popped out from the door.

Chaewon's face fell as she thought it was Minjoo already. Nonetheless, she nodded to the nurse.

"Mrs. Kim, I'll be back shortly. Just press the emergency button if you need anything." Chaewon said to her patient before going to the Cardio Department office.




Yuri took a deep breath before entering the General Surgery Department office. As she scanned the room, she has not seen the person she's been looking for yet. A male doctor almost the same age as her offered her to sit on the vacant seat beside him. Yuri politely accepted it.

"Are you also a new fellow here in the hospital?" the male doctor asked softly only for the two of them to hear. Yuri just smiled and nodded.

"Great! I'm a new fellow, too. I'm Cha Junho by the way." the male doctor introduced himself offering a handshake to the girl.

Yuri was about to accept the handshake when the door swung open revealing the girl she's been looking for.

"Is everyone here already? Let's start now." Like what Yuri has heard from the murmurs about the head of the General Surgery Department,

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Chapter 22: 2kim, pls comeback😭😭
2kim deprived here! I hope you still update this 🙏
Chapter 22: Baby comeback ~🎶🎶
I will still wait for an update! Just take your time author❤️
Huhu please update this is so good pls pls pls
Chapter 22: I miss this now😭😭 pls comeback
Chapter 22: Updated pls author 😭😭
cleofierayne 34 streak #8
Chapter 22: Ahhhh I'm sad for Ryujin! 😭😭 I hope Lia realize her feelings and be with Ryujin again hehehe Chaewon too i knoww your attracted to Minjoo hehehe. Soon you'll realize what you truly feels 😂😂

Yena yena Yuri yuri ahhhh! Cute couple hehehe yeah i know they're getting back together soon heheh
hhhhhhhhh #9
Chapter 22: Ummm maybe chaewon jealous because lia ride ryujin motorcycle..... Hahaha but 2kim still my fav ship here
Chapter 22: I-i think chaewon is confused, that's why she kissed Lia. To know her heart beat for who. But can feeling be easily change like that? Omooo feeling is so complicated TT
ps: great update author nim