Chapter XVII - Katrina's Birthday (Final Part)

Say Yes To The Limelight


My baby don’t like it when you come around

It’s natural that i’m scared of a dangerous girl like you

Maybe i might fall more deeply into you


Baby Don’t Like It - NCT 127


Park Hyatt Seoul - Jongin’s hotel room


*They have a whole floor of the hotel blocked off for EXO, TVXQ, Faky, and Katrina and Civannah’s friends for privacy and security*


“Civannah, tell me youre joking.”

“I’m sorry Jongin. Blake said he’d get her here, so i wouldn’t worry too much.” Civannah sighed as she sat on Jongin’s bed.

“Not to worry too much?! Civannah you literally left her with the man that loves her.”

“All the more reason he would make sure she gets here. Beside’s i might have went ahead and told him that she doesn’t like him.”

“Wow. Civannah, I didn’t think you’d speak on something that wasn’t your place.” Yunho spoke, obviously disappointed in Civannah.

“Why don’t we go get dressed?” Changmin spoke, grabbing Civannah’s hand. “Just call her or text her. Go from there,huh? I know you wouldn’t like it but if push comes to shove, ask Taemin. You know he’ll be able get her here, no problem.”

Changmin shut the door of Jongin’s room and headed to his room, tightening his grip on Civannah’s hand.

“You can use the bathroom first. I asked Stephanie to bring your stuff here, i hope you dont mind.” Changmin said with a small smile as he let go of Civannah’s hand.

“We should talk first.” Civannah said, taking a seat on the bed.

Changmin took a seat on one of the desk chairs. “The floors yours.” Changmin said, seeing that Civannah was still hesitant.

“I’m sorry.” Civannah spoke, when she felt calm and comfortable enough to speak. “The argument about Matthew shouldn’t have been an argument at all. I should have been more opened to seeing where you were coming from. And honestly, that was just the tip of the ice burg. I owe you an apology. After my blowing up on Katrina, I realized that i’ve been very toxic. I’ve held on to this feeling that i’m not good enough for you. Aside from my color, I was insecure. Even with your constant reassurance that you loved me, I always felt that someone could come along and take you from me, and that i should just be ready for you to kick me to the side at any minute. There was always that little doubt in my mind. That’s why every time you mentioned telling Katrina, i didn't want to because that would make us more real. I didn’t want to look like a fool when you finally left me high and dry.” Civannah said finally letting her tears fall.

Changmin got up from his seat and quickly made his way to Civannah, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close, letting her tears wet his shirt.

“I dont care how much you push me away, im not going anywhere. Don’t ever forget that youre the only one that i love. I ment it when i said that i want to marry you, to have my kids with you, to spend my everyday with you, the one id give everything up’s you….it’ll always be you.” Changmin said calmly, trying to soothe Civannah.

“But what about Katrina?”

“What about her? I know you told her. She’s been doing everything to help with the Ye Seul situation so that you and i can come out as a couple.”

“Us come out as a couple?”

“I mean when you were ready. Katrina helped me realize that i needed to really put end to any lingering speculations that me and Ye Seul were or could ever be together.”

“So at the cafe?” Civannah asked, pulling herself from Changmin’s chest.

“We were supposed to meet Ye Seul and her manager so we could do a live explaining our situations.”


“That neither of us are together and that these rumours have heavily affected both of our relationships. Although, how do you know about the cafe? Katrina said she wouldn’t tell you about her involvement.”

“Someone’s been sending me pictures of you and Katrina. They even sent a voice message.” Civannah revealed moving to grab her phone out of her bag so she could show Changmin.

“That one in the office is after we had the argument. I went to your office but Katrina was there instead. She told me her plan for clearing up the rumours that day.”

“And she told you she loved you that day?”

“What? No. She’s never said she loves me.” Changmin said confused by Civannah’s accusation.

“The same person sent me this.” Civannah said as she played the audio file.


“I love Changmin!...I love him.”


“She’s not telling me, she’s telling someone else. It also sounds a bit forced, like whoever recorded it wanted her to say that. We can ask Kaz about it later.”

“Who is Kaz?”

“Katrina’s assistant. Katrina records all her meetings so she has them to listen back.”

“I should have just talked to her. I probably messed up our friendship beyond repair.”

“And i’m sure you didn’t. That girl loves you and your happiness, more than her own, you don’t even know.”

“And you do?”

“I know a bit more than you now, and im sure if you just opened your eyes a bit more tonight, you’ll be able to see it crystal clear. Now go and take a shower, I don’t want my girlfriend showing up with make up running down her cheeks.”

“You still want me to be your girlfriend?”

“Only if you still want me to be your boyfriend?” Changmin said and smiled when Civannah hugged him.

“Can we start from the basics? I feel like we rushed things a bit, even though two years has passed.”

“We can start wherever you want.” Changmin smiled, happy that they could be back in each others arms.


Katrina’s Apartment


“Please...Just open the door.” Blake said for the umpteeth time.

“Just go Blake.” Katrina said, trying to get Blake to leave as she had been doing since she locked herself in her room.

“Katrina….i wont force you. But i know you...don’t go to that place know that you can talk to me. I know you don’t share the same feelings as me, that’s why ive never confessed. Yes, i did come here to confess, but more so that i could move own. It’s unhealthy to harbor feelings that can never be returned.”

Blake heard the click from the door indicating that the lock had been undone and the door beginning to turn, so he took a step back.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“No. Civannah was right. I was manipulating you. I knew you liked me, but you were the only one who knew every thing about me. I couldn’t loose you like-”

“Like you lost Taemin?” Blake finished and Katrina nodded.

“You listen to me very carefully. No matter what happen’s, i will always be there for you. I hate seeing you hurt. Manipulative, you are not. Secretive, now thats another story. I wont say you need to tell her, especially after her little blow up, but i know she said something about this Jongin guy being wrapped around your finger. You need to tell him your true feelings. Because i know that no matter how hard you try, no one will ever compare to Taemin in your heart.”

“I’ll let Jongin go. And Taemin. I’m coming between their friendship. I’ve lied to Jongin and i’ll never forgive myself if i don’t tell him before someone else does.”

“Who else would tell? Only you and i know?” Blake said, watching Katrina put her head down. “Who else knows Katrina?” Blake asked, knowing that there was something else she wasn’t telling him.

“What Civannah was talking about? Something happened at the office.”

“And that was?” Blake asked, waiting for Katrina to spill, but unfortunately, luck wasn’t on his side as there was a knock on Katrina’s door.

“I better get that.” Katrina said, moving around blake quickly and going to open the door, Blake right behind her.

Katrina didn’t check to see who was at the door, and if she had she most likely wouldn’t have opened it.

“Taemin?! What are you doing here?” Katrina asked, surprised by his appearance since she figured this morning would be her last time seeing him as she planned to avoid him for the rest of her stay in Korea.

“You aren’t even dressed yet?”

“Why would i be dressed?” Katrina questioned.

“Didn’t you get my text? I said i was taking you for food.” Taemin lied, knowing that he didn’t send a text at all.

“Sorry you came all this way, but im not hungry.” Katrina rejected, trying to push Taemin away.

“Who’s at the door?” Blake asked, causing Katrina to curse under her breath.

“Who are you?” Taemin asked skeptically, never seeing the man in Katrina’s apartment around before.

“I’m Blake, Katrina’s friend. I flew in to surprise her for her birthday.” Blake said moving Katrina out of the way so he could shake Taemin’s hand. “Why don’t you come in? I was just sending her off to get ready.” Blake smiled, and Taemin used this opportunity to come inside, as Katrina was too shocked to stop him.

“What are you waiting for love? Go get ready.” Taemin smiled.

“I’m honestly not hungry. Blake and i were going to just stay in.”

“No we weren’t. I was going to take you to dinner, but i think the three of us could go instead.” Blake said, causing a look of shock to come across not only Katrina’s face but Taemin’s. “Now go.” Blake said, shooing Katrina off.

Katrina didn’t like the idea of leaving Blake and Taemin alone, but she knew that if she didn’t get ready they wouldn’t really get anywhere in conversation. Katrina hurried back to her room, praying that Blake wouldn’t say anything unnecessary that she’d have to deal with later.


Park Hyatt Seoul - Ballroom


“Blake said they just made it to the lobby.” Stephanie called out to Civannah who was located on the other side of the room, helping with the finishing touches.

“Okay guys! Get ready.” Civannah called as she motioned for everyone to be silent.


*Outside the ballroom*


“Seriously guys. This is a bit much.”

“Why are you being difficult?” Taemin huffed.

“Why are you being so persistent?” Katrina countered.

“Come on Kat. Is it so wrong for you to have a nice meal for your birthday? Especially with my company?” Blake laughed, grabbing Katrina’s hand and pulling her along to the ballroom.

“Ladies first.” Taemin gestured, when they stopped infront of the door.

“Youre both being very chivorlous today.” Katrina said with a raised brow as the two males looked at each other before speaking.

“Anything for you princess.” Blake and Taemin said in unison, to a still skeptical Katrina.


“WHAT THE !?!?” Katrina yelled.

“Happy Birthday babe!” Tatiana yelled as she ran up to Katrina and hugged her.

“What are you all doing here? You’re supposed to be in Cali!?” Katrina questioned trying to wrap her mind around her friends being in Seoul.

“And miss out on a free trip to spend your birthday together? No way!” Nate smiled as he came up behind Tatiana to steal a hug from Katrina.

“Free trip?”

“This was all Changmin’s idea.” Stephanie said, also making her way to Katrina for a hug.

“I had some help.” Changmin shrugged, nodding towards Jongin.

“Thank you guys.” Katrina said with a small smile. “You really didn’t have to do this.”

“We know. We wanted to.” Jongin smiled.

“Well let’s party then!” Katrina cheered.

Soon after music (American) was flowing through the room and Katrina spent time with her friends still shocked that they were really there. While Katrina talked with her friends, Civannah pulled Taemin, Jongdae, Ryan, and Changmin to the side.

“I need your help.” Civannah started. “Earlier Katrina was talking about leaving Korea. I know i don’t deserve to be greedy after today, but i really don’t want her to go.”

“She can’t leave. She just got here.” Ryan cried.

“And Jongin...if he confesses tonight, will she leave him heartbroken?” Jongdae questioned.

“Thats not the point.” Taemin replied angrily. “She has to stay. I just got her back, there’s no way i can just let her leave.”

“Got her back?” Civannah asked.

“So what are we going to do to convince her to stay?” Changmin asked.

“I hate to be that person.” Jongdae began speaking causing the small group to look at him. “But we cant force her to stay.”

“You’re right. You’re being that person.” Civannah said rolling her eyes.

“Just look at her Civannah. In the time she’s been here, has she looked that happy? I haven’t. She spends all her time in the office working.”

“Jongdae’s right. All she does is work. And coming here she had to meet Matthew again. I’m sure thats taken a toll on her.” Ryan said sadly.

“All the more reason to stay. She won’t have to work too hard anymore. She doesnt have to deal with Matthew either. I’ll get a new assistant.”

“That’s not fair to Matthew. I get what he did wasn’t the best choice, but as far as being an assistant, he’s done nothing wrong on grounds of being fired.” Yunho spoke, catching the last bit of the conversation. “Let’s not mix personal feelings with business. I think Katrina’s set a great example of that. And as her friends and people that care about her, let her make her own choice if she should stay or not.”

Yunho was met with sad faces all around, but he couldn’t let them stay that way or surely Katrina would notice something was wrong.

“Jongin wants to go ahead with the song before everyone starts dinner.” Yunho spoke, motioning everyone foreward to the little platform stage that Jongin had just stepped on.

“Hi everyone! I hope you don’t mind but I want to sing a song for the birthday girl.” Jongin spoke into the mic as he grabbed the guitar laid on the chair, before siting down. “I also hope you don’t mind it being in Korean, i think it sounds a bit better this way.” Jongin smiled, looking over to Chanyeol with a nod.



| I wish i could have found a video like this with the lyrics on it, allas i’ll type some below for context |



I’m really, very foolish

I know of no one other than you

Your’re looking at someone else

Yet you have no idea of my feelings like this

As i watch you walking past, I’m still happy

Even though you still don’t know my heart

I should stop this and go

I really want to see the day

I’m withstanding the pain each day

“I love you” is playing on my lips

Alone once again, crying for you

Alone once again, missing you

Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you


“Are you eyes open now?” Changmin whispered in Civannah’s ear as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“That was amazing Jongin!” Katrina cheered as she went up on the stage to give him and Chanyeol a hug.

“Dude, I didn’t know a guy could sing so beautifly in another language.” Nate said, wrapping his arm around Tatiana.

“Aweee! Nate’s being a softie again.” Stephanie smiled.

“I think the birthday girl should play something.” Blake suggested.

“Ohh no. No way.” Katrina declined.

“You play?” Jongin and Chanyeol asked, surprised.

“She was a music minor!” Tatiana yelled out.

“Then you kinda have to play something.” Chanyeol smiled.

“Come one! It’s been years since you’ve played the piano for us.” Nate yelled.

“Fine! But only because I’m starving and I know you guys won’t let me eat until I play.” Katrina said walking over to the piano as her friends laughed.





“Wow.” Yunho said as he clapped when Katrina finished playing.

“I think you’ve gotten better than when you were in college.” Ryan spoke, smiling at the memories she had of listening to Katrina play the piano when she was younger.

“She’s a lot better than when she was in college.” Matthew spoke from his spot by the ballroom door, with BoA on his arm.

“Why the are you here!?” Blake yelled, seeing red as soon as he saw Matthew.

“I invited him.” Kaz spoke, innocently.

“Who are you to invite him?” Tatiana yelled at Kaz before turning her attention back to Matthew. “You’re not welcome here.”

“It’s fine.” Katrina spoke, getting up from the piano.“The more the merrier,right? You guys are just in time for dinner.” Katrina smiled.

“Katrina you can’t be serious?”

“It’s fine Blake…”

“Why don’t we all eat? It’s buffet style with a Korean - American mix.” Changmin spoke, trying to help the awkwardness.

“Come on.” Katrina said with a smile, grabbing Blake’s hand and dragging him over to the food with her.

“I didn’t know you were coming…” Civannah said as everyone else disbursed to the food.

“I went to her office to at least say happy birthday, but Kaz told me about the party. I wasn’t sure if I should come or not….”

“But I convinced him that he should come since he decided to quit the company.”

“You quit!?” Civannah and Changmin said,surprised.

“I thought it was best. I don’t want her to continue feeling uncomfortable. I also don’t want you to feel like you have to choose between us.”

“I would never choose between you. You’re both important to me.”

“No. She deserves your loyalty.”

“So,what are you going to do? You’re out of a job now.” Changmin asked, feeling slightly bad about the situation.

“He actually got a call from Jessi’s team for a collab on her new album.” BoA said excitedly.

“Congratulations.” Changmin spoke, shaking Matthew’s hand.

“It’s all thanks to Civannah.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“Aren’t you the one who reached out? They said they were contacted by someone at SM. I assumed it was you.”

“I wish, but no. I’ve been so busy with Faky, I haven't gotten a chance to make any calls.”

“That’s interesting. No matter how it happened it’s a blessing.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I honestly don’t feel comfortable being over there. That Tatiana girl is burning holes into my scalp.”

“It’s not your fault.” Civannah said patting the girl on her back.

“Let’s get some food,hm?” Changmin suggested, leading everyone over to the food buffet.


Dinner went over a bit better than anticipated. Katrina sat at one end of the table with her friends Jongin and a few exo members, while Civannah sat with Changmin, Matthew, Taemin and the rest on the other side. Conversation flowed smoothly and when the music began playing, they all made their way to the dance floor.


“Hey.” Kaz spoke, tapping on Blake’s shoulder.


“Look, I just wanted to apologize. Katrina’s really nice to me even though I’m just her assistant. I didn’t know that she and Matthew, as well as you and your friends had a problem. I just thought more people would celebrate the better.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry your pretty face about it.” Blake smiled. “I should actually apologize to you about Tati. She, Katrina, Matthew, and Nate all went to school together, so we’re the ones that know the situation the best aside from Ryan.”

“That would explain why she wants to kill me.”

“Trust me, it’s not you she wants to kill.” Blake laughed. “Come. Well get it all straightened out.” Blake smiled grabbing Kaz’s hand and pulling her along to where Tatiana was.


*Elsewhere in the ballroom*


“Have you seen Jongin?” Civannah asked Taemin who was at the bar taking a shot.

“Katrina just walked out the ballroom with him. In the end he’ll still confess….”

“Are you okay?” Civannah asked, looking at all the shot glasses in front of him. “I think you should stop.”

“Why should I? These shots numb the pain…”

“Is this is because I told you that Katrina wants to leave?” Civannah questioned as she took a seat beside Taemin, asking the bartender to replace Taemin’s shots with water.

“I just want her to stay...I don’t care if she’s with Jongin or not...I just want her to be here...I want to see her smile...hear her laugh… I’d miss it too much…”

“I didn’t know you were that close to her. She’s never mentioned you when we spoke…”

“I’m just a part of her past that she wants to forget…”

“A part of her past? Has the alcohol gotten to you?” Civannah asked, moving to place her hand on Taemin’s forehead. “You do look a little flushed.”

“More like broken-hearted.” Taemin spoke, before getting up and disappearing outside the ballroom doors.


Hotel Rooftop



“It’s gorgeous up here.”

“Yeah. I had no idea the rooftop would look like this.”

“Well all the better for the birthday girl.” Jongin smiled.

“Thanks for this.”

“It was all Changmin’s idea.”

“His idea. Your execution. You’re very modest Jongin.” Katrina spoke as she took a seat in one of the chairs, Jongin following suit.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word modest used when talking about me. It’s refreshing.”

“You’re a refreshing man.” Katrina said as she looked up at the darkening sky.

Jongin smiled before taking a deep breath. It was now or never.

“Katrina there’s something I need to tell you.”

Katrina closed her eyes, inhaling as the cold breeze swept past her.

“Mhhhh…” Katrina hummed, opening her eyes and looking at Jongin.

“I don’t know how it happened over such a short period of time, but I knew after our fight in California that I really cared about you. When you came to Korea, I was so happy. I couldn’t explain why I felt so happy that you would be here and not miles away. You’ve never treated me as anything other than a normal person, and I respect and appreciate that. What Taemin said that day...he was telling the truth… I love you. Or at least I think I do.”

“You think you love me?” Katrina questioned. “Did everything feel the same with Krystal and Jennie that you feel for me?”

“Aside from them being idols, yeah.”

Katrina took a deep breath and grabbed Jongin’s hand. “Jongin… I don’t think you love me. In fact I don’t think you know what love is. Rather love, you mistake it for admiration, and maybe even lust.”

“It’s not lust! I really love you!”

“You don’t.”

“Is it our friendship? Does this make you uncomfortable and that’s why you’re rejecting me?”

“This has nothing to do with our friendship.”

“Then tell me why?” Jongin pleaded.

“If Taemin said he loved me, would you still fight for me?” Katrina asked, giving Jongin’s hand a tight squeeze.

“If Taemin loved you…”

“Would you fight for me? Would you ruin your friendship with him for me? Not even knowing if we would work out?”

“There’s no way Taemin would love you and not tell me.” Jongin said confidently.

“Then what if I said I loved Taemin? Would you let me go?”

“Why are you referring to Taemin so much?”

“Just answer the question….” Katrina asked, tears falling from her eye one after another.

“I would. Because your happiness means more than my own….his happiness means more than my own….”

“You’re just like him…..but I won’t let you ruin your friendship with him…”


“I won’t pick either of you.”

“Katrina please…I don’t understand…”

“You don’t have too…” Taemin said, making his presence known, the cold air sobering him up.

“Don’t have to what?” Jongin asked, looking between Taemin and Katrina.

“He deserves to know…”

“Know what?!” Jongin asked confused and frustrated at the pair talking like he wasn’t even there.

Katrina gave Taemin one last look before turning to Jongin and letting go of his hand.

“I’m Fern….”

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A more insightful chapter.... i think lol i didn't think i'd be done so soon but half of it has been done for weeks so i think it's bed time for me lmfao


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748 streak #1
Chapter 21: Happy New Year, hope you are well. I enjoyed rereading the chapter. I dread for Tri to tell Taem about the baby, he will be devastated. Looking forward to the next update.
748 streak #2
Chapter 21: Woah! I certainly didn’t see that one coming! Poor Katrina, now I feel bad that I initially judged her pretty harshly. At least she was able to yell Civannah and finally get it out.

Oh my goodness, what are the kids going to get up to? I didn’t trust Taeyong’s, “Here’s the real plan.”😂 Changmin’s idea was brilliant though, as Jongin and Taemin needed to clear the air - or freeze to death. Can’t wait for Taemin to get his hands on that sneaky little devil. The nerve!

Thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 21: KATRINA HAD A MISCARRIAGE?!! SAY WHAT NOW?! This chapter started all fluffy with both pairs of best friends getting back together😭 Let Civi have at that burnt piece of bacon, known as Byun Baekhyun 😤😒 Not cool man. Such a drama filled chapter😭🤧 amazing as always
748 streak #4
Chapter 20: Thanks for letting us know and the best of luck on your finals. Hwaiting!👍

What do you normally listen to? I am mostly a SM girl, but other groups I like are MonstaX, Enhypen (check out their videos), A.C.E., The Boyz, Ateez, Stray Kids, and TuZi (2Z) who are big supporters of Black Lives Matter. Some really good solo artists are Woodz, Kang Daniel, and Kang Seung-yoon (Winner). Haha, can you tell I’ve immersed myself in K-pop? What can I say, I find it relaxing -and mostly the bangers at that….😂

Also, check out Chanyeol’s new stuff. I am a rock fan, so I am really digging his guitar playing on “Break Your Box,” but also like his work on the slower paced “Tomorrow” and “Without You.”

See you soon and stay safe.(╹◡╹)♡
Chapter 19: Finally caught up on the chapters, and man was that some intense drama. Wheww. Civannah was a whole for blowing up at Kat like that. And poor tae and kai😭
748 streak #6
Chapter 19: Aww, sorry about the micro test but congratulations on the internship. Your hard work is paying off.🎊

I actually loved this chapter, especially as it’s chock full of little bits and pieces of their personalities and goings-on. You even included the kids, they are so cute. So funny that you also mentioned Taemin’s penchant for gossip and telling everyone’s business. lol

Can’t wait for snow party in Colorado. Changmin is harmless, but what could go wrong with Super M, indeed. Love it! Personally, I am so over snow and winter at this point, but for creative purposes I’m totally in.😉 Good job, thank you so much for the update.
taidaone #7
Chapter 19: I'm not okay with this Taemin/Katrina/Jongin thing. It's pissing me off. I don't know if I like Katrina, but Civannah should have handled that better
748 streak #8
Chapter 18: What a way to end the chapter. I am still team Taemin, but I feel so sorry for Jongin. I hope he can be as diplomatic as Blake was earlier, and be content to remain friends with both.

I’m glad that Civannah finally apologized and made up with Changmin. Things seem to be back on track - for the most part. Looking forward to your next update.
Chapter 17: W-what. 👁👄👁 idk what just happened. Can katrina and civi go back to cali. Korea toxic asf.

But more importantly, why you do Chanyeol like that😂😂 like he’s done nothing
748 streak #10
Chapter 17: You managed to pack a lot into this chapter! What was Taemin doing, being all cute and cuddly in Katrina’s bed? They are so adorable together.

I just hope he and Jongin don’t kill each other when everything becomes known. Not to mention Blake, who is now in the middle of everything. I still can’t believe Civannah let loose like that without even talking things out. Hopefully the party, and various friendships and relationships will be salvaged before the night is over. Awesome update.