Say Yes To The Limelight

Before we start, for the first time we have blue text! Blue text will be taken as speaking in english.


Seoul, Korea - SM Entertainment




“We look forward to working with you.”

“Likewise.” Katrina told Himchan after the meeting ended.

Katrina left the room and headed off to the elevators to take her leave from the building when she heard her name being called. Knowing it was Matthew, Katrina kept walking.

“Can you at least hear me out?” Matthew asked, still following behind her.

“There is nothing I need to hear from you.” Katrina said plainly as she pressed the button to call the elevator.

“Can I atleast say thank you? For handling the press on this.”

“You aren’t my only case. However, if you want to thank me, keep a low profile. We don’t want your actions to tarnish BoA’s career, do we?” Katrina said before stepping into the elevator and pressing the close button.

“It must feel nice to have all the power…”

“Can I help you, Baekhyun?” Katrina asked, talking to the figure hidden in a corner of the elevator.

“Don’t you have any female friends? Or do you like luring guys in?”

“Luring? Look I don’t know what you think you know about me but insinuating inappropriate behavior isn’t necessary in our place of work.”

“I work here. You? You’re just a floating, disposable, worker. Once you’ve done what they ask then they’ll let you go back to where you belong.”

“I’ll be happy then. I didn’t ask to be here, my job sent me. Maybe if you knew how to handle your own love life then I wouldn’t be here right now. I look forward to getting this done as quickly and efficiently as possible. The elevator will be opening shortly, I suggest you put a smile on your face and pretend we had a friendly conversation.” Katrina spoke as she turned to the front of the elevator right as the doors opened. “I hope you have a lovely day Baekhyun.” Katrina smiled as she stepped out of the elevator.


Civannah’s Office - SM Entertainment

Takes place at the same time as the section above...




“I’ll finalize everything and move to film next week if that’s ok? Then we can move forward with ‘New Age’.”

“That sounds fine..” Ryan said looking at her phone.

“So when will we release the first video?” Hina asked Civannah.

“The photo’s are being released tomorrow. You guy’s will be able to upload your individual photo’s to your own pages while the group page will have your group photo. Then we’ll post a teasers and then finaly the video. Hopefully filming for Antidote will be finished when the we post the video, so you can do a live and interact with the fans.”

“Enough business, how are you holding up? Didn’t you want to spend more time with your family?” Mikako spoke.

“If you guys are going to get personal, i’m going to head out.” Ryan spoke grabbing her bag.

“Right now?” Takako asked.

“Yeah. If I leave now I can meet up with a friend.” Ryan said before heading out of Civannah’s office not even waiting on the girls to respond.

“Is she avoiding me?” Civannah asked.

“I think so. She’s been a bit off ever since Changmin visited her.” Hina revealed.

“That’s weird. Maybe they had an argument.”

“I’m sure he would have told me if they did.”

“Are you sure that he would?” Mikako asked. “I don’t mean to make you second guess your relationship but it doesn’t seem to us that you guys are a couple.”

“Is it that obviously?” Civannah pouted. “I think it’s me. I was so excited to come and be able to see him everyday. Talk to him. Touch him. But then the whole Ye Seul and Ryan thing happened. I trust him. I’ve put it to the back of my mind but sometimes when I've looked at him recently, I just think I'm not enough for him. That maybe someone as pretty as Ye Seul should be dating him.” Civannah cried, trying to wipe her tears.

“Babe you’re more than enough for me.” Changmin spoke, taking big strides to reach Civannah.

“We’ll leave you both alone.” Takako spoke as she and the other four girls left Civannah’s office.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling this way?” Changmin asked, wiping Civannah’s tears.

“Because you always tell me you love me. Always make me feel loved, how stupid would I sound telling you that you deserve someone better than me?”

“Your feelings are not stupid. I want to know what you think and feel. That’s what being in a relationship is all about. I know that things didn’t start out smoothly but I wouldn’t change anything if it meant that I couldn’t have these moments with you. I love you Civannah and that’s never going to change.”

“I love you too.” Civannah said, clinging onto Changmin.

“I pushed back the concert in Japan. I want you to come with me. I want you to see what I do. Maybe it’s me being a bit selfish but I want everyone to know your mine. It’s been two years too long. I hate having to hide ourselves when we try and go out and I definitely don’t like the looks you’ve been getting from some people in the company…”

“You know there’s no one else for me but you babe.” Civannah said, feeling Changmin tense. “But let me tell Katrina first. I tried telling her but we were interrupted. Now with her being here, working in the company with the PR team, she’s going to find out eventually and I want to be the one to tell her.”

“That’s fine. I’m fine with doing what you want and moving at your pace.” Changmin said, kissing Civannah’s forehead. “I love you Civ.”

“I love you too Min.”


Arriate Tea House




“I’m glad you’ve been doing well. Your parents miss you a lot.”

“You still visit the shop?”

“Best place for fusion in Cali, how could I not? Kaia too.” Katrina laughed.

“I still can’t believe you’re really here. How have you been? You don’t post much on insta anymore, but I’ve seen this Blake guy tagging you recently.”

“Ah. It was just one post.” Katrina said moving her hair to the side.

“Then you must not have seen the one he just posted.” Ryan said, pulling out her phone to show Katrina.




“Tatti is right though, that ship is definitely not sailing.”

“Oh. Why not?”

“That’s like you getting into a relationship with a guy, impossible.” Katrina spoke, making her and Ryan laugh.

“Yeah, but I’m not the one afraid of love.”

“I’m not afraid of love. But I am annoyed that Matthew is the case I’m handling. If I knew that I was going to have to spin my ex who cheated on me with an idol, I would have fought back more.”

“Are you going to be able to handle it?”

“Yeah. It’s just business.”

“I ment emotionally and mentally? Isn’t this the first time seeing him in three years?”

“Yeah.” Katrina sighed. “I just don’t want to think about it, you know. If I let myself think of it, I’m not sure what my honest reaction would be. I’ve just bottled everything up and coated it with anger. And I know I’ve taken it out on idols as a whole which isn’t fair.”

“Maybe you should talk to BoA and Matthew...when you’re ready ofcourse. I think you would benefit from the closure.”

“Enough about me. What’s it like finally being in a group?”

“It’s amazing. And the company is giving us so much creative freedom. It helps that the creative director gave us someone who’s so passionate and understanding about the arts and what goes into it.”

“Make sure you thank him and don’t give him too much trouble.”

“She. Her names Civannah and-”

“Civannah? Civannah’s in charge of your project?”

“You know her?!” Ryan asked just as shocked.

“Know her? She’s practically my sister. We’ve known each other since we were five.”

“Wow. Who would have known?”

“I’m glad that you’ve both met. She called me upset two weeks in because she wanted to give someone a chance but some other friend told her that she shouldn’t.”

“Ah...really?” Ryan spoke, trying to sound indifferent.

“I know that I’m here now but I know that there are things I don’t know because I haven’t been here and she hasn’t shared them. But knowing you’ve been around her puts me a bit at ease. Just look out for her please.”

“Of course babe. Anything for you.” Ryan smiled. “Let’s get out of here. I know you’ve probably got work to start on.”

“Then we’re going to need a picture first.” Katrina smiled before calling over one of the workers.



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A more insightful chapter.... i think lol i didn't think i'd be done so soon but half of it has been done for weeks so i think it's bed time for me lmfao


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748 streak #1
Chapter 21: Happy New Year, hope you are well. I enjoyed rereading the chapter. I dread for Tri to tell Taem about the baby, he will be devastated. Looking forward to the next update.
748 streak #2
Chapter 21: Woah! I certainly didn’t see that one coming! Poor Katrina, now I feel bad that I initially judged her pretty harshly. At least she was able to yell Civannah and finally get it out.

Oh my goodness, what are the kids going to get up to? I didn’t trust Taeyong’s, “Here’s the real plan.”😂 Changmin’s idea was brilliant though, as Jongin and Taemin needed to clear the air - or freeze to death. Can’t wait for Taemin to get his hands on that sneaky little devil. The nerve!

Thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 21: KATRINA HAD A MISCARRIAGE?!! SAY WHAT NOW?! This chapter started all fluffy with both pairs of best friends getting back together😭 Let Civi have at that burnt piece of bacon, known as Byun Baekhyun 😤😒 Not cool man. Such a drama filled chapter😭🤧 amazing as always
748 streak #4
Chapter 20: Thanks for letting us know and the best of luck on your finals. Hwaiting!👍

What do you normally listen to? I am mostly a SM girl, but other groups I like are MonstaX, Enhypen (check out their videos), A.C.E., The Boyz, Ateez, Stray Kids, and TuZi (2Z) who are big supporters of Black Lives Matter. Some really good solo artists are Woodz, Kang Daniel, and Kang Seung-yoon (Winner). Haha, can you tell I’ve immersed myself in K-pop? What can I say, I find it relaxing -and mostly the bangers at that….😂

Also, check out Chanyeol’s new stuff. I am a rock fan, so I am really digging his guitar playing on “Break Your Box,” but also like his work on the slower paced “Tomorrow” and “Without You.”

See you soon and stay safe.(╹◡╹)♡
Chapter 19: Finally caught up on the chapters, and man was that some intense drama. Wheww. Civannah was a whole for blowing up at Kat like that. And poor tae and kai😭
748 streak #6
Chapter 19: Aww, sorry about the micro test but congratulations on the internship. Your hard work is paying off.🎊

I actually loved this chapter, especially as it’s chock full of little bits and pieces of their personalities and goings-on. You even included the kids, they are so cute. So funny that you also mentioned Taemin’s penchant for gossip and telling everyone’s business. lol

Can’t wait for snow party in Colorado. Changmin is harmless, but what could go wrong with Super M, indeed. Love it! Personally, I am so over snow and winter at this point, but for creative purposes I’m totally in.😉 Good job, thank you so much for the update.
taidaone #7
Chapter 19: I'm not okay with this Taemin/Katrina/Jongin thing. It's pissing me off. I don't know if I like Katrina, but Civannah should have handled that better
748 streak #8
Chapter 18: What a way to end the chapter. I am still team Taemin, but I feel so sorry for Jongin. I hope he can be as diplomatic as Blake was earlier, and be content to remain friends with both.

I’m glad that Civannah finally apologized and made up with Changmin. Things seem to be back on track - for the most part. Looking forward to your next update.
Chapter 17: W-what. 👁👄👁 idk what just happened. Can katrina and civi go back to cali. Korea toxic asf.

But more importantly, why you do Chanyeol like that😂😂 like he’s done nothing
748 streak #10
Chapter 17: You managed to pack a lot into this chapter! What was Taemin doing, being all cute and cuddly in Katrina’s bed? They are so adorable together.

I just hope he and Jongin don’t kill each other when everything becomes known. Not to mention Blake, who is now in the middle of everything. I still can’t believe Civannah let loose like that without even talking things out. Hopefully the party, and various friendships and relationships will be salvaged before the night is over. Awesome update.