Internal Demons

April, 9th, 2020

Donghyuck ignored the way Doyoung was staring at him from across the kitchen, resulting to finishing the ramen he had chosen to make. He used the kitchen like it was his own home, using chopsticks to stir the ramen and place it in two bowls. One for Doyoung and one for himself. 

"Hyuck." Doyoung murmured, softly and Donghyuck ignored him for a moment, placing Doyoung's bowl in front of the latter and handing him a pair of chopsticks. "I get it, I do ~" 

"No, you don't Doyoung." Donghyuck interrupted, staring down at his ramen and harshly stabbing the noodles as if the ramen was the cause of all his problems. "That male over their abandoned me in my time of need and nothing — not even you procrastinating over talking me out of reasoning with myself will convince me otherwise." He said. Doyoung shrugged. 

"I was just going to say that you should try and put this time behind you. If not about your past with Taeyong, then your past with Mark. From what I've seen so far that kid is alright — save the gang part of his life, but nobodies perfect." Doyoung joked, yet Donghyuck wasn't having any of it and sighed. 

"Whatever, Do, I can't just put what happened behind me." Donghyuck muttered making Doyoung chuckle.

"I'm asking you to try, Hyuck, not force yourself." He said, beginning to twirl the ramen and bringing it to his mouth. Donghyuck was about to do the same when his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket, getting to his feet.

"It's Jaehyun." Donghyuck told his partner and Doyoung waved him away. Donghyuck proceeded to answer the phone and walk out of hearing range, so that no one could hear half of their conversation — not even Doyoung. He knew his boundaries. 

"Hey, Hyuckie, how's the investigation going? Doyoung told me about Taeyong." Jaehyun said and Donghyuck was grateful that that was all Doyoung had told the elder. He didn't know if he could take a worried Captain after he had seen both his ex and brother. 

"It's going alright, hyung. At least they let us eat here; Doyoung's pratically inhaling his food right now." Donghyuck rolled his eyes. Jaehyun forced a laugh. 

"Listen, Hyuck, I ... I don't think you should work this case." Jaehyun whispered and Donghyuck's mouth fell open. Was Jaehyun really kicking him off his investigation?

"Jaehyun, I'm fine!" Donghyuck protested, harshly. "Whatever you think is going on, I'm positive that it has nothing to do with my past. This day has just been a long one and the case is ... there's not much leads and whether I like it or not, it always seems to lead me back to NCT." Donghyuck explained, listening to Jaehyun's rugged breathing. He heard a russle and looked to his side at the door. 

"Okay, okay, I'm going to trust you on this, but anything goes wrong or becomes too overwhelming — if there's anything in here about your past, you're off the case straight away. No retorts or protests, okay?" Donghyuck hummed in confirmation. "Now go solve this case. Love you, Hyuck."

"Love you too, hyung." Donghyuck smiled and Jaehyun hung up. Donghyuck put his phone back into his pocket before staring at the door for a moment. When he heard another russle like someone had been leaning in to listen to his conversation, Donghyuck kicked the door with all the strength he had, making the door slam inwards. A boy scrambled back before it could connect with his head — he was young with black hair and blondish highlights like Yuta had.

"You were listening in on my conversation," Donghyuck stated in a growl, stalking towards the boy who scrambled back in fear, his eyes wide as he stared at Donghyuck. "My personal life is private and if you ever utter a word of what you've heard, kid, you'll find out why they call me Lee Taeyong's brother." Donghyuck grinned devilishly. "Got it?" 

The boy nodded frantically. "Y-Yes, g-got it." He stuttered and Donghyuck nodded to himself, turning and exiting the room. He made his way back to Doyoung and sat down, settling into his meal. 


"I believe you have questions, Hyuck ~"

"Don't call me that." Donghyuck interrupted from where he was seated on the sofa, legs folded and eyes calculating as he explored the room. Doyoung was seated next to him and when Taeyong addressed Donghyuck, he tensed lightly.

"If you wouldn't mind, Taeyong-ssi, I was wondering if all of your ... gang could participate in this as they've all got to have met her, right?" Doyoung asked and Taeyong examined him before a smirk spread across his face. 

"Why, of course, Doyoung-ssi. I'm sure we would all be happy to participate in this investigation." He said, clearing his throat. He shouted for the others and soon, people were crowding into the room; Donghyuck felt his heartbeat pick up when a certain blonde haired male entered the room last. 

"Ask your questions as you wish." Donghyuck glared at Taeyong talking sweetly. His brother hadn't changed a bit and when his eyes fell onto Donghyuck, the intense gaze Donghyuck remembered was back. "I know I want to catch up with certain individuals." Taeyong said. Donghyuck snorted. 

"Well, it seems like the feelings are not mutual, Lee." Donghyuck told him, revelling in the way Taeyong's lip twitched into a frown. A crease appeared between his eyebrows. 

"Um," Doyoung interrupted, watching Donghyuck and Taeyong cautiously as if they were dynamite about to explode. "About those questions — I wanted to know if any of you knew Stacey and were at least friendly with her apart from Yukhei and Jungwoo." He said, adressing the others in the room. The boy Donghyuck had threatened blinked and raised his hand. 

"I — I knew her quite well ... she was my sister's best friend." He said, making Doyoung lean forward in his seat. 

"What's your name?" Doyoung asked and the male gulped, glancing to Taeyong, who gave a soft curt nod.

"I'm Park Jisung. My sister's Park Jihyo. I ... Stacey was always kind to me; my sister and her grew up together and that was how Yukhei and her met. Through me. I figured that this could be a way for Yukhei and Jungwoo to not be ... to not have to ..." He stopped and sniffled, tears had begun to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. 

Doyoung sighed. "You remind me of a young Donghyuck." Doyoung laughed, making Donghyuck glare at him with fake fire. "He would do anything for the people he cares about and never says when he's hurting ~"

"That's because I'm not. I'm fine." Donghyuck said, exasperatedly and Doyoung chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"See what I mean?" Doyoung asked. Before Donghyuck could answer, his phone rang and Donghyuck dug through his pockets, quickly answering the device. 

"Hello?" He asked, getting up and jumping over the back of the sofa. He was about to walk out the door when his footsteps faltered. "What?" He whispered after the news had been broken to him.  

"Yes, Donghyuck, Chen Le's been shot." Jaehyun said. Donghyuck finally heard the machines beeping and rushed footsteps and voices. 

"Is it bad?" Donghyuck asked and when Jaehyun didn't answer, he growled lowly. "For 's sake, Jung Jaehyun, answer me. Is he going to die?" Donghyuck demanded, voice raising with every word. Jaehyun harshly inhaled. 

"It's a 50/50 chance, Hyuck. You ... just continue on with your investigation. You can't do anything sitting in a waiting room, anyways. Chen Le's shooting is connected with Stacey's murder, Hyuck, I know it." Jaehyun told him and Donghyuck crouched down, knees unable to hold himself up any longer. 

"Jaehyun ... what if Jaemin's death is connected to this too?" Donghyuck asked and Jaehyun sighed.

"Jaemin's death is not connected to this, Donghyuck. And if you would stop obsessing over that then you'd solve this case quicker." 

"Jaehyun ~" But, Jaehyun had already hung up and Donghyuck cursed, straightening up and turning around to see that everyone was looking at him. Donghyuck walked to Doyoung and leaned down, whispering the news. 

"Chen Le? Eighteen year old Chen Le? He's not even supposed to be out — he's not even supposed to be on the field." Doyoung murmured and Donghyuck jumped back onto the sofa. 

"Yeah. They don't even know if he's going to survive." Donghyuck told the black haired male, his fingers starting to twiddle together. "God, I was supposed to be there, training him today, Do, what ... he's so young ..." Donghyuck murmured and Doyoung shot him a glance filled with worry. 

"If you want to step out for a moment; you're more than obligated too, Hyuck." Doyoung said and Donghyuck waved the concern away with a small, tight smile. 

"Let's just finish this interrogation or whatever the people call it these days." Donghyuck said, lowly and turned his attention back to the rest of the gang. His eyes caught onto a familiar figure lingering at the back of the room, his eyes fixated on Donghyuck like he was hiding something. Donghyuck recognized his face because he had almost been kidnapped/murdered by the male all those years ago. 

Back when Jaemin was still alive and breathing. 

"You." Donghyuck breathed, referring to the boy at the back. The male in question blinked at Donghyuck and then his eyes were narrowing into slits. 

"Me?" He asked as soon as Taeyong started to speak:

"Jeno?" He demanded, shooting a glance at Jeno. "He couldn't have done it, Hyuck ~" At the sharp glare Donghyuck gave the elder, the latter held his hands up in defeat. "Detective Lee, he couldn't have done it since he was here all night, running through some paper work." Taeyong explained and Donghyuck watched the way Taeyong's features shifted and knew, despite how much he hated it, that Taeyong was telling the truth. 

"He's not lying." Donghyuck muttered into Doyoung's ear and saw the latter nod, eyes fixated on Jisung, who was wiping his face and blinking rapidly like he was holding back more tears. 

"What about Nakamota Yuta?" Donghyuck redirected his attention to Yuta, who was standing off to the left, arm around a boy just a few inches taller than Donghyuck. "Where were you the night Stacey was murder?" He asked, tilting his head. Yuta blinked at the younger. 

"If you're accusing me, rat ~"

Donghyuck laughed harshly. "Rethink what you're going to say, Nakamota. You insult a cop and I take you to the precinct ~ I know after this day, Jaehyun will be ecstatic to see a fugitive from NCT walking into his prison cells. So, rethink what you're going to say." He growled. Yuta's face twisted and Donghyuck could see the slight flicker of fear flashing in his eyes. 

"Whatever." He grumbled. "I was with a friend at the park." He muttered and Donghyuck glanced at Doyoung's tensed form. 

"Can anyone verify this, Mr Nakamota?" Donghyuck asked and Yuta shrugged. 

"I don't know, do I? You're the ing police, go and fiddle with our personal lives a little more and surely you'll find what you're looking for!" Yuta spat. Donghyuck saw Doyoung wince in his peripheral vision, out of the corner of his eye and felt his features hardened. 

"That's two strikes now, Nakamota, one more and I'm charging you with murder." Donghyuck warned and a shout of protest was heard before Taeyong was holding his hand up. The noise immediately died down. 

"What do you mean murder?" Taeyong asked and Donghyuck leaned backwards, shoulders relaxing. This is what he did best — getting into the heads of the people he was interrogating and getting them to spill all the information they knew about his victim. 

"Well, Lee, your ... gang member's fingerprints were on the victim's neck. Funny isn't it, hmm? How could your fingerprints possibly get onto the victims body?" Donghyuck questioned Yuta, eyebrows raising. Yuta glared at him. 

"I didn't touch the girl!" He exclaimed and Donghyuck got to his feet, eyes staring Yuta down.

"Here's what I think happened, Nakamota Yuta — I think you followed her into her apartment; I think you couldn't deal with the fact that she might spill things about the people you care about. She was going to snitch — heaven knows what that could do to these guys." Donghyuck said, carefully watching Yuta's reactions. "I think that Stacey was going to start afresh: no drugs, no theft, nothing illegal, but see, Stacey had a guilty conscience — you knew this, so you followed her and then you killed her." Donghyuck said, voice rising with everyday syllable. 

"I didn't kill the damn girl! I didn't even ing know her!" Yuta shouted. Donghyuck slammed his hands onto the table and glared icily at Yuta. 

"Really? We have forensic evidence that proves otherwise. So, tell me, Nakamota, do you really want to lie to me again or are you going to finally tell me what's really going on?" Donghyuck demanded, voice turning scarily serious and low. Yuta's eyebrow twitched. 

"Okay!" Yuta suddenly yelled after moments of painful eye contact with Donghyuck. "She kissed me! I put my hands on her neck and shoved her away. But, she isn't as innocent as she made out to be, okay? She stole my key card." Yuta whispered and Donghyuck's gaze lingered on Yuta for a moment longer. 

"What hotel?" Donghyuck asked and Yuta sighed. 

"Seoul Plaza." Yuta muttered. 

"And does this key card open all the rooms?" Donghyuck demanded, watching Yuta nod. Donghyuck spun around to face Doyoung, who's expression was emotionless. 

"Donghyuck — Jaehyun just texted me ... Chen Le's heart stopped." He whispered and Donghyuck's knees felt weak, the previous excitement fading away to terror.

"And? That's it? He's dead?" Donghyuck whispered. Relief flooded through him when Doyoung shook his head. 

"His heart failed in surgery, but they managed to get it beating again and he's going to be alright." Doyoung murmured, getting to his feet and catching Donghyuck when his legs gave up. 

"Oh, thank god." He whispered. He felt Doyoung kiss the crown of his head before Doyoung was turning to Taeyong and making a stupid excuse that they had to leave. Taeyong waved them goodbye and they shakily made their way out of the house and into Doyoung's car. 

"He's going to be fine, Donghyuck." Doyoung reassured and Donghyuck could only close his eyes in relief; glad none of his other friends had to die from being shot on duty.

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Chapter 10: 1. Glad you were able to overcome writers block! 2. bye bc I was NOT expecting that AT ALL!!! I am R E A D Y!
Chapter 9: Aww man i hope the story isn't discontinued :/
Chapter 3: Omg yasss I didn't expect it but damn I love it!
Wait! No, He died :(
Chapter 1: That is what this website needs some good stories like that. I am not looking down on other stories but we need more entertaining and interesting stories like this. So far I really love it, especially in the beginning. I wonder who was the person who tried to kidnap him and props for having such a good friend as Jaemin. Man, Hyuck is living the dream life of being a detective and getting such interesting yet dangerous cases. I adore detective shows like ‘Castle’ and ‘The Mentalist’ and to see NCT members under that genre I just love it.
Chapter 9: Did i mention how much i like this story?? LIKE THIS IS SOME TOP NOTCH FOOD!!
Chapter 9: Mann Hyuck has been through so much i hope he overcomes it
Chapter 8: and the plot thcickens
Chapter 7: AWWW we got to see how their love stories were! BUT I KNEW JAEMIN WAS STILL ALIVE
Chapter 4: I love how Hyuck is all tuff . Mans don't come to PLAY!!!?