Internal Demons

April 4th, 2020

"So, where were you the night of the murder, Yukhei?" Doyoung asked, leaning down to pull out his files that were in his bag only to pull up short and frown. Donghyuck was examining his nails, already bored from the investigation; he had got his answers, but Doyoung needed his and his partner's question were always boring.

"Hyuck, where the are the files?" Doyoung demanded and Donghyuck glanced up once before going back to picking his nails. The others in the room watched as Doyoung's jaw clenched. 

"You left them on the desk," Donghyuck told him and Doyoung's mouth dropped open. 

"Why the didn't you get them then?" Doyoung asked in disbelief. Donghyuck sighed. 

"Because unlike you, not everyone can get a perfect night of sleep and at that time I was running low on energy, okay? I tried my best to even stay awake the whole day and considering this is supposed to be my off day, you could at least take it a little easy." Donghyuck snapped and Doyoung stared at him for a moment. 

"You never told me that you still can't get to sleep. You said you were getting better." Doyoung muttered. Donghyuck scoffed down at his thin hands, eyes unfocused. 

"Yeah, well, not everything can be all sunshine and rainbows." Donghyuck retorted, his defence mechanism speeding around inside him. Doyoung's face dropped. "Just ask your damn questions, so we can leave," Donghyuck said and Doyoung nodded, turning to Yukhei. 

"E-Er, so I... where were you the night of Stacey's death?" Doyoung repeated and Yukhei glanced at Jungwoo, who nodded at him, telling the taller male that everything he was about to reveal was okay. That they were okay.

"My boyfriend and I were on a date during that time." Yukhei murmured and Donghyuck chuckled, dryly. The males glared at him, clearly misunderstanding his chuckle for something negative. 

"See, Doyoung, even Yukhei can get a boyfriend; you can't even get laid." Donghyuck snickered and Doyoung huffed. 

"Shut up, Hyuck, just because you're nineteen doesn't mean you can get away with everything. And for your information, I'm perfectly capable of getting laid, I just... haven't found the right person yet." Doyoung sniffed, making Donghyuck snort. 

"Right person, my , Do," Donghyuck said, laughing loudly to himself. "You stutter like a schoolgirl whenever a remotely attractive guy comes into you five-foot radius." Donghyuck pointed out. Doyoung snarled at the younger with a playful scowl. 

"And you drive them away with that darn mouth of yours." Doyoung countered, Donghyuck grinning wolfishly at him.

"Exactly, no guy deserves my love because guys are s that only look for a good or someone to emotionally manipulate in their sick, ing twisted cruel games." Donghyuck spat. Doyoung's face softened.

"You know that you can always take a break, right?" Doyoung asked and Donghyuck glanced at him with hesitance in his eyes.

"No, I can't, Doyoung. Because I'm fine; I'm not as broken as I was." Donghyuck hissed at Doyoung, who smiled sadly. 

"But, you're still broken, Donghyuck. Take a break for a while." Doyoung said and Donghyuck snapped, jerking to his feet. He glared at Doyoung with so much anger and fear. 

"I told you once, Doyoung and I will not tell you again. I'm fine." He scowled. Yukhei and the others watched as Donghyuck wavered between sitting down and standing his ground against Doyoung. Doyoung laughed at the boy standing in front of him. 

"You're still the same ten-year-old I met at the precinct nine years ago, Hyuck, I admit that." Doyoung mused, leaning down to search through his bag, pulling out some blank pieces of paper. Donghyuck eyed it suspiciously, resorting to sitting back down in his chair. "So, Yukhei, you were with Jungwoo were on a dare when Stacey was murdered. Is this relationship recent?" Doyoung asked making a male's eyebrows on the side rise. 

"Is that question necessary? Do you really have to ask something so personal?" He demanded. Doyoung glanced at him, fixing him with a dark stare that made the male shrink back.

"Yes," Doyoung said while Donghyuck observed Yukhei and Jungwoo; the way Yukhei was slightly slanted like he was trying to put himself in front of Jungwoo to protect him and the way Jungwoo clenched Yukhei's when to stop him from doing something irrational. A small smile spread across his face. 

"So, Yukhei... Jungwoo, care to answer my question?" 

"No," Donghyuck answered for the duo. Everyone turned to him in surprise. "No, it's not recent," Donghyuck repeated, a small smile spreading across his face. 

"H-How are you sure?" Someone inquired and Donghyuck chuckled, gesturing to Jungwoo and Yukhei's hands and the position they were in. 

"Please, I know romance, kids." Donghyuck pointed out, dryly making another male's face twist at the name he had used. "The way Yukhei are angled towards each other? Newly together couples don't do that: they're shy with each other, cautious, they feel each other out. These two? You've been together way more than just a week... two... maybe three years?" Donghyuck said. Jungwoo gaped at him. 

"Three years and two months," Jungwoo whispered. Donghyuck chuckled. 

"You two are the stereotypical duo; soft male that gets himself an equally soft girlfriend that cooks pastries for a living and badass biker male that has a tiny yet fierce girlfriend or rather no strings attached at all. You two live on opposite sides of the plain field and yet, both of you meet and fall in love like those cliche tv shows." Donghyuck mused, laughing softly to himself. 

"Understandable, but how did you know for sure?" The man next to the other who had asked the question murmured. Donghyuck sighed. 

"I recognise my own." Yukhei's eyes widened at Donghyuck's straightforward statement. "I once had a relationship with a male; blonde hair and those stupid nerd glasses ..." Donghyuck giggled to himself sadly. "He played basketball and had crowds of adoring fans behind him and I was the little of the school that had lost both of his parents to a murder; his own brother betraying their whole family. I was the boy with earrings and dyed hair, rainbow tops and ripped jeans, painted nails and rings... some theirs people saw as ugly. 

I went to school and saw him walking down the corridor every single day and my chest would ache with longing. Everyone stared at me with disgust and loathing, but he... he stared at me in awe... like I was meaningful and he actually cared what happened to me. Soon enough, I was in love — how could I not be? He was perfect; too perfect, so of course I thought that when he asked me — me, Lee Donghyuck — out for a date, that it was too good to be true. 

I denied, once then twice, but he kept asking until I finally said yes. So, I went out with him and we got together. He was my boyfriend. But, we had to keep it a secret; if people found out, we'd both be dead and outcasts ~ I couldn't do that to him, so we laid low. We had secret dates and kissed only at night and in area's we were sure no one would find out. Until..." Donghyuck trailed off, watching the others lean forward during his story. The male who had said about the questions being personal raised his eyebrows, pout on his lips. 

"And then what? Until what?" He asked, eyes widening until he looked like a kicked puppy. 

"Until they found out. They found out and I broke it off, moved away to a different school. We went out for a year and it was the best damn year of my life; he was there for me every single day. Every day. I loved him and he loved me, but we couldn't be together. I haven't seen him in four years, yet I still think about him and what would've happened if I had stayed and we continued to fight together." Donghyuck said, fiddling with the paper Doyoung had gotten out. 

He cleared his throat. "That's how I knew for sure, Yukhei, Jungwoo. I knew because I was once like you; forced into hiding, but you should know that some people will find it disgusting, but you always have each other to get through it. You shouldn't listen to others; that's what made me lose the most important person in my life." Donghyuck explained. Yukhei let out a breath. 

"Is... what was his name?" He asked and Donghyuck's eyes clouded over with distant memories of the past. 

"His name... his name was Mark Lee," Donghyuck whispered, smiling down at the paper sadly. 

"Do you still love him?" Jungwoo asked, his body was slightly tensed and frozen like he knew something the duo didn't. Doyoung narrowed his eyes at the people from the gang, seeing the others in a similar state to Jungwoo.

"Of course, I still love him. I haven't stop loving him since the first time he spilt coffee on my expensive white shirt." Donghyuck said, wistfully. Doyoung saw tears profiling in Donghyuck's eyes and hurriedly put the clean paper into his bag; he had forgotten to jot down notes because Donghyuck had never spoken of his past relationships before and it had come as a slight surprise to the older. 

"That'd be all. Thank you for your cooperation; I hope your relationship works out and you continue loving each other." Doyoung said softly, gently pulling Donghyuck to his feet and leading him out of the cabin. The door slammed shut behind them. 

Jungwoo turned to the others. "We need to tell Taeyong about this." He said, the others nodding along in agreement. Taeyong would go bonkers at this new information.

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Chapter 10: 1. Glad you were able to overcome writers block! 2. bye bc I was NOT expecting that AT ALL!!! I am R E A D Y!
Chapter 9: Aww man i hope the story isn't discontinued :/
Chapter 3: Omg yasss I didn't expect it but damn I love it!
Wait! No, He died :(
Chapter 1: That is what this website needs some good stories like that. I am not looking down on other stories but we need more entertaining and interesting stories like this. So far I really love it, especially in the beginning. I wonder who was the person who tried to kidnap him and props for having such a good friend as Jaemin. Man, Hyuck is living the dream life of being a detective and getting such interesting yet dangerous cases. I adore detective shows like ‘Castle’ and ‘The Mentalist’ and to see NCT members under that genre I just love it.
Chapter 9: Did i mention how much i like this story?? LIKE THIS IS SOME TOP NOTCH FOOD!!
Chapter 9: Mann Hyuck has been through so much i hope he overcomes it
Chapter 8: and the plot thcickens
Chapter 7: AWWW we got to see how their love stories were! BUT I KNEW JAEMIN WAS STILL ALIVE
Chapter 4: I love how Hyuck is all tuff . Mans don't come to PLAY!!!?