

Morning came and today is Mina and Dahyun's last day on Switzerland. Mina woke up early since she set an alarm last night, she has plans for today. She was also looking forward to spending her last few hours on the country with Dahyun, but it's impossible now.


Dahyun woke up earlier than Mina. She woke up before sunrise to get ready because her friends has somewhere to go. Mina got a little disappointed when Dahyun told her about her early schedules. She tried to not overreact about it because she doesn't even have the rights to control what Dahyun has to do. 


The two girls spent the rest of their night texting each other. Dahyun wanted to go to Mina's room so badly, but Mina is not letting her. She said that she should spend time with her team, who are also her friends. On the other hand, her friends didn't even let her go out even if she insisted. They even because Dahyun was busy with her phone most of the time. 


Dahyun told her friends everything; from how she met Mina, to how they spent the whole day together yesterday. 


The teasing keeps on going and going especially whenever Dahyun's phone lights up when she recieves a reply from Mina.


Even in the middle of a mafia game, Dahyun keeps on texting and smiling to her phone. It made her lose the game tho.


Dahyun and her friends had a consequence wherein the chosen mafia gets to treat them a fancy breakfast if they got caught fast. Dahyun couldn't even think of an act to hide the fact that she was a mafia because she was too busy texting Mina.


The fancy breakfast ended so fast, thanks to Dahyun who seems to be in a hurry. Her friends automatically assumed that she wanted to be with Mina, and they were right. Dahyun never ate so fast in her life. She never wanted to finish a meal so quickly, ever. She even excused herself after paying for their meal, leaving her friends on the nearby restaurant.


Dahyun took her phone out and decided to text Mina, saying that she's already done with her morning schedule with her friends. Mina didn't even ask a single question about it, she was glad that she'll be able to meet up with Dahyun earlier than she expected.

Going back to the hotel, Mina just finished packing her things so that she can leave later this afternoon without stressing over her stuff. She also just finished showering and prepping herself.


Prepping herself?


Mina stared at herself on the mirror. She noticed that her face looked glowy than usual. She thought that it might be a little too much and Dahyun might notice that she tried to make herself look pretty. She grabbed her make up remover kit from her make up bag and proceeded to remove her makeup and starting over again. She settled with a lighter and more natural-looking make up this time.


Below the mirror was a desk, and on the edge of the desk was the tulips that they received from a random guy at the bazaar. It was currently dry since Mina didn't have anything to put it on with water. She remembered how she picked a petal from the tulip last night and inserted it on the book that she bought along, but never read. She wanted to keep the petal forever and store it on a proper place back home so that she can remember the day that she spent with Dahyun.


After reminiscing about yesterday and last night, Mina finally grabbed her phone and texted Dahyun to say that she'll be going down to the lobby where the latter was waiting.




"Mina-chan!" with her hand in the air like she was answering a teacher during class, Dahyun shouted over the almost empty lobby, her voice echoing around the place.


Mina smiled with Dahyun's cuteness again as she walked closer to the area where there were couches everywhere.


The two girls smiled at each other for a short while. "Hi" Mina said.


"Hi" Dahyun said back after standing up from the couch. Her mind automatically thought that Mina looks extra beautiful today. Her red top definitely complimented her beauty, and Dahyun thought that red suits her really well.


Suddenly, noises were heard. Dahyun looked at the hotel entrance and saw her friends walking together, talking and laughing together. Dahyun's eyes widened when she had eye contact with one of her friends. She prayed that they wont interrupt their meeting.


"Dahyun-ah!" Mina looked behind and saw her small group of friends. It was the shortest girl with a short hair that called Dahyun out. She observed how the girls walked towards their direction with a teasing smile on their faces.


"Ohhh, our dubu is going out on a date" a tall, pale girl said. The other girls giggled along.


"Shut up Momo" Dahyun said, her face turning a little pink.


"Oh, you must be the Mina that Dahyun couldn't stop talking about last night" a taller girl with what seems to be like bunny teeth and a shoulder-length hair said. "I'm Nayeon, and this is Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Momo" the girl said, introducing the two girls.


"Hi. Yes, I'm Mina" Mina answered with a polite smile and bow. 


"Oh, you're really pretty. Just like what Dahyun said" the tallest girl with short blonde hair said, Nayeon nudged the taller girl's waist with her arm.


"Yah! How about me?" Nayeon protested. 


Dahyun walked closer to them and pushed them all together. "Okay, continue your fight elsewhere." she said, trying everything that she can to push the small group with her short arms. "We have to go" she added.


Nayeon turned around to face Mina while Dahyun was pushing them away. "Just make sure that you take her back before afternoon, okay! We don't want the plane to leave us behind!" she shouted. Mina nodded with a beautiful smile on her face.


Dahyun pushed them all the way to the elevators and she even pushed them inside. She let out her tongue playfully while the girls continue on teasing her as the elevator door closes. And finally, after all the sudden commotion, they were alone again. 


Dahyun walked back to where Mina was standing and apologized for the craziness of their group. "They're usually that loud" she explained. Mina assured that it's okay and suggested that they should go since time is running.




"The cathedral? Again?" Dahyun asked as they walked to the said place.


"I read from the internet that people can go up on the bell and look at the view of this place" Mina said before showing some screenshots of the information that she gathered last night.


She didn't actually have a plan for today, but she wanted to go somewhere with Dahyun. They will be leaving in the afternoon, and she just wanted to spend the rest of the remaining time with Dahyun. She saw more beautiful places  on the internet, but most of them are too far away. So she looked for something that they can do or go to which is just close to the hotel, and there is when she discovered about the cathedral.


"Wait" Mina suddenly said, stopoing their tracks right before they enter the said cathedral. "You're scared of heights, right?" she asked, remembering the thrill walk.


Dahyun grabbed Mina's hand and pulled her inside the cathedral. "I'll be fine" she said with a sincere smile that melted Mina's heart. 


The interior of the cathedral looks amazing. Breathtaking is an understatement of how beautiful the inside looks. It has a high ceiling, and almost everything is decorated with gold. On the left side of the cathedral was a room that leads to the stairs going up to the bell, and right beside that room was a place where people light up their candles and pray. 


"Wait" Mina said again. "You're catholic, right?" she asked. Dahyun nodded. "Okay, wanna go over there?" she asked, pointing to the place where the candles are.


The two girls walked towards the area quietly. They bought two candles right before they proceeded to the area so that they can light their own candles. After igniting their candles with the already ignited candles, they sticked their candles right next to each other before closing their eyes and prayed quietly. Dahyun secretly opened her eyes to look at Mina, and again; she thought that Mina still looked gorgeous even with her eyes closed. Dahyun suddenly remembered the sight of sleeping Mina with her head on her shoulder. She smiled with the memory and closed her eyes again.


After a few minutes of praying, the two finally walked inside the room where the stairs leading up to the bell was located. They were escorted by the person guarding the place. They went up the stairs with a few tourists that was there for the same purpose—to see the magnificent view of the place from up above.


It was a long walk up, but it was all worth it in the end.


They finally reached the top and there was a small window where only two to three people are allowed to peek at the same time. Dahyun bravely walked to the window and looked over the view. She couldn't say a thing for she was speechless with how magnificent the view is, just like what Mina said. She got her phone out and took a quick snap of the view before putting it back on her pocket. 


"Wow, you're not scared at all" Mina said, as she stood beside Dahyun and finally seeing the beautiful view.


"As long as I don't look down" Dahyun said, Mina let out a soft giggle. Mina took out her phone as well, and Dahyun assumed that she was going to take a photo of the view. But she was wrong.


"Stay there" Mina said, gesturing for Dahyun to stay as if she was a dog, before walking backwards a little. 


Dahyun observed how Mina lifted her phone up and directed it to her. "Smile" Mina said, and she did. 


Dahyun did a few silly poses, causing Mina to laugh. They captured some of the tourists' attention, but they didn't really care. Dahyun walked towards Mina and lowered her phone down with her tiny hand. "Your turn" she said, pulling her own phone out.


Mina walked back to the window and sat there before posing beautifully. The lighting was a little bad because she was facing against the sun, but Mina's beauty can still be seen amidst the bad lighting.


With a satisfied smile, Dahyun pressed the lock button on her phone before putting it back to her pocket. She suddenly grabbed Mina's hand and led her down the stairs. "Lets go" she said as they walk down.




It looked like Dahyun has this planned. They are now at what seems to be a dock with a few decks where boats stop over to park. The only missing thing from this dock was the boats. All boats were out for the tourists to enjoy, and Dahyun was a little sad because they got there later than she planned.


Instead, the two of them just stood beside each other as the watch the boats that from afar. The sound of the waves whispering in their ear and the fresh breeze blowing their hair makes them feel all relaxed.


There was silence again. Another comfortable silence.


"I didn't know that your nickname was Dubu" Mina said, suddenly breaking the silence. Dahyun wasn't complaining though.


"Yeah, they were the ones who started calling me with that nickname" she explained, earning a whisper from the latter that Dahyun wasn't able to understand due to the sound of the waves.


"You called me Mina-chan" Mina said again, Dahyun looked at her.


"Should I stop calling you that? Are you uncomfortable? Or—"


Another loud sound by the waves was heard again. "No. Don't stop" Mina said, after the large wave passed, making sure that Dahyun was able to hear her this time. "My friends back in Japan calls me that, and no one from Seoul calls me that since it was a habit from Japan" she explained while staring over the endless water where not a single boat can be found.


"Okay" Dahyun said shortly with a small smile, suddenly feeling entitled. "Look" Dahyun suddenly said, showing the back of her clear phone case. A petal from the tulip that they got yesterday was pressed inside the clear phone case, and Mina couldn't help but smile.


"I did the same" she said


"Really? On your phone too?"


"No, on my book. I'm planning to store it on a better place back in Seoul" Mina explained. "I want to keep this memory forever." she added.


Dahyun felt her heart falling out. She never felt this before, especially with someone she just met. Everything just feels so right.


They spent the rest of the morning together on that dock, but then Dahyun's friends called right before lunch saying that they had to leave earlier so that they won't be left behind by the plane. Mina understood and they both headed back to the hotel.




With one last glance on the dead tulip on the desk, Mina finally closed the hotel room door and dragged her luggage along the hallway. Dahyun left for the airport earlier than Mina since her flight was an hour before hers. They texted for a while before Dahyun suddenly stopped responding. She figured that Dahyun and her friends has finally got on the plane on their way back to Seoul. 


Mina took a taxi to the airport with her phone on her hand. It was a quick travel since there was barely a traffic in Switzerland. Approximately 30 minutes later, Mina finally arrived at the airport.


She checked in and dragged her luggage along on her way inside the airport's lobby. She sat down on the waiting benches for a while and waited for her flight to appear on the large screen. And in all of the sudden, her phone rang. She saw Dahyun's name on her screen and tapped answer right after seeing the caller.


"Mina-chan!" Dahyun said on the other side of the call. "Sorry I stopped texting! My phone died and I had to charge it for a little while. Where are you? Are you at the airport now?" she talked continuously. Mina sat up and looked around the place.


There were a lot of people walking in and out of the airport, and she had trouble on locating the small girl that she's looking for. "Yes, where are you?" Mina said. The call was suddenly cut and Mina pouted as she looked on her phone screen.


Familiar arms were suddenly wrapped on Mina's body from behind. And with the familiar scent, she already knows the person who is hugging her. "Mina-chan!" Dahyun said against Mina's back.


Mina turned around and hugged Dahyun back. The hug didn't last long because the both of them wanted to talk to each other. 


"I thought you were supposed to leave an hour ago" Mina said, remember what Dahyun told her over text.


"Our flight got delayed, we're about to depart probably a few minutes from now" Dahyun answered fast, obviously in a hurry.


A loud sound was heard from the airport, indicating that the screen added more flight information. The two girls looked at the large screen and there was a flight to Seoul, not Mina's flight though. 


"That's us" Dahyun said, jumping a little "Sorry, I have to go" she said with an apologetic smile while walking backwards "See you in Seoul!!" she said while waving her hand in the air.


Mina clenched her fist and she was about to do something that she never thought that she'll ever do.


She ran after the running tofu, leaving her luggage behind on the waiting area. "Dahyun, wait!" she shouted before pulling Dahyun's wrist.


She didn't waste a single second, she quickly pressed her lips on Dahyun's soft cheeks, leaving a quick kiss on the smaller girl. "See you!" she said with a smile. Dahyun was stunned at first, but she was brought back to reality when the sound on the airport was heard again.


"Last call for flight number BA2071B heading to Seoul, South Korea"


"DUBU! COME ON AND STOP FLIRTING!" a loud shout was heard, it was Nayeon. Her group of friends was gesturing her to come fast.


"COMING!" she shouted back. But before she started running, Dahyun moved closer to Mina and tiptoed her way up so she can move her face closer to Mina's, leaving a quick kiss on the latter's cheek as well.


After their good bye kisses, Dahyun finally ran towards her friends, and Mina watched as they disappeared from the crowd.


Mina held the cheek that Dahyun kissed, and smiled to herself on her way back to the area where she left her luggage behind. 


She waited patiently for her flight, feeling all excited to see Dahyun back in Seoul.



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Chapter 7: This was so cute, I love it!
Zhanezone #2
Chapter 7: thank you for this <3 will there be a sequel?
Chapter 7: Aw that was so cute. Thank you for this story. The fluff and Mihyun were so sweet.

We need to see their reunion and life in Seoul now, this can't be the end :(
Kim_dahyun23 #5
Chapter 7: Update more pls.. i really like it
Kim_dahyun23 #6
Chapter 7: Update more pls.. i really like it
mavicbequio13 #7
Chapter 7: Please continue their story.see each other in Korea. Thank you
AffidaRahma94 #8
Chapter 7: Aaawwwwwww so cute....
Chapter 7: wow this is so cute!!!
17 streak #10
Chapter 7: So freaking cute and beautiful

Awesome work and great story!!!

So fluffy