

The train ride to the famous thrill walk is indeed a long travel. Dahyun started to understand why Mina seemed so worried before they got on the train earlier; she's also starting to worry that they might reach the place at night time.


Dahyun keeps on checking her phone to look at the time and she keeps on counting how many hours are left until they reach their destination. There's a remaining two hour train ride, and it's currently 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Dahyun keeps on hoping that they will arrive at exactly 5 o'clock since it's still bright outside, and she was also looking forward to the sun set.


Thinking about the sun set makes Dahyun remember that they had to actually walk on the scary thrill walk. Her nervousness came back again, so she closed her eyes to calm herself down. After doing so, she stole a glance on the head that was currently placed on her right shoulder. Mina has been asleep for an hour, and Dahyun's shoulder is starting to feel tired with the weight of Mina's head.


Dahyun took her phone out again and opened the front camera to have a better view of the sleeping girl beside her. Dahyun smiled with the sight of Mina sleeping. She found it very amazing that someone could still look so beautiful even when asleep.


After staring at her phone screen for a few seconds, Dahyun tapped the capture button and took a picture of the sleeping beauty. She didn't know why she did it, and she suddenly thought that Mina might get mad once she found out that Dahyun took a photo of her while sleeping. Dahyun locked her phone quickly and put it back on her back before shifting her sitting position since her back is starting to get tired as well.


With the sudden movements that Dahyun did, Mina let out incoherent mumbles which made Dahyun look at her again. She thought that she woke Mina up, but she didn't.


Dahyun sighed in relief when she realized that Mina was still fast asleep. She reached her left hand to brush Mina's hair off her face because it fell down a little. She tucked her hair back on her ear, and her beauty can be seen entirely again. Dahyun closed her eyes and placed her head on Mina's before difting hersef off to sleep.




"Dahyun-ah" a voice was heard, Dahyun still has her eyes closed. "Dahyun-ah, we're here" a gentle shake on her shoulder was felt which made her finally open her.


Dahyun squinted and rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust to the environment's bright surroundings. With a slightly blurry vision, Dahyun saw the people that are getting of the train. "We're here" Mina said again, Dahyun looked at her this time. "Seems like you had a good sleep" she said, before standing up and asking Dahyun to follow along.


Dahyun was still half asleep, she felt that her body was too heavy for her to walk. But she just can't stay at the train anymore. She just wanted to lay down on her comfy hotel bed and sleep more, but that's impossible for now because they are like three four away from the hotel.


The two girls walked in to what seems like a cable car station, and people started to line up to get on the ride. Mina pulled Dahyun by her back pack so that they can fall in line along with the other tourists. "I wasn't expecting this much people" Mina said over the loud crowd noise. Dahyun couldn't answer because she was still thinking about her bed.


After a few minutes of waiting, it's finally their turn to ride the cable car.


Mina and Dahyun got on the ride and squeezed themselves inside since there was a few people inside already. The seats in the middle of the cable car were already taken, that's why they had to stand by the door. Mina held on to the cold metal railings of the ride and watched the wonderful view of the snowy mountains as they go up higher. "Dahyun, look." she said to Dahyun who was leaning her back on the glass. "It's so beautiful" she added. Dahyun turned around and her eyes finally opened wide, wider than it has ever been before.


The half asleep Dahyun is fully awake now. She looked down from where they are, and instantly regretting it afterwards. She shouldn't have looked down. She closed her eyes shut while grabbing on the metal railings tight. Mina noticed that Dahyun haven't said a single word ever since they got off the train.


Mina looked beside her and saw Dahyun with her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed while her small hands are glued on the metal railings. "Dahyun-ah, are you okay?" she said before tapping Dahyun's shoulder, which made the latter open her eyes and jump up a little.


"Ah, yes. I'm still a little sleepy, that's why" she said as an excuse before turning her back and leaning on the window again.


"I thought you were scared" Mina said in a worried tone. Dahyun suddenly felt guilty that she didn't tell Mina that she was scared earlier. It's too late to say it now. "If you want, you can lean on me" Mina added before moving closer to Dahyun.


Dahyun felt flustered for the nth time today. She knows that she could just reject the offer, but she also wanted to lean on Mina.


With her eyes closed, Dahyun slowly leaned on Mina's arm—not on her shoulder because Mina was a little taller than her and she needs to be in tip toes in order to place her head on Mina's shoulder properly. Dahyun prayed for her fears and worries to go away, atleast for today.


A few minutes has passed and they finally reached the top. Dahyun and Mina got off the cable car first since they were the ones that are close to the door. They looked around and was suddenly breathless with the beautiful sight of the snowy mountains. They walked to what seems like a huge observation deck, and there were already a few people taking pictures everywhere. In the middle of the deck, there was a tall picture of the one and only James Bond, since they shot the movie at this specific place.


Dahyun ran towards the picture and posed with both of her hands together in a form of a gun. Mina laughed at Dahyun's playfulness and took her phone out to take a picture. Dahyun pointed her 'gun' on almost every direction and Mina was quick enough to press the capture button on her camera app. The small girl seems to enjoy the playful act, she even started to imitate the famous James Bond movie's theme song. 


Without Dahyun knowing, Mina started to recored everything that she did on video.


"Okay, that's enough" Dahyun said, standing properly and walking as if she didn't do anything. Mina let out a soft giggle, music to Dahyun's ears.


A few walks from the middle of the deck leads to the entrance of the most awaited thrill walk. There were benches everywhere, and on the left side of the entrance was another deck with a glass floor. "Let's go there!" Mina pointed on the corner where the glass floor was located before running towards that direction, leaving the scared tofu alone.


Dahyun couldn't move. A few steps from her place was already a screen floor and the bottom can already be seen, she can't imagine herself standing on the glass floor.


Mina finally reached the conrner of the deck and she is currently stepping on the glass floor bravely. She looked down and got a little shocked with how high they are. "This is amazing" she said, assuming that Dahyun followed along.


She took her phone out again to take a photo of her feet on the glass floor and the view of the magnificent snowy mountains. That is when she finally realized that she was alone. She looked behind and Dahyun was sitting on one of the vacant benches while hugging both of her legs close to her chest.


"Dahyun-ah!" Mina shouted before walking towards Dahyun who looks like a lost puppy. "You're scared, aren't you?" she added, Dahyun nodded cutely. 


Mina sat beside the scared girl and sighed. "You should've told me that you were scared. We shouldn't have went here" she said with a sad tone. Dahyun looked at her with a concerned face before trying to put her feet down on the screened floor, but she failed.


"No, it's fine" she said, hugging both of her short legs again. "I wanted to explore this place anyways" she added with a reassuring tone.


Dahyun noticed that Mina was currently sad and she was pouting cutely, making Dahyun feel guilty again. "Let's go to the thrill walk" she initiated, swallowing her fears.


Mina looked at her, their eyes met again. "Are you sure?" she asked. Dahyun showed her cute smile while nodding fast. "Okay" Mina said before standing up, but Dahyun was still sitting down.


"But you need to hold me" Dahyun said cutely, reaching both of her hands up for Mina to grab.


With a smile, Mina grabbed both of Dahyun's hands to pull her up, and let go of her left hand so that her right hand is still holding Dahyun's. "Of course" she answered.




The two girls are finally in front of the thrill walk's entrance, still hand in hand. Mina looked at Dahyun one more time before giving her hand a soft squeeze. "Ready?" she asked. Dahyun squeezed her hand back before nodding slowly.


To Mina's surprise, Dahyun was the first one to step on the thrill walk itself. And with that single step, Dahyun let out a loud scream. "HELP ME" she screamed with her eyes closed.


Mina laughed softly. "Dahyun-ah, I'm here" she whispered to Dahyun's ear.


"Can you..." Dahyun whispered back. Mina leaned closer to Dahyun so that she can hear better. "...hug me?" Dahyun added, her voice got smaller than before.


Without a single word, Mina wrapped her right arm behind Dahyun, hugging her closer on the side. Her left hand found its way to Dahyun's left hand and held it tight. "I got you."


Mina's words made a little impact on Dahyun. They finally stepped on the first few steps on the thrill walk's stairs and proceeded to walk down. Dahyun has her eyes squinted, trying her best not to close her eyes fully so that she can see where they were going.


"Just look forward. Don't look down, okay?" Mina instructed, the small tofu just nodded.


After the terrifying stairs, follows a longer trail of the thrill walk. The two girls walked beside each other carefully, but they tried to walk as fast as they could so they can finish the walk as soon as possible.


"Are we there yet?" Dahyun asked, her eyes still squinted in fear.


Mina chuckled. "Still a long way to go." she added before moving her right hand up and down Dahyun's shoulder, trying to help the tofu lessen her nervousness.


A few minutes of walking later, they reached the place where there is glass floor on the right side where Dahyun was walking on. "Oh, no. No no" Dahyun said. With the sight of that, she quickly moved to Mina's left side and Mina automatically held Dahyun close again.


More minutes has passed and they walked through what seems to be an endless trail. "Are we there yet" Dahyun said for the 7th time. Mina let out a soft giggle due to Dahyun's cuteness.


"Almost" she said, Dahyun's worries lessened a little. "I can see the end" she added, squeezing Dahyun's arm.


They walked pass a few obstacles on the thrill walk. There was a path where a rope was hanging and there's a net underneath. Mina wanted to try it, but she couldn't just leave Dahyun behind.


After an approximate 30 minutes of walking, they finally reached the last obstacle on the walk—the one where you can go through a screened tunnel, which Mina wanted to try but still cant. Right on the end of that tunnel was the exit gate of the thrill walk.


"We're here!" Mina suddenly said, Dahyun finally opened her eyes wide and escaped Mina's side hug.


Dahyun stretched her arms in the air while groaning. "Finally!" she shouted, Mina shook her head with a smile. She can't believe that Dahyun was acting as if she went through the walk with no fear on her own.


"You were brave back there" Mina said, patting the smaller girl's head.


Dahyun smiled sincerely. "Thanks to you" she said.


Their eyes are locked on to each other again. For a few seconds, they were lost in each other's eyes. It seemed like time stopped and they were the only ones around. They couldn't hear anything. It's like a romantic movie on mute.


Even when Dahyun was just staring at Mina, she can she how the wind blew her beautiful and soft black hair. Dahyun snapped back to reality when Mina finally smiled at her.


"I'm hungry, let's eat?"

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Chapter 7: This was so cute, I love it!
Zhanezone #2
Chapter 7: thank you for this <3 will there be a sequel?
Chapter 7: Aw that was so cute. Thank you for this story. The fluff and Mihyun were so sweet.

We need to see their reunion and life in Seoul now, this can't be the end :(
Kim_dahyun23 #5
Chapter 7: Update more pls.. i really like it
Kim_dahyun23 #6
Chapter 7: Update more pls.. i really like it
mavicbequio13 #7
Chapter 7: Please continue their story.see each other in Korea. Thank you
AffidaRahma94 #8
Chapter 7: Aaawwwwwww so cute....
Chapter 7: wow this is so cute!!!
16 streak #10
Chapter 7: So freaking cute and beautiful

Awesome work and great story!!!

So fluffy