
What It Means to be Me

Donghyuck spent the walk home trying to shake off his day, for his parent's sake. Going through Jaemin's words, the horrible alphas, his visit to Mark's. Once his mind had cycled through all of those events, he could put on a good face for his dad and papa. 

Donghyuck’s parents were good people, at the end of the day. He knew the circumstances of his parent’s meeting and although the whole situation was questionable, his father Johnny had been the best of all the kidnappers. His papa Taeil was happier; from the stories of his youth, and the expressions and tones he used when telling those tales, Donghyuck could see that much. 

They worked hard and still loved each other, truly, even after all of these years. Like everyone else, they’d expected Donghyuck to present as an omega, but they weren’t disappointed either way. 

They were good people, and that’s why they couldn’t know about the Mark thing. They would want Donghyuck to grow up, to move on, only in the healthiest sense possible. 

But truly, Donghyuck didn't think he could do that. 

After a final deep breath and a little shake of his head, he opened the door. 

"Hi honey!" Taeil cooed, giving his son a hug. Donghyuck tried to ignore how skinny his omega father had become, so different from the gentle squishy hugs of his youth. Well, maybe Donghyuck had just gotten bigger too. "How was school today?" 

"Oh," Donghyuck chuckled, "Same old, same old. I wish those alphas would lay off Jaemin, but otherwise pretty good."

"I know," Taeil answered with a sigh. "I can't believe they're not nice just because he's an omega." Donghyuck was glad that both his parents thought "not nice" was the extent of the bullying Jaemin (and by association, himself) received.

"Where's dad?" 

"He went with Head Alpha Taeyong for one last quick run around the territory. Just in case," Taeil said, sadness in his voice. Donghyuck exhaled and nodded; if they came back with anything extra it would be a miracle. "Anyways, what have you been up to now? It's a bit late..." 

"Jaemin and I hung out for a while, then I took a short walk." 

"You walked him home, right?" 

"Of course papa; I'm a good alpha." 

"Yes you are," Taeil answered just as the front door opened. Donghyuck's father Johnny looked gaunt and exhausted but he smiled at his mate and son all the same. 

"Hello love," Johnny spoke, walking in and giving his mate a kiss on the top of the head. Sometimes knowing his parent's history made Donghyuck's stomach turn, but seeing his dad look down at his papa with so much love, and seeing his papa look back up with even more love, made him feel much better. They then shared a peck on the lips and Donghyuck gagged. Even though it was nice seeing them happy with each other, they were still his parents. 

Johnny chuckled and ruffled Donghyuck's hair before sitting down beside him. "Hyuckie, don't be like that. Aren't you glad your parents still love each other even after all these years?" 

"Yes, but not in front of me!" Donghyuck cried. 

Johnny chuckled. "How was school?" 

"Same old, same old. I told papa all about it already. How was hunting?" 

"Same old same old. And gathering, Taeil?" 

Taeil snorted. "Same old, same old." 

"Wait!" Johnny piped up. "I do have news. You know the test hunt is in a few weeks, right?" 

"Of course," Donghyuck answered. In fact, nobody at school would shut up about it. 

The test hunt was one of the most important traditions in their pack. It was a five day venture for every seventeen year old alpha, testing their survival and hunting abilities in the wilderness. The Head Alpha would take all of these teen alphas into the edges of their territory to watch their hunting, fighting, and living skills. It was the biggest coming of age event other than presenting in an alpha's life. It also was a chance for alphas to show off, to gain a good reputation for the omegas, and for the Head Alpha to nominate the next head. 

Donghyuck didn't care nearly as much as most of his classmates. Technically it was optional, but Donghyuck would still go. His life was so not...that sort of life though. He really focused way more on his omega friends than the other alphas his age. And really, it was such an alpha thing.

"It's crazy that you're going for your test hunt feels like you were a little baby in my arms just yesterday," Taeil said. Donghyuck rolled his eyes but smiled anyways. 

"You're really growing up, and growing up well. I'm sure you'll do amazing. Have you been practicing?" 

"Sometimes," Donghyuck answered. Occasionally he'd go into the forest and hunt to try and get some more food for the pack, so they could eat more and to clear his head. He never did it to practice for the test hunt, but he still figured it counted. 

"Good, good," Johnny said very proudly. 

"Gosh, you're really growing up fast. Soon enough you'll be thinking about mating," Taeil said. 

"Didn't you not want to mate, like, forever?" 

"It's different for omegas. And I was very unusual," Taeil explained. 

"Are you sure you don't have an omega in mind? Come on, I know we're your parents but you can tell us anything. We won't share," Johnny said. 

There wasn't anyone Donghyuck could say. There was always Mark pressing in the back of his mind, when he thought of mating, but he would seem absurd if he said that out loud. He hadn't even seen the guy in seven years; he didn't know if he was an omega at all. 

"There's really no one," Donghyuck answered. 

"What about some of your friends? They're so sweet..." Taeil started. 

"If either of you even whisper Jaemin's name I will literally get up and leave the cabin." 

"Of course not, of course not! We know you two are just friends..." Taeil answered, sharing a sheepish look with his mate. 

"What about Renjun?" 

"He still hasn't presented." 

"Still?" Johnny asked with concern, and Donghyuck nodded. 

"Yuta and Sicheng should really take him to Kun's..." Taeil mumbled. 

"Anyways...Donghyuck, just remember, whatever omega you do go for...don't focus on things like appearance, or standing in the pack. Focus on their personality: are they kind? Do they work hard? Could you imagine spending the rest of your life with them?" 

"I know, I know," Donghyuck answered. 

"Don't give me that. Those are the reasons we're so happy," Taeil answered. "We focused on what was important and it's paid off." 

"And you know, don't take this as us wanting you to mate right this second. Take your time! I know many of the omegas your age are starting to get their first heats and may know, but keep your head about you. Get to know an omega before you mate them. We waited a little, after all." 

Donghyuck breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't think Donghyuck's behavior was strange; they didn't suspect a thing. 

"Of course dad, of course papa. I don't want to mate right out of school either." 

"Good choice," Johnny said, looking out the window. "Oh! Looks like dinner's soon. Shall we head out?" 

"Yes please, I'm starving," Taeil said. 

"Don't need to say that again," Donghyuck answered. The teen alpha put on his game face, and into the cold they went back out. 


"And...nothing. As per mother ing usual," Ten sighed. The truth of his words was terrifying but both he and his son Jaemin shared a giggle all the same. Jaemin had been truthful about helping his dad with gathering that day, but Donghyuck had been right about not having much luck. All the same, he still had fun. 

"Can we head home? It's ing freezing," Jaemin complained. 

"Yes please," Ten groaned back and with a shared chuckle, they raced back to their big cabin (courtesy of being the Head Alpha's mate and son, of course). They rushed inside and slammed the door, Ten running to start a small fire with shaking fingers. It was dark and empty inside, of course. Taeyong wasn't around much these days, with the famine and all. He had to hunt as long as his body would allow or else the pack would destroy him for not trying hard enough. The pack hated him enough as it was. 

When Ten finally managed to get the fire going, Jaemin brought two blankets over, drapping it on his dad's shoulders and then his own. They sat, shivering for a few moments, before Ten gave Jaemin a smile. 

"We got so wrapped up in failing to gather that-" 

"Dad, we got so wrapped up in gossiping about Xiaojun," Jaemin rebutted. 

"Ah, right." Ten smirked at his son. "We are omegas after all." 

"That's our job," Jaemin said and they shared a giggle. 

"But seriously, I wanted to ask, how was school today?" 

Jaemin groaned and flopped onto the floor. "It was a . As per usual." 

Ten snorted. Jaemin hadn't had to worry about cursing in front of his dad for a long time. They were close like that. 

"I ing hated school too. Couldn't wait to get out of there," Ten answered. 

"Yeah. I hate that, and the ty alphas." 

"Ugh! I know, right? I always wished they made separate schools. Why are alphas such ?" 

"So true." 

Ten's voice went down a few pitches. "They're still going after you?" Jaemin nodded quietly and sighed. Ten knew about the bullying Jaemin faced, but not the full extent of it. "They should respect you; you're the Head Alpha's son." 

"In what world would your average alpha ever respect an omega?" 

Ten sighed. "I guess that's true." 

The two sat in front of the fire quietly for a few minutes longer, their limbs finally warming up, although they knew that as soon as they stepped away they'd get cold again. The cold weather seemed to penetrate everywhere these days, even into their homes: a constant reminder of the disintegration of their pack's society through famine. 

"You know what I want dad?" Jaemin finally spoke up. 


"An alpha's love. I want to see what that feels like." 

"Like a mate? I mean, you're a bit young..." Ten mumbled. 

"No way. I don't wanna have to return that love, you know? Like...what you had. In your old pack." 

Ten pointedly stared at the fire. "That wasn't love, Jaemin. Jaemin, you do have real love from alphas. You have Donghyuck, and your dad." 

"Donghyuck and I are just friends. Now I know how much easier it would be for everyone to understand if he and I just got together, but that's never going to happen. We have always been just friends, and we always will be." 

"I didn't mean that, Jaemin, I mean he loves you as a friend. As a brother." 

Jaemin ignored him. "And as for Taeyong?" He scoffed. "He doesn't love me." 

Ten took a long time to respond before giving his son a look. "You must be joking. You've got to be." 

Jaemin turned sharply towards him. "What do you mean?" 

"Your dad loves you half to death." 

Jaemin rolled his eyes and Ten shrugged. 

"Back before....the problems, you know, I was not the primary parent. I birthed you, yeah, but it really was Taeyong that did all the work. And did he love that . How could an alpha, let alone anyone, have so much fun putting on your ing diapers? How could anyone have so much fun taking care of a baby crying for hours on hours, tending to scrapes, going to and from school, planning fun things to do... I tried my best but I could never do that . Taeyong did, and he loved every minute of it. The only reason he's not at home, by our side, all the time, is because of what's going on in the pack. Honestly, he always sacrificed being a leader to take care of his family until the dissent started. And then with the famine..." 

Jaemin listened, kind of. The dissent among the lower ranked alphas started a year or two before the famine, around when he was eight or nine. He couldn't remember much of his life before then at all, except for the vaguest of promises and memories. So maybe Taeyong had been around then. But he couldn't remember, so what did it matter? 

"He loves you, Jaemin. And when this is all over he'll make it up to you, okay? He'll make up for all that time." 

"Yeah," Jaemin answered, just to shut him up. Why would the Head Alpha waste his time on an omega? And how could he ever believe that these problems could end? He could barely remember a time before them. 

"And I hope you don't think things were better in my old pack. I know I've told you some stories about my wild escapades but they weren't meant to be good stories, you know? I didn't experience any love while I was there. Now I have love, and I am so much happier." 

"Of course, dad, you're right," Jaemin lied. It was hard for him to believe.

Ten cleared his throat and stood up, clearly shivering for a moment. They were too close not to be able to read each other like a book, and Jaemin knew what Ten's staring meant. He was probably being too obvious that Ten's words weren't really going into his brain; this conversation was fruitless. "Let's head over to the bonfire; I think dinner's probably ready." 

"I'm alright. I'm not hungry." 


"I'm serious, dad," Jaemin answered, looking up at Ten. "Give my share to Mark, alright?" 

Ten deflated. "Promise?" 


Ten released a final sigh and threw on their heaviest coat, starting for the door. 

"Bring me back some more gossip on the Xiaojun thing alright?" Jaemin asked, grinning, trying to lighten the mood before his dad headed out. It would be better for both of them that way. 

Ten grinned back. "Of course. We can rehash it all night." 

Jaemin waved, and Ten finally left the cabin. 

The omega teen breathed a sigh of relief. 

He hadn't lied. For the first time in years Jaemin actually wasn't hungry, his mind far too occupied by other ideas and plans. 

He needed to be alone, so he could properly think. 

Ten had told Jaemin stories of his youth for many years, as long as it was even sort of appropriate to do so. The multitudes of different alphas he'd "spent the night" with, some powerful, some low ranking, some mated, some years long bachelors, some for fun, some for revenge, some to protect the other members of his pack.

And Ten had definitely been right when he said none of it was love. 

It had all been power.

He'd used his status to get what he wanted, to break hearts and up lives just for the fun of it, using the one thing he had going for him to his advantage. 

Now, Jaemin wanted that too. Some of that power, just a little taste of it, like alphas had, with their bigger stronger bodies and never obedient minds and thick knots. He hadn't felt power in a long time, not since before he presented, since people knew he was an omega waste. A disappointment. 

But he wanted it back, and he wanted it stronger than ever. 

How would he get it? Easy, same way Ten did. How could he come up with a better plan when the best already existed? 

He'd find some alpha, make him fall in love with him, then throw him away when he was in too deep. He would made this alpha feel exactly like what Jaemin had to go through when he'd presented. He'd give him the same experience Jaemin had, to give all his love but then be abandoned by most of the people he'd known, by the whole pack, by his father Taeyong. 

But who, was the question? Most of the alphas his age sure didn't want him. His friends probably wouldn't work either.

He could never do that Donghyuck, the one alpha that actually gave a about him. 

Jisung was practically mated already. 

And nobody knows what Renjun's status is, and if Jaemin did this to him and he turned out to be an omega, that would be a massive waste of time. 

Jaemin was going to have to think outside of the box. 

Laying on the floor of the cabin, staring up at the ceiling, squinting, deep in thought. There had to be someone. 

Maybe one of his friend's siblings? Donghyuck was an only child, Renjun was twins with Chenle a definite omega...

What about Jisung? He had a million ing siblings, maybe there was someone...

And that's when Jaemin rapidly sat up, his eyes wide, a grin climbing over his face. 

Jeno. Of course it should be Jeno. 

Jeno, who had never really been their friend, too shy to join their group, so there wasn't any special attachment there. Jeno who had defended Jaemin whenever they were both around those bully alphas. Meek, timid, Jeno who had never been able to make eye contact with Jaemin, ever since they were little. Jeno, who looked like a big strong alpha but kind of had the personality of an omega. 

Thinking about it now, honestly, Jeno probably had a little bit of a crush on Jaemin. Always sparing longing glances, never able to make eye contact, always saying hello, never striking up a real conversation. Jaemin laughed out loud,  this would be so easy. 

He'd start at school. He would bring Jeno into the group, play it off like a silly little crush he'd developed to all his friends. Maybe he'd tell Donghyuck, maybe not. But it would work. And he'd make an alpha hurt as much as he had, for all of these god damn years. 

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fvtimx11 #1
Chapter 20: OMG LOVED IT
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh. It is 1am here and i am a sobbing mess. This story is so beautiful. Its just poked my heart so much that chap18 made me cry bucks. I felt their love, not just romantic love but familial and friendship love too. I just cant thank you enough for this. You did so great! <3
ipurpleexo #3
Chapter 20: This is the most beautiful story I have ever read. I can actually see every character saying all the lines and doing all those things and even going through all those feelings like a real scene in front of me. As if it is all true. That it is happening somewhere and I am in that place but not s any if the characters but as a onlooker who is seeing everything and even understanding the emotions that everyone went through!!! I just love this story!! <3<3
Chapter 20: I absolutely loved this book. Thank you for taking your time and writing this masterpiece <3
melly-pop #5
Chapter 18: My eyes are watering. Oof. The love expressed for Jaemin in the 18th chapter.
Chapter 20: Such a great book. It’s been an emotional roller coaster for me as well. This book has been a great combination of deep and also light hearted at times. I love this book and all your other ones. Thank you for working so hard for us
I giggled when I read Hendery’s name. Thank you unnie!
Chapter 20: What happen between those years that make Jungwoo from finding Hendery name an atrocity into agreeing to name his kid with it?
I love Jaemin and Donghyuck friendship so much
Chapter 19: *Key’s voice* “I’m crying in club. You’re in the club” I know I spilled about this scene since the beginning so I was aware of it but just like Donghyuck, the mental processing hit like a mother trucker. The water works are no joke and I cried when hyuck was covering his mouth (I’ve been there done that) and when Kun was telling them”one moment, one moment” but finally turned around showing his face (also, been there and done that lol).