The Office

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After the party, Donghae insisted to drop Hyukjae off at his house because he was a gentleman and quote, "I don't think I'm quite ready to part ways with you just yet."

Hyukjae, of course, blushed at his words but did nod his head in agreement. While Donghae waited for him by the exit, Hyukjae looked for the bride and groom to say his goodbye when he found them sitting with his mother and sister's table. He heaved a sigh of relief as it made his departure that much easier. When Hyukjae approached their table, his mother was the first one to acknowledge his presence and beckoned him to sit next to her. 

"I was just about to leave, Umma." Hyukjae said as he approached her with a hug. "I have an early day at work tomorrow so I have to go."

"Oh, that's alright,son. By the way, where's Donghae?" She looked around behind Hyukjae as if the latter was simply hiding him. 

Hyukjae chuckled awkwardly and tried to ignore the amused look of the people around him sent his way. "Wh-Why are you looking for him?"

"My future son-in-law should of course say a proper goodbye to me, don't you think?"

Hyukjae blushed and pulled away from her. "Umma, it's not like that." Hyukjae whined to cover up the embarrassment he felt. 

She merely rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms across her chest. "What do you mean 'it's not like that?' Lee Hyukjae, you're not getting any younger. I sure hope you're not just messing around with that sweet man that you came here with."

"Wha- How do you know he's even sweet?"

"Oh please," Sora interjected. "As if there's a variety of men out there who'd put up with your high maintenance."

Hyukjae gaped at them offended and he would have argued some more if it wasn't for Sungmin's arm going around his neck and ruffling his hair. 

"You sly dog. Don't think I'm gonna forget you upstaging me at my own wedding." Sungmin teased then laughed once Hyukjae finally managed to pull away from him. Hyukjae fussed with his now messed up hair but the flushness on his face was evident due to Sungmin's words. "Well, if things don't work out between you two, I have it on good source that Jackson's still interested." He proudly informed with a wink. 

"Aish, you're lucky that it's your wedding, Hyung," was all Hyukjae said to him before giving him a parting hug. Saeun also shook her head helplessly at her husband's teasings and apologized to Hyukjae on his behalf. "All the best of luck to you. Have fun taming that wild animal."

"Yah!" Sungmin yelled but Hyukjae was quick to avoid the hand that almost hit him on the head. He ran away laughing but when he got back to where he left Donghae, the latter was nowhere to be seen. There was, however, a black car waiting for him and a well-dressed chauffer who held the back door open. He didn't think too much of it if it wasn't for his phone ringing at just that exact moment.


"Hey, Hyukjae. I'm sorry I had to leave." Hyukjae's eyes widened a little recognizing Donghae's voice. "I have to go back to work as it turns out that emergency thing I had to deal with earlier wasn't properly taken care of."

"Oh." He tried to hide his disappointment but he's pretty sure he failed. "That-That's okay. Are you gonna be alright?"

"Yeah. It's just a drag since I was really looking forward to spending more time with you."

Hyukjae faked a cough to cover up the funny feeling he felt inside at Donghae's blatant flirting with him. He heard the latter laugh on the the other line which only made him feel more self-conscious. Why was he acting like a high school girl with this dude?

"I left my driver there with you so please let him take you home."

"Your driver?" Hyukjae asked out loud and saw the chauffer bow his head at him. He was surprised at the greeting and awkwardly bowed his head back at him. "Y-You didn't have to do that. I could've gotten an uber or a taxi myself. How are you getting around?"

"Oh don't worry about me. The company car picked me up." 

Hyukjae didn't make the connection that by "company car" Donghae meant his company car. 

"Are you sure?" Hyukjae glanced at the chauffer who was still patiently waiting for him. "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"There's no trouble." Donghae assured. "You'd actually be doing me a favor since I don't have to worry about you getting home safe."

Hyukjae took a deep breath and was glad that they were on the phone because he didn't want Donghae to see the stupid goofy grin he had on his face. 

"Okay. I guess I'll...see you then."



"I'll see you Saturday." Donghae repeated with fondness in his voice. "You agreed to go on a date with me, remember?"

Hyukjae was stunned at the reminder for a second but then he was giggling the next at Donghae's bold move. He's never quite come acrossed someone as confident as Donghae and it was extremely refreshing. He ended up agreeing of course and ended their conversation like that. Then, he turned his attention to the chauffer and realized that he was still holding the door open for him. Jumping a little in haste, Hyukjae made a quick apology for making him wait before getting in the back seat. Completely missing the amused chuckle that he did when he closed the door after him.


"He's perfect, Kyu!" Hyukjae exclaimed to his roommate who was otherwise preoccupied with the game he was playing. "You should have seen how handsome he was, and how nice! I swear I thought I was in a fairytale with the way he asked me to dance."

"I don't understand why this dance is such a big deal for you." Kyuhyun remarked without glancing his way. "You dance all the time."

Hyukjae glared at him even though he knew Kyuhyun wouldn't see it. "This is different."

"Right," Kyuhyun agreed blindly then cursed out loud when his character died. He placed his controller down and turned around to face Hyukjae and made a face when he saw him sporting a love struck expression. "Are you sure it's not just because you want to bone him?"

Kyuhyun received a pillow right to his face for that comment. 

"I don't know why I tell you anything."

Kyuhyun threw the pillow thrown at him to the side and agreed. "That makes two of us."

"Aish, Kyu!" Hyukjae whined. "Can't you at least pretend to be supportive for once."

"Hey! I'm plenty supportive." Kyuhyun argued. "I just show it in different ways."

Hyukjae rolled his eyes at Kyuhyun and decided to leave after his boisterous laughter. He made sure to slam his door shut to let Kyuhyun know how annoyed he was with him. He jumped to his bed and curled under the sheets. The exhaustion of the his entire day finally catching up with him. Just before he could close his eyes to get some sleep, his phone buzzed with a new text message. 

From: Leeteuk Hyung

Hey, how'd the wedding go? 

Hyukjae groaned at his friend/boss for texting him so late at night. Feeling obligated to respond as his friend/employee, he just tryped a quick generic response. 

To: Leeteuk Hyung

It was good :)

Less than a minute later, and his phone buzzed again. 

Fr: Leeteuk Hyung

Good to hear ^^ 

Actually I have something I need to tell you

Don't freak out but there's a scandal within the company right now

The big boss is coming back tomorrow and word is there might be a massive lay offs

Just thought I'd let you know

Good night! :) See you tomorrow~

Hyukjae gasped and scrolled from the top of Leeteuk's message and made sure that he read that right. He wanted to text him back and ask him to elaborate but after seeing his good night message, he thought against it. Now, he was stuck thinking the worse and completely on edge fearing that he might not have a job tomorrow. 

"Why? Why is this happening to me?" Hyukjae cried out to no one in particular and grabbed his pillow to suffocate himself. 

He continued to agonize over his unknown future for quite a long time until his eyes couldn't take it anymore and he fell asleep without even knowing it. All the while not realizing that he has not set up his alarm for work for the following morning. 


"! Damn it!" Hyukjae cursed as he ran out the subway station on his way to his job. There were so many people in his way that he had to get creative and jump over some hedges and commit several jaywalking offenses just to get to work on time or, at least, in a less tardy manner. He couldn't believe the irony of that he was just stressing over the prospect of getting fired last night that he actually woke up late today and he'd get fired anyways. 

Hyukjae saw his company building an

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O.M.G. o.o....I could have sworn this story was finished 🤯 my bad. ...uhh, let me refresh my mind cause I already the ending for this and I just need to find it 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


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Chapter 27: Hi! I hope that you are ok and to let you know that I'm waiting for you to comeback!
Gyuhee #2
I miss this fic so much so i will be re-reading this after finals :')
Chapter 27: I'm glad they're doing better and that Jessica has stopped being temperamental
1587 streak #4
Chapter 27: Is Jessica finally done now? Bye girl, learn from your mistakes and live well.

Well, Hyukjae can investigate that last question that is plaguing him about Donghae, lmao~ look forward to hearing his findings. 🤭
Chapter 27: I have sympathy for Jessica, really. She made a massive mistake and things happen, but now she has to live with the consequences. I hope this talk with Krystal has started her healing process.
Lol, looks like they didn't do it afterall, but that won't stop Kyu from teasing the hell out of Hyuk regardless!
Akshahae #6
Chapter 27: He he's gooooooddddd ☺️
165 streak #7
Chapter 27: Whoa! 🤣🤣🤣 Hyuk, only you knows the answer to that question. 🤭
16 streak #8
Chapter 27: ah i hope jessica will not try anything funny now right? since everything is going smoothly to our lovely couple... ahmmm hyukjae, what are you thinking, as if you want to see what you felt ha?!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 27: I'm glad Jessica has Krystal, I hope she will find her happiness soon. Kyuhyun, please share the picture with us haha
970 streak #10
Chapter 27: Jessica wanted to keep Donghae and her dreams. She should have known that you just cannot have anything without giving something in return. Well, she had been warned.
Now, Donghae and Hyukjae are getting closer. I hope Hyukjae's concern at the end of the chapter wouldn't be such a problem or is just a miscalculation. Hahaha!