The Mess of Cho Kyuhyun

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Hyukjae stood in the subway a little irritated and disappointed that he had to cut his date with Donghae early because of Kyuhyun's . He swears if this was a prank on his roommate's part, he would absolutely smother him in his sleep. When he finally reached his stop, Hyukjae took his time getting out of the train, no longer feeling the sense of urgency now that Kyuhyun's frantic voice was out of his head. As soon as he was out from underground, his phone dinged with a new message. 

From: Donghae (Wedding)

I hope everything's okay. :) I had fun today

Hyukjae smiled, relieved that he hadn't completely ruined his chances with Donghae. 

To: Donghae (Wedding)

I did too. Sorry I had to leave early :( 

From: Donghae (Wedding)

Make it up to me on the next one ;)

Hyukjae grinned reading Donghae's reply. The latter was obviously flirting with him and he's much better at flirting back through the phone since he doesn't have to deal with seeing the other's ridiculously handsome face that has his heart hammering against his chest like he was running a marathon. He was about to type in his reply when Kyuhyun's face popped in his screen and his mood immediately shifted as he slid the green answer button up. 

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun - the house better be on fire if you had me cut my date early."

"It's not on fire but it is flooded. Does that count?"

Hyukjae stopped walking and had to repeat what Kyuhyun just said in his head. "What?!"

The other didn't sound panicked on the phone at all. Very calmly Kyuhyun said, "Yeah. The landlord said we have to leave the apartment while they fix the pipes."

"How the did you flood our apartment!?" Hyukjae yelled in the middle of the street but when he heard an audible gasp by his side -- a woman who looked completely outraged by his use of foul language as she covered her child's ears and hurried away from him -- he ducked his head down as a form of apology and decided to pick up the pace, but not before scolding Kyuhyun on the phone. "What the hell were you doing in there for the apartment to be flooded?! You just said the pipes were leaking!"

"It was." Kyuhyun confirmed and it annoyed Hyukjae how calm he sounded. "But I also told you that it burst but now, for some reason, more of them started to burst open and the water in the apartment is already up to my ankles." Then he heard Kyuhyun chuckle. He freaking chuckled! "The landlord's pissed, dude. I don't think it was such a good idea to give him a call."

"What the fu- Cho Kyuhyun!"

"How far away are you?"

"Aish." Instead of answering him, Hyukjae hung up the phone and decided to let his roommate brood over the fact that despite his magic hands in the kitchen, he has absolutely wrecked their apartment. Hyukjae's mind couldn't even begin to fathom how the other could have possibly ruined their place. Just what on earth was he trying to do!?

Eventually, Hyukjae did manage to get to his apartment building only to stop outside where he saw Kyuhyun sitting on the steps, waiting for him with two bags on his feet. Hyukjae had a bad feeling but did approached him with slight uneasiness. 

"Kyu!" He called and peeked up towards the third floor where their apartment was in and the yellow tape was very apparent from where he stood. He frowned and looked at Kyuhyun disappointedly. "What the hell happened?"

"Well," Kyuhyun started slowly as he got up on his feet. "I was fixing some leaks in the bathroom while some kids were messing with the water pressure of the building and well, you know one thing led to another and it kind of just...burst? I really didn't have a lot of time to think cause by the time I called you the water was already flowing out of the bathroom." Then, after his explanation, Kyuhyun gave Hyukjae one of the black duffle bag he carried out with him as some sort of peace offering. "I tried to pack as much of your esentials as I could but uhm...yeah. We're pretty much homeless until further notice."

Hyukjae frowned and took the bag from Kyuhyun. "Did the landlord tell you how long it'll take to fix?"

Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders and placed his bags over his shoulders. "He was so pissed, all I could make out was that the plumbers are coming tomorrow and that he'll need to get the insurance appraisal after that."

"Ugh!" Hyukjae grunted and looked looked around their neighborhood, at a complete loss on what to do. "What are we gonna do now?"

Kyuhyun was quiet for three seconds before he turned to Hyukjae and innocently asked, "Wanna split a motel?"


Donghae was picked up by his driver and brought home after Hyukjae had left him. There was nothing left for him to do for the day and by the time he got home, he was almost immediately smothered by Heechul. 

"Where the hell have you been!?" He asked after he was done suffocating Donghae with his hug. "The pilot said he never saw you and then you just disappeared from the boat! Where the hell did you go?!"

"Relax, Hyung. I'm fine." Donghae had on a smile that Heechul hasn't seen in a long time which helped ease his worries a little. "Why were you even spying on my date? I'm not 16 anymore. I can handle my own date without the help of my older brother."

Heechul scoffed and glared at him. "Says the guy who's last date was- oh? When? That's right, an entire lifetime ago."

Donghae ignored his brother's dramatic recap of his love life, or lack thereof, and just went straight to his room where he could lay on his bed in peace and day dream about Hyukjae. He would have happily done so if it wasn't for Heechul barging in after him and diving straight for his bed, taking it for himself like it was his own, and demanded that Donghae told him everything that they did after they disappeared. 

Donghae didn't even realize it but he was already swooning with a smile as he remembered how Hyukjae took care of him after he injured himself and how he wiped his lips with that bashful look on his face that he wished he could have just pulled the other in for a kiss just so he could finally know how those pouty lips would feel against his own. Donghae was already deep in his mind thinking about Hyukjae that it completely took him by surprise when a pillow hit him square in the face out of nowhere.

"Ow! Yah!" Donghae yelled and glared at Heechul. "Hyung!"

"Stop looking so lovestruck. It doesn't match your fish face." Heechul teased before it was followed by an amused smile. "Just tell me what happened already. Did you get some action?"

Donghae frowned and threw the pillow back at Heechul who was able to avoid it with ease. 

"I'm starting to agree with Leeteuk hyung that you may have a problem."

Heechul rolled his eyes and just went back on topic. "Come on, Hae. Tell me."

"It was fine, Hyung." Donghae laughed and then sighed softly when he remembered how Hyukjae pulled on his arm. "It was nice. We had a good time."

"What did you do?" 

"He taught me how to ride a bike."

"What?" Heechul rubbed his ears and asked Donghae to repeat what he said. "Did I hear you right? You actually rode a bike? Like...two wheels and a handlebar bike bike?"

Donghae grinned and nodded his head eagerly. "It took me a while to get the hang of it. Everything was going fine but then I lost my balance and fell." He pouted a little and looked at his elbow where the band-aid Hyukjae put on him was almost peeling off. 

Heechul laughed and shook his head at his brother. "You must really like him if you got over your fear in one afternoon."

"I'm not afraid of bikes," Donghae snapped at him. "I'm just...cautious when it comes to using one. They're very dangerous." Then he pointed at his elbow to further prove his point. "See? Very dangerous."

Heechul just laughed out loud at what Donghae said before moving on to his next question. 

"Well, is there a reason why you're back here so early then? I thought you were gonna be out all day."

"I wanted to, but then Hyukjae's rommmate called and said there was an emergency at their place."

Heechul raised an inquisitive brow as his mind processed it a little differently. "Did he tell you what the emergency was?"

"No. He had to leave in a hurry."

"And you're sure that your date was...fine?"

"Of course." Donghae said and furrowed his brows when Heechul continued to sound skeptical. "Why?"

"Well, you know how I used to have you or Leeteuk call me when I need help getting out of a bad date?"


Heechul didn't say anything and let Donghae figure out what he was trying to say. A few seconds later, Donghae's face paled as he realized exactly what Heechul was trying to tell him. His treasured memory of Hyukjae now slowly getting tainted as he thought about the other running away from him on purpose. 

"But he said we were gonna have another date!"

Heechul frowned and walked to where Donghae was sitting to pull him in for a brotherly hug. "Don't overthink it too much, Hae. I'm sure Hyukjae had a real emergency."

It was too late. The seed of doubt has been planted and now Donghae couldn't stop thinking where he could have gone wrong. Maybe he should have stuck with what Heechul set up for him afterall and made sure that Hyukjae had a good time on their date. 


"For the last time. I'm sorry." Kyuhyun apologized to Hyukjae whil

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O.M.G. o.o....I could have sworn this story was finished 🤯 my bad. ...uhh, let me refresh my mind cause I already the ending for this and I just need to find it 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


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Chapter 27: Hi! I hope that you are ok and to let you know that I'm waiting for you to comeback!
Gyuhee #2
I miss this fic so much so i will be re-reading this after finals :')
Chapter 27: I'm glad they're doing better and that Jessica has stopped being temperamental
1588 streak #4
Chapter 27: Is Jessica finally done now? Bye girl, learn from your mistakes and live well.

Well, Hyukjae can investigate that last question that is plaguing him about Donghae, lmao~ look forward to hearing his findings. 🤭
Chapter 27: I have sympathy for Jessica, really. She made a massive mistake and things happen, but now she has to live with the consequences. I hope this talk with Krystal has started her healing process.
Lol, looks like they didn't do it afterall, but that won't stop Kyu from teasing the hell out of Hyuk regardless!
Akshahae #6
Chapter 27: He he's gooooooddddd ☺️
165 streak #7
Chapter 27: Whoa! 🤣🤣🤣 Hyuk, only you knows the answer to that question. 🤭
16 streak #8
Chapter 27: ah i hope jessica will not try anything funny now right? since everything is going smoothly to our lovely couple... ahmmm hyukjae, what are you thinking, as if you want to see what you felt ha?!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 27: I'm glad Jessica has Krystal, I hope she will find her happiness soon. Kyuhyun, please share the picture with us haha
970 streak #10
Chapter 27: Jessica wanted to keep Donghae and her dreams. She should have known that you just cannot have anything without giving something in return. Well, she had been warned.
Now, Donghae and Hyukjae are getting closer. I hope Hyukjae's concern at the end of the chapter wouldn't be such a problem or is just a miscalculation. Hahaha!