The Baes

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With Seulgi's heart currently beating inside of and her hands clammy with sweat, she followed Irene down the stairs to meet the parents.

Didn't Irene met hers as well? Hers was a lot more uncomfortable since Irene spent the night at Seulgi's and was unaware of the impending doom of meeting the older Kangs'.

Did her heart beat twice as fast? How did she manage that with her small frame?

"You okay?" Irene briefly paused to look at her, brows scrunched together.

"Huh?" Seulgi snapped out of her trance and upon seeing the worried expression on Irene's face, she released a small unsure smile. "I'm trying to be."

Holding on to her arm, Irene halted her steps and they both stood at the middle of the stairs, eyes never leaving eatch other. A warm hand slid down to a cold one then a gentle squeeze. A smile; an assurance.

"Don't be scared. I'll be there."

Despite the effort of the older, Seulgi couldn't keep her eyes from darting to the direction of the dining.

"If I die today, please don't let my parents know? Bury my body somewhere far or just burn it or... or dump me somewhere without my teeth, nails and hair?"

Irene's eyes widened before squeezing her hand forcefully. Then she hissed slash whispered, "What the , Seulgi!"

"Just so they won't identify my body as mine."

Irene chuckled before shaking her head. "Should I be scared of you? You know too much about disposing a body..."

"I had a ty childhood, okay?"

Irene's eyes dimmed a bit and Seulgi realized her mistake. "But hey, atleast I can help you when you've done the unthinkable. We can even bury it verticall-"

Knowing what Seulgi was doing, Irene smiled and gave her hand another gentle squeeze. "I get it, I get it. You can help me when that happens and I'll help you today. Is that a fair bargain?"


"I'll be beside you the whole time and if you want to flee, just tell me. We don't have to wait for them to leave."

Seulgi stared at Irene's eyes. It was full of sincerity that she wanted to hug the older then and there but she didn't take a chance. Yes, there was a wall covering them but any time a maid or anyone could walk in on them and see them in such an intimate position. Holding herself not to pull Irene into a hug, she just settled into smiling widely.

"Give me a heads up when they will finish me, okay?"

Irene slapped her shoulder playfully and rolled her eyes. "You innocent, innocent child. They don't even finish the food that's laid infront of them just because they are so busy, so what made you think they'll do that to you? But sure. I'll stab you with a knife as a signal."

Seulgi feigned a sigh and slumped her shoulders. "What did I get myself into? A narcisstic, cheesy and psychotic-"


Irene giggled. Seulgi smiled softly at the way how she covered with her hand and how her left eye is smaller when her smile is real.

She was about to speak when she caught a movement from her peripheral and took a small step back just in time when a maid came into view. Irene eyed the scurrying woman who gave a small bow to them before turning in to a corner.

The older took a deep breath and carded her fingers through her hair. With one last look, Irene muttered, "You'll be okay. I won't leave you. I promise."

Seulgi nodded and watched as Irene started to walk first. She followed two steps behind and prepared herself for meeting her girlfriend's parents. They weren't going to introduce them as such but her heart couldn't help but bang into her rib cage and make her sweat.

She cursed when she started to hear the small clink of metal and ceramic. . 

She fidgeted and twisted her hands while trying to stay calm. She paused when her fingers glided off cold metal. Without taking her eyes off Irene's back, Seulgi slid the ring off her finger and pocketed it. After patting it down and making sure it won't fall or slide off her pockets, she straightened her back just in time beause when she lifted her gaze, two pair of eyes were looking at them.

It seemed like the world stopped turning for awhile. Her eyes settled on the husband and wife whose eyes never left them and she couldn't help but stare.

Irene discreetly elbowed her to pull her out of her reverie. Seulgi gulped and bowed.

While her head was down, she tried to visualize what could happen but her mind was flashing too many scenarios at once that she felt dizzy and straightened again.

In all honesty, she didn't know what to expect especially when it comes to the Baes. They are always the talk of the town and no matter where they go, Seulgi would hear their names being uttered in gossips or sometimes, in a passing manner. 

Old money.

Bat crazy.




These were few of the words from the very colorful vocabulary of gossipers that Seulgi has heard. She first didn't want to believe in baseless rumors nor get herself involved but when she met the only daughter- Bae Irene, Seulgi thought that they were correct since rumors should originate from somewhere, right?

Irene was like a personified version of the gossips Seulgi has heard. She checked every item and she even lived and breathed like it.

But Irene wasn't like the rumors. She wasn't as bad as what they described her to be despite being a Bae.

She wasn't cold. She wasn't ruthless. Maybe a little bit crazy and conceited but never all of those at once.

And she loves her for that- accepts her little quirks and imperfections because it proves that Irene is a human who feels and hurts.

But Seulgi wasn't sure about the two older Bae's who are watching them with unreadable gazes. The fallout of their business was caused by them afterall. Everything her parents worked hard for was instantly diminished into nothing despite all their efforts to garner the approval of Mr. Bae.

It was fruitless to pursue a cold heart man, her dad uttered one time when he thought he was alone.

Also with how Irene talks about her own parents... Things were looking glum.

Yet there was a small part of her that hopes they aren't as bad as she thought they'd be. Since they are the still ones who took care of Irene and brought her to this world. 

Irene's mother- Mrs. Bae started to smile and Seulgi's breath hitched at the sight. She started to pray for her sake since she couldn't read what it means despite it looking friendly.

Also in her prayer, she also asked Him if He has His favorites or if the world is really unfair.

Because judging from how this family looks, God really took his time sculpting the Bae's more than others. The couple look like they can still walk a fashion show or with how they are dressed, that they had just gotten out of the corporate magazines Seulgi's dad used to collect.

Elegant. Breathtaking. Ethereal. Just like Irene Bae.

A part of her then thought that maybe they wouldn't so bad. Maybe the gossips were made because the people who spread them are insecure and had nothing against the two who almost look like they were aging backwards.

In the midst of convincing herself that she shouldn't judge the couple just yet, Seulgi felt herself become smaller when her eyes landed on Mr. Bae's narrowing eyes.

A movement to her right made her avert her gaze from the imposing look and looked at Irene who distanced herself. The latter cleared which directed her parents attention to her. The action gave Seulgi momentarily relief and thanked Irene silently.

"Finally, you both decided to join us. Come, sit." Mrs. Bae first spoke, releasing them all in the trance they were in.

There was tension in the air, Seulgi noted. She also noted how the family looked at each other differently... like they were seizing each other up and see who'd falter first. Was there an unspoken fight she didn't know about and unfortunately has gotten herself tangled in the mess of the Baes?

Seulgi decided to ask Irene later but first, she needed to force herself to calm down and breathed through her nose. Nerve-wracking was what it was when she realized she hasn't formally greeted the two. 

Gulping all the saliva that suddenly appeared in , Seulgi made another bow and squeezed her eyes shut before straightening herself. "G-Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bae."

Maybe it was just her again but she swore that Mr. Bae clenched his jaw before offering her a smile. Clipped and formal. One that he probably uses in his business than the normal one when you meet your daughter's friend.

When no one spoke after that, Irene pulled her nearer the table and pulled a chair for her... which didn't escape the eyes of the two older people infront of them as Mrs. Bae hid a smile while Mr. Bae's eyes almost turned into slits.

"You must be...?" Mr. Bae asked without much of a tone, taking Seulgi by surprise. Irene who was reaching for her utensils slightly scoffed.

Seulgi shifted in her seat. "Seulgi, sir. Kang Seulgi."

"And you are Joohyun-ah's?"


"S-schoolmate, sir." She hoped that they didn't hear the slight tremble in her voice when she almost supplied them with the forbidden answer.


"Are you also a nursing student, Seulgi?" 

She whipped her head to Mrs. Bae who added, "I'm sorry, I can call you Seulgi, right? And please, eat as much as you want."

Upon the mention of eating, she looked at her plate which was being continuously filled by Irene. She blushed in embarassment when she saw the amount of food piled.

Holding Irene's arm to halt her movements, Seulgi shook her head a bit and said, "That's enough, thank you."

Irene's eyes twitched for a moment before she relented and started to fill her own plate. 

"Are you sure, Seulgi?" Mrs. Bae asked.

"Yes, ma'am. This is already a lot..."

"Okay but please have your fill. I wasn't lying when there's enough for everybody."

"She's right. Eat as much as you want Seulgi." Irene tried to be nonchalant but there was an edge to her voice when she added, "This family only eats as much as it sees each other so imagine all these food going to waste."


Irene impassively looked at her father, "What? I'm just telling her how lovely our family is, dad."

Mrs. Bae laughed before shooting the other two a slight frown. "Manners, please. Don't argue infront of the food. Anyway, are you also a nursing student, Seulgi?"

Seulgi swallowed the small piece of bread she has been chewing for a while. The bread was soft and airy, yet she couldn't force herself to swallow. started to clog because of how noticeable it was now...

This family was in a war and Seulgi was caught in the middle of it. Splendid!

She remembered what Irene used to describe her family... Dysfunctional. Indeed, they are.

Sweat started to form on her forehead when three pairs of eyes landed on her.

"I'm an architecture student, m-ma'am."

"That's amazing! I bet you're-"

"You're a Kang, you say?" Mr. Bae interrupted with a firm tone. Seulgi nodded and gulped, knowing where this was heading.

"You're related to the Kang's in the construction industry?"

Seulgi felt a warm hand enveloping her own underneath the table. When she looked beside her, Irene stopped eating and was now glaring at her father. With a gentle squeeze, Seulgi sat straighter and nodded, erasing any uncertainty and fear in her voice. This was a matter she wasn't ashamed of nor did she want to look scared and unsure.

She's proud of her parents despite telling her to befriend Irene and use her...

"Yes, sir. I believe you know them well."

"Ah, yes. In fact, I do. How are they doing? Good, I suppose?" 

She clenched her other hand. Good? She almost scoffed.

Good as in we are in the verge of bankruptcy and our house is going to be taken away from us? Good as in she could see the slumped shoulders and bags under her parents eyes and the constant sighing like they're already so tired and so... fed up?


"Hon," Mrs. Bae warned. "Can we not talk about business? Joohyun's here and we haven't eaten with her for awhile. She also brought a friend,"

Mr. Bae's expression changed when he gazed at his daughter. There was a challenge in his eyes and his lips almost lifted into a smirk but he masked it off when he turned to Seulgi. 

"Pardon me, Miss Kang. Shedding your skin as a businessman isn't easy when you've been doi

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Well, there's that! I'm sorry for disappearing since I'm focusing on what's more important in my life now but I hope this is enough for now. I need to dip once again so keep safe everyone!😄😄


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154 streak #1
You are missed, hope we get to see you again someday
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
hope u doing great author nim
Kylie_123 #3
Chapter 23: Siri play anywhere but home by seulgi
Kylie_123 #4
Chapter 21: Yun pala yun !!! Pero bakit nasasaktan ako para kay Irene kasi parang may reason din sya 😭😭 pero ano nya ba kasi si wendy 😭😭 kawawa naman pala si eun ae 😔😔😔
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 39: Waiting for new update 🥺
Chapter 39: Irene being all mysterious.
Yoonchoding07 #7
Chapter 39: welcome back authornim. thank you for the update.

really curious as to why Joohyun reacted like that after meeting Mr. Song, plus what transfer might he be referring to. 🤔
Chapter 38: They need to fix their communication skills with each other because they are still so secretive from each other and that’s not a very good sign of a healthy relationship.
Chapter 37: 😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
Chapter 39: Finalllllllyyyy 😭😭😭😭, how are u author nim? how was your feel after taking a break? I hope u feel better 🙆🏻‍♀️🤍🤍