An Act?

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"Wait. Wait." She asked, looking dumbstruck at what Seulgi has said. It was as if the monolid girl has just declared war with North Korea by doing a finger gun step instead of a cute one which some idol group practiced for hours and realized it too late when the performance was done. "Hold up. Pause. Rewind. What?!"

Seulgi stopped from her ice cream and looked at the person infront of her. Eunae's head was tilted to the side and a frown on her face was visible.


"Irene really asked you that?"

Seulgi nodded, a slight amused smile was on her face as she watched Eunae's stunned expression. "Shocking, isn't it?"

"Man, I should've witnessed it."

"You didn't hear about her following me? Like for a week?"

"No. That's weird, though. She really did that?"

"Yeah. She followed me everywhere. It was a sight to behold and I would've been amused as well if I wasn't the one being pestered." She paused for a moment, realizing something amiss."But that's unusual. Words spread fast yet you haven't heard of it?"

Eunae shook her head. "Seul, believe me if I did then I would've been by your side in a snap. I wouldn't let go of the chance to see Irene looking stupid or.. your stupid annoyed face."

She playfully rolled her eyes and threw a used tissue at Eunae who glared in return.

"That's gross, Kang Seulgi!"

"You did  more gross things before," Seulgi joked before taking a bite of her now slightly melted ice cream.

"Hey! Jisoo was the one who ate that newspaper, not me."

"But you followed and tried to eat a tissue! And you said what?"

"That it taste like- like- " Eunae was blushing furiously at the stupidity of her answer that time that Seulgi finished the sentence with a laugh.

"Like paper. The tissue paper tastes like paper."

Eunae sulked. "But it really is! I swear."

"Oh, Eunae." She clicked her tongue and sighed dramatically. "I don't know how you graduated high school with that brain of yours."

"Wow. Tell about the one who called economy as oconomy."

Embarrassed, she threw another used tissue at Eunae. The latter tried to throw it back but landed a few inches short from her face. Seeing the lousy attempt, they both looked at each other and laughed at their stupidity and childishness.

When they both got over from laughing, Eunae looked at her, grinning. "It was nice, wasn't it?"

Seulgi hummed, her mind drifting back to the past. "It was. It really was."

The words hung in the air after Seulgi spoke. The silence was comfortable. It was to be expected everytime the younger was around. Seulgi was at peace because everything was easy with them.


"So..." Eunae started after the silence. "You've decided, haven't you?"

Seulgi tried to keep her expression neutral. "What made you say so?"

Despite asking, Seulgi already knew the answer. She was already expecting Eunae to know. It was after all that Eunae knows Seulgi like the back of her hand, where she'd know what's on Seulgi's mind or how she's feeling or just the tiniest quirks of Seulgi will tell her something about the monolid girl.

And sometimes, it's scarily weird for someone to know you that well when you don't even know yourself that much. That with even a flick of the eye or a slight glimpse at you, they would already know what you're thinking or how you're feeling. How you'd be weirded out because she catches your very subtle change in expression and accomodate your needs without asking for it.

Most of the time, however, it calms Seulgi and stir the butterflies in her belly.

Who wouldn't feel that way, though?

Who wouldn't when it isn't often to meet someone who knows us through and through?

When the probability of possibly finding someone who understands every part of you is a very very slim chance?

Seulgi would. She'd definitely would especially Eunae and her weren't just friends. They were more than that. The connection between them was deeper than the Mariana trench where only the both of them knows the deepest secrets of each other.

Eunae and Seulgi were something more magical because they were soulmates- each other's halfs.

With that realization, it somehow lessened the burden of guilt on Seulgi's shoulder for hurting Eunae because she knew that they were going to meet again and rekindle the connection they lost.

And this was it. This was the chance Seulgi has been waiting for and she wouldn't waste it anymore.

Eunae shrugged nonchalantly. "I just do."

"That's scary. You're scary." She joked before eating again.

Eunae smiled and spoke under her breath, "It'd be much scarier if I'm wrong..."

She knew she wasn't supposed to hear that but she did and also the hint of pain in them.

But what do they mean?

"Eunae," Seulgi started, unsure on how to proceed. What does she mean?

But the latter spoke first, making Seulgi flinch and her thoughts flew off the window when Eunae opened . "You're gonna accept her, right?"

"I-" the answer was caught on , making her cough and look away.

Eunae knew her too much. Too much.

"It's okay, you know." The grin Eunae was giving her was different and Seulgi felt her heart squeeze at the sight. "I always knew that this would happen again so no worries, bear."

This... would happen again?


The younger girl reached for her hand that was on the table and gave it a squeeze. "Seulgi. I understand. I truly do."

"My decision..." Seulgi fidgeted in her seat, "It wouldn't change a thing, okay? This... This between us- it wouldn't be like before."

"It wouldn't?" The tone of Eunae was light and her smile was soft but the pain they both felt at that moment was nothing but.

Seulgi repressed the memories as she stared in Eunae's eyes. "It wouldn't. Believe me."


"I like you. I never stopped liking you so don't worry, okay?"

Eunae's smile was radiant and her cheeks were painted pink at Seulgi's words. "Chill, Seulgi. I understand. Don't worry."

"Thank you."

Relief flooded her system and it was evident when her eyes disappeared as her smile was too wide and her cheeks started to hurt.

But it didn't matter. She was happy and relieved.

Jo Eun Ae's really her soulmate and Seulgi was again at peace.

Everything's always easy with her.




There were vacant tables scattered throughout the library but it didn't matter to Seulgi. She has already chosen the one that was already occupied by a lone person and let herself plop on the chair infront of her, making it creak slightly because of her weight.

Seulgi expected for her to at least look up and tell her to choose another table but there was no response from the other girl who continued to read.

Still being ignored (and she was fine with that because gods, her nerves were getting the best of her), Seulgi sat in silence and observed her freely.

Irene was wearing a white cotton-wool turtle neck and her checkered grey coat was draped over her shoulders (and that's all she could see since they were both sitting and it'd be weird to take a peek below just to take note of her whole outfit).

Her long black hair fell like curtains on her shoulders, making it look like a spilled ink on her turtle neck. Her newly acquired fringe that was just above her eyes was unevenly parted but expect Irene to still rock it and make it work.

She thought that she was reading passionately but upon closer inspection, she saw that the older's pupil was unmoving despite having a book laid infront of her. Her brows were set into a deep scowl, lips pressed in a thin line as if she's deep in thought.


And maybe she was, because the usual Irene wouldn't hesitate to tell someone off to find another table and wouldn't allow anyone to share a table with her. She didn't even glance to see the intruder of her tiny space.

Maybe it wasn't the best time for her to talk to her so Seulgi decided to just leave Irene with her thoughts and disappear silently.

With pursed lips, she added extra effort to not make a sound when she pushed her chair back. She swallowed a curse when she heard the annoying creak of metal on metal. She totally forgot how worn out and old the library chairs were that with a slight outside force would make it sing and bellow like a banshee screaming at the top of its lungs.

"A greeting wouldn't hurt before you leave, you know."

Surprised at hearing Irene's hushed voice, Seulgi accidentally let go of the chair which made a louder thump in the dead silent room.

Everyone turned to her with a glare and she continually apologized to anyone who was offended by the noise. When the librarian who was throwing the nastiest glare out of everyone finally looked away, Seulgi looked over to Irene and found her still staring at the opened book.

She placed her chair back to its previous position and sighed. Well, so much for ninja-ing her way out.

"I- err. Hi?" It came out a squeak that when Irene slightly glanced up at her, she ducked her head low and blushed in embarrassment.

"Hey." Irene greeted simply which made her look up. Seulgi blinked when nothing was said after and because she was expecting Irene to speak more, she was left in a daze and felt the air surrounding them turn slightly awkward.

Shifting from her seat, she decided to toughen her act and go on the offense mode. "This is new."

Again, Irene didn't look up when she asked, "What is?"

"You're not being so annoying anymore." There was a slight tone of insult in the way she said it but Irene remained unresponsive and stiff from her seat, making Seulgi think something was wrong.

"I try my best."


Finally closing the book infront of her (the page was never turned from Seulgi's arrival to that time), dark onyx eyes finally looked her way and Irene slightly leaned away from the table, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Why are you here, Seulgi?" Irene asked, her voice flat and even.


Yeah. What are you doing here, Seulgi? A tiny voice at the back of her mind asked too.

But she didn't have any answer ever since she stepped inside the library and spotted Irene. It was like her mind has shut off and her feet decided to move towards her in its own accord, while Seulgi's whole body followed without any hesitation. 

With no definite answer, she shrugged. "Why aren't you making my life

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Well, there's that! I'm sorry for disappearing since I'm focusing on what's more important in my life now but I hope this is enough for now. I need to dip once again so keep safe everyone!😄😄


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162 streak #1
You are missed, hope we get to see you again someday
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
hope u doing great author nim
Kylie_123 #3
Chapter 23: Siri play anywhere but home by seulgi
Kylie_123 #4
Chapter 21: Yun pala yun !!! Pero bakit nasasaktan ako para kay Irene kasi parang may reason din sya 😭😭 pero ano nya ba kasi si wendy 😭😭 kawawa naman pala si eun ae 😔😔😔
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 39: Waiting for new update 🥺
Chapter 39: Irene being all mysterious.
Yoonchoding07 #7
Chapter 39: welcome back authornim. thank you for the update.

really curious as to why Joohyun reacted like that after meeting Mr. Song, plus what transfer might he be referring to. 🤔
Chapter 38: They need to fix their communication skills with each other because they are still so secretive from each other and that’s not a very good sign of a healthy relationship.
Chapter 37: 😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
Chapter 39: Finalllllllyyyy 😭😭😭😭, how are u author nim? how was your feel after taking a break? I hope u feel better 🙆🏻‍♀️🤍🤍