Good friends

You're My Destiny
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TW// overthinking , anxiety 


PLEASE READ: So if you haven’t noticed, I added an anxiety tag to Your My Destiny. I didn’t initially mean to have this fic talk about and deal with mental health, but I write what comes to me naturally and this is something that comes to me naturally. Rather than brush over it, since I upload as I write and I can’t exactly go back and re-write, (I could, but I don’t really want to) I plan on putting more depth into it. So there’s a character development there that makes sense. I will do my best to write about it and dealing with it in a healthy manner, but I make no promises. If I ever write something that you find triggering and I haven’t added a TW, and you think that I should, please comment and I will re-upload the chapter with the TW. 


I plan on involving mental health in the fic more, I assure you this is STILL a happy-ending fic, but if you struggle with mental health or you feel that the topic of anxiety, overthinking, or other mental health issues may be harmful or triggering to you then I would suggest reading only when you feel that you are in the right place mentally to do so, or not read at all. Thank you.  


AUTHORS NOTE: I’m really sorry it took so long to write this chapter, I didn't mean for it to take so long but I started to struggle with my mental health a bit, and then college started. I apologize if this chapter isn’t the same quality of previous chapters, I'm just struggling a bit so please be forgiving if updates come out slower. This chapter is also pretty long compared to my usual chapters. I had a lot that I wanted to convey in this chapter so we could move forward on the romance track. This chapter is mostly drawing connections between characters, so you have a good idea of who they are. If you get bored reading for long periods of time then I suggest taking breaks at any of the “ ********* ” parts, as you know by now those are how I scene switch so they’re good spots to take breaks at. However, about halfway through I also say where it’s a good spot to take a break. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy. <3 ^-^


“You’re sure I'm not imposing right? I really don’t want to crash your date . . . I can just go home, you know?” Dahyun said, walking with her cousin while they followed Nayeon into the crowded mall.


“Don’t worry dubu, you aren’t crashing anything I promise. Just have fun okay? We both want to be spending this time with you right now.” Jeongyeon put a hand on Dahyun’s back as she steered her from getting too close to the groups of people around them. 


They walked for awhile, Dahyun was surprised they hadn’t stopped at any stores yet. Maybe Nayeon had a specific place in mind? Hopefully not anywhere too expensive. Or that was too crowded. 


Someone bumped into Dahyun and she silently said sorry, putting her head down. She felt Jeongyeon pull her a little closer, but she didn’t look back up. She just studied her shoes, she would have to re-tie them soon. 


“You’re both so slow!” Nayeon exclaimed, turning around to look at the two cousins. “Jeongyeon I don't care if you,” She emphasized the you as she approached them, “trail behind.” She pinches Dahyun’s cheeks and grins at her, “But this cutie has to walk with me.” 


There was something about Nayeon, an air of elegance to her that made people steer clear out of admiration and respect if nothing else, and Dahyun noticed that she didn’t have to worry about anyone getting too close to her now. As they walked, Nayeon filled the silence with some story of a party she had been to, apparently she had met the princess a few times, and before Dahyun knew it they had arrived at an ice cream shop of sorts. But when the workers made the ice cream it looked like some sort of fog spilled over the edge of the counter.


“Alright cutie, what do you want?” Nayeon asked, lifting up Dahyun's hand to get her attention. When Nayeon had originally grabbed it? Dahyun had no idea, she must not have felt it, but it was surprisingly nice. 


“I want-” Jeongyeon started behind them before Nayeon interrupted her. 


“I asked the cutie what she wanted, not you.” Nayeon made a face at Jeongyeon and turned back to Dahyun, “So what do you want?” 


“Oh, um, anything chocolate i guess? How do they do that?” Dahyun said without thinking too hard, pointing at the fog spilling to the floor. Nayeon smirked. 


“I told you she’d like it.” She said pointedly at Jeongyeon.


“Everyone likes it, it's cool. Don't forget that everything you know about her is because of me.” Jeongyeon then turned her attention to Dahyun. “It’s nitrogen, they freeze the ice cream really fast and that fog comes out.” Then her voice took a dark turn, “But some say, it’s the ghosts coming from beyond to steal your ice cream. BOO!” She yelled suddenly, making both of them jump before getting hit. After Jeongyeon was thoroughly reprimanded, Nayeon let go of Dahyun’s hand to order their ice cream, and she immediately felt the absence of the comfort Nayeon provided.


“Watch this, it’s hilarious.” Her cousin said, moving to stand next to her. Dahyun looked up at Jeongyeon, surprised to see her looking at the other girl with so much love in her eyes. They seemed to bicker pretty often so she was worried they didn't really get along, Dahyun looked at Nayeon to see if she was doing something funny or cute. She was just ordering the ice cream though? 


Luckily, without prompting, Jeongyeon continued, “The first date we went on, we came to this shop. You might not think she’s a very observant person, but after hearing my order the first time she’s never forgotten it.” It was then that Dahyun remembered that Nayeon hadn’t asked Jeongyeon what she wanted, only Dahyun. 


“I told her it was my favorite one time, and she made a point to remember it.” Dahyun smiled when she heard that, her cousin didn’t really have the best luck with romance but it seems like Nayeon really was good for her. She hoped it worked out for them. 


As soon as Nayeon turned around though, Jeongyeon stuck out her tongue. “Did you get the right one?” 


Nayeon looked offended for a split second before grinning mischievously, “Yeah, you wanted bubblegum and jellies with caramel syrup right?” Dahyun almost gagged just imagining the combination. 


Jeongyeon smiled “I thought that one was your favorite.” Nayeon made a hmph sound and turned back around. “Dahyun, do you want to walk around or sit while we eat?” 


“Can we walk around? It’s too cold in here to sit down.” She loved the fog and general aesthetic but ice cream shops were always freezing.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dahyun wasn't used to so many questions about her life. Well that’s not true, she was used to people asking questions about her, but she wasn’t used to people asking in the ways that Nayeon did. She did it so casually that Dahyun never felt nervous or like she was oversharing or anything. 


When Nayeon had asked her major, korean literature, she did so in the middle of talking about Jeongyeon’s final year. Saying that Jeongyeon was a silent stresser, which Dahyun had to hide a laugh at. Clearly they had that in common. 


Jeongyeon, like always, had asked if she was doing alright in her classes and offered her help if Dahyun ever needed it. Luckily though, Dahyun doesn’t have too much to stress about right now. All of her work was finishing right on schedule, she even had some wiggle room in case she ran into any problems. Nayeons voice draws her from her thoughts, she’s holding a black and white striped shirt up to Dahyun, trying to see if it’ll fit with her eyes. 


“I think black and white looks good on you, but pink or blue might look nice too. What colors do you like?” Nayeon gives the striped shirt to Jeongyeon and starts looking through the racks again. 


“Pink and white, but I also like red. Unnie, are you shopping just for me?” She follows Nayeon as the older girl picks out a few more shirts, making sure to throw in some of the colors Dahyun mentioned, before leading them to the dressing room. 


“Who else am I supposed to shop for? I have all the clothes I'll ever need, and Jeongyeon won’t let me dress her up.” She crossed her arms and stuck a tongue out at her girlfriend. Dahyun just laughed and started trying the shirts on, she was worried there would be an awkward silence but Nayeon seems to make conversations just flow. 


“Did you tell Jihyo that it's her turn to choose a movie for movie night this week?” 


“Yeah, she said Sejeong was picking out a few good ones that she was going to approve.” Jeongyeon responded, not sounding very confident in Sejeong’s movie picking abilities. 


“That’s good.” Nayeon seems to redirect her voice towards Dahyun, “Do you like movies Dahyun? I love them.” 


“Ah, movies are good but I’m more of a book person.”


Nayeon laughs. “That makes sense. How did you end up working for the cafe? From what I've heard, you sound more like a bookstore person.” 


Dahyun thought for a minute, trying to recall why exactly she started working there. Before she could remember though, her cousin spoke up. 


“Actually it was sort of because of me. Dahyun would always study at home and over-stress, I figured she would study better in an open environment like that. Luckily around the time she was looking for a job, Jihyo told me they were going to try to hire some newbies. I might've put in a few good words about my favorite cousin, and she got the job.”


“Oh I remember! You offered to walk me to the interview and told me not to stress, they basically hired me as soon as I opened the door. That was because of you?” 


“Well, it’s not all me. You had to show you could do the basics, and that you could get along with Jihyo. Which you did, flawlessly. But you’ve never had trouble getting along with people.” 


Dahyun walked out with the pink and white striped top on, “It's in the genes.” She flashes a toothy smile, which Nayeon squealed at, saying that she had to buy Dahyun this shirt. Dahyun tried to refuse but Nayeon wouldn't let her.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dahyun browses the various clothes feeling very out of place, she stopped touching them after she realized how expensive the fabrics were. Nayeon had said she needed to pick up a dress, and had led them towards a sleek door with expensive brand logos on the windows. When they walked in Dahyun was glad she hadn’t changed after her shift, she probably would’ve worn a hoodie and this was the type of store that definitely judges you on what you wear.


Right now she was looking at the dresses, a beautiful red one had caught her eye. It was low cut with thin straps, she really liked it, but when she was brave enough to check the price tag she nearly fainted. 


“Kim? Kim Dahyun?” 


Dahyun’s head turned so fast she almost got whiplash, she had forgotten people from school came to the mall as well. She saw a classmate of hers, he was in a group with her for this book project in one of her literature classes.


“Ah, hey.” Dahyun was kind of shocked, does he often shop here? Apparently the question showed on her face because he quickly responded.


“I saw you from outside, and I wanted to come say hi.” He smiled at her, waiting. When Dahyun just nodded he continued. “Well, actually I was hoping you could do me a favor and I’d owe you one.” He laughed and glanced back at the door. That's when she noticed that he had a group of friends waiting for him outside.


“Yeah,” He gave a light laugh, one used to dispel awkwardness. It didn't work, but he kept talking anyway. “I’m really struggling with my part of the project in class, you know?” 


“Oh? Do you want help? I finished my part so I have time to help you figure it out.” She didn’t understand why he didn't just text her, there was a group chat after all. 


“I know you finished your part, I was hoping you could take some of the work off my shoulders, with it being graded as a group and everything.” His face fell, and he looked much less friendly. “You wouldn't want to get a bad grade right?”  


Dahyun froze, and as she was thinking up a response Nayeon walked up to her. 


“Dahyun, I’m finished. Did you find anything you like?” She stopped, noticing the new person, “Oh, is this one of your friends?” 


“Ah, just a classmate. I should probably get going now.” He gave Nayeon a quick bow, “Thanks for helping, Dahyun.” And left before either of them could say anything. 


Dahyun taps her thumb and middle finger together, she knows Nayeon is talking but she's not listening, her eyes dart rapidly as she runs through her schedule. She has room for this, if she does his part of the project she’ll be a little tired, but she’ll have time for rest and she won’t have to worry about them getting a bad grade. She chews her bottom lip a little, focusing on where she wants to put it in her imaginary schedule. She just has to do everything else perfectly, if she runs into any more problems then she won't h

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Saida13 #1
Hi Author nim. Hope you'll update this story. I miss and love this. Thank you
Saida13 #2
Hi Author nim. Hope you'll update this story. I miss and love this. Thank you
Chapter 20: Thnak you for the update and for not abandoning this story. We'll wait for the next update. Thank you author
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 20: Aww they are so cute~~~ won’t they girlfriends aldy during the double-date?!
Authornim, please update this fanfic...
Chapter 19: 🤍💜
reveluv316 815 streak #7
Chapter 19: I'm happy to see that they are enjoying their date
bore_d1020 #8
Chapter 19: i guess the employee mayhave heard about the princess to care about who she's with?
update? : (
Chapter 18: Aguardando a segunda parte ansiosamente...