Not a crush

You're My Destiny
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NOTE: Hey! Sorry this chapter took so long to write. I had trouble figuring out how I wanted to portray J-line. I was only planning on doing Dahyun’s pov for the fic originally, so I had some difficulty switching to Sana’s POV and what her character would be like. I’m not sure how good it is or how OOC i ended up making them. Next up will be Dahyun's POV and then we’ll see where we go from there POV wise. Let me know if you want to see more of Sana’s “POV”, I’ll write as it comes naturally but I’d like to take your opinions into account as well. Enjoy!


TW// alcohol/drinking mentioned


Sana couldn’t believe that girl just ran away from her. A princess? The princess? And the girl just ran away? It didn’t help that there was something about her eyes. They drew her in and made her want to spend her days staring into them, not to mention that there was something so familiar about them. She let out a groan as she stared into the bathroom mirror. 


“Do I have to go back to that damn party? I refuse to talk to one more suitor. Male or female.” She checks her makeup while pulling her phone out of her dress pocket and calling the first contact. 


“Where did you go? Mina got here like 10 minutes ago and she keeps trying to leave. She said if you aren’t here then she doesn’t have to be either.” 


Sana sighs, running a hand through her hair, and heads to the bedroom door. “Tell her I’m on the way. She knows how much I hate these parties.” 


“Momo, give me the phone.” Sana hears some noises in the background before Mina’s voice rings out clearly. “Just because I understand does not mean you get to leave me here alone. You’re not the only one who hates these parties. I swear if I see one more guy try to hit on me I’m taking you both with me and getting the hell out of here.”


Sana lets out a soft laugh, walking into the hallway, “Let me call one of the guards to hit on you so we can leave already.” Mina sighs on the other line. 


“Just get here already, I’m tired of waiting. Plus they’ve been asking for you since I got here. As if, because I'm your cousin, I'm supposed to magically know where you are at all times.” 


“But you do know where I am most of the time.” Sana says pointedly.


“Listen, just because you’re reckless and I keep tabs on you to make sure you aren’t dead does not mean I want to be your personal guard dog.” 


Sana hears a beeping sound and puts her phone back in her pocket. If her parents were asking for her then she should hurry back, but it might just be another suitor. She wishes she could just breathe and enjoy it. She presses in on a painting’s frame, and hears a click. Checking left and right she pulls up the skirt of her dress and walks forward, the hidden doorway closing behind her. 


She runs her fingers against the stone wall, she’s lucky this passage is frequented enough that it’s kept clean. She doesn’t even want to think about how dirty some of the other passages would make her dress. Not that she’d know. At all. She totally didn’t study the castle blueprint when she was younger so she could explore. 


Sana takes the time she has before she makes it to the party to think about that girl again. Something about her was just so familiar, but she might have seen her before at other parties so maybe that was it. Ugh, but she was sure she would have remembered if she had met a blonde as beautiful as that. 


She doesn’t have too much time to think though, because, before she knows it, she makes it to the other side of the passage and slips out from behind a tapestry, quickly spotting her parents mingling in front of the thrones. She was debating making a break for the door when she felt two different hands on her back leading her to the bar. 


“If they’re going to serve free booze we should be allowed to get wasted.” Momo said pointedly at Mina. 


“The point isn’t to get wasted, it’s to look refined. So you’re not supposed to get wasted. Or at least be obviously wasted.” Mina shot right back. Sana looked between th

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Saida13 #1
Hi Author nim. Hope you'll update this story. I miss and love this. Thank you
Saida13 #2
Hi Author nim. Hope you'll update this story. I miss and love this. Thank you
Chapter 20: Thnak you for the update and for not abandoning this story. We'll wait for the next update. Thank you author
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 20: Aww they are so cute~~~ won’t they girlfriends aldy during the double-date?!
Authornim, please update this fanfic...
Chapter 19: 🤍💜
reveluv316 815 streak #7
Chapter 19: I'm happy to see that they are enjoying their date
bore_d1020 #8
Chapter 19: i guess the employee mayhave heard about the princess to care about who she's with?
update? : (
Chapter 18: Aguardando a segunda parte ansiosamente...