Kang, Hwang, Kang

The performance was just as spectacular to Minhyun as was the penguin show. It was something new and he never thought he would have such a chance to watch something like this right now. The entire orchestra just filled the hall with emotions according to the pieces that were played. The end of the show was just as wonderful as the beginning before a series of claps began. Minhyun and Dongho both joined in before they were ushered out along with the others. They started chatting about the music and hummed along to a couple few as they headed to the taxi to get to a restaurant.


"I can only imagine how it would be like if Baekho would be the center next time. Can you imagine? Soloist Kang Baekho," Dongho said excitedly and Minhyun chuckled.


"You seem more excited about Baekho's job than you are for your own."


"Well, that's because my future job doesn't really require people to come and watch it. But I'm just as excited honestly. Imagine all the marine life I'll be able to see and if I get to be part of the deep sea expedition, I'll be able to finally see what's beyond for myself," Dongho gushed and Minhyun smiled. 


"Does that mean we won't be able to meet each other when you're out there in the sea?" he blurted out and Dongho stopped. His eyes widened and he looked anxious. Minhyun gasped and squeezed his hand. "Hey. Don't worry. I'll always wait for you and Baekho. I love that you have your dreams and I would love to see them come true too." 


"But... I don't want to lose you..." 


"You're not losing me." 


"But what if you fall for someone else while we are both away? Someone that would keep you company." 


Minhyun laughed and nudged Dongho. "You don't trust me?" 


"I-I do but I'm just... Worried." 


Minhyun hummed and shrugged. "Guess I'll need to get something to accompany me. Maybe a turtle or a snake." 


"Eh... As long as its not a human," Dongho mumbled and Minhyun giggled, poking his cheek. 


"Aigoo. I'm not that unfaithful," Minhyun huffed and Dongho nodded. 


"I know, I know. I just can't help being worried." 


Minhyun took a seat and Dongho sat opposite him. "Then I'll just have to annoy you until you want me gone." 


Dongho smiled and hummed in amusement. "If you think you can beat my persistence." 


Minhyun highly doubted it since Dongho would really call him without fail everyday if he put his heart to it. "I think I can. I don't think you'll have a connection in the deep sea. I heard all electrical stuff goes haywire." 


"Maybe but it won't stop me from trying."


Minhyun was pleasantly surprised when the food arrived and Dongho beamed with excitement too. They ate happily, sharing food with each other too before cleaning it all up. 


"We are home, Baekho," Minhyun called out as they prepared the birthday cake as well. Dongho smiled and got the paper plates so they didn't have to wash later. Baekho rushed down the stairs and beamed.


"Welcome home!"


"What were you doing?" Minhyun asked curiously and Baekho chuckled awkwardly, eyeing Dongho who smirked.


"Nothing much. Just preparing for our sleepover tonight."


"Sleepover?" Minhyun asked. 


"You didn't tell him?" Baekho questioned Dongho who chuckled and pulled his twin down to sit beside him. 


"I was going to right now. Minhyun, would you like to sleep over tonight?" 


Minhyun cleared his throat and smiled. "Sure. Also, here. Your birthday gifts." He pulled out two similar looking envelopes followed by keychains he had bought from both the aquarium and orchestra hall earlier. He gave Dongho the dolphin keychain while Baekho got the piano keychain. Both twins were surprised since they hadn't seen Minhyun buy them but they loved it. 


"Thank you so much," Dongho said while smiling warmly. 


"Thanks," Baekho said as well, genuinely delighted to get a gift for a change. They kept the letters to read it tomorrow and Minhyun started to sing the birthday song for them while they clapped along. 


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dear Kangs~ Happy birthday to you," he sang and they chuckled before blowing out the candles together. Minhyun cheered and they cut the cake to eat. It was just a simple celebration they always had, rarely Minhyun's parents would join them either. As for the twins' parents, they mostly forgot about birthdays despite them having the same birthday and would always be late so at some point, the twins never bothered much about it until Minhyun came into their lives and decided he would always throw a birthday celebration for them every year. They ate the cake and told each other about how their dates went, sharing the pictures with one another. Baekho became shy when the two started telling him that they one day hoped to see Baekho in such a large hall too meanwhile Baekho had come to a realisation that since Dongho and him shared the same face, it looked like a date with the same person. Just different hair color and outfit. 


They disposed of the paper plates and plastic spoons after they were done and wiped their lips. Minhyun was about to head home to take a quick shower before coming over to sleep when the twins stopped him. 


"We already prepared the bath for you and also your clothes," Dongho said to Minhyun's surprise. 


"Since when??" 


"I had Baekho prepare it when we were on our date." 


Minhyun blinked and turned to Baekho whose cheeks were starting to turn red. Minhyun sighed and shrugged, following them up the stairs without much thought. "Where are we sleeping tonight?" 


"My room," Dongho replied and Minhyun opened the room door. He gasped softly when he saw the rose petals scattered around the bed with small lit candles for ambience along with some soft soothing music. 


"What is this?" Minhyun squeaked in surprise at the romantic set up before him and Dongho hugged one arm while Baekho hugged the other. 


"Minhyun, our final birthday wish is to-" 


"Wait!" Minhyun gasped and pulled his arms away while stepping forward before turning around. "Wait, wait, wait!" 


Dongho and Baekho both looked at him with a hint of disappointment in their face. "What's wrong?" 


"I! Let me say it! I." Minhyun gulped and bit his lip. "I am willing to h-have with the both of you t-tonight." 


Baekho and Dongho were both dumbfounded for a moment before they turned red and Baekho covered his face while Dongho laughed. "See what did i tell you?" 




"Shut up. I hate that you're right," Baekho hissed at his twin. 


"What's going on?" Minhyun asked and Dongho sighed. 


"We were just going to ask you to sleep over tonight as our birthday wish," Dongho explained. "But I told Baekho that the mood is most important and if you're in the mood, you'll most likely agree to it." 


"What. So you prepared all this just to trick me into saying that?" 


"N-no! We weren't trying to trick you," Baekho squeaked. "We just... Thought... You'll be honest with us if you saw how much effort we put into this." 


"You-You..." Minhyun didn't know what to say but the truth was already out in the open so he couldn't take his words back. "Fine. I admit I do want to have with the two of you and today is a better day than any other. So... Please take care of me." 


"Likewise," Dongho said and approached Minhyun first. Baekho gasped and hurried forward as well. Dongho removed his own coat as he motioned Baekho to take Minhyun's off. Once the outer layers were removed, they headed to the bed. Minhyun was nervous when he was made to lay down. 


"On s-" 


Dongho kissed him before he could finish his sentence, not wanting Minhyun to chicken out now. Minhyun mumbled against his lips. His hands moved on their own to cup Dongho's cheeks. He flinched when he felt hands removing his belt and peered down to find Baekho trying to take it off. 


"Look at me," Dongho whispered and Minhyun's gaze snapped up, face flushing red terribly as he realised they were really going to do this. 


"I can't do this," Baekho whined suddenly and Dongho laughed. He scooted down and nudged Baekho. 


"Go, distract him." 


"Waittttt!" Minhyun managed to squeak out as he grabbed his belt. "Uh... Um... What if we all take off our clothes first?" 


The two of them blinked and exchanged glances. Minhyun knew it was going to be an utter mess for him to let the two just do whatever they wanted. 


"Since it's our first time, I think that would be a smarter decision," Dongho said and sat up, pulling off his shirt without a second thought. Baekho and Minhyun gasped before glancing at one another sheepishly. "Baekho, you've got nothing to be shy of." 


"What about me?" Minhyun gasped but Dongho laughed and pulled his shirt off for him as Baekho removed his own. Minhyun squealed and hugged his body, frowning at Dongho before he blinked furiously at the sight of the twins' bare torsos. Although Dongho didn't have refined muscles like Baekho, he was just as much of an eye candy as the other. Minhyun looked at his lean self with a decent amount of muscles and felt embarrassed. 


"Why are you hiding?" Dongho asked and tried to pry Minhyun's arms off his chest. 


"Cause I feel embarrassed?! Look at you two and look at me!" 


"You look great," Baekho blurted out and Minhyun felt his ears burned. 


"No, look at you! You especially, Baekho. Look!" Minhyun muttered incoherently and the twins chuckled. Baekho's cheeks turned red as well but he tried to remain cool and calm. If he could go around shirtless with the soccer team, being shirtless around Minhyun shouldn't be a problem either. 


"Okay. Quit staring. We still have our pants on," Dongho said as he slid out of his. Minhyun pursed his lips and slowly kicked his off while Baekho was unsure about revealing his legs now. Dongho noticed and frowned. "Baekho, we are doing this together, okay?" 


"Ah... Yeah, okay." Baekho pulled his pants off and they set their clothes aside, staring at one another although only Minhyun's eyes were busy as he didn't know who to look at. 


"What now?" Minhyun asked in barely a whisper. 


"We can take turns or you can choose or we can just do whatever we want," Dongho replied. Minhyun gave it some thought and sighed. 


"Fine. Since it's your birthdays, you can do whatever you want," he said, giving in to them as he didn't want to be the one to make such a hard choice. Dongho beamed and nodded. 


"Just like I told you then," Dongho whispered to Baekho who gulped and nodded. 


"What did you tell him?" Minhyun asked worriedly as Baekho took position in front of him and Dongho at the back. He started becoming nervous but jolted when Dongho wrapped his arms around Minhyun from behind and started to kiss his neck. 


"Don't worry about it. I've already discussed this with Baekho. Who gets the first taste," Dongho whispered against Minhyun's ear, tickling him as he twitched. 




"I also made sure to teach him how to properly stretch you so it won't hurt." 


Minhyun gulped as Baekho nervously placed his hands on Minhyun's thighs as if he was made of porcelain. He gulped and Minhyun felt afraid as well. He didn't feel any confidence in Baekho's touches as the other slid his shaky hands up. 


"I'll keep you distracted here so you won't feel that much pain too," Dongho said as he turned Minhyun's head to him and pressed kisses against his lips before he could protest. Baekho was chanting the sequence in his head but his hands were shaky and jittery as he was afraid he would hurt Minhyun. He looked up at his twin kissing his boyfriend and gulped. 


"D-Dongho, I think you should do this first." 



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Chapter 51: Its done! I was still favoring Baekho over Dongho to the end though! Lol! Sorry Dongho.. But then it will not be KHK if they dont end up all together!!
Thank you for your effort author-nim! Looking forward to your next story!
Chapter 45: It still feels like Dongho is the third wheel! A very important third wheel since he's the instructor! Lol! When Minhyun starts kissing Baek... Gosh! Ouch!! He has every right to be jealous! Sorry Dongho...
Chapter 38: Oh no!! Poor Dongho!! :((
Chapter 36: Omg!! Dongho! What do you think you're doing???!!
Chapter 34: I love this chapter the best so far... i guess Baekho is still my bias between the two... Baekho is really giving a "Baekho" feel... and he wants to pursue music! Wow!! Love it! im smiling the whole time im reading this! Thank you author-nim!
Im proposing minhyun to be top and bottom! Is that possible author-nim? Fighting!! :))
Chapter 32: Im starting to get the hang of this trio... omg Minhyun!! A Dongho in front and a Baekho at your back?? What?!! You are so lucky!!! But then you might have a heart attack!
Also starting to appreciate Dongho here... Man if its just Baekho and Minhyun... we might not have !!! Lol!! Go Dongho!! Gosh!! :))
Chapter 29: Oh gosh! Thats something new about Dongho. Who is that guy he is afraid of!!

Minhyun's mom is cool!! I wonder what she will think about the arrangement :))
Chapter 28: Somehow i feel like Baekho's personality is more of a "Dongho"... and Dongho is more of a "Baekho"... atleast for me... but then im assuming Baekho has the body of a "Baekho" right? Haha!... I still like this Baekho... y but innocent?? Lol!
I also feel that Dongho is still a third wheel here... a bossy third wheel!
Go team Baekho!... lol...
Baekmin3701 #9
Chapter 22: I like Tom en Jerry aka jonghyun and dongho. He he he and Baekmin ...
felinevic #10
Chapter 21: Poor baekho :(