Kang, Hwang, Kang

They huddled beside one another on the couch as Dongho searched through the laptop for something to watch. Minhyun hugged a pillow tightly, unsure if he was ready for what he was about to witness. It was enough to make Baekho all queasy around him so how would that make him feel?


"Ready?" Dongho asked and Minhyun nodded. Dongho shifted the laptop closer to Minhyun and clicked play. Minhyun buried his chin against the pillow as the video started. Two guys started kissing before their hands became more adventurous. Minhyun blinked and felt his body seized up nervously. Dongho kept an eye on Minhyun to make sure the other wasn't feeling too uncomfortable. They didn't make a sound as the noises from the video made it too awkward for Minhyun to even speak but after awhile, Minhyun started to focus on the video unconsciously. His expression went blank as he watched the man prepare the other before they had . Dongho thought he looked like a statue since he barely moved an inch as the video kept playing. Once it ended, he heard Minhyun breathe again.


"I see," Minhyun said to Dongho's confusion.


"You see? It's not too much, is it?"


"Not really. I'm not sure why I expected to get spooked by it. It's not like it's a horror movie or something," Minhyun replied, his voice steady and calm much like always so that was a good sign to Dongho.


"And did your body react?" Dongho asked and Minhyun shifted the pillow away to check. He raised a brow and shook his head.


"No. Admittedly those guys in the video are kind of hot but..." Minhyun's gaze landed on Dongho's clothed body before he shifted it away again. "They're not... Well, it's not like I like them."


"Oh." Dongho wasn't too sure what that meant. "But what if you imagined them as me or Baekho?"




"I mean... I get when I watch the videos and imagine... Um.... You."


Minhyun blinked from the confession and laughed nervously. "Oh... Well... I didn't think about that earlier."


"Also I was looking around and I found this video. This was the one that made Baekho scream like a girl," Dongho chuckled and clicked play. Minhyun wasn't prepared to see three males on the screen, all and kissing one another. He squealed and blinked furiously as if that would help make it stop.


"I-isn't that like... Uh... Illegal?"


"Illegal? You mean threesomes? Why is it illegal? If you can be in a two way relationship, threesomes are probably normal? And I highly doubt these three guys in the video are even in love with each other. is sometimes just physical pleasure, not everyone does it because they love the other or else wouldn't exist," Dongho replied Minhyun who had turned beet red and unconsciously start to think about the three of them in such a situation after what Dongho had said earlier. He felt it and so he gasped. It reminded him of his dream. Dongho caressing his cheek, Baekho kissing his neck. Their hands running across his body. He shuddered and stopped the video, shaking his head. 


"I-I think that's enough for me."


"Okay. Need some water?"


"Yes please."


Minhyun's mind swirled with the possibilities that the three of them could end up like that someday. How would that work? Would it even work? He bit his lower lip and realised he was reacting towards his dream more than the videos itself. Okay, so maybe he wasn't all that towards guys but he was just into the twins. He wasn't sure what to do with that discovery though. Dongho came back with water and handed it to Minhyun who thanked him and sipped it. He sat down again and exited the video. 


"So... What do you think? Is it... Possible?" 


Minhyun's lips squirmed to the side and he shrugged. "I mean... Who is going to be the bottom?" 


"Oh. I don't know? We don't have to fix one." 


"What does that mean?" 


"Well, if you're unsure, we could always test it out first. Whether you're more comfortable being on top or bottom. I won't force to do anything you don't want to. I can even bottom for you if you want me to." 


Minhyun blinked and realised Dongho was trying to make him comfortable with the idea of . He chuckled softly and put away the cup before scooting closer to Dongho and hugging his arm. Dongho gasped softly and turned to Minhyun. "And what about Baekho?" 


"What about him?" 


"Do you think he will be able to do that? With me?" 


"I think he wants to but he's too scared to even want to ask."


"And you're not?" 


"Well, I want to make you feel good. Not just emotionally but also physically. I want to make you happy and I'm not saying is necessary but... It could be... Nice?" 


Minhyun giggled and nodded. "I get it. I saw Daniel and Seungwoo doing it once. Totally by accident. It... How should I say? I saw how Seungwoo looked then and he seemed to... Have enjoyed it." 


"Does that mean you want to do it?" 


"No! I mean... It means I'm open to the idea of it as of now. I think?" Minhyun flailed and laid on the couch. "I just don't know what to think. In my dream... It was... I don't know if it felt good but thinking about it makes my body react." 


"You still haven't told me what happened in your dream." 


Minhyun gulped and covered his face with the pillow. Dongho slid behind Minhyun and back hugged him. Minhyun froze and felt his heart sped up again. His hands became clammy and his throat dried up. 


"Baekho... Baekho was doing this to me," he started softly. Dongho felt a little jealous that Minhyun mentioned Baekho first but knew the both of them were in the dream so he waited for Minhyun to finish talking. "You were... In front of me. You were both t-touching me. You were kissing me. Baekho was kissing my neck. I..." Minhyun found his breathing become a little unstable and he buried his face deeper into the pillow. "I was sandwiched in between the two of you and you two were treating me like some candy. Kissing and and biting. It was weird, okay?! I never had such a dream before and the first one I have is of my two best friends? Oh god! Just ki-eeek-" 


Dongho had kissed Minhyun's neck and the other almost fell off the couch, trying to get away. Dongho giggled and let Minhyun go. The student president immediately scrambled up onto the table and gave Dongho a wide stare. 


"Sorry. You were just being so nervous. I wanted to tease you," Dongho said honestly. Minhyun pouted and tossed the pillow at him. "It's not weird, Minhyun. If anything, I'm happy you can even have such a dream and as long as you're not disgusted by it, I think it means we have a chance."


Minhyun blushed and scoffed. "But what if I chicken out when we do try? I don't want to look lame in front of you two either."


Dongho sat up and chuckled. "Well, as long as its not a no I'm hearing, I can wait until you're ready."


Minhyun sighed and nodded. "Alright, mister smarty pants. Just you wait. Also if it's alright with you, I think we should discuss this with Baekho before doing anything."




"Because...you're both my boyfriends and I don't want either of you to feel like I'm treating you unfairly. I mean, I've already kissed you twice," Minhyun mumbled and Dongho nodded. 


"Sure. We can wait. He's coming back this weekend after all." 


It was mind boggling after that how Minhyun became more conscious of Dongho. He knew Baekho and Dongho were probably of different physique but every time he looked at him, he was reminded of Baekho's body as well. It was harder than usual to keep himself calm around Dongho's presence if he wasn't concentrating on something else. Not to mention, Baekho wasn't here to distract him from such thoughts either. Now that he thought about it, Baekho's innocence probably balanced out Dongho's.


A week went by and it was the day Baekho came back from training camp. The athletic twin entered his home and yawned, dumping his bag down and looked through it to procure his wallet.


"Leaving again?" Dongho asked as he had came down to greet Baekho.


"Oh yeah. I gotta change my hair color back. I got lectured by the coach about it," Baekho grumbled and Dongho chuckled.




"Oh. Do you know if Minhyun's home?" Baekho asked as he set his wallet aside to put on his shoes again. 




"I want to show him this hair before I dye it away of course. I really like it but it's too bad I can't keep it for now so I thought maybe I'll just... See if he likes it."


Dongho smiled and shrugged. "He's most likely home. You can just go over and check."


"Thanks, Dongho. I'll be right back."


Baekho left again and went next door, pressing the bell to get Minhyun's attention. The door opened and Minhyun poked his head out before he broke into a wide smile.


"Baekho, welcome back!" Minhyun rushed to the front gate and opened it before he noticed Baekho looked... "You look broader."


"Huh? Oh, yeah. We had to do muscle training at the camp too. It's not that big of a change but if I keep it up, I'll get there."


Minhyun noticed the hair finally and his hand reached over to touch it. Baekho smiled a tiny bit as Minhyun ran his fingers through the soft strands. "Your hair is gorgeous."


"Thanks. Better admire it now because you won't see them anymore," Baekho said jokingly and Minhyun chuckled.


"Because of the nationals?"


Baekho puffed his cheeks and nodded. Minhyun gently slid his hair to the back and beamed. "You look so soft in lavender."


"Is that a good thing?" Baekho asked nervously. Minhyun nodded and unintentionally took notice of Baekho's lips. He had kissed Dongho twice but only on the cheek for Baekho. He wondered how would it feel compared to Dongho. He blinked a couple of times as his hands dropped towards Baekho's cheeks, cupping them softly and his thumb reached over to the plump lips. He gulped and his body moved in before he could stop himself. Baekho was confused and startled when Minhyun's lips met his. He blinked. 


The gate opened and Dongho stepped out, about to find Baekho who had left his wallet by accident. He dropped the wallet when he saw Minhyun holding onto Baekho and kissing him. A sharp pain hit him in the chest but he held it in because he knew...


Minhyun let Baekho go, eyes slowly opening again. He gasped and took a step back. "B-Baekho. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I-i-" 


Baekho took a step back and almost collapsed onto the floor but Dongho caught him just as he fell. Baekho looked at Dongho with frightened eyes. "Dongho. T-that-" 


"Hey, it's okay, Baekho. It's okay. Breathe. Don't forget to breathe," Dongho said as calmly as he could muster. Baekho gasped for air and realised he had stopped breathing out of shock. 


"Are you okay, Baekho?" Minhyun asked nervously and Baekho's cheeks flared red. 


"I-you-is this okay?" Baekho squeaked and Dongho laughed, ruffling his brother's hair. 


"It's okay, Baekho."


"Oh. Thank god." Baekho covered the lower half of his face, glancing up nervously at Minhyun who was flustered as well. He hadn't meant to do that without warning. His body just moved on its own. 


"Was it good?" Dongho asked and Baekho flinched. 


"I-I don't know! I can't remember! It was so sudden. I just... I might have out," Baekho mumbled and Minhyun chuckled a little. 


"That was how I felt the first time too," Minhyun replied as they helped Baekho to his feet. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me." 


"It... Its okay... I think." 



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Chapter 51: Its done! I was still favoring Baekho over Dongho to the end though! Lol! Sorry Dongho.. But then it will not be KHK if they dont end up all together!!
Thank you for your effort author-nim! Looking forward to your next story!
Chapter 45: It still feels like Dongho is the third wheel! A very important third wheel since he's the instructor! Lol! When Minhyun starts kissing Baek... Gosh! Ouch!! He has every right to be jealous! Sorry Dongho...
Chapter 38: Oh no!! Poor Dongho!! :((
Chapter 36: Omg!! Dongho! What do you think you're doing???!!
Chapter 34: I love this chapter the best so far... i guess Baekho is still my bias between the two... Baekho is really giving a "Baekho" feel... and he wants to pursue music! Wow!! Love it! im smiling the whole time im reading this! Thank you author-nim!
Im proposing minhyun to be top and bottom! Is that possible author-nim? Fighting!! :))
Chapter 32: Im starting to get the hang of this trio... omg Minhyun!! A Dongho in front and a Baekho at your back?? What?!! You are so lucky!!! But then you might have a heart attack!
Also starting to appreciate Dongho here... Man if its just Baekho and Minhyun... we might not have !!! Lol!! Go Dongho!! Gosh!! :))
Chapter 29: Oh gosh! Thats something new about Dongho. Who is that guy he is afraid of!!

Minhyun's mom is cool!! I wonder what she will think about the arrangement :))
Chapter 28: Somehow i feel like Baekho's personality is more of a "Dongho"... and Dongho is more of a "Baekho"... atleast for me... but then im assuming Baekho has the body of a "Baekho" right? Haha!... I still like this Baekho... y but innocent?? Lol!
I also feel that Dongho is still a third wheel here... a bossy third wheel!
Go team Baekho!... lol...
Baekmin3701 #9
Chapter 22: I like Tom en Jerry aka jonghyun and dongho. He he he and Baekmin ...
felinevic #10
Chapter 21: Poor baekho :(