Real life Elsa

Parenting 101
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The loud ring from Taeyeon's phone echoed in the apartment. Taeyeon put the crayon down and picked up the ringing device. She was helping her daughter with coloring. "Hello? I don't want to buy any life insurance," she answered.


"Stop that!"

"Ilbun unnie," the caller said and laughed, knowing Taeyeon loved the nickname.


Naeun glanced at Taeyeon when she heard the name of her favourite aunty. Taeyeon  the speaker for her daughter.

"Hi, Aunty Yoona!" Naeun greeted Yoona.

"Omoo!! Zao shang hao, Naeun-ah."

"Why are you speaking Chinese?" Taeyeon asked.

Yoona laughed. "Because Tiffany unnie asked me to teach her Chinese. Anyway, unnie, can I talk to you alone? It's super important."

Naeun was quick to read the situation. She stated how much she missed Yoona, bid her goodbye and brought her colouring book to her room.

"What is it?" Taeyeon turned off the speaker.

"Unnie, you know the monthly radio show that I am currently hosting, right? Like how we give the guests a song produced by the show's PDs and then the guests need to officially release the song on our radio show first?"

"Uh huh. I heard about it. It's an interesting and fresh concept. Why?"

"So, I participated in writing one of the songs and it turns out that my heart unintentionally wrote a ballad song. Anyway, I was thinking how it would come out beautifully if you're the one to sing it."

"Me? You want me to sing it? Where? In the shower?" Taeyeon joked.

"Be my guest," Yoona said in a serious tone.

"You're crazy. You know, I haven't been doing that for years," Taeyeon hissed and glanced at Naeun's bedroom. She hadn't found the right time to tell her daughter about the past yet.

"Isn't it time for you to make a comeback? I'm sure the public has moved on. You should too." 

Taeyeon was silenced.

"Please? Can you think about it again? Don't give me the answer now. I will call you later. Talk to Tiffany unnie first and you can decide later."

Taeyeon sighed. "Sorry in advance, anyway. You know I can't." She ended the call after asking Yoona to babysit her daughter some other time.


After Taeyeon and Tiffany tucked Naeun in to sleep, they ended up cuddling on the bed.


"Hmm?" Tiffany stopped playing with Taeyeon's fingers.

"Yoona called this morning," Taeyeon said.

"Oh, why?"

"You know the radio show she's currently hosting?"

"The radio show that produces songs for the artists to release?" Tiffany had heard about the radio show that sparked high ratings because of the interesting concept and of course because of the nation's goddess herself.

"Yeah, that. So, she invited me to be a guest on that show."

"Did you accept it?"

"Of course not."

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 17: I'm here again and I still want more😭
maemae08 #2
Chapter 17: Noooooo! I don't want this to end 😭😭
maemae08 #3
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh naeun, you're parents.
yung1316 #4
Chapter 17: Hello author, it's been a while for this fic, I don't remember if it's mentioned but it would be nice to read how Tiffany and Taeyeon met? Like how did they started to fall in love and everything on a flashback, I hope it's possible
NekoLS #5
Chapter 17: Parenting surely diff level of our living phase
But taeny surely slay it
NekoLS #6
Chapter 16: I laughed hard for this chapter hahahaha
Its so hilarious omg I could imagine Tae being scared by the sergeant Fany lol hahaha
1131 streak #7
Chapter 17: Awww that's so cute, at first i also thought that Nauen was being bullied at school because she have two women as her parents, ah yeah concert tickets especially kpop tickets are hard to get because 1) they are sold out quickly 2) too expensive for those poor/broke like me
575 streak #8
Chapter 17: I miss TaeNy huhu
Chapter 17: nicee