Saying goodbye isn't never easy

(G)-idle Neverland stories
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Update! Please do not forget to upvote comment and subscribe. Thanks for the support! Shuhua entered the apartment holding a bouquet of flowers on her hands, bright eyes and a smile on her lips. Today was their first anniversary since they got together and she was really happy to spend it with her beloved one. She had prepared a surprise for her girlfriend, who was working at the moment, with a romantic dinner at home.
She first decorate the living room with petals of roses creating a track until the dinning room where the bouquet of roses was placed along with candles, she then proceeded to cook the dinner and when everything was settled she realized she finished with a lot of time left, so while she was waiting for her girlfriend to arrive the Taiwanese girl roamed around the house stopping a little at the bedroom of her girl, there she found the laptop and decided to watch some movies in the time being. When she opened the laptop a document was opened, it wasn't her intention to read it but her name on it caught her attention "10 reason to not date Shuhua"  she read out loud. Curious she scrolled down reading as she did
"She is winny, clingy, stubborn, childish... I don't love her" she ended reading the list in a whisper as her mind understood the last line written there. Hurt but with hope she looked for the date when the list was written letting a tear go down her cheek as she noticed it was saved a day before. Not wanting to wait further Shuhua took her jacket and went home as her mind keep trying to remember how she could miss the signals that Soojin didn't love her. Driving home with tears in her eyes as the images of past arguments came to her mind.
"Shuhua how could you do that! And in front of all my coworkers and my boss!... You are so childish! You cannot do a jealous scene just because I was talking with a client!" 
Watching a movie "Shuhua could you move, I cannot move with your arms wrapped around me" 
"please just sit properly and watch the movie"
" Shuhua for God sake just move! I'm getting cramps because of you! Gosh you are so clingy!"
"Shuhua for the ninth time no! I cannot leave the office and go to our date, understand this is important to me! Can you stop winning already! It's annoying"
"Shuhua how could you bring me to your prom! It's embarrassing, all those young people staring at me, you should have told me this is where we were coming" 
"I hate you are younger than me"
Shuhua and her girl lying down in bed
"I love you Soojin" Shuhua whispered to her beloved one.
"Sleep Shuhua" was her answer.
- *How did I miss all that* Shuhua thought as the flashbacks stopped and she parked her car.
On the other side of the city. Soojin entered her apartment really tired of the long day she just had and as she takes off her shoes she noticed all the roses lying down on her floor, she confused follows the path until she see the table made with bolloms with one letter on each of them and a card where it could be read "happy anniversary #1"  "I love you" and as Soojin see all that scenario for her a "crap" scaped her lips not believing she forgot their anniversary. She started looking for her girlfriend but didn't find her, thinking she left because she got tired of waiting for her she opened her cellphone and sent a short text message to her girl. - Thanks for the surprise, happy anniversary babe!-
*2 weeks after* 
Soojin is in her office starting at her cellphone the message she sent to Shuhua in their anniversary was showed read but a reply never came. "She hasn't even called me" she says as she closed her cellphone and keeps working with that thought in her mind just to stop typing seconds after. She felt troublesome, irritated, worried and mad. "I should visit her today" she express turning off her computer and taking her bag. "Yuqi, Cancel all my meeting for the day, I will do some errands" she tells her secretary, not waiting for an answer walking quickly down the hall. *Beep beep* The intercom of Shuhua's flat keeps buzzing but there wasn't a reply. Soojin getting tired of it stopped pressing the button, she type the password on her cellphone opening the door afterwards. She enters Shuhua's apartment and decided to wait for her and cooking some lunch.
Soojin has been waiting for Shuhua for one hour now and was getting irritated because not only the owner of the small department hasn't arrived but also she hasn't pick up the short haired girls' calls. As she was wagging her foot and bitting the nail of her thumb the door swings open and shows Shuhua laughing with another girl while placing her keys and the other girl's coat on the table besides the door. " This is why you haven't been answering me the phone" Soojin voiced out with jealousy watching the scene displayed before her. "Soojin... what are you doing here" it's Shuhua's answer " This is how you received your girlfriend Shuhua, really? " The older girl question her standing up from the sofa while asking
" Who's she? And why haven't you called me or texted me?" The youngest among them ignores the questio
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1197 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1197 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1197 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1197 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮