
(G)-idle Neverland stories
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Enchanted Today was Cho's  family major annual event, which includes a cocktail party at one of the most elegant mansion on the outskirts of the City where the heiress, Cho's oldest daughter, Miyeon, could not be missed.
So, there she was in a sea of people that she did not know, trying to copy with empty conversations, laughing about nothing and  hugging strangers, saying that it was a boring event would be more than obvious but she did not have a say on that, being the daughter of one of the most important families in the music industry, her presence was required. The place was in a big and fancy mansion that her dad owned, there were famous people spreeded around, creating small chats, drinking champagne and gossiping about the hot news related with the entertainment and the artist involved. It was so monotonous, her closest friends knew how much she hated this kind of event, the fake people, the irritated sounds of their high pitched voices, their overloaded fragrances, it was too much for her to handle. She made her way and went straight to the bar area wanting to distracted herself, trying to make time until she was able to leave. She had made a promise, 3 hours, she would be there only three hours, made herself noticed for some of her parent's "friends" and then she was free, she could go to her small department in the heart of Gangnam district, a place she called home. She was going for her second glass of champagne when she saw the face of a female figure at the end of the hall, she was at the living room area close to a piano. She was looking stunning on her wine red dress which let the sight of her to be admired, it was long but short enough to allow her silver high heels to be seen. Her wavy hair laid gracefully on her right side as her eyes sparkled when she smiled. Miyeon was mesmerized watching every move the woman who caught her eyes did until their eyes met from across the room, Miyeon hold her gaze, thinking how she never noticed such goddess before at this kind of events, bitting unconsciously her bottom lip, until her lungs stop functionating when the other woman started making her way to the bar, their eyes never leaving each other's. She stood next to Miyeon asking for a glass of wine as she whispered her "have we met" initiating their conversation as the Cho's daughter replied with an " I don't think so but I would love to get to know you" not forgetting to add a flirty voice as she turn on her right side and see the other girl's profile to what she smiled shyly this time. Her name was Yeh Shuhua, she was only 20 years old  a
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1197 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1197 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1197 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1197 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮