(NEW!) oo5: Duplicity

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Hei changes back to her old clothing the moment Han leads Baekhyun up to the front to pay. She takes in the dress for a couple moments more—it’s pretty, but it’s so vibrant and eye-catching in a way that’s not her, and it feels strange. When she exits the change room with the dress hanging from her arm, Baekhyun is once again being scolded by Han at the front of the store.

The old lady smiles at her when she steps into their line of vision hesitantly. She begins to prattle on as she takes the dress from Hei, packing it into a box and then into a bag.

“You should come by if you can,” she’s saying. “You’re a lovely girl, darling, and I’m sure I’ll be able to find many more dresses to compliment you. You have such a great figure as well.”

Very much unused to the compliments, Hei somehow manages a smile. “Thank you,” she replies, then glances at Baekhyun, who’s lounging on one of the chairs as he waits, apparently having already paid for the dress. She bows at Han. “I’ll see if I can visit.”

She receives a pat on her hand before she’s ushered over to Baekhyun again. To both Hei’s chagrin and amusement, Han gets in one last word to him about treating her better before Baekhyun’s promptly had enough of the nagging and makes some excuse about being on a time crunch.

A minute later, they’re once more out on the busy streets, with Baekhyun mumbling under his breath about how overbearing Han was. He notices her eyeing him dubiously a moment later, because he raises an eyebrow. “What? Old ladies scare me. They never let me talk. It’s just nag, nag, nag.”

“You clearly haven’t been put in your place often enough,” Hei shoots back.

“Touche, sweetheart. Let me carry that.”

Hei veers away from him, holding her bag away from him. “I can carry it myself.”

“I bought it,” he points out. Deciding it would be in her best interest to ignore him, Hei doesn’t reply, instead making sure to speed up her steps. Baekhyun catches up easily.

“So,” he says when it’s clear the last topic has met a stalemate, “ever dressed up and roleplayed as an before?”

Hei glares at Baekhyun. She wants to walk even faster, but at that point it’d be jogging and that would be awkward. “No.”

“You’re going to need to act a little bit more friendly with me if you want to look convincing,” he points out.

Hei spares a glance at him, which he catches immediately. She fixes her gaze ahead, trying to ignore the fact that she can still see him looking at her in her periphery. His gaze doesn’t shift elsewhere, to both her irritation and embarrassment. “I’ll act friendly with you when the time comes, but I don’t see any need for that now.”

“Have you ever heard about how practice makes perfect? Well, I’d argue that perfection takes a lot more to achieve, but the point is: if you don’t practice now, you won’t be able to get it later. And we don’t want to be slipping up tonight, sweetheart.”

Hei grits her teeth. She wants to tell him that he’s made a point of being absolutely obnoxious and it’s hardly easy to be friendly with someone that’s been pissing her off with their presence alone, but Baekhyun also has a point. And Hei knows that she’s not good enough an actor to even outwardly change her attitude towards him for an entire night without slipping up at all.

So she grits her teeth and turns slightly so she can meet Baekhyun’s eyes again. “Fine,” she replies shortly.

For a good few minutes, Baekhyun, miraculously, does not attempt to strike up a conversation. They’re not extremely far from the inn, where Hei assumes he’ll be bringing her up to date on whatever plan he’s carrying out tonight.

Perhaps it’s because she’s been walking so fast that Baekhyun decides not to chatter incessantly, but the moment Hei slows ever slightly, he wonders aloud, “Why did the Song family end up sending you for this mission?”

Hei almost halts her step, but forces herself to keep her pace steady. “Why wouldn’t they?”

Baekhyun raises his hands. “Not doubting your capabilities, sweetheart, because I’m sure you’re more than capable. But for something as big as this, why didn’t they send someone with more experience? It’s your first mission, after all.”

In full honesty, Hei doesn’t know. The Song family had sprung it on her with no warning whatsoever, and she’d been sent to Castra with the promise that her training was more than enough, all the while operating on theoretical what-ifs that she’d learned but never put into practice. Her family had sent her in blind, and she knew from the very beginning. If she was pessimistic, it was a set-up for an obvious failure. But Hei’s determined not to fail, even if it looks impossible.

“Well?” Baekhyun prompts when she doesn't answer, too lost in her thoughts.

Hei only shrugs. The inn has come into view. She’s tired and spent already and it’s only early into the afternoon. It feels like it’s already been a painfully long day, from her early start to the thief to Jin and finally to bumping into Baekhyun and the information he’d dumped on her. She doubts she’ll be able to catch a wink of sleep tonight with the whole operation in San Yuan. A nap—a nap sounded good. After Baekhyun debriefs her on his plan, which Hei isn’t sure her frazzled brain can handle.

Yawning, she trudges through the door. It’s emptier at this time of day, to her relief, because some peace and quiet before having to inevitably face the crowds at San Yuan seems nice.

“Tired?” Baekhyun asks, much closer than Hei’d expected, and she jumps at the proximity. He’s leaning down slightly, head tilted.

Hei glares at him. “I’m fine.”

He pushes open the door that leads up the stairs. “Whatever you say. Ladies first.”

Hei makes sure to bump his shoulder when she brushes past and heads up the stairs. She’s hit with a dilemma as she passes the second floor: they clearly need to discuss the plan somewhere, and the most private place would be a room. That leaves the question of which room—the two options being hers and Baekhyun’s—and she can’t decide which one is better. Or worse. She isn’t sure she wants Baekhyun in her room because she doesn’t trust him enough for that, but she’s equally unsure if she wants to be in Baekhyun’s, where he’d be more familiar and therefore at ease, with even more of an upper hand. She also doesn’t know how to phrase the question of who’s room they’re going into without it making it look like she’s inviting him into hers or asking to enter his, both of which Hei knows would probably invite unwelcome comments.

Baekhyun solves the problem when they’re mounting the steps to the third lev

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Bbhfever #1
Chapter 5: Popped up to reread cause I forgot what happened, and I already knew but I was not disappointed! Love how you kept them bantering as always even with their new relationship.
2490 streak #2
Chapter 5: how has it been almost 2 yrs since i last commented on this BRUH
how did i miss last yr's update BRUUUUHH
im the worst OTL

But oh, how I have missed Breadboy and our lovely miss Hei and their antics and their banter and just everything about them, hehe. :') We should just set a legion of old ladies upon Breadboy whenever he needs his ego to get knocked down a couple of pegs, HAHA. And YAAASSS, again, I love how strong and sassy Hei is from the get-go here, and how she holds her own against Breadboy, refusing to give him an inch since she knows he'll take a mile if he can. :P

And oof, I know what Hei feels going into stuff blind. OTL Sometimes, you just end up learning things on the job and saying YES, even though you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into. ^^; Gotta fake it 'til you make it, LOOOOOL. :') BUT I KNOW HEI WON'T FAIL. SHE IS CAPABLE AND STRONG, and if my lost self can manage to wallow my way through life, then Hei can do ANYTHING she comes across and sets her mind to, hehe. x]

also a nap sounds great LOOOOOL (even tho i did take a nap earlier today LMAO :') can never have enough naps HAHAHAHA)
also im DED at hei's internal freak-out over trying to decide if meeting in her room or breadboy's room is better. or worse, as she so aptly puts it HAHAHAHHA XD

But ooooh, the main plot is slowly coming back to me and I am LOVING all of this world-building, and I am SO intrigued by who the thief could be, and what their power and end goal are!! And it makes me wonder if Breadboy and Hei will eventually defect from their families later on, since this thief probably has strong reasons for leaving as well. :O In Cutlass, the families were the BIG BAD. But here, they're seemingly on the "good" side, so it'll be interesting to see if that changes and how it does!! And poor Hei is definitely feeling blindsided. OTL And when you're the "prodigy" of the family, it probably doesn't feel good at all to not be trusted with such valuable information. >___<

AND POP OFF, QUEEN~ Even though we're all Breadboy simps here, he really shouldn't be trusted so easily, LOOOOL. :') Still too many unanswered questions and unaccounted variables surroundings him, and it's definitely much smarter of Hei to somewhat keep her distance until something happens that solidifies a bond of trust between them. :')
Update soon please
Chapter 5: Ok so after two years or so of rereading Cutlass and XMTS over and over again, i finally decided to hop in on this alternate universe and so far am not disappointed. Seeing how equally mischievous Baekhyun is and how Hei is that strong independent woman we wanted her to be, my imagination is going bonkers with how the story is gonna go. You can say I’m extremely excited to read this until it’s done, then reread Cutlass and XMTS, and reread this again. I guess you can also tell that there’s not much stories lately that gives me the same amount of satisfaction as yours does 😩💗

thank you for updating even though I’m late haha
Bbhfever #5
Chapter 5: Well seems like I’m caught up ;-;
And is that a jq I smell 👀
Bbhfever #6
Chapter 4: Aw her dress is completely different from the one in cutlass! Also old lady Han is precious
Bbhfever #7
Chapter 1: I wanted to wait until this was finished but !! A girl couldn’t wait anymore. Loving this new dynamic
Chapter 5: omg I’m already obsessed with this and cant wait to read more! I already have a pretty strong idea who the thief is (hi jinqiong) and it seems hei has already run into her unknowingly! so so excited for this and it feels so new and refreshing to read these same characters but with different lives and personalities and goals!! love it
Chapter 5: I missed this story.
It is interesting that the thief is someone from a family.
I wonder why did they send Hei without much information?

I am looking forward to the next chapter!
Take care!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 5: Welcome back! I have missed this unusual yet sort of familiar BaekHei. I really love their changed dynamics (I keep comparing this BaekHei with Cutlass BaekHei, idk if it's normal, but I'm doing it anyway and I am enjoying doing it ngl).

As for this chapter, it was both in a way lighthearted and intense. Intense as in, it felt like theories are bubbling up like boiling water. And soon we'll see something intense here! I in guessing theories, so I'd ratger shut myself now x'D
Can't wait for their further adventures together. But I'll be waiting patiently :D

Thank you for taking out time and updating this story. Really needed some BaekHei moments in my life rn! <3