oo3: Luck of the Draw

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Hei runs out of lunch money after purchasing food and medicine for the man.


There’s always the option of going back to the inn to retrieve a couple more coins, but the thought of crashing into Byun Baekhyun drives her far, far away. The loaf of bread she’d eaten for breakfast had been good, but not nearly filling enough, and Hei is beginning to regret bringing so little money. 

The thief is quiet after Hei makes the purchases. In the bag lies a medicine for fever, a sack of rice, meat and fruit. It’s not much—enough to last a couple of days (a week, if lucky). They move through alleys until they approach the poorer parts of Castra once more.


“Miss,” the man finally says. “Thank you for this. I… I truly am in your debt.”


Hei adjusts her bag, disgruntled. She isn’t accustomed to this sort of thing. “It’s nothing,” she mumbles.


To her horror, he continues to talk. “I’m sorry I stole your bag,” the man babbles on. “You said you weren’t from Castra, right? I didn’t mean to leave you with a bad impression of the city. But if you’re from the wealthy district, you barely witness half of what truly goes on here in the slums. Still, I hope—”


“How did you know I’m not from Castra?” Hei interrupts.


“Your accent, miss. You also told the other woman when she asked.”


… oh. Feeling a little foolish, Hei hurries her steps. “How much longer until we make it?”


“Not long.”


The words this better not be a trick rise to , but she pushes them down. Given his earnestness and how willing he’d been to show her had felt too genuine to be faked.


Maybe she is a fool, like the girl on the rooftops had said, and this man is scamming her. Maybe she is being led right into a trap. Hei reassures herself that even if it is some sort of trap, she’s more than capable of fighting people off. Even without her powers, she can put up a formidable fight with the blades—with her powers, commoners have no chance. At least it’s what she tells herself, even though there’s a whisper in the back of her mind that knows better.


But that can be a worry for later. For now, Hei forces herself to keep up with the man’s steps. She will give him the benefit of doubt for now; the consequences can come later if he doesn’t keep his word.


Not long after, they turn into a small building. The walls are crumbling and broken, patched messily with broken boards. A door hung from its hinges.


The man’s steps quicken as he scrambles inside.


Hei soon discovers that indeed, he hadn’t been lying. In the corner of the room lies a bundle of blankets, where a small head peeks out from the midst of it. The man rushes over to him, dropping to his knees as Hei follows inside, inspecting her surroundings. Despite everything, she wrinkles her nose. These–the slums of Castra—are the exact areas the families like to pretend do not exist underneath their govern.


The floorboards creak beneath her feet as she makes her way across the room. The man is slowly lifting his son’s head so the boy sits up, and he lets out a weak moan, chapped lips open slightly.


Hei sets her bag down. He looks no more than six or seven—grimy, exhausted, painfully thin. Her heart stutters slightly. “I brought you food,” she tells the child. “And medicine, which you should take first.”


She unpacks the contents from her bag, handing the medicine to the man first. He unwraps it without a second moment of hesitation, a small cup of water next to him that he uses to carefully feed his son.


Hei finishes unpacking everything. Then, taking one last look of her surroundings—the run down building, the broken pieces of floor and the young child curled up in the corner of the room—she swallows the storm of worry brewing in her stomach and slips outside. 




Hei is barely three steps away from the door when she slams into somebody.


She’s on her guard immediately, but the person remains casually confident, leaning on the wall. Hei looks up to see the face of the girl who’d stopped the thief.


Now that they are closer, she can see her features slightly better. The girl is taller than her, slim and elegant, although her clothing is baggy and ill-fitted. She tilts her head when Hei meets her eyes.


Hei finds her voice five seconds too late. “He wasn’t lying,” she points out.


“I discovered,” comes the dry reply.


“Are you… following me?” 


“I followed the man, but you were with him as well, so I suppose I was.” 


Hei scrutinizes her. She still has her mission to attend to. “You don’t need anything from him anymore, do you?”


The girl gives a little shrug. “Perhaps I simply want to remain in this area,” she replies nonchalantly. “Go on. I’m not stopping you.”


Hei gives her a look, her spine tingling. Something feels off, but there’s nothing she can argue with—especially if she wants to avoid an argument or a fight. Her gut tells her that it’s pointless and stupid to pick a fight with her, even if her words can’t be taken at face value.


“What’s your name?” she finally settles with asking.


Her eyes flicker over Hei in a calculating sort of manner. “Jin,” she finally says. “But I can assure you, you’ll find at least a couple hundred more in Castra. It’s quite a common name.”


She’s right—the inn owner was also called Jin, Hei remembers. She opens to speak—but before she can, she receives a small wave. “I’ll see you around,” she calls over her shoulder, “Song Hei.”


Hei wastes a precious half second in complete shock. When she finally runs around the corner that Jin had slipped behind to follow the girl, she’s nowhere to be seen. 




Hei arrives at the bar—the supposed entrance to the biggest illegal market in Castra—at noon. Her stomach growls, but she’s fresh out of money. The only thing distracting her from the hunger is the fact that the girl—Jin—had known who she was, and that in itself is not good news.


It gets worse.


The tavern is open as a restaurant in the daytime, and when she wanders inside, intent on getting information from the owner, when someone sitting in one of the seats waves at her.


For a moment, Hei wonders if it’s Jin again, but then she catches his eye and realizes that it’s much worse. Byun Baekhyun, sitting with an arm splayed casually against the back of the chair, smirks at her. 


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Bbhfever #1
Chapter 5: Popped up to reread cause I forgot what happened, and I already knew but I was not disappointed! Love how you kept them bantering as always even with their new relationship.
2489 streak #2
Chapter 5: how has it been almost 2 yrs since i last commented on this BRUH
how did i miss last yr's update BRUUUUHH
im the worst OTL

But oh, how I have missed Breadboy and our lovely miss Hei and their antics and their banter and just everything about them, hehe. :') We should just set a legion of old ladies upon Breadboy whenever he needs his ego to get knocked down a couple of pegs, HAHA. And YAAASSS, again, I love how strong and sassy Hei is from the get-go here, and how she holds her own against Breadboy, refusing to give him an inch since she knows he'll take a mile if he can. :P

And oof, I know what Hei feels going into stuff blind. OTL Sometimes, you just end up learning things on the job and saying YES, even though you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into. ^^; Gotta fake it 'til you make it, LOOOOOL. :') BUT I KNOW HEI WON'T FAIL. SHE IS CAPABLE AND STRONG, and if my lost self can manage to wallow my way through life, then Hei can do ANYTHING she comes across and sets her mind to, hehe. x]

also a nap sounds great LOOOOOL (even tho i did take a nap earlier today LMAO :') can never have enough naps HAHAHAHA)
also im DED at hei's internal freak-out over trying to decide if meeting in her room or breadboy's room is better. or worse, as she so aptly puts it HAHAHAHHA XD

But ooooh, the main plot is slowly coming back to me and I am LOVING all of this world-building, and I am SO intrigued by who the thief could be, and what their power and end goal are!! And it makes me wonder if Breadboy and Hei will eventually defect from their families later on, since this thief probably has strong reasons for leaving as well. :O In Cutlass, the families were the BIG BAD. But here, they're seemingly on the "good" side, so it'll be interesting to see if that changes and how it does!! And poor Hei is definitely feeling blindsided. OTL And when you're the "prodigy" of the family, it probably doesn't feel good at all to not be trusted with such valuable information. >___<

AND POP OFF, QUEEN~ Even though we're all Breadboy simps here, he really shouldn't be trusted so easily, LOOOOL. :') Still too many unanswered questions and unaccounted variables surroundings him, and it's definitely much smarter of Hei to somewhat keep her distance until something happens that solidifies a bond of trust between them. :')
Update soon please
Chapter 5: Ok so after two years or so of rereading Cutlass and XMTS over and over again, i finally decided to hop in on this alternate universe and so far am not disappointed. Seeing how equally mischievous Baekhyun is and how Hei is that strong independent woman we wanted her to be, my imagination is going bonkers with how the story is gonna go. You can say I’m extremely excited to read this until it’s done, then reread Cutlass and XMTS, and reread this again. I guess you can also tell that there’s not much stories lately that gives me the same amount of satisfaction as yours does 😩💗

thank you for updating even though I’m late haha
Bbhfever #5
Chapter 5: Well seems like I’m caught up ;-;
And is that a jq I smell 👀
Bbhfever #6
Chapter 4: Aw her dress is completely different from the one in cutlass! Also old lady Han is precious
Bbhfever #7
Chapter 1: I wanted to wait until this was finished but !! A girl couldn’t wait anymore. Loving this new dynamic
Chapter 5: omg I’m already obsessed with this and cant wait to read more! I already have a pretty strong idea who the thief is (hi jinqiong) and it seems hei has already run into her unknowingly! so so excited for this and it feels so new and refreshing to read these same characters but with different lives and personalities and goals!! love it
Chapter 5: I missed this story.
It is interesting that the thief is someone from a family.
I wonder why did they send Hei without much information?

I am looking forward to the next chapter!
Take care!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 5: Welcome back! I have missed this unusual yet sort of familiar BaekHei. I really love their changed dynamics (I keep comparing this BaekHei with Cutlass BaekHei, idk if it's normal, but I'm doing it anyway and I am enjoying doing it ngl).

As for this chapter, it was both in a way lighthearted and intense. Intense as in, it felt like theories are bubbling up like boiling water. And soon we'll see something intense here! I in guessing theories, so I'd ratger shut myself now x'D
Can't wait for their further adventures together. But I'll be waiting patiently :D

Thank you for taking out time and updating this story. Really needed some BaekHei moments in my life rn! <3