Tempted By Fate
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Hello sweeties. Merry Christmas 🎄 and happy holidays 🎉 Hope you're all doing well and enjoying this season. Please let's not forget to spread love and kindness to people around us today. My wall is also open for your beautiful wishes. Please forgive me for putting this on friends only, I'm just so scared of plagiarism.  Enjoy reading and I promise to reply to all your comments from now on. Kindly read the author's note below.



Sunhee woke up later in the day. She lay on the bed, trying to recall where she is. Her eyes are staring at the ceiling and she just can't seem to get anything straight.


After a minute of being still on the bed, she sat up but quickly pulled the blanket back up to cover her chest. She noticed that she's wearing only her half-cut bar and it made her sad. She has no idea what actually happened, and seeing her upper body almost made her really sad that she began to cry. 


She pulled the blanket up to her chest, but she felt a very sharp pain in her left arm and she immediately recalled what happened to her. She also recalled coming to Sehun's house, and how he prepared breakfast for her and all, but suddenly the door to the room was gently open and Sehun walked into the room.


On seeing Sehun, she quietly observed him. He looked a bit off and conscious and it made Sunhee so confused but she decided to stay calm.


Sehun stared at her as he walked closer to her. He noticed that she was scared, he saw fear in her eyes and it made him angry and sad as well. He has no idea about the person responsible for Sunhee's current state and he feels so mad about it.


"How are you feeling?" Sehun asked as he finally sat down on the bed next to Sunhee. He carefully observed her,  looking at the bandage arm and back to her face.


"I'm in pain and I'm hungry," Sunhee said softly while looking at her fingers. "I'm also sad because I don't know why I'm not wearing my sweater." Her voice sounded broken when she made the last statement and Sehun sighed.


"You almost died Sunhee. Why didn't you tell me that you were injured? Why did you keep it to yourself and bear the pain all alone?" Sehun asked in a low tone, he doesn't want to scare her even more because he knows that she's already in tears.


"It's alright, I will get you something to eat, so stop crying," Sehun said softly but Sunhee shook her head while looking at Sehun with teary eyes.


"I'm so sorry for not telling you about the cut on my arm. I was scared that if I do, you will ask me to leave your home and I have nowhere else to go to." Sunhee's voice sounded weak as if she's forcing herself to speak and Sehun quickly shook his head.


"I wouldn't have sent you away. You're a friend and I care for your well-being. You almost died Sunhee. You lost a lot of blood but it's a good thing I noticed in time and gave you most of my blood." Sehun caressed her hair when he saw tears falling off her eyes.


"You don't ever need to keep anything away from me ever again. Got it?" Sehun's voice sounded low and calm and Sunhee nodded her head.


"Yes. Thank you so much, Sehun." Sunhee leaned closer to Sehun and hugged him without knowing that the blanket she used to cover her s had already fallen off.


Sehun was also shocked at the sudden action, but he let it be and gently caressed her back and that was when he noticed that the blanket was off her body.


The older man sighed and blinked several times as he now caressed Sunhee's head, thinking about how he's going to tell her that she's wearing only her half-cut bra without the blanket covering her body.


"I was attacked in our mansion around 3 am this morning by an unknown man. I don't know how he broke into my room, but he was there to me." Sunhee said softly into Sehun's ears and the detective's eyes doubled in size. 


He pulled away from the hug and observed Sunhee properly, looking at everything part of her body before he focused his attention back on her face.


"Did he touch you?" Sehun asked, his tone was deep and he had anger written all over him. "Did he violate you?" This time around Sehun's eyes was full of care and Sunhee noticed it.


"No, he didn't violate me. I sprayed his eyes with my body spray, but he got really pissed and he brought out a dagger. My parents were not home, they had gone to visit uncle Jinho. I tried to fight back, but he was too strong and he angrily waved the dagger against me and cut my skin, but before he could kill me, my parents drove in and the man escaped. I couldn't tell my parents what happened and I was scared to stay in that house, so I came straight after telling my parents that I'm traveling to visit a friend." Sunhee sobbed as she recalled everything. It was indeed so scary and she thought she wasn't going to make it alive.


"I'm so sorry Sunhee. All this wouldn't have happened if I didn't force you to go back home. I'm so sorry Sunhee." Sehun caressed the tears away from her eyes and he got up. He walked over to the chair he placed the small bag she came with and he opened it in the hope to find a top for Sunhee, but he was shocked to see that the bag was empty.

He looked at Sunhee and she lowered her head.


"I'm sorry Sehun. I was so scared that I just picked up my mini bag to make my parents believe me. Please forgive me." She apologized, but Sehun shook his head.


"Don't apologize. I will get you one of my shirts, and after you're done eating something, I will take you to the mall for shopping, okay?" Sehun said and she nodded.


Sehun gave Sunhee one of his black shirts and it was like a gown on her body and she began to giggle. At first, Sehun was shocked when he heard her giggling, but when he looked at her, he smiled.


"It's quite big, but it's just for now," Sehun said and Sunhee laughed and walked over to Sehun and stood in front of him.


"It looks like Cinderella's gown on my body and it's funny. Thank you Sehun." She hugged him with one hand before heading to the living room since Sehun already told her that he prepared something delicious.


Sehun smiled and picked up his phone. He just suddenly thought about Jia and he decided to give her a call, but when he did, it rang and no one picked up. He tried calling again and still the same response, so he let it be and headed down to the living room.


When he arrived at the living room, he saw Sunhee smiling and he traced where her attention was and that's when he saw a video clip of Baekhyun and Jia kissing at the mall.


At first, Sehun didn't want to believe it's true because he knows that Jia and Baekhyun are not romantically attracted to each other, so how come all this. He looked at the screen again, trying to process everything, but his phone rang out.


He lowered his eyes to look at the phone and he smiled when he saw Jia calling back. He looked at Sunhee and she was still so into what she was watching, so he left her and went back to his room to pick the call.


"Jia I missed you so much. How are you doing?" Sehun asked after picking the call, but he frowned when he heard the voice of Baekhyun.


"Hello, Sehun. Jia is in the bathroom right now. And so you know, I've confessed my feelings to Jia my wife and surprisingly she also confessed her feelings to me. As a matter of fact, we're now officially together and we're happy. Soon we will have our little children playing around, so please stop trying to take Jia away from me because it won't work. Have a nice day, Sehun." Baekhyun said, and before the call ended Sehun heard Jia over the phone, telling Baekhyun to hand her the towel with a giggle following.


On hearing that, Sehun ended the call and sat down on his bed. His face suddenly went pale and his heart began to ache. All his life he has always wanted Jia and only her, but guess the universe was against him all along.


Sehun covered his face with his pale as it's all clear to him. Jia is someone he knows too well and he can tell when she's genuinely happy and what he just heard proves it all.


"Dammit." Sehun ran his hand through his hair with a low growl of frustration leaving his throat. He sat there in sadness until he heard Sunhee coughing and he frowned. 


He can't believe how cruel fate is to him. Baekhyun is with the woman he has loved all his life, and here he is helping his sister. Sehun frowned, even more, when he heard Sunhee coughing louder.


The detective stomped off straight to the living room but when he got to where Sunhee is he just stood there staring at her. He noticed that she was choking on her water and he quickly rushed over to and gently caressed her back in circles till she became alright.


"Are you alright?" Sehun asked and Sunhee nodded with a smile.


"Yes, I'm fine now, but I'm hungry." She looked so cute that Sehun had to smile.


For a second he regretted ever thinking of hurting her or yelling at her. He headed straight to the kitchen and Sunhee followed him behind while humming one of Baekhyun's songs.


Sehun served a good amount of food on the plate because she needs to regain her strength. Once she was already eating, Sehun got a call from Kyungsoo so he had to excuse himself to attend to Kyungsoo. 


He can't just sit back without taking fast action, knowing that there's someone out there set out to hurt Sunhee. 


Sehun told Kyungsoo all that had happened and the inspector was a bit shocked to know that the lady in question is actually Sunhee, his friend's sister. However, he promised to help Sehun get to the root of the problem.


Once Kyungsoo was done discussing with Sehun, he bid his farewell and left. He didn't really come in his car, so he decided to use a taxi. He stood beside the road waiting for a taxi when a black SUV car drove by, but suddenly stopped and carefully drove back to where he's standing.


Kyungsoo stared at the scene happening in front of him, and when the car made a stop, he moved a bit away from the car. He wasn't sure what's going on or who's in the car, so he decided to stay back.


Although he wasn't scared, he was a bit worried about the sudden action of the person driving the car. He watched as the engine of the car stopped and the door was pushed open, revealing a bashing-looking Jongin.


Kyungsoo stared at Jongin for a while, trying to recall where he met Jongin before, but the taller male approached him with a smile on his face.


"Hello inspector Kyungsoo. I'm Kim Jongin, Baekhyun's friend and I saw you last at Baekhyun's when he was kidnapped." Jongin greeted with a calm voice and Kyungsoo smiled. Of course, it was at Baekhyun's mansion he saw Jongin.


"Hello, Jongin, nice to meet you." The inspector said and Jongin nodded with a smile.


"Well thank you. So where are you heading to?" 


"I'm heading home, why?"


"Well, I would love to drop you off if you don't mind," Jongin said and Kyungsoo looked at him for a while before chuckling.


It sounded a bit weird to him, but he decided to give in to what the young man wanted. Besides he needs to get home anyway. 


"Sure, thank you," Kyungsoo said, but he was forced to smile when he saw the bright smile on Jongin's face. The taller one looked so excited when Kyungsoo agreed to it and it made the inspector shy.


Once they were inside the car, Jongin started the car and drove off. The ride was quiet and no one talked to each other. Kyungsoo was busy on his phone, trying to get information regarding Sunhee's attack. Sehun had asked him to keep it a secret to avoid the media and expose Sunhee to more danger.


Kyungsoo knows his job, and he knows that it's of great priority to find out who's responsible for everything.


"What are you doing? You seem so engaged in it." Jongin broke the silence, attracting the inspector's attention.


"My job," Kyungsoo said without looking up at the driver. 


"Oh." Jongin glanced at Kyungsoo before focusing on the road. "So do you mind hanging out some times? I mean just for some drink." The CEO asked softly and Kyungsoo glanced at him before looking away.


"Sure, but I will let you know when. I'm very busy on an important case and I need to get done with it as soon as possible."


"Okay, that would be great." That was all Jongin replied before everything went back to how it was, silence.


After a long ride, Jongin stopped at Kyungsoo street and the inspector stepped out of the car.


"Thank you Mr. Jongin, see you some other time." Kyungsoo waved before walking off.


Jongin watched Kyungsoo till the inspector was out of sight and he sighed before driving off. Ever since he set his eyes on the inspector that day at Baekhyun's mansion, he just liked him and wanted to be friends with him, but with the look of things, it seems the inspector is the hard type who doesn't give a single damn.




It's been a week since Jia and Baekhyun confessed their feelings to each other.  Things had been going great between Jia and Yifan. Shin on the other hand had been missing, no one seems to know her whereabouts, including Mina. 


It was indeed a big shock to Mina when she found out all the evil deeds of her mother. She knew that her mother was wicked, but not to the extent of switching Yifan and also planned to kill Baekhyun and Jia.


Mina couldn't bring herself to face Jia after the wickedness she has shown Jia, so she decided to travel out of the environment, thinking that's the best thing to do.


Jinho has been up and doing, looking for his wife so he can arrest her, but all his effort seems to always amount to nothing. However, he didn't give up, he's still on the lookout and so is Jiyong.


It's a new week and Jia is ready to resume her work in the company. She actually took a week off or more like Baekhyun gave her week off so she could spend some quality time with her big brother, and it really made Jia happy.


She did go out with Yifan a lot, went over to his mansion and they even baked and did some cooking together. She was very happy spending time with her brother.


It's a new week and she has to be back in the office. 

Baekhyun is already set to go as they've both had their breakfast, but he decided to wait for Jia who seems to be busy arranging her beautiful hair in front of the mirror.


"Dammit, why isn't my hair working with me today?" Jia murmurs out in frustration, only to get a soft chuckle from Baekhyun who's sitting on the bed.


He got up and walked over to her, and he gently placed his hand on Jia's hand, but he smiled when Jia shyly put down her hands.


"I guess your hair isn't working with you because I'm here. It needs my attention." Baekhyun whispered into her ears and slowly pressed a soft kiss to her neck. 


Jia melts immediately against her husband's body and Baekhyun smiles as he keeps styling her hair into a ponytail. At times he wonders how an ordinary touch or kiss from him can make Jia melt completely.


"It's all done, baby," Baekhyun whispered into her ears and Jia smiled at him through the mirror.


"Thank you." 


"You're welcome, sweetheart. Let's get going." Baekhyun said and Jia nodded. She picked up her handbag and they both left for the company after taking the

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Tempted By Fate Chapter 25 which is also the last chapter is finally out! Go check it out.


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Chapter 1: Woah Baekhyun seems to be a little bit vulgar here💀😳 I liked his aura tho! I wonder how he's gonna fall in love with her?! Let me dig in more yum!😩
41 streak #3
Chapter 31: Wow.. finally got to finish another amazing story from authornim's collection... it was indeed so catchy, interesting and mysterious... full of love, suspense and secrets... I really loved Jia's strong, bold but still soft and lovely character... I also became her fan after her first acts.. hehe..even though baekhyun's character at first really shocked me and left me totally speechless but the drastic changes made things more interesting...but really enjoyed their bickering and enemy episodes... that woman sonia and het whole evil acts really made me want to slap her real hard... served her right for the evil deed she did to everyone specially Jia and baekhyun..loved the way Jia ans baekhyun's character and relationship developed from strangers to slight enemies to lovers...that was a whole long journey and of course a Rollercoaster ride.. but loved the ups and downs in their relationship cause that made their relationship more stronger and opened so many new secrets to them... the fact that I'm in love the lovely soulmate couple... the revelation one by one revealed and that was both shocking and heartbreaking but still heartwarming and sweetest... so happy for dara and jiyong, also sehun and sunhee.. sunhee's that part really broke my heart... but loved the way sehun helped, comforted, supported and saved her from that situation... so sweet of him.. glad that all these amazing people were with Jia all along with her throughout all these good and bad situations... felt so bad for her but loved the way baekhyun understood his mistakes and corrected it.. embraced her so lovingly and warmly... so happy for them... their confession part was one of the best thing... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment between them made things more sweet and loveable than before... also shin and her evil deed made me so angry.. served her right...didn't expect she could be these much evil and pathetic crazy woman... baekhyun's parents were one of my favorite characters here... aww..so lovely and heartwarming people..so happy for Jia that she got all the happiness at the end of the story.. also uww... baby and the new couple...Jia and baekhyun deserved that happiness.. glad that they got their deserved happy ending... so excited to read more bonus chapters... I'm deeply in love with the story and the couple..also the side characters... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end..indeed another best work from authornim..you really did well... well written everything.. the plot, plot twists, the characters, events, secrets, suspense, mystery, character development, love blossom, heartbreak and lovey-dovey couple moments all too good and incredible...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, catchy and lovely story.. really loved the story so much...take care of yourself and stay hydrated... have a wonderful day and fighting authornim.. will patiently wait for the bonus chapters to read more about them...
morphine007 #4
Chapter 32: Followed ❤️
Chapter 31: It was a lovely story ❣️❣️
congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 31: Why are you so talented author-nim??🥺🥺 Your all stories are amazing..
Chapter 32: Yey! I am excited to read the bonus chapters. Fighting!
Chapter 32: Yeah! I can't wait to see the bonus chapters Author-nim! 💗