Tempted By Fate
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(A long chapter ahead. Don't hate me, please.)      

"No!" Sonia screams out into the darkness. It's already late and Sonia is seriously mad. She paces front and back in her bedroom, ruffling her hair in annoyance. She just can't accept the news of Baekhyun and Jia's wedding being the talk of everyone, saying how lavish and expensive it was. 


The news, pictures, and videos about the wedding are all over the city and Korea as a whole. It's basically the talk of everyone. 


"It should have been me and not that low life, Jia. I should have been the one that Baekhyun got married to and not Jia." Sonia sobs in anger. The thought of her plan failing is killing her from the inside.


"Enough of this drama already. It was all your plan, and it failed, so stop this nonsense of yours." Jungwoo rolls his eyes and he seems more relaxed about everything. He's lying on the bed staring at his phone.


Sonia stares at her lover with worried eyes. They're together, and if anything should happen, then they will all be in danger. However, Jungwoo's behavior is really strange and Sonia can't seem to understand him. 


"Are you not a bit worried that we will be exposed if caught by the police?" She asks in a tense tone.


"Why should I? I have no hand in this, so I shouldn't be worried." Jungwoo says.


Sonia hissed at her love but looked away with a smirk of her own.


"It's alright. I can't get caught because I'm 10 steps ahead of the police. In fact, Jia will die tonight because I have a plan of my own." Sonia says and stares at her wristwatch before smirking. "In a matter of minutes, Jia will be dead." 


Shocked at the sudden revelation, Jungwoo gets off the bed and walks over to his lover with curious eyes, and he stands in front of her.


"What do you mean? Make me understand." 


"It's simple. I sent an assassin to Baekhyun's mansion to work as a waiter, and I asked him to stay behind and hide once the party is over. He's to wait till it clocks 12 am, and then he will climb up to Baekhyun's room and suffocate Jia to death. He's a professional in climbing, so my plan is perfect." Sonia gives Jungwoo a smirk of her own.


"I'm always a step ahead of you and also the police, baby. I got everything under control." She says and kisses Jungwoo's forehead, assuring him that she's in charge.




The wedding party ended in great success. The guests enjoyed their stay and it made Baekhyun proud. His level of respect amongst the people in the city has indeed increased, and that's exactly what Baekhyun wants.


Baekhyun sits in his room, staring at the screen of his laptop, and besides him is his newly wedded wife, Jia, sleeping soundly. Baekhyun and Jia had already planned on sleeping in their separate rooms, but all thanks to Sojin who made the couple swear on her life, asking them to share a room as every married person does.


Of course, Baekhyun can't refuse his mother and he agreed to her demands. He has grown to know that all his mother wants for him is good and not evil, but he still doesn't know why his mother dislikes Sonia so much.


He looks away from the laptop's screen and drifts his attention to Jia. She looks so beautiful and peaceful while sleeping, and there's no sign of discomfort written on her face.


He sighs heavily and looks away from his wife before glancing at the wall clock. It's past 11 pm, and Baekhyun gets out of his bed. He covers Jia's body perfectly with the blanket since it's pretty cold, but still forgets to close the window. It's always a habit of his to always leave his window open. He grabbed his phone and walked out of the room.


Getting to his living room, Baekhyun called a number on his phone and he waited for the person to pick the call.


"Inspector Kyungsoo, how's the investigation so far? Have they said anything?" Baekhyun asked.


"They have. They were actually sent to kill your wife, Jia, and to stop the wedding." The inspector says through the phone.


Baekhyun furrows his brows as he takes in what Kyungsoo just said to him. They were sent to kill Jia and not him. Those scary-looking goons actually wanted to kill Jia? So if the military security men didn't act fast when they saw the goons approaching, that means Jia would have been long dead.


Baekhyun folds his fist in anger. He knows that he doesn't know Jia that much, her background history and all, but he trusts her and he knows that she has a kind and loving heart. She was ready to die in the process of saving his mother's life, so why would anyone want to kill her.


"Did they disclose the name of the person who ordered them to kill Jia?" Baekhyun asked, waiting to hear the answer.


"They all claimed that they were ordered by a lady, but they don't know her name."


"A lady?" Baekhyun bit his bottom lip, trying to fathom what Kyungsoo just told him. He can't remember hurting any lady, so why would someone want to kill Jia?


"Don't worry, Baekhyun we will try our best and bring back positive results," Kyungsoo says and Baekhyun shakes his head in disagreement with Kyungsoo's words.


"I need good results, inspector. Someone is after my wife's life and I hate the thought of that." Baekhyun says firmly before blowing out a sigh. "I will come to the station tomorrow, till then, good night." With that being said, Baekhyun ends the call after hearing a good night from Kyungsoo.


The lights are out in the living room, only Baekhyun's phone light is illuminating the area he's standing. He blows out another sigh due to his current state of mind. He's really not happy that someone is after Jia's life, and the most annoying part of it all is that he can't figure out who the person behind the order is.


He folds his fist in anger, but just then, he felt a sharp pain of suffocation hitting him pretty hard like a hurricane against his chest. The pain feels so real as if he's suffocating or being straggled.


"Straggled?" Baekhyun mutters, trying to figure out what's going. He's feeling extreme pain, but he's completely alright. He seems confused at the moment, and then it hits him like a train in motion. 


"Oh God, Jia." He rushes back to his bedroom, and there he beholds the ugly scene happening in front of him. A masked man wearing black pants and a black shirt is above his wife on the bed, strangling her to death with a pillow over her face.


Baekhyun feels his blood getting hot, the level of anger taking over his body is something he has never experienced in his whole life. He advanced towards the man and punched him in the face and the man fell off the bed. Baekhyun is so furious to the extent that his vision is a blur.


Once he sees that the man is on the floor, he advances after him, but the man is so quick to pull out his gun and points it at Baekhyun. Oh, it was really a terrible mistake on the man's side. 


Baekhyun's face is distorted with rage, and at this point, he is more furious and dangerous than a wounded lion. He kicks the gun off the man's hand, making him weaponless. He takes the opportunity to freestyle on the man's body, beating the life out of him until the man's mask falls off his face.


Unable to control his rage, he picks up the gun from the floor and fires at the man's legs, leaving the man in severe pain and unable to walk.


Once he sees that the man is completely useless and unable to move his body, he throws the gun away and rushes over to Jia who's still gasping for air. 


Baekhyun knelt next to her on the bed and scooped her into his arms. She looks so fragile and delicate, her face is all red and her lips swollen from the suffocation.


"Are you alright?" Baekhyun asks in a soft tone while caressing her cheeks but she shakes her head in response to his question. Her eyes are full of tears due to the suffocation, her hair is messy and covers her face. She's unable to speak, she's still gasping for air, all she needs at that moment is air and Baekhyun knows exactly what to do.


Baekhyun gently tilted her head backward and pressed his mouth against Jia's and blew air into her lungs. He repeats the same thing over and over till Jia's breathing becomes stable again.


"Are you alright?" Baekhyun asks in a softer and calm tone. He's looking at Jia straight in the eye and all he sees is fear and tears. 


"I'm scared." She says in a very low tone, almost a whisper, but Baekhyun hears her loud and clear.


"I'm sorry, Jia, it's all my fault." He pulls her into his chest and embraces her as if his life depends on her.


He reached for his phone on the bed that fell off his pocket and gave Kyungsoo a call with one hand, while the other hand was holding Jia so dearly. He tells Kyungsoo to come to his mansion immediately and ends the call.


Once he drops his phone, he slowly pulls Jia away from his body to have a good look at her. She looks so weak, but she's also staring at him with big eyes.


"I'm so sorry, Jia. If only I didn't leave the room to make a phone call, then all this wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry, Jia." He says and gently caresses Jia's hair away from her face. "I'm so sorry." He says with so much regret in his voice. He leans closer to Jia and kisses her forehead, then her eyes, then her nose. He stops when he gets to her lips and he looks straight into her eyes before smiling at her. He kisses her jaw before pulling away.


He looked down at her body and he noticed that her nightgown is not covering her body properly. He lay her on his own side of the bed and arranged her nightgown properly on her body. He poured some water into a glass cup on his bedside table and gently helped her up to drink it, and she finished it in one go.


"More water." She mutters and Baekhyun makes sure she drinks a lot of water to her satisfaction. 

Baekhyun sits closer to Jia, caressing her hair while watching her blinking her eyes slowly till she falls asleep.


Once Baekhyun notices that Jia is deeply asleep, he gives his gateman a call, telling him what to do when Kyungsoo arrives.


The sound of the doorbell distracted Baekhyun from his deep thought. He picks up the remote controlling his mansion and he presses a green button.


He picks up his phone and gives Kyungsoo a call, telling him that the door is open and he also directed him straight to his bedroom through the phone. 


Baekhyun lifts his eyes towards his room door when he hears a knock. He knows that it's Kyungsoo, so he quickly covers Jia's body with a blanket before getting up from the bed. 


He walked towards the door and unlocked it. "Thanks for coming." He says and Kyungsoo nods. He's still confused as to why Baekhyun asked him to come over to his mansion after midnight.


"It's alright, but what happened? You sounded strange over the phone." Kyungsoo asks and Baekhyun sighs and lets Kyungsoo into his room.


"My wife was attacked tonight, and she was almost suffocated to death. She almost died tonight, Kyungsoo. This isn't funny anymore. Who's the ing son of a that's after my wife's life?" Baekhyun is furious and Kyungsoo knows it.


"Please Baekhyun, calm down. I can see that she's soundly asleep, so please keep your voice low to avoid her getting scared." Kyungsoo says while looking at Jia who's sleeping soundly on the bed and Baekhyun frowned on noticing the inspector's long stare at his wife.


"Mr. Inspector I called you here to take that man away and not stare at my sleeping wife," Baekhyun said harshly and Kyungsoo quickly looked away from Jia.


"Pardon my behavior, I was a little carried away by her beauty."


"I know. Now please get this bastard out of my sight and do that needful before I empty the remaining bullet on his body." Baekhyun says and Kyungsoo averts his attention to the bleeding man on the floor. He was a little shocked when he saw what Baekhyun did to the man, but he sighed and looked at Baekhyun.


"Thank you for not taking the law into your hands. I will handle things from this point." Kyungsoo says with a small smile. He knows Baekhyun to be a very hard man and also aggressive when he's being triggered, and he guesses the rock star was highly triggered by the sight at which he saw his wife earlier.


It only took Kyungsoo a phone call and his men arrived. The assassin was out of Baekhyun's mansion and the room was taken care of. Kyungsoo has also promised to get to the root of everything and Baekhyun holds him by his word.


Baekhyun arranged his bed and lay next to Jia. The room is already clean and the broken window through which the assassin had passed is now covered with a blanket. 


He pulls Jia closer to himself and wraps his hand around her. He really regrets leaving her in the room. He feels so pissed off at the moment, but he's sure to look into the matter in the morning.




The sound of soft snores wakes Jia up, and the first thing she sees is Baekhyun's bare chest. Her face is being pressed against it and she quickly pulls away from his embrace.


She stays on the bed staring at Baekhyun for a while, and she vaguely recalls all that happened over the previous night. How a masked man jumped over her and covered her face with Baekhyun's pillow, she also recalled seeing the way Baekhyun beat the man to the point of death, and then the way Baekhyun shot the man's legs. She also recalled how Baekhyun took care of her, his gentle touches, his loving care, and warm kisses.


Jia ends up smiling. She likes the way Baekhyun takes good care of her and the way he treats her, but then the sad truth remains the same. Her husband is deeply in love with his lover Sonia, and that will never change. She sighs and steps out of the bed for her morning bath, but she sees Baekhyun's phone ringing, and when she looks at the caller ID, it's Sonia written on it.


She sighs and looks away from the phone. She's not that sad about Baekhyun loving someone else and not her, but the way he keeps taking care of her is something she can't explain.


After bathing, she changed into one of her casual short gowns and headed to the kitchen. She's already used to the house, so nothing is new to her. All thanks to Sojin. 


Normally, Jia would have gone out for her regular workout, but after last night's incident, she decides to stay indoors till everything is back in place. She doesn't know much, but she's sure that someone is after her life.


It's a beautiful day and the sun is up in the sky. Jia is really excited to have Sehun visit them as promised. She grabs the pan and decides to prepare breakfast when suddenly, Baekhyun rushes into the kitchen, panting heavily.


Jia stares at him and she notices the look of fear and worries written all over his face.

She's about to say a word when Baekhyun walks into the kitchen and pulls her into his chest and hugs hers tightly. 


Jis is shocked at his sudden behavior, but when she feels the rate at which his heart is beating heavily, she realized that he was probably looking for her and maybe he's scared that something bad might have happened to her.


"I'm right here, Baekhyun, so please calm down," Jia says, but Baekhyun didn't pull away. He embraces her to himself even more as if she will disappear if he lets go of her.

Jia noticed that Baekhyun isn't ready to let go, so she decides to speak up. 


"Sonia called you this morning." She says softly while listening to Baekhyun's heartbeat. The rock star didn't say a word, but he gently pulled away from the hug and gave Jia a gentle look.


"So what if she called me, Jia?" Baekhyun asks while caressing her face. He's not angry and he's not smiling. He's just so unreadable and Jia hates this side of Baekhyun so much.


"I don't know. I'm just letting you know."


"Why?" Baekhyun asks, this time he's no longer caressing her face, but he's staring at her.


"You know what I'm talking about. You two are lovers and I guess you haven't spoken to her since our engagement, so I guess that's why she was calling." Jia says and Baekhyun sighs. He can't believe that he's worried sick about Jia, but she's only concerned about his affair with Sonia.


Although, Jia is right. He's in a relationship with Sonia and he's going to divorce Jia after six months. But why does he feel so connected to Jia? He feels so connected to her that he always wants to keep her safe.


He sighs and walks out of the kitchen. He's going through a hard time with his feelings and he can't still figure out why he's so connected to Jia as if they're one. He has been in a relationship with Sonia for many years but never has he felt her pain or discomfort. Everything is just too strange and it's driving him crazy.


He quickly showers and drives out of his mansion. He needs to clear his head and get back his senses. 




Sonia and Jungwoo are greatly troubled after the breaking news about the murder attempt on Jia's life on her wedding night. Many people's attention is into this case and Sonia is highly stressed, and so is Jungwoo.


They're trying to take things gently since no one knows that they're the ones behind everything, but then there's this news everywhere in the city about a very experienced detective who's also a lawyer who's going to take on the case of bringing to light the person behind Jia's attempted murder.


"What do we do?" Sonia is worried and Jungwoo is losing it. He's not sure if the new detective will be that smart, but then he has to be vigilant.


"Calm down, Sonia. Let's just watch and see what's going to happen." Jungwoo says and Sonia nods her head, but she's still so pissed about the fact that Jia is still alive and Baekhyun is the very person that saved her.


"Baekhyun is not picking my calls, I don't know if he already suspects me." Sonia hissed in frustration and threw her phone away. She can't believe how things became this messy.


"Just calm down baby. I think he's with his wife, making sure she's safe or making love." Jungwoo says with a chuckle follow and Sonia throws a pillow after him in annoyance.


"You're not helping, besides my Baekhyun will never fall in love with that low life not to mention making love, he loves me so much and not Jia," Sonia says angrily and Jungwoo only chuckles.


"How sure are you about that? I mean Baekhyun refused to introduce you to his parents all these years, but all of a sudden he agrees to marry that Jia of a girl. Come on, how sure are you about this love you claim Baekhyun has for you?"


"Enough already. This is not my problem at the moment. I really want to make sure I get all of Baekhyun's wealth and Baekhyun also." Sonia said and soon regrets it.


"Excuse me?" Jungwoo says with a small smile. "Did I hear you say your Baekhyun?"


"No, that's not what I mean. All I want at the moment is the news about Jia's death." She heaves a deep sigh and packs her hair into a ponytail. She glanced at the wall clock and she picked up her car keys from the bedside table.


"I will be back, there's something I must take care of." She walks off, leaving Jungwoo all to himself.


The moment she leaves the apartment, Jungwoo chuckles as if he knows exactly what's going on in Sonia's mind. He has always known Sonia to be the kind of person that seeks fame, power, and money, and she doesn't mind who has to go down just so she can get what she wants. 


Jungwoo thinks that Jia is really unlucky this time to be on Sonia's blacklist because he's well aware of the evil extent Sonia is ready to go in order to have Jia dead.


The truth is that he doesn't even have anything to do with this Jia, all he wants is to have his revenge on the Byun family, and Baekhyun is the person he's going to use in getting his revenge. Byun has to feel the same pain he felt when he lost his dear father. He's going to take Baekhyun's life and make Minwoo Byun go through the same pain he went through.


He picks up his car key and also vacates the apartment. At the moment he has to get some things at the mall while he awaits the arrival of his dark mistress, Sonia.




Jia has just finished preparing breakfast with so much difficulty. Ever since she steps out of the bed, she has been suffering from a very terrible headache due to what happened last night.


Cooking has always been one of Jia's favorite things to do, but today is different. Her eyes are red and her head is getting worse. Baekhyun hasn't returned ever since he left the mansion looking unhappy. He migh

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Tempted By Fate Chapter 25 which is also the last chapter is finally out! Go check it out.


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Chapter 1: Woah Baekhyun seems to be a little bit vulgar here💀😳 I liked his aura tho! I wonder how he's gonna fall in love with her?! Let me dig in more yum!😩
41 streak #3
Chapter 31: Wow.. finally got to finish another amazing story from authornim's collection... it was indeed so catchy, interesting and mysterious... full of love, suspense and secrets... I really loved Jia's strong, bold but still soft and lovely character... I also became her fan after her first acts.. hehe..even though baekhyun's character at first really shocked me and left me totally speechless but the drastic changes made things more interesting...but really enjoyed their bickering and enemy episodes... that woman sonia and het whole evil acts really made me want to slap her real hard... served her right for the evil deed she did to everyone specially Jia and baekhyun..loved the way Jia ans baekhyun's character and relationship developed from strangers to slight enemies to lovers...that was a whole long journey and of course a Rollercoaster ride.. but loved the ups and downs in their relationship cause that made their relationship more stronger and opened so many new secrets to them... the fact that I'm in love the lovely soulmate couple... the revelation one by one revealed and that was both shocking and heartbreaking but still heartwarming and sweetest... so happy for dara and jiyong, also sehun and sunhee.. sunhee's that part really broke my heart... but loved the way sehun helped, comforted, supported and saved her from that situation... so sweet of him.. glad that all these amazing people were with Jia all along with her throughout all these good and bad situations... felt so bad for her but loved the way baekhyun understood his mistakes and corrected it.. embraced her so lovingly and warmly... so happy for them... their confession part was one of the best thing... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment between them made things more sweet and loveable than before... also shin and her evil deed made me so angry.. served her right...didn't expect she could be these much evil and pathetic crazy woman... baekhyun's parents were one of my favorite characters here... aww..so lovely and heartwarming people..so happy for Jia that she got all the happiness at the end of the story.. also uww... baby and the new couple...Jia and baekhyun deserved that happiness.. glad that they got their deserved happy ending... so excited to read more bonus chapters... I'm deeply in love with the story and the couple..also the side characters... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end..indeed another best work from authornim..you really did well... well written everything.. the plot, plot twists, the characters, events, secrets, suspense, mystery, character development, love blossom, heartbreak and lovey-dovey couple moments all too good and incredible...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, catchy and lovely story.. really loved the story so much...take care of yourself and stay hydrated... have a wonderful day and fighting authornim.. will patiently wait for the bonus chapters to read more about them...
morphine007 #4
Chapter 32: Followed ❤️
Chapter 31: It was a lovely story ❣️❣️
congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 31: Why are you so talented author-nim??🥺🥺 Your all stories are amazing..
Chapter 32: Yey! I am excited to read the bonus chapters. Fighting!
Chapter 32: Yeah! I can't wait to see the bonus chapters Author-nim! 💗