No Daggers.

Say So.
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Is it what you decide to see, to feel, to think, to perceive?
If that is so, then truth may change at will.

Almost comedic.


Yongsun lets out a white puff, as if the condensed miniscule droplets could envelop all of her worries and vaporise together into this December night’s freezing air. Groceries bags heavy at either arms urge her to pick up her pace a bit more, and hurried strides soon reach their destination.

“1906, 1906, ...” Milky brown orbs scan the dimmed hallway. Once they found where she needs with a small sigh of relief, Yongsun shifts the loads on either arms, just enough to let her press the blue doorbell. It doesn’t take another ring before loud clatters can be heard behind the door.

Then some barking.

Then some more breaking and barking.

Whatever that was didn’t stop Byulyi from scrambling to open the door to the love of her life.

“H-hey there!”

Returning the supposedly injured’s zealous greeting is a dubious stare, directed at the mess Byulyi left in her woke. A cleanly broken key bowl, next to a chubby corgi that somehow has a sock right on top of its round, bubbly head. Yongsun doubles over when her eyes met the other sock stuck in the brunette’s tangled hair.

“Well,” Byulyi’s subtle attempt at casually fixing the mess that is her hair (or her reputation, if there was any) fails miserably, “it’s cold outside, come in first!”

“Don’t touch them, Ms. Patient”, Yongsun waltzes her way into her junior's single studio, moving the bags out of her host's reach. And Byulyi also fails at casually swiping the grocery bags off her well-expected visitor.

Not for long though. The quirky little thing scoops their yet-dinner towards her kitchen in a split second when Yongsun struggles with laces up her boots, an (adorably) audible grunt follows suit.

“Please, just, stay put, Byulyi-ssi.” She mutters under her breath, quite displeased with the unruly youth.

“Huh? Who’s that, I don’t know them." Oh God, Yongsun inwardly prays, please give her patience to stop herself from slapping that -eating grin off the cute hamster's face any time soon.

“... Byulyi. Please. Stay put.”

“Aye aye, captain.”


Watching Yongsun in action is blissful enough for moons to shine within Byulyi’s eyes.

That is to say, Moon Byulyi is thoroughly, completely, graciously whipped. Though, anyone would be in her shoes if their three-year crush suddenly becomes within reach.

Their physical reach, to be precise.

With all coherent thoughts ceasing to exist after Yongsun’s softly asked if Byulyi likes a lot of kimchi in her fried rice, she has to cool herself with the fridge’s air and randomly grabs one of those grape-flavored beverages. Else she might just pull her into a backhug right then and there.

It does come to her a wonder, a few times perhaps, how the mini sun is cooking up her dinner even after a long day at work, in her kitchen, with her Squirtle apron fitting like it was tailor-made for Yongsun.

(That was an exaggeration but Byulyi silently thanks whoever up there for her decision to get it on a whim.)


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Thank you!
I really made you guys waited exactly half a year oh my goodness 😂
I made some changes to the update. Please let me know what you think, and what will happen in the next chapter. Thank you for your love and patience.
Then, until the next update.


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Wooshtheroosh #1
Chapter 2: :00

Thank u for the chap author!! Stay safeee!!
Password11 #2
Chapter 2: i will be waiting for next chapter :)
TennoujiMegumi #3
Chapter 1: When are you going to update ...... ? Hehehe
denfanyi #4
Chapter 1: Wow... Why is this too short?! You leave us asking for more authornim! I'm excited for the next! Thank you ^^
qwertyuiop7 #5
Chapter 1: this is good! can't wait for next update! ty btw authornim
386 streak #6
Chapter 1: I soooo freakin lovee thissss....aaacckkk
Wooshtheroosh #7
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhh, interestinnggg
Chapter 1: Interesting! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
byulfan92 #9
Chapter 1: Off to an exciting start. I am anticipating this story. Great first chapter and I can’t wait for next update.
(Just out of curiosity, will this story possibly contain some adulting? “M”aybe??? Lol ???)
IbrahimWheein #10
Chapter 1: Woah you're talented