No Punches.

Say So.
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Beautiful brown irises idly flutter open.

A lukewarm sensation runs down along her left temple. Eyelids could not keep the blood from flooding her already blurred vision.

Everything whirls, as if these lights are dancing their lives out to a mad rhythm.



Yeah, she was dancing, partying, up until just a few moments ago.

What exactly happened?


She fails to collect any lucid thought, but the noises have started to buzz in her ears. Whispers. Loud shouts. Sirens. Sobbings.

Without any warning, a blast of hellish pain explodes on the left side of her face. It burns into her eyes, electrocuting every single one of her hair follicles. She can’t hear her own gut-wrenching groans, but the person hovering right above her can, apparently.

Grinding her teeth, Byul shuts her eyes and clenches blood-drenched fists to control her body’s physical shock. Each fiber of her being is screaming out in agony, but she can’t lose here. Once the prior shock has partially subsided, she opens her eyes again. It’s hard to see past streaming blood and bitter tears. She was bringing up one of her bruised, muddy forearms to her eye, when a hand stops it by the wrist and dabs her eye with a soft and clean-feeling cloth, ever so gently.

Blinding bright lights loom over them, making it even harder to see. Bit by bit, hazy images stop overlapping, and a tear-stained face, distorted in dread, came into clear view.

It doesn't come as a surprise, surprisingly. She still looks so stunning.

That was Byul’s last thought before she feels elevated, literally, and lets her conciousness drown.


That fight in the club easily takes the top spot on Byul’s “most reckless decisions” list in her twenty years of life.

Ranking at third place was her decision to cram day and night until she was on the brink of insanity for CSAT. The most hellish phase of her dark past, no doubt.

The runner up would be Byul’s last-minute, U-turn university choice for Department Of Political Science And International Studies, at Hanyang College of Social Sciences, which was hastily made just so she could attend the same one her highschool crush applied for. It would be nothing worth mentioning, if the campus was not a whole three-hour trip away from her family’s house.

And now, a damn fight in a night club, no less. Truly fitting of her honor student title. Byul just hopes the news won’t reach her cousin any time soon. Having that brat snitching on her to her over-protective parents, which would lead to their summoning her back home in the final week of winter br

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Thank you!
I really made you guys waited exactly half a year oh my goodness 😂
I made some changes to the update. Please let me know what you think, and what will happen in the next chapter. Thank you for your love and patience.
Then, until the next update.


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Wooshtheroosh #1
Chapter 2: :00

Thank u for the chap author!! Stay safeee!!
Password11 #2
Chapter 2: i will be waiting for next chapter :)
TennoujiMegumi #3
Chapter 1: When are you going to update ...... ? Hehehe
denfanyi #4
Chapter 1: Wow... Why is this too short?! You leave us asking for more authornim! I'm excited for the next! Thank you ^^
qwertyuiop7 #5
Chapter 1: this is good! can't wait for next update! ty btw authornim
385 streak #6
Chapter 1: I soooo freakin lovee thissss....aaacckkk
Wooshtheroosh #7
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhh, interestinnggg
Chapter 1: Interesting! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
byulfan92 #9
Chapter 1: Off to an exciting start. I am anticipating this story. Great first chapter and I can’t wait for next update.
(Just out of curiosity, will this story possibly contain some adulting? “M”aybe??? Lol ???)
IbrahimWheein #10
Chapter 1: Woah you're talented