One last time

Perfect Mess
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The next day, cold air envelops the place as daylight unwraps the hues of the world. The dawn came with a musical silence as if the soul hears the melody that the ears could not. Taeyeon woke up early and made breakfast for the family. With a messy bun, she makes her way to the fridge and takes out the ingredients for today’s breakfast menu.

“Taeyeon ah is that you?” Tiffany yawned then rubbed her eyes, “Why are you up so early?”

“Oh fany ah,” Taeyeon said with a low voice, her morning voice. “I was planning on cooking something for today’s breakfast menu.”

“Why?” Tiffany approached and stood beside Taeyeon, watching her prepare the ingredients.

“Because I want to?” Taeyeon placed the bowls and started chopping the spices.

“What’s for today’s breakfast menu?” Tiffany asked as Taeyeon prepares a large non-stick pan, “Let me help you with that.” Tiffany takes the two bowls and cracks the egg separating the egg yolk from the egg white.

“Korean breakfast cuisine.”

Hours passed, maids start to crowd the kitchen only to see Taeyeon and Tiffany, finally done with today’s breakfast menu. At the of 7 am, the Kim family arrived at the dining area. The maids serve the dishes and opened them all at once in front of them. Taeyeon who’s hiding behind the kitchen wall checks to see how her parallel family would react.

“Do you think they’ll like it?” Taeyeon whispered sensing there is someone behind her.

“I bet they’ll love it,” Tiffany answered in the same manner.

Taeyeon’s father takes the first bite of the vegetable omelet and takes a spoonful of rice in the gukbap. Anticipating his reaction, he nods in approval as the other members start to dig in as well. Taeyeon sighs in relief as she sees their happy faces while eating.

“Told you so.” Tiffany held up her hand as Taeyeon low five’s her. “Why are you here? You’re supposed to join them for breakfast.”

“Nah they’re fine without me. For once, let me join you for breakfast.” Taeyeon sets 4 bowls in front of her and scoops some rice on the rice cooker.

“What’s got into you today?” Tiffany sets the table in the kitchen.

“I just want to serve all of you just this once.”

“Well, this is new.”

“Just this once, let me make you guys happy.” Taeyeon smiled after they have set the main and side dishes good for four. “What are you waiting for? Tell your father and brother to join us for breakfast!” Taeyeon happily said.


Later that day, Taeyeon and Tiffany decided to meet up with Yuri and Jessica at Hongdae where it is known for its creative vibe enough to attract even more people in the area, is pretty crowded now that Winter is slowly fading. After a night filled with reminiscing the good times they made, Taeyeon's mind keeps on wandering away. Tiffany who’s clueless about what Taeyeon is up to also felt a heavy heart for some unknown reasons.

“Fany ah,” Taeyeon called, “Will they be here?”

“Don’t worry they’ll come.” Tiffany leaned on the wall as they wait for them outside of the Nanta theater.

“Do you think I’m bored to be with?”

“What’s with the sudden question? First of all, you’re not a boring person. Second, you are fun to be with. Lastly don't even think about it.“

“Oh, there they are!” Taeyeon waved, “Over here!”

“What took you guys so long?” Tiffany asked as they approach the two.

“We just finished our lunch earlier.” Yuri informed, “Luckily, Jessica here was already awake when I got to her place.”

“I slept early last night.” Jessica shrugs.

“Yuri ah, I’m sorry if I ever made you mad yesterday.” Taeyeon frowns and hung her head low.

“I know you’re only looking out for us. I’m sorry that my emotions got the best of me yesterday. Are we good?” Yuri smiled as Taeyeon nods, “I’m glad we’re good. High five buddy!” Yuri raised her hand as high as she can, teasing Taeyeon.

Taeyeon grabbed Yuri’s other hand and high fived it with hers, “Let’s go!” she jogged and gestured the three to follow her.

“Where exactly are we going?” Jessica asked as the three calmly walked behind the hyper Taeyeon.

“Shopping!” Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany as she grabbed Yuri then yuri grabbed Jessica’s hand forming a human chain, “Let’s go shopping!”

“If you want to go shopping we should have gone to Myeongdong,” Jessica said as she kept her hands to herself.

“We’re not gonna go shopping at the mall instead

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ITS MY STORY'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY WOHOO! Should I make a season 2 out of it? If I do make one, what things are needed for improvement? Tell me your thoughts on the comment section :D FOR NEW READERS, Dont skip some chapters because you'll end up getting confused lol.


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162 streak #1
Chapter 41: Great story author-nim!!!
Chapter 41: It finish already...fuhhhh finaly it taeyeon birthday...Happy Birthday King Taeyeon
mocihanbin #3
Sounds great!
Chapter 39: It getting excited..what will happen to them
soaenyyy #5
Chapter 38: Wahhhh author-nim I'm new hear and in 3 days and I'm already here please upload author I'll wait🥺
Chapter 36: What happen to taeyeon in both world...hope notting bad happen
Chapter 35: Why she run or myb she back to her world :(
Chapter 33: Yess fany always with tae
Chapter 32: Excited for next...what happen
Chapter 31: Miss my taeny