
Perfect Mess
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“Where’s the ring.” I kept silent and just glared at him. “WHERE’S THE RING!”


“Beat her up until she starts talking.” They did as he tells them to do and starts beating me up. I started spitting blood and bruises are visibly appearing all over my body.

A man in a suit came along with two bodyguards in the crime scene. He was informed that the ring they got was a fake one and started to throw a fit. He walks over to me and said, “You just messed with the wrong guy Kim Taeyeon ssi.” 

I jumped on the bridge as I fell on the water seeing a body drowning beside me as I reach out. As if the eyes could talk, her gaze screams “Help me”

. . . . . . . . .

I woke up having the same nightmare again and again. It’s been two months since I’ve isolated myself in this room. It’s like living in prison what’s worse is that my parents and even my brother don’t even care about me. I know they’re not my real parents but I can’t help it, they just look like them. I have to be strong, I can’t let them see and know that I’m not the Kim Taeyeon they knew.

I got out of bed as I opened the curtain seeing the view of the mountains before me. “I wonder how she’s doing”

Tiffany came with breakfast in a tray as she placed it in the table, “Early bird as always. Do you still have those nightmares?”

“Every night and it’s been two months since I kept dreaming of it.” Taeyeon shared as tiffany placed the dish out from the tray. “The tea you gave works for me. I don’t have insomnia’s lately it’s just that it can’t make my nightmares disappear.” Taeyeon sat at the couch as she took the fork and the table knife.

“Yuri told me that Detective Kim wants to have your statement for a month now but the chairman forbids anyone to come to the mansion and not a single person can make it through the gate except the family and staff.” Tiffany takes out the metal lid revealing scrambled eggs with rosemary potatoes and bacon with blueberry fruit beside it and some apple juice.

Taeyeon looks at the dish then to her, “What do you think is going on in my world?”

“I bet she’s complaining a lot.” Tiffany chuckled.

“Well, I bet she just found her perfect match,” Taeyeon said knowing tiffany from her world is a bit spoiled and a troublemaker.


Just as how the two predicted, Taeyeon from the other side was woken up by her brother as he kept saying she needs to prepare for her flight. Grumbling from time to time she had no choice but to comply. It was early in the morning when she took a bath and makes some breakfast for herself. Unconsciously taking out the milk from the fridge, the cereal from the counter, a spoon, and a bowl; she poured the cereal from the bowl with her eyes half-closed then pouring out the milk afterward before taking a bite.

Suddenly Taeyeon received a smack from the arm as she hissed with full of cereal, “UMMA!”

“Are you crazy?! Why are you eating the young lady’s cereal?” Her mother said before taking the cereal box and the milk.

“What’s going on?” The chairman entered the dining room seeing Mrs. Kim holding the cereal and the milk and Taeyeon sitting on his daughter’s chair.

Taeyeon realized this is not her house and she has no right to sit on the family table. She stood up after swallowing the food on and bowed, “Chairman Hwang”

He chuckled as he motions her to sit back, “it's okay I don’t mind you having here. Please continue what you’re eating.” He sat on his chair as the maids served breakfast as Taeyeon continues to eat. “Eat well, okay?” he said as he smiled. Taeyeon shyly bowed her head before eating her cereal.


The night before, Tiffany booked three first-class tickets to Paris and today’s the day where she and her friends will be going. Her flight starts at 11 am and it so just happens to be at the same time where Taeyeon and she will be flying to Jeju but she never knew about that when she tries to sneakily go outside of the house

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ITS MY STORY'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY WOHOO! Should I make a season 2 out of it? If I do make one, what things are needed for improvement? Tell me your thoughts on the comment section :D FOR NEW READERS, Dont skip some chapters because you'll end up getting confused lol.


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162 streak #1
Chapter 41: Great story author-nim!!!
Chapter 41: It finish already...fuhhhh finaly it taeyeon birthday...Happy Birthday King Taeyeon
mocihanbin #3
Sounds great!
Chapter 39: It getting excited..what will happen to them
soaenyyy #5
Chapter 38: Wahhhh author-nim I'm new hear and in 3 days and I'm already here please upload author I'll wait🥺
Chapter 36: What happen to taeyeon in both world...hope notting bad happen
Chapter 35: Why she run or myb she back to her world :(
Chapter 33: Yess fany always with tae
Chapter 32: Excited for next...what happen
Chapter 31: Miss my taeny