Another fic of teachers since you all liked it

Sugar coated
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Another fic of teachers since you all liked it


When Seo Soojin walked into the classroom she was surprised by the agitation of her students, she sat in her chair and waited for the bell to start her class, in a matter of minutes she could understand what had made her students so excited, apparently the university had a new teacher since Mr Park had suffered a heart attack a few days ago and had to take a leave of absence from work, she listened in amusement as her students discussed how the new teacher was gorgeous and how they might even enjoy the class this year with  such a beautiful teacher, Soojin can't help but wonder who this beautiful teacher could be? The bell rang and she got up to start her class, she would find out who the new teacher was later

Soojin was sitting in the teacher’s lounge during the break with her friends eating and talking about the new drama that had premiered the day before, Mijoo and Yein were commenting on the lead actor's beauty while Soojin was just enjoying her sandwich, them she noticed that the teacher's lounge went quiet and Mijoo widened her eyes.


-Is that the new teacher?

Soojin looked back and widened her eyes as she saw the very attractive woman striding through the door and bowing to the teachers leaving the lounge

-Damn she is hot

-Do you think she is single Soojin?

Mijoo asked her but the only thing Soojin did was watch the new teacher who is now approaching her and her friends on the couch.

-Good morning, my name is Yeh Shuhua

The new teacher bowed to them

-You must be the new geometry teacher

The geometry teacher looked Soojin up and down and smirked

-Yes I am, I'm happy to cover Mr Park's classes until he recovers

-I didn't expect you to be so... beautiful

Mijoo and Yein looked at each other in surprise, since when did Soojin praise someone? Why was Soojin acting this way? The way she was looking at the new teacher…what is going on? And by the way the new teacher was looking at her, she'd liked the compliment.

- You are also very beautiful professor…

-Seo, Seo Soojin

-Soojin ssi... I loved the color of your lipstick, it goes really well with your fleshy lips

-Thanks, it's a new color I'm testing

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I never tire of repeating, our girls are the most creative group of this generation ... Revenge is perfect, Yeh Shuhua... damn!
When did they have time to record this mv? No wonder they were sick, working 24/7


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1290 streak #1
Chapter 709: She's not so drunk now is she
1290 streak #2
Chapter 708: Like throwing all care to the win it can come later 🤣
jisookim1243 #3
Chapter 708: hello?@??÷? thjs made my day hehe thank u for ths💕
jisookim1243 #4
Chapter 707: the tororo part is so cute, but i need to see shu alpha more
1290 streak #5
Chapter 707: The tittle made me chuckle LOL
1290 streak #6
Chapter 706: Oh thank God it didn't end like that last part 😭
1290 streak #7
Chapter 705: Oh that 😭😭 Yuqi 😭😭
1290 streak #8
Chapter 704: LMAO not her falling in love with the dog only to find out there's another one secretly
1290 streak #9
Chapter 703: The big smile I have on my face right now because I could truly see them all in the future having kids and thing just not changing despite the years
1290 streak #10
Chapter 702: So thank the nice barista 🤣🤣