Blending In

Hyewon woke with a jolt, shutting her alarm off she sat up from her position. Sunlight streaming in her room, she looked at her right to see an easel and a blank canvas. She remembered how she impulsively bought a canvas and paints yesterday.

How the adrenaline got into her, and made her excited to go home. Quickly setting up the canvas and preparing her paints and brushes, only to stare at it. She doesn’t know where to start.

She knows that she wants to paint Minju, but she doesn’t know where or how to start it. Should she paint a portrait? The scene in the library, the night she saw her when she bought noodles? Which is why she stared at the canvas for hours.

Until she found herself falling asleep, and just waking up now. Rubbing her face, she checked the time only to read that it’s already 9. She immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath and prepare for her classes.

Grabbing her phone, she sent Yujin a text.

How’s the project?

  • Kwangbae

Almost instantly, she received a reply. Two messages.

No progress.

  • Yujinnie

How about yours?

  • Yujinnie

Same as yours.

  • Kwangbae

You’ll paint her.

  • Yujinnie

I know. I just don’t know how. Hyewon thought. Deciding not to reply, she put her phone in her pocket. She quickly made a sandwich that would last her for a few hours. Checking her appearance, she shrugged. It’s not like she’s trying to impress someone. Which is why she’s wearing a simple hoodie and jeans. It’s lazy day today.

She quickly went out of her apartment, locking it and walked to university. This would give her time to think about her project. Hyewon is in her own world as she walks until she heard her phone chime.

What’s so interesting about the ground?

  • +82 18 82xx xxxx

Frowning, she decided to ignore the weird message thinking that someone had a wrong number. Until her phone chimed again.

Don’t ignore me

  • +82 18 82xx xxxx

“Holy .” This made her stop in her tracks. Hyewon starts looking around if someone is pranking her or even stalking her. Hypocrite.

Another chime.

Turn around.

  • +82 18 82xx xxxx

Hyewon thought about it, if this was a movie, she knows she would die the moment she’d turn around. Of course, it is also the most logical thing to do. Another thing is that she should run. But being Kang Hyewon, she is all but logical. So, she turned around.


And holy . She would have screamed at the person behind her. Hyewon would have slap that person then and there for scaring the hell out of her. But no, she was frozen there. Not when Minju is standing there, smiling her usual smile. Which made Hyewon’s heart skipped a beat.

“You’re too concentrated on the ground, I’m afraid bump on someone.”

Hyewon knows she’s staring. Too much staring for a morning, and so she quickly stepped away and rubbed her neck. Embarrassed and suddenly conscious of her attire.

“I, yeah.” She muttered, avoiding Minju’s eyes. “Just thinking.”

“I could see that,” Minju said to the girl, “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself.”

“What?” Hyewon asked confused, because as much as she’s aware, she knows Minju already.

“On the text.” Minju chuckled.

“Oh,” Hyewon said. “Oh! Of course, that was you?”

“I mean, don’t answer that. Of course, that was you. “Hyewon cut her off, rambling things she doesn’t want to ramble. “It’s fine, no big deal. You just freaked me out on a second there. Though I don’t usually freak out. And I’m not weird. And I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are.” Minju giggled.

Hyewon smiled awkwardly, but she’s internally screaming. She made Minju giggle, who does that? In the morning. She could die properly now. She then cleared not wanting to space out.

“Going to school?” She asked. Which is obvious, mentally smacking herself for the stupid question.

“Yeah,” Minju nodded. “Mind if I walk with you?”

“Yes,” Hyewon said, and as if realizing her answer. “I mean no. I don’t mind you. I mean walking.”

For the love of Sappho. Hyewon thought and took a deep breath, Minju still looking at her with an amused expression.

“What I’m saying is that I’d love to walk with you.” She said slowly.

“That’s great,” Minju smiled again, making Hyewon melt a little bit inside. “Come on.” She nodded and started walking making the art student follow her. The latter does not know how to start a conversation without making a fool of herself, which is why she’s grateful that Minju talked.

“What time does your class start?” Minju ask starting a conversation.

Realizing that it’s a Wednesday, she remembered what her class would be. “10 in the morning.”

“What subject?”

Hyewon could not help but sigh. “History of Arts.”

“That bad?”

“Understatement.” She deadpanned, grumbling at the 3-hour long class she will be facing later.

“How about you?” She decided to ask the English major instead.

“Mine won’t start until 12.” Minju said with a smile.

“That’s like 3 hours from now.” Hyewon said, confused. “You’re too early.”

“I know.” Minju shrugged her shoulders.

“I mean, why are you early?” Hyewon questioned, completely confused.

“Nothing much.” Minju answered vaguely.

Hyewon was about to ask again until she saw that they’ve already arrived at their destination. Walking inside the halls, Hyewon saw Yujin waiting for her at the usual corner. Oh, here she comes.

“I have to go now.” This caused her to turn to Minju who was smiling at her. Before she could say her farewell, she was cut off by the girl.

“I was hoping to walk with you.” Minju said, and quickly walked off.

What did she just say? Hyewon stared at the retreating figure of the girl. Until she heard Yujin calling her.

“Unnie!” Yujin approach her, but she could only stare at Minju.

“Isn’t that Minju-unnie?”

Gulping she quickly pulled the younger girl to the direction of their room, ignoring her protests.

“Hey! Wait, you’re ruining my shirt!”




“You useless lesbian.” Yujin declared to the older girl.

“I told you to – “

“Useless lesbian.”

Hyewon groaned in her seat, not denying the statement. After she pulled the younger girl to their first class, wherein they are the first ones to arrive she immediately told the story to her. Not caring if she would be teased later on.

“I really don’t know.”

“Unnie, who would lose 3 hours of sleep just to walk early?”

“Hey! Sakura woke up at 6 AM to buy a game!” Hyewon reasoned out.

“That’s beside my point!” Yujin grumbled, “I don’t know, maybe she wants to be close with you.” She continued, unsure of what to say.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you guys are going to be neighbors, right?” Yujin asked, wherein the older girl nodded.

“Maybe this is her way to be close to you.” Yujin shrugged. “Which is weird. To be honest.”

“Maybe.” Hyewon said under her breath.

Yujin looked at the older girl beside her who was looking at her desk, obviously thinking.

“Or her way to flirt.” Yujin smirked. Hyewon whipped her head to look at Yujin with a teasing smile.

“What do you – “

“But I don’t want to get your hopes up.” Yujin blurted and shrugged. “So, let’s look outside of the box. And say that she just wants to have a new friend in the apartment she’s moving in.”

Perhaps, Hyewon should be thankful with the younger girl despite of her unrelentless teasing. Because Yujin might be ungodly annoying, but she’s still someone who would understand her best. Same goes with Sakura and Yena.

“So, how’s your project?” Yujin decided to change the topic.

“I’m still not sure.”

“Oh, please.” Yujin rolled her eyes, “You absolutely know what you’re going to do.”

“Shut up.”

The instructor entered with his usual boring face, making all the students go to their seats. Some groans were heard, including Yujin and Hyewon. The former putting her bag on her desk, and put her head over it.

“Wake me up after this class.” Yujin mumbled.

“This is the only class we have.” Hyewon whispered.


Hyewon shakes her head at the younger girl who was slowly dozing off to sleep, she could see other students doing the same. But she could not blame them. This subject is too boring to stay awake to. Especially with all the rantings of the instructor. But Hyewon could not sleep at this subject, after all, she’s Yujin’s last hope for the notes in this subject.

She’s just hoping she would not mindlessly start sketching on the side of her notes resembling a certain English major.




2 hours into their class, Hyewon was busy scribbling in her notes. More of like doodling, anything that could kill time. She glanced at Yujin beside her who is letting out quiet snores already. As usual, her instructor does not even care a bit with almost half of the class already sleeping. Is he blind?

She looked at her notes and is proud of herself of having a decent amount of it. Hyewon can only roll her eyes as soon as her instructor started ranting again with the lesson, making her much more focus on her doodles. She knows she’s sketching some features of Minju, but she doesn’t care anymore she’s too bored out of her mind.

“Is he not finish yet?” She heard Yujin whisper.

“No,” Hyewon answers “I’ll wake you up.”

“Thanks, unnie.” Yujin grinned sleepily making Hyewon chuckle. She then felt her phone vibrate, fishing it out she saw a message from Sakura.

How you doing there?

  • Kuraunnie

Last man standing.

  • Kuraunnie

Confused, she looked outside of their class and Sakura is there, standing outside with Yena beside her. Hyewon quickly types a reply.

Why are you two here?

  • Kangchan

No classes.

  • Kuraunnie

Both of you?

  • Kangchan

Yena’s cutting.

  • Kuraunnie

The reply made Hyewon roll her eyes, looking again at her two friends outside waving crazily to her. She decided to nudge Yujin to wake her up.

“What is it, unnie?” Yujin mumbled.

“Kura-unnie and Yena are outside.” Hyewon whispered.

“Don’t they have classes?”

“Kura-unnie doesn’t, while Yena’s cutting.”

This made the younger girl chuckle and sat properly, following the direction where the older girl is pointing at. Indeed, their two friends are outside smiling at them. And as if a lightbulb suddenly , Yujin grinned widely.

“Wanna cut?” She suggested.

Hyewon, surprised couldn’t answer before the younger girl cut her off.

“You’ve got good notes,” Yujin points out, “We can manage.”

“But – “

“He won’t notice,” Yujin whispered, grabbing her bag slowly she crouched down. “Now, come on!”

Hyewon looked at the younger girl walking quietly as she crouches down. She then turned to their instructor who was busy talking to himself. Their classmates not caring anything he’s spouting, shrugging her shoulders she followed suit.




“Kwangbae!” Yena exclaimed, “Didn’t know you had it in you to cut class!”

“He’s boring anyways.” Hyewon answered nonchalantly earning a scoff from Yujin.

“She wouldn’t if I didn’t insist.”

“Whatever.” Hyewon rolled her eyes.

The four them started walking to wherever their feet directs them, talking about anything under the sun. Until the Japanese girl asked Hyewon.

“Anything interesting in your life?”

“Oh!” Yujin exclaimed, and before Hyewon could cut her off the younger girl already blurt out an answer.

“She walked to school with Minju!”

“Holy !” Yena cussed out, looking at Hyewon with wide eyes.

The art student could only hide in embarrassment, she doesn’t want their friends to know her uselessness. But before she could say that it was nothing, Yujin started to tell the story as if it was hers. What a best friend.

Hyewon only pulled her hood down to her face, ignoring her friends gossiping about her life. She’s used to this, but she’s still embarrassed with what’s happening in her life lately. She then felt someone putting an arm around her shoulder, only to see Sakura smiling softly at her.

“You useless lesbian.” The Japanese friend softly said as if it is the most comforting words to say. Hyewon nudged her rib making Sakura groan in pain but was soon changed into laughter.

She just knows that she would be teased all throughout this walk. Now, she’s contemplating if she should have stayed in class and listened.




The three of them have been walking for a few minutes and they haven’t stopped teasing Hyewon, with the latter groaning out of frustration. Yujin is not even a tiny bit sorry of sharing what happened, and has also actively joining the teasing of their two friends.

“Hey, Ahn Yujin! You’re still younger than me.” Hyewon glared at the latter.

Yujin snickered at the older girl, “As if that would stop me.”

“Kwangbae, we’ve known each other since diaper days.” Yena laughed.

“Age is invalid in this friendship.” Sakura added patting Hyewon shoulder, while Yujin grinned knowing that she won.

“I’m questioning why I even befriended you guys.”

“Because you love us!” Yujin exclaimed, head locking Hyewon making the latter grunt.

“Unfortunately.” She muttered.

They don’t know where they are but they know they’ve been noisy with all the teasing, especially they are in an unfamiliar hall. It was eerily quiet, which means that there are on-going classes.

“Do you even know where we are?” Hyewon asked the three.

The three of them immediately looks around the area, trying to remember or see anything familiar in it.

“Nope.” Sakura answered.

“Same.” Yena and Yujin said in unison, and bumped their fist.

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, “Why didn’t anyone pay attention during our orientation?”

“Because Yena was having diarrhea that day.” Sakura deadpanned.

“Not a word.” Yena glared at Yujin who was about to talk, making the Sakura and Hyewon laugh.

As they were walking and passing a room, the door was suddenly slammed open surprising the four of them. Looking behind them, they saw Ms. Kang – Hyewon and Yujin’s instructor.

“Hyewon-ssi, Yujin-ssi!” Ms. Kang waved at them and approached the four friends looking confused.

“Yes, Ms. Kang?” Hyewon asked the instructor who smiled at her.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

Hyewon nodded her head, rather hesitantly while she looked at Yujin beside her who just shrugged her shoulders.

“Great! You might need your two friends, since it would require some strength.” Ms. Kang suggested, and turned her attention to Sakura and Yena.

“Hi, I’m Ms. Kang. Yujin-ssi and Hyewon-ssi’s instructor in one of their classes.”

Sakura and Yena bowed their head politely and introduced themselves.

“Nice to meet you, but can you help me?”

The four of them nodded as if they have a choice. Ms. Kang then beckoned them to follow her to the room she just went out of.

“You’re doing me a huge favor.” She smiled at the four, who only returned it awkwardly.

Ms. Kang then entered the room while the four of them stopped. Not sure who would enter first, they started pushing each other to walk first.

“You go!” Yena pushed Sakura.

“Why should I?” Sakura shifted her weight and pushed Yujin.

“She’s your instructor,” Sakura pointed out, “You go first.”

But Yujin did not even budge from her position, and looked at Hyewon beside her. The latter widening her eyes as she doesn’t even want to enter the room first. But without warning, Yujin grinned and pushed Hyewon with such force she stumbled inside the room.

“Ahn Yujin!” She hissed loudly.

Hyewon quickly stood up and pulled her friends inside, hiding her face behind her hood. Ms. Kang was looking at them, amused with their interaction. But turned her head to address her class.

“Alright class, these are some helpful students who would collect your folders.” Ms. Kang said pointing at the four of them.

The four friends looked at each other with frowns on their faces.

“Please introduce yourselves.”

Okay, that’s not the deal. Hyewon panicked. Until she heard Yena starting her introduction.

“Choi Yena, pleased to meet you.”

“Miyawaki Sakura.”

“Hi, I’m Ahn Yujin.”

Hyewon sighed knowing it’s her turn. “Kang Hyewon.” She mumbled hoping that they heard her. But she felt Yujin nudge her, looking at the taller girl she saw her signaling to look at Ms. Kang.

“They didn’t hear your name.”

For the love of god, just give us the damn folders. Hyewon groaned internally. Without warning, Yujin pulled her hood down from her face making her glare at the younger girl. Hyewon brushed her hair off her face and started.

“Kang Hyewon.” She said, louder than before but not without glaring at Yujin who was oddly sporting a smirk. She then saw Sakura and Yena doing the same, nodding their head in the same direction.

Confused, she looked at where they are nodding and Hyewon feels like she’s going to pee in her pants. Minju is looking at her with a small smile on her face. She quickly averted her gaze and gulped. Did she just ing see me stumble inside the room?

“This is an English Literature class, and I asked them to do an output.” Ms. Kang explained.

“Please collect their folders, and bring it to the faculty.” She smiled at the four, “I would’ve done it if I have the strength.”

Hyewon nodded her head, not daring to look up. She started walking over to the opposite direction where Minju was sitting, only to be pulled backward by her hood. She glared at the culprit, who was none other than Sakura.

“We’ll collect over here.” Sakura whispered. I’m going to burn all your game stash.

Hyewon started collecting the folders by row, with the other three doing the same. Students saying thanks and all that, she then saw Sakura skipping over the other side. She looked at the Japanese girl, with the latter pointing to the row.

Hyewon looked over to the row she skipped, and of course, it was Minju’s row. I’m going to burn your house.

Thinking about various ways to kill her friends, Hyewon approached the last row and collected their folders. Not bothering to look at their faces until someone talked to her.

“You’re really helpful, huh?”

She then looked up to see Minju smirking at her. Is she teasing me?

“Uhh, n -no.” Hyewon stuttered quietly, “Not really.”

“But you’ll still help me, right?” Minju asked, “In moving.” She added, to clarify.

“Yeah, yeah.” Hyewon nodded rather dumbly, completely getting lost in the girl’s eyes. “Of course.”

“Great.” Minju smiled giving Hyewon her folder. “I’m looking forward for it.” She smirked.

And is this some Sappho ? Is Sappho blessing Hyewon? Because the latter could not help but blush, and walked quickly away from the row. Sakura hearing all the exchange with her big ears, she smirked and looked at her other two friends who saw the interaction.




“What was that Minju?” Chaewon asked her friend.

“Oh, she’s going to be my new neighbor.” Minju smiled. “I asked for her help when I move.”

“Seems like you were flirting.”

“No, I’m not.” Minju shrugged. “I was just being friendly.”

“Whatever.” Chaewon rolled her eyes. “Don’t forget, Taeyong is still courting you.”

“I don’t like him.” Minju hissed, “I told him to stop already.”

“And do you like her?”

“Let’s just listen to the lecture Chaewon-ah.” Minju sighed.

“Don’t do stupid things.” Chaewon said, turning her head to listen to their lecture.

She’s just interesting. Minju thought as she listened to their lecture, with her mind straying to a certain art student.

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Chapter 25: When the kissed, Pls respect my single heart...
rynrkz #2
Rereading bcs i miss mongmin again ! ><
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Chapter 27: Seriously. This story is perfect. AND THE SCENESS?? BROOOO i SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!! Thank you for this author! <33
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Chapter 24: OH MY 8NGGGGG
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Chapter 21: oh yes im looking forward to their kiss !
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Chapter 8: the scenes are just so 😩😩😩
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Chapter 4: 😩😩
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