Blending In

Minju does not know why, but apparently, she’s looking forward to see Hyewon. After their interaction earlier, she could not get her mind off the girl. Minju finds her interesting, the fact that Chaewon does not have any idea about the art student says something.

So, after their class she quickly packed up her things, earning a weird look from her best friend.

“You have a date?”

“No, why would you think that?”

“You look excited.”

Grabbing her bag, she turned to Chaewon who was already waiting for her, “I just want to finish the paper for Ms. Kang’s class.”

“Library, again?”

“Yeah,” Minju hesitated then asked, “Wanna come?” Please say no.

“No,” Chaewon answered earning a relieve sigh from the girl, “Seems like you don’t want me to.” Chaewon smirked.

Not waiting for a reply, Chaewon waved to the blushing girl. “Spill your secret soon. Bye!”

I hate her. Minju thought and started to walk to the library, hoping to see Hyewon.




She’s unsure what to do, maybe she hopes she could go talk to Hyewon since they are acquainted already. As Minju was about to go to her table, she swerves back and contemplated to sit at Hyewon’s usual table. Would it be weird?

Shaking her head, she’ll just give an excuse later. She took a seat on Hyewon’s spot and started reading her book. Hoping to get some work done while the girl is still not there. Maybe she still has classes.

Or not. Minju was almost finished with her book, but there was no sign of Hyewon anywhere. She thought the latter just used another table since Minju is using hers. But Minju looked around and there was no sign of her, not a single person was sketching.

Sighing, it was time for Minju to go. She closed her book and returned it to the bookshelf. She just needs some revising to do. Grabbing her things, she walked out of the library but halted her steps. Minju walked back to talk to Irene.

“Irene-unnie, hey.” Minju said awkwardly.

“Hi Minju-ah, anything you need?”

“Have you seen,” Minju paused, not entirely sure if she’s being weird. But seeing the encouraging look coming from the librarian, she decided to continue.

“Have you seen an art student?”

“Art student?”

“The one who helped you before?”

“Oh, Hyewon? Why?”

Oh, she knows her personally. Minju thought. “Nothing, I was just, nothing.”


By now, Minju is already panicking, “Yes, unnie!” Hastily she bowed, “I need to go now unnie! Thank you”

Without looking back, she walked out of the library missing the smirk forming at the librarian’s face.




Not seeing Hyewon on Friday did not sit well with Minju, it’s like her routine was suddenly ruined. Despite the fact that Hyewon is not entirely part of her usual routine. So as Minju went home, she decided to just do some school work until it was time for her sleep.

Saturday was the same. Minju was trying not to think of the art student, but from time to time her mind would wander to Hyewon’s mysterious sketches.

Shaking her head, she just decided to finish some revisions for her paper, not wanting to disappoint Ms. Kang and herself.




“Yeah, yeah. I’m near.” Minju said through her phone and hanged up.

Chaewon called her that Sunday morning to ask for help in one of their requirements. Minju the good friend she is, agreed to help her best friend. Since she does not have anything to do at all, and not wanting to waste her time.

Arriving at her best friend’s apartment, the both of them went straight to work. With Minju giving Chaewon some advices and ideas, the latter focusing on her work.

“So, anything new?” She heard Chaewon asked while typing on her laptop.

“Nothing much.” Minju hummed, watching some movie on her phone.

“Even that Kang Hyewon?’

Minju froze with the name, but decided to play it off normally. “What’s with her?”

“You asked me if I know her.” Chaewon deadpanned, still not looking at the girl.

“Ah, right,” Minju said, “It was nothing.”

“Really?” Chaewon asked with a tone, “I’ve heard she’s one of Ms. Kang’s students.”

This got Minju’s attention, turning her head to her best friend who was already smirking at her.

“How did you know that?”

“I just asked around,” Chaewon shrugged her shoulders, “Apparently, Ms. Kang always gush about her artworks.”

Oh, so she must be good. Minju thought.

“But she’s really quiet. Only hanging out with her three friends.” Chaewon added, “So, not much is known about her.”

“Oh,” Minju said, hiding her disappointment. But of course, it did not escape her best friend.

“Aw, Minju-ah,” Chaewon teased, “Don’t be disappointed.”

“Shut up.”

“How’s Taeyong?” Chaewon blurted out, earning a hard push from her best friend.

That’s how Minju saw herself walking back to her apartment, carrying some books that Chaewon borrowed from her before. She never thought life would be boring and annoying, especially when one guy just announced that he would court you. Despite the countless rejection she said.

During her stay at Chaewon, Taeyong kept calling and texting her asking her to hang out. Every call was rejected. His texts were left on read, only a single reply of ‘No’ was sent by Minju. But Taeyong kept insisting. How thick-skinned can he be?

Maybe that’s why one moment she was thinking about how to slap the life out of Taeyong, and in a blink of an eye she bumped onto someone causing her to let the books fall. Nice, Taeyong is really a pain.

She was annoyed by what happened until she heard someone apologizing. Minju would not mistake that familiar voice, soft and quiet. It made Minju calm, it was Hyewon. The latter bending down to get her books as she apologizes profusely. Minju could not help but let a giggle escape.

“We should stop meeting like this.” Minju said as soon as Hyewon acknowledged her. I hope she remembers me.

And it seems like she did, “I’m sorry, really.”

This made her laugh, grabbing the books from the girl she answered, “It’s alright.  I wasn’t looking either.”

No reply, the art student just nodded her head. Minju does not know if Hyewon is just shy or if the latter hates her. But Minju still wanted to continue the conversation, especially since she didn’t see the girl last Friday.

“So, you live around here?” Minju winced internally, Is that a pick-up line? She just hopes it doesn’t sound like it.

“Uhh, I just live there,” Minju turned where the girl is pointing at, and oh. This is nice. This is amazing.

“Right over there.” Perfect.

Not hiding her excitement Minju exclaimed, “Really? I’m going to move there soon!”


“I’m going to move there soon!” Minju laughed, really feeling happy. Because what are the odds that she would be living in the same apartment building with the person occupying her mind lately.

Not helping herself, she just blurted out “We might be seeing each other often from now on.” And Minju for the love of God, does not have any idea why she even said that.

And in a blink of an eye, Hyewon was hastily saying her farewell and moving past Minju. The latter only looked at the running figure, amused. She’s cute.

Maybe that’s why she went to her broken apartment with a smile.




Monday could not come any faster, Minju could not wait any longer to go to the library. So, when Chaewon invited her to a café that she wanted try, Minju did not hesitate to come. Wanting to relax her mind for a bit. Especially after telling her best friend that Kang Hyewon would be her neighbor soon.

But it seems like the world is doing something really weird, because as they are busy talking about one of her subjects, Minju saw two familiar girls entering the café.

Observing the two, Minju noticed that Hyewon looks like she’s about to die. Did she even sleep?

Minju was trying to focus on her best friend in front of her, but her eyes keep straying away to the two girls waiting for their order. The two of them talking about something that Minju could not hear, she observed the two until they went out.

“That’s her?” Minju was surprised with the question, looking at Chaewon raising her eyebrows as if daring her to deny it.

“Yeah,” Minju just nodded, “What do you think?”

“I think she’s a great neighbor to have.” Chaewon answered with smirk, confusing Minju.

“She’s just really shy though.” Minju grumbled, earning a laugh from Chaewon.

“If I don’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on her.” Chaewon smirked, “But I’m not judging.”

Minju did not reply, opting to just eat the cake that she ordered.



Minju then went again to the library just like before, but she chose to sit on her usual table. Maybe Hyewon would use her table if she saw no one is using it. She looks like a shy girl after all. So, Minju started doing her readings again.

Minutes passed and still no sign of Hyewon, which is weird. Minju is just so used to see the art student sketching every time she’s in the library. It was nearing 4 which means that she needs to go soon, losing hope to see the other girl.

Not until she saw someone pushing a cart, turning her head she saw Hyewon. It seems like she’s sorting out books, and she’s heading for the Literature section. Minju smiled, she hopes she’s not obvious. Well, the book she’s reading is at that section after all. The Miniaturist.

Standing up, she slowly walked over the section. A few bookshelves away from Hyewon, who was busy putting the books in order. She looks focused on her task.

Minju decided to transfer to the next shelf, and coincidentally Hyewon is at the other side. She was about to put the book she was reading earlier when Hyewon looked up, making her stop for second. She then heard a quiet yelp from Hyewon. Oh , I scared her.

Forgetting the book, she walked over to the other side to see Hyewon looking at the time. She decided to approach the girl.

“Are you okay?” Minju asked worriedly.

“Ye-yeah, just surprised is all.”

Right, nice going Minju. Minju laughed hoping it does not sound awkward, “You sorting out books?” She asked, questioning the obvious. But who cares?

“Yeah, don’t have anything to do.”

“Oh, so you’re a regular here in the library?” Minju knows, of course. She’s been seeing the girl for the past weeks.

“Yes, you could say that.”

Nodding her head, Minju smiled “I thought so, I’ve notice you a couple of times.” And when I say notice, I mean I stared. But you don’t need to know that.

“Excuse me?”

Minju panicked, did she sound too obvious. Trying to play it off, she just shrugged her shoulders, “I mean, I noticed you always sketching.” Nailed it.

“Oh, right. That would be me.”

Until Hyewon said that she needs to go back to Irene, Minju noticed that she called the librarian ‘unnie’ that would mean that they are familiar with each other. Making way for Hyewon, she followed the girl forgetting the book and her things.

Hyewon is walking a few steps away from her, until Irene noticed her. The latter thought Minju helped Hyewon, giving Minju an idea that Hyewon sorted many books. Minju followed Hyewon with her eyes, staring at her.

“Checking out?” What.

. “Excuse me?” Play it cool.

“The book. Are you going to check out the book?”

And of course, Minju was still holding the book from before. But the smirk on Irene’s face says otherwise. Minju could not help but blush, she’s been caught. “No, not this time.”

And then as if a miracle happened, Minju just saw herself walking with Hyewon back to her own apartment. Courtesy of Irene. The walk was a quiet one, neither of them talking. Minju not knowing what to say, while she does not know if Hyewon is just really this quiet. Or not.

“Why are you moving?” She heard the girl asked.

“Oh, my current apartment is kind of,” Minju thought of a word to explain, but thinking about the state of her apartment, she could not help but make a face.

“That bad, huh?” Minju nodded.

“Well, I think my apartment would be better.” Minju turned her head quickly she felt her neck snap. And Hyewon started explaining again, rambling, rapping. This sight made Minju giggle.

“I get what you’re saying. You don’t have to explain.”

And then someone shouted to get their attention, calling Hyewon. Minju raised her head to see the familiar friend of the girl – the one that looks like a duck, approaching them. As soon as she reached them, she put Hyewon in a headlock. Oh wow, they must be really close.

Minju observes them, it seems like the both of them really knows each other. Then Hyewon introduced her friend – Yena she said. Minju smiled at Yena and introduced herself, until Hyewon pushed the girl.

Minju was staring at them, it seems like Yena does not want to go but Hyewon is insisting. Their dynamic is really astonishing. Yena obviously does not want to go, and so Minju was surprised when Hyewon grabbed her wrist and started walking. Oh, she’s grabbing my wrist. SHE’S GRABBING MY WRIST?!

“I’m really sorry about her,” That made Minju stop panicking, “She’s kind of – “

“Energetic?” She offered.

“That’s one way to say it.”

And then Minju was staring at their hands again, of course Hyewon would notice. Pulling away making Minju disappointed. They reached her apartment, Hyewon saying good bye. Minju reluctantly said hers, until a surge of courage went through her body.

“Uhm, can you help me?” She asked, vaguely.


“I’ll be moving apartments by the weekend.” She said shyly, not sure if it’s alright to ask the girl for help, “Can you help me carry the boxes?” Please, say yes.

“Sure! Just tell me what time and day you’d be moving!”

“Really?” Minju cannot conceal her excitement.

“Yeah, I’ll be happy to help.” Damn, she’s happy to help.

When Minju entered her own apartment, she suddenly realized she didn’t ask for the girl’s number. Idiot.

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Chapter 25: When the kissed, Pls respect my single heart...
rynrkz #2
Rereading bcs i miss mongmin again ! ><
rynrkz #3
Chapter 27: Seriously. This story is perfect. AND THE SCENESS?? BROOOO i SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!! Thank you for this author! <33
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Chapter 24: OH MY 8NGGGGG
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Chapter 21: oh yes im looking forward to their kiss !
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Chapter 8: the scenes are just so 😩😩😩
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Chapter 4: 😩😩
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