You're Gonna Wanna Be My Best Friend

Something Happens In Your Heart
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Two weeks passed quickly, and Joohyun was nervously preparing for her duet backstage. Every year, the showcase was held as a friendly competition for students from multiple colleges in the area. The event took place in the school’s large auditorium, which was packed with other students ready to watch one of the most favored occurrences at the school.

Shaky hands smoothed out her outfit in an attempt to calm her nerves, though there wasn’t much to smooth out. Joohyun wore a one shouldered black long sleeved top that ended at the start of her lower back yet covered her entire front; her legs were covered by tight, black leather pants with a glossy finish; the entire outfit was completed by a pair of black boots.

“Hey, cutie!” Seulgi appeared right next to her, looking infinitely calmer; she wore a thin, white shirt tucked into black jeans ripped at the knee with boots identical to Joohyun’s. “You ready?”

Joohyun gave a weak smile as she watched Seulgi pull her long, black hair into a high ponytail. Her own hair had been straightened for the event, the dark brown hair ending evenly around her chin. They were the next group to perform, and Joohyun could feel the nerves crawl up and around her entire body. 

“Seul, there’s a lot of people out there…”

“Yeah, that’s the whole point, dummy,” Seulgi in an attempt to calm her down. In reality, Joohyun was one of the best dancers she knew, and all worries were based in internal fear rather than any actual reason for concern. “Besides, you get to look hot in front of Seungwan!”

A red flush came across Joohyun’s cheeks, who looked around to see if any of the other people backstage heard the comment. 

All Seungwan related blushes were forgotten as the two girls heard the cheers of the audience, signaling that the current act was finished. They congratulated the guy who went before them as they awaited the announcement that would cue them to go on stage.

“Wow, what a performance!” Dr. Park announced; the headmaster had great pride in his school, so he put himself directly in charge of the showcase. “Now, please prepare yourselves for our next group! From our very own university, Kang Seulgi and Bae Irene!”

Backstage, the girls heard the intro of their song, and they shared one last look before grabbing their respective chairs and walking to opposite ends of the curtain. As the smooth beat flowed from the speakers, the two girls walked onto stage in perfect synchronization, every click of their boots emphasizing the swaying of their hips.

“Oh baby you come come come

I’ll be there for you


Irene was always nervous before a performance, yet this was something different. It was more concentrated, more personal, and she knew it had to do with the pair of eyes sitting in the crowd that she swore watched her every move.

While discussing and determining the choreography for their duet, Seulgi and Irene knew they wanted to portray a dialogue, a conversation between soulmates. They became mirror images of each other in the dance, and when the mirroring stopped, their moves complemented each other like yin and yang.

Seungwan whistled wildly within the crowd, not caring whose stares she attracted, including Joy’s, who came with her to the showcase. Everyone could stare all they wanted; all she saw was her best friend bodying the performance.

Joy watched in amazement, both at the chemistry between the two and the rigorous movements. The girls squatted on the chairs, moving their limbs fluidly as if they were water.

There was a moment, right before the start of the first verse, where the girls swiveled sideways before swiftly laying back on the chair and touching the floor.

The crowd ate up the seductive moves, screaming almost as loud as Seungwan, who was now pumping her fist and (still) screaming.

When Wendy looked over at Joy and saw her simply watching the performance, she grabbed the girl’s arm, pulling her arm into the air. As she did so, her fingers came across the feeling of the friendship bracelet she gave Joy two weeks ago. Time seemed to slow down the way it often did when she was with Joy, and she stared at the girl whose arm she was holding, allowing the spark she felt to travel through her entire body. 

Wendy thought Joy looked absolutely beautiful that day; the darkness caused shadows to emphasize every angle of the girl’s sharp body, the tight dress she was wearing softened said angles and highlighted the curves. Joy was the epitome of beauty—a beauty that trapped Wendy in its warm embrace.

All the sounds around them seemed to muffle as Sooyoung found herself getting lost in the girl’s intense stare. She took in a sharp breath as she saw the minute movement of Seungwan’s head come closer, inching towards the divine feeling of bliss. 

The moment was broken as the crowd began cheering intensely again, the cause being a short solo by Seulgi, which was immediately followed by Joohyun’s. Shy eyes looked away from each other as they returned their attention to the stage.

The chairs were now abandoned, the choreography focused on the two bodies moving as if they were made for each other. Their hands were all over each other, each girl playing both the puppet and the puppeteer.

The chorus began, and they guided themselves back to the chairs, where Joohyun straddled the back and Seulgi sat normally. Every voice in the crowd erupted into a deafening scream as Joohyun swung a single leg over Seulgi’s head.

The lyrics of the song were brought to life by their movements, but it also brought to light the feelings reigning over Wendy’s heart as she stole glances at Joy.

“You live in the same world as me,

Your eyes that resemble mine,

Your many words that are like an essay

Your warm voice that I hear,

You’re the only person

That I can find another me”

As Irene danced on stage, she envisioned a singular face. The woman whose eyes shone brightly as they looked at Joohyun, whose words captivated her, whose very being became a source of reverence: Son Seungwan. It was an endless insanity that invigorated and consumed her; the rhythmic repetition of Seungwan’s name upon her heart fueled her movements, hoping that the girl in the crowd saw her—truly saw her.

Sooyoung listened to the chorus with a warm face, only thinking of the girl standing beside her. She found herself thinking of her companion almost every night, the thought of Seungwan occupying her as if she belonged to her. They had only known each other for two months, yet she was beyond infatuated. As she looked over at the source of all her thoughts, she assumed the girl was thinking of her too, judging by the way she kept stealing glances.

All too soon, the duet ended, and everyone, especially Joy and Wendy, cheered wildly. 

Seulgi and Irene looked at each other with satisfaction as they listened to the crowd scream; the shorter of the duo looked into the audience, hoping to see her friends, but the bright stage lights prevented her from seeing anything past the edge of the stage. The two girls stood hand in hand as they bowed and waved to the shadowed faces of the crowd. A stagehand beckoned the girls to come backstage, and they followed, still holding hands.

The sight of the two holding hands sparked curiosity and selfish delight within Joy. The two did have amazing chemistry onstage, and if they’re together that means Wendy…

“Hey,” she shouted to Wendy over the loudness of the crowd. “You think there’s anything going on with Irene and Seulgi?”

What type of question… “no, definitely not. Seulgi’s not her type,” she immediately answered.

Wendy’s answer was definite and rooted in finality, and Joy raised an eyebrow. “So what’s her type?”

The blonde wished she had an answer, but she realized that in the time they had been friends, Irene had never talked about anyone in a romantic context. What’s her type? Am I really that bad of a friend?

Before she could voice these thoughts, she was interrupted by the sound of Joy’s father’s booming voice.

“That was amazing! Now, it’s time to listen to-“ Dr. Park was cut off by a frantic stagehand whispering in his ear. “Ah… forgive me, but there’s been a slight delay for the next performance. Please be patient during this short intermission.”

The dean hurriedly walked backstage as the lights dimmed, and Joy knew something was amiss. In an instant, she took one look at Wendy, who looked as confused as her and the rest of the crowd, and grabbed her hand. The crowd was too loud to properly hear anyone, so she leaned close and yelled in the girl’s ear.

“Come on!”

She dragged Wendy into the aisle, pulling her along to the stage, easily getting backstage.

Almost immediately, she spotted Seulgi on a chair cooling off and waved at her. About 20 feet away stood Irene talking to her father. Curiously, she walked over to the pair, still holding onto Wendy.

Joohyun noticed the presence of the two girls immediately, her eyes falling to their interlocked fingers. She pursed her lips as her heart raged, the whispers of Seungwan’s name now becoming angry screams.

“What’s going on here?” Joy asked the two.

I could ask you the same thing. “Well, the next performer is also from our college, but they haven’t showed up.” Joohyun crossed her arms and bit the inside of her cheek as she stared even harder at the two.

“Yes, which is why you,” Dr. Park pointed at Wendy, who quickly removed her hand from Joy’s, “you,” he said to his daughter, who looked everywhere but her dad’s face, “and you,” to Joohyun, who stopped glaring at her friends’ hands, “will fill in the slot.”

“No way,” Wendy scoffed at the man.

“Do it or you fail.”

“Dad,” Joy whined.

Irene sighed, knowing at least Wendy would end up caving if she asked nicely. “Seungwan, come on… it’s for our school’s reputation,” she reasoned.

All it took was a pout and puppy eyes from Joohyun and for her to agree. “I guess, but you owe me.” Seungwan clicked her tongue and let out a dramatic sigh.

“Ok, let’s do it then.” Joohyun flashed a bright smile, proud that she was still able to influence Seungwan so easily. “What song are we going to do?”

The gears turned in everyone’s heads as they tried to figure out what she should perform. Finally, it was Wendy herself who came up with an idea.

“I think we should do ‘Best Friend.’”

Joy’s eyes lit up in recognition. “That’s the song you showed me, right?”

“Yeah, you remember?” Wendy looked at Joy with amazement at the fact that she cared enough to remember.

Joohyun, however, was officially fuming. That song was the song Seungwan and Joohyun sang their hearts out to in the car, when they’d have a karaoke night, and when they’d have a sleepover. That was our song.

“Ok, so it’s settled,” Irene said with a restrained tone. “Joy, are you joining us?” Please say no.

“Why are you even asking her? I really don’t think this is the Queen of England’s cup of tea.” Wendy’s tone was condescending, but she was just trying to save her crush from the humiliation she and Joohyun were about to face. “Anyway, lets go.”

A few minutes later, the girls shuffled awkwardly onto the stage, not having any kind of plan. Wendy knew she had a good voice, and so did Joohyun, but that was it.

“Sorry for the delay, but let’s hear it for our next group! Once again from my college, here’s Son Wendy and Bae Irene!”

Seulgi had been peacefully dozing off in her chair, but she snapped up when she heard those two names. She scurried over to where Joy was standing, on the edge of the curtain, peeking onto the stage.

The stage lights were burning Wendy’s face, but she saw this as an opportunity to look cool in front of her crush, so naturally she made sure she wasn’t showing her nervousness.

Clearing , Wendy stepped up to the mic that had been placed for her, flinching when she stood too close and heard loud feedback. The sound made the audience groan, and she looked at Joohyun for help, only to find the girl petrified and visibly sweating. Oh God, oh God save me, please God don’t let me embarrass myself in front of Sooyoung...

Joy watched the spectacle with pity, and after sharing a glance with an amused Seulgi, she made her mind up. She grabbed a mic laying around, stole a guitar from its case, and sauntered to the center of the stage, se

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girlfag #1
Chapter 3: my oblivious angels🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
girlfag #2
Chapter 1: excited to know what significance irene had in both their lives for her to be their child’s namesake. I love how it feels like joy making this choice is her carving space for irene in wendy’s life (that her previous presence maybe didn’t allow for?). also curious if the letters will play a part in the telling of the narrative. loved this prologue!
WenRene_77 14 streak #3
idk if im ready to read this fic because of the comments but i'll take my shot💙💝
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 19: Was I shocked to see an update. Thank you for coming back to finish this story.
Chapter 19: I am glad you are back with new updated. Thanks!
Chapter 1: What the heck did i just read and why is it so heart wrenchingly good like now, I'm afraid to read this as i already shed a few tears and it is a bit too early for angst. Maybe i will just read this later
ok ive been reading the comments and im scared to click the next chap button 😭
Chapter 1: only the prologue and my heart is bleeding
Chapter 19: I started reading and just couldn't stop until I fell asleep from exhaustion with 4 chapters to go. if you only knew how much i cried reading it i think u would be extremely worried lol i will wait for the end, please come back soon
Chapter 19: Thank you for coming back. And write this chapter.
I think it makes sense they hurt it take time to heal.
Let's see what happens next.