Will You Be My Friend?

Something Happens In Your Heart
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Joohyun laid wide awake next to Seungwan. They never talked about the intimate moments they shared. There was the fear that talking about it would make it something tangible and substantial, something that would have to be confronted. The bliss of turning a blind eye was simplicity at the cost of the truth.

The lack of verbal affirmation regarding the nature of their closeness caused an internal conflict in Joohyun’s rampant imagination, but she eased her own anxieties by remembering that they were best friends, and that would always be enough. Joohyun could be content if the rest of her life was like that, a simple lifestyle with her best friend. Maybe they’d cross the line and become something more, or maybe they’d continue to exist the way they did.

Joohyun never thought for a second that she was seriously in love with Seungwan. Being in love, according to Joohyun, was something she believed she would know the minute she felt it, and when she thought of or was near Seungwan, she did not feel the wild fluttering the stories talked about. Surely she was not in love, at least according to her own logic.

What Joohyun felt around Seungwan was a warmth that encompassed her body, spreading across her face and spreading until her entire body felt like it was buzzing with life. That was the feeling of love, the platonic bond Joohyun felt with her best friend. She was only human, though, and she’d be lying if she said she never thought about kissing the stupidly beautiful smile off her face, and it would be ignorant for her to deny the way Seungwan’s teasing flustered her. Those were basic human desires, though, and anyone would feel them when it came to that woman. I love her, but I’m not in love, Joohyun thought to herself, her words becoming a mantra.

It was still early in the morning, and one look at her best friend told her she wasn’t waking up anytime soon. With a soft gaze directed at the girl gently snoring beside her, she let herself slowly fall back asleep, making sure to take in the sight of Seungwan’s small frame rising and falling, each breath coming out of her slightly parted lips. The hand that was placed on her cheek hours ago now rested between their heads on the mattress. Cute, she thought before finally slipping into a state of sleep.

Seungwan woke up to an obnoxiously bright room. They had slept well into the morning, the sun already illuminating every corner of the room. Taking that as her cue to get up, she stretched her arms and groaned, pushing into the body of her sleeping friend. Said friend let out a sound of protest, pushing away the hand that was digging into her body.

“We need to get up,” Seungwan said through a yawn.

“Five more minutes,” she complained. Joohyun rolled away from Seungwan, hiding her face in the comforter.

“Get up,” Seungwan commanded.

Joohyun’s voice was muffled but Seungwan swore she heard the words: “Shut the up.”

Seeing this as an opportunity to mess with the grumpy brunette, Seungwan quietly removed herself from the bed, walking around the edge of the bed until she stood in front of Joohyun, who was still hiding in the sheets. She quickly ripped the cover away from Joohyun’s body, laughing at the girl’s terrified face as she jumped on her.

Joohyun reached out to push Seungwan off but found herself trapped as her arms were quickly pinned above her head. Ignoring the way her body ignited at the sight and sensation of being powerless, she began to writhe underneath Seungwan, hoping to squirm her way out of the situation.

Seungwan stared at the girl underneath her as if she was in a daze. The sight of Joohyun was enough to make her feel crazy—an angry look on her face and a thrashing body, she looked divine as she moved wildly against Seungwan. For a moment, she forgot why they were even in that position. Snap out of it, she told herself.

Shaking her head, she let go of Joohyun’s arms and moved her hands to the girl’s sides, tickling her without mercy.

Joohyun began to panic, twisting hard enough to make Seungwan tighten her thighs’ grip on Joohyun. She continued her attack, making the girl underneath her laugh until the laughs came out breathless and pained while there were tears in her eyes. She watched Joohyun arch once more before she finally let her relax. “See, if you had gotten up when I told you to, we wouldn’t be doing this right now.”

Then I’m glad I didn’t get up, Joohyun thought. She felt the weight of Seungwan lift off her body, and she felt her own weight being pulled upwards by a strong arm.

She found herself being guided out of the room and into the kitchen, where she stood idly watching Seungwan make them breakfast.

“You know… you could help me make breakfast for once.”

“Or… I could stand here and look pretty.” Joohyun sent her a wink and smiled when the blonde blushed and shook her head.

Seungwan opened the oven and bent down to pull the frittata out, not noticing the pair of eyes that went down too. After setting the skillet on the stove, she cut a piece and blew on it several times, waiting for it to cool down. When she was satisfied with the presumed temperature, she stood in front of Joohyun, fork in hand.

“Ok pretty girl, try this.” 

Joohyun wasn’t one to desire being babied, so she went to grab the fork and try it herself. Seungwan pulled the fork away and pouted. Knowing she couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes and not wanting to argue, she opened . Seungwan stepped forward and eased the fork into Joohyun’s mouth, smiling when her eyes lit up at the taste of her cooking.

“It’s so good!” Joohyun praised. “What did you even make?” Joohyun loved to clean, she found solace in the peace of a laundry room, but cooking was hell for her. It was hot and smelly and took entirely too much time. However, she was glad to spend 20 minutes watching Seungwan prepare a meal for her.

“It’s a sweet potato kale frittata,” Seungwan explained proudly. To Joohyun, that sounded awful in theory, but when Seungwan cooked it and fed it to her it tasted like ambrosia straight from the gods.

Joohyun prepared a plate for each of them, carrying the two plates to the dining table. She placed the two plates on opposite ends of the square table. She heard the click of a tongue and raised an eyebrow when Seungwan moved the plates closer together. The table was small, only fitting four seats, yet the plates were now right next to each other. Still, she did not protest.

So they sat right beside each other, eating in comfortable silence. They would occasionally cut a piece of their individual frittata and give it to the other, a counterproductive decision considering they had their own food, but no logic is ever present when it comes to caring for someone you love.

They finished eating and did the dishes together, splashing each other with water and bumping each other’s shoulders.

They continued to find little things to do, neither one of them wanting to say bye just yet.

It was hours later when they experienced the universal experience of two people who didn’t want to step out of a daydream. Joohyun stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, making small talk so she wouldn’t have to leave. Seungwan stood holding the door, making small talk so she wouldn’t have to see Joohyun leave.

I wish I could stay forever.

I wish you would stay forever.

The next day, an averagely mundane Monday, Joohyun walked around campus, killing some time before she had to go to dance practice. Classes ended hours ago, but the quad still buzzed with energy. It was Friendship Day, and anyone with an ounce of school spirit was seen walking around wearing a bracelet or carrying a bundle of them. Joohyun only had 3 friends: Seungwan, Seulgi, and the school’s dean.

She still had the 3 friendship bracelets she made in her back pocket. When she woke up that morning, Seulgi was already gone for her classes, and she hadn’t seen Seungwan since Sunday. However, the dean was now walking in her direction, and she felt the excitement course through her as she quickly placed herself in her dean’s path.

The dean visibly startled and looked down at Joohyun with restrained mirth. “Irene, my dear, won’t you let this old man go on a walk?”

“Anyway.” Joohyun ignored the attempt to get rid of her. “It’s Friendship Day, Dr. Park!” She pulled out a blue and black bracelet, specially made to adorn the school colors.

Dr. Park’s eyes lit up and his grumpy facade faded. Weird, Joohyun thought. Normally it takes longer to crack him. “Why are you in such a good mood today, sir?” Joohyun inquired as the pair walked together, attracting the stare of everyone wondering why and how a student was willingly talking to the dean.

“Well, my daughter’s coming home today,” Dr. Park explained, barely able to contain his excitement.

“Daughter?” Joohyun was a little offended that she was only now hearing about this daughter.

“Yes, we all used to live in London, but when Mrs. Park died, I just couldn’t bear living there anymore, but Joy wanted to complete her studies so I let her stay. However, a father can’t live without his daughter for too long, so I convinced her to come finish her studies here.”

“She’s going to love it, sir,” Joohyun reassured. The dean was probably six feet tall and the most intimidating man she had met, but the talk of his daughter turned him into a child staying up the night before Christmas.

“Thank you, dear. Now, I was hoping you’d be able to show her around when she arrives?”

“Of course, sir!”

The dean stopped walking, as did Joohyun, and pinched the girl’s cheeks. Slightly inappropriate, but still cute. “Ah! Thank you, Irene! The world needs more students like you.” Dr. Park ruffled her hair lightly before excusing himself.

Joohyun continued walking, thinking about the mysterious daughter. What if she was mean? What if she didn’t even like Joohyun? What if she-

“You know I’m the only one she gave a bracelet to right?”

Joohyun’s worries were interrupted by the giggles of two girls walking behind her. Slowing down, she listened in on their conversation.

“You’re so lucky! I wish I could say I was the girl who got Wendy’s attention!”

“I know! She’s so cute.”

Joohyun had heard enough. She knew her friend too well, and if she had to guess, that girl’s back pocket was probably overflowing with bracelets, all given with the intent of getting its recipient in her bed. Joohyun never cared about hearing about Seungwan’s romantic adventures, because at the end of the day, no matter who ended up in her bed, it was Joohyun’s arms she ran into.

Still, she was determined to foil her

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girlfag #1
Chapter 3: my oblivious angels🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
girlfag #2
Chapter 1: excited to know what significance irene had in both their lives for her to be their child’s namesake. I love how it feels like joy making this choice is her carving space for irene in wendy’s life (that her previous presence maybe didn’t allow for?). also curious if the letters will play a part in the telling of the narrative. loved this prologue!
WenRene_77 14 streak #3
idk if im ready to read this fic because of the comments but i'll take my shot💙💝
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 19: Was I shocked to see an update. Thank you for coming back to finish this story.
Chapter 19: I am glad you are back with new updated. Thanks!
Chapter 1: What the heck did i just read and why is it so heart wrenchingly good like now, I'm afraid to read this as i already shed a few tears and it is a bit too early for angst. Maybe i will just read this later
ok ive been reading the comments and im scared to click the next chap button 😭
Chapter 1: only the prologue and my heart is bleeding
Chapter 19: I started reading and just couldn't stop until I fell asleep from exhaustion with 4 chapters to go. if you only knew how much i cried reading it i think u would be extremely worried lol i will wait for the end, please come back soon
Chapter 19: Thank you for coming back. And write this chapter.
I think it makes sense they hurt it take time to heal.
Let's see what happens next.