special chapter: back to the waves.

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A/N: it was already posted months ago in the JinjooFiesta3 book as a special chapter but im gonna repost it again here so that the readers who didn’t know that waves had a special chapter can read this! this story is still my favorite baby btw jk HAHAHA sorry for the mistakes and enjoy reading!



“Team Manager Ahn,”


Yujin immediately perked up upon hearing the call, looking up from her laptop and a man in his mid 50’s greeted her with a smile, fixing his glasses as he approached closer while the young woman stood up, almost stumbling after dizziness hit her, finally, the hours spent staring at her computer screen for five hours straight taking a toll on her this day.


“P-President Kim…” The blue haired woman stammered, tightly holding on her desk as she greeted the man, shoot— if she just didn’t hold onto the table on time then she’s probably kissing the floor right now. She wouldn’t take the chance for the president to see her fall like that in front of him.


The man was surprised at the sudden stumble, even moving forward to catch her but she caught herself before she could even fall so he was relieved. “Ah, hardworking as ever, Ahn.” He softly nagged like a worried father.


Yujin’s heart warmed a little bit with that. She didn’t experience having a father who worries over her every time, she experienced it for sure, but she could only vividly remember those blurry memories when she was a child. And now is not the right time to have a trip down into memory lane.


“I’m just doing my job and duty, President Kim,” The woman answered with a formal and respectful tone, she hissed at that, President Kim won’t be pleased because of that. She gave the man an apologetic look when the latter gave her a pointed gaze, and an arched brow.


President Kim sighed, softly shaking his head. “I told you not to be so formal if there are no people around, Ahn.” He reminded her as he crossed his arms, pointing at the empty clean office of the team manager. Yujin chuckled lightly, well, force of habit but she’s trying.


“You still call me by my surname, President.” She pointed out and the man laughed, shaking his head again in amusement. “But yes, what can I do for you, sir?” Yujin asked, scratching her nape as she looked at the man in front of her.


President Kim blinked, nodding like he just realized what he came here for. “Ah, yes.” He exclaimed, clearing his throat. “I’m here to personally compliment you with your presentation yesterday at the board meeting. Me and the other executives were impressed.” He said with a smile.


Blushing, Yujin bowed a bit, which earned a displeased grunt from the president. “I’m relieved that you found my presentation very nice, President. Me and the team poured all of our efforts to deliver a proper presentation.” She answered shyly, compliments from the higher ups always make her giddy, it makes her want to work hard even more.


Chuckling and pocketing his hands, the appealing man in his mid fifties gave her a dashing smile, no wonder a lot of women are still going for him, he’s just that handsome— he aged like a fine wine, as others would say. But hold up, let Yujin clarify, she’s not into him, hell no! He’s already a father to her.


But seeing that smile up close, it reminded her of her so much. They indeed have identical smiles and eyes. Well, she’s just literally the carbon copy of President Kim but she got her eye color from her mother.


“I’m always greatly impressed, as expected from the company’s youngest Team Manager.” He responded with a gentle smile but soon turned into something serious. “But,”


Yujin suddenly became so nervous. Well, it seemed like President Kim was satisfied but knowing the president who has very keen observant eyes, she either did something wrong unconsciously that he didn’t like or it’s another different reason.


“You don’t need to overwork yourself.”


Blink. Yujin blinked, confused as she met with the president’s worried soft eyes. “H-Huh?” She muttered dumbly and the man sighed, giving her a pointed look before continuing.


“You’re overworking, Yujin.” He said, pointing at her opened laptop, showing the document she was working on before he appeared. “You already finished your presentation yet you’re making other tasks that your members should do.” He added, moving his hand to scratch his chin.


Yujin bit her lower lip, throwing the president a reassuring smile. “I’m alright, President Kim. I just want—” She got cut off.


“Minjoo isn’t pleased with this behavior of yours, Yujin.” He finally countered, knowing she won’t shut up about working and that move… is very effective because Yujin instantly pursed her lips together.


Hearing her girlfriend’s name already made Yujin feel thousands of emotions, be it positive or negative. Heh, President Kim already knows her weakness very well. Just bringing up Minjoo’s name could already tame her.


“I mean, I’m glad you’re doing well, doing your job nicely. But it’s getting too much, Minjoo knows that and keeps complaining to me.” He said, then crossed his arms, still intently staring at his employee. “I know you’re pressured but there’s nothing to be pressured of.”


Eh, President Kim already knows her very well. She’s pressured, but there's a reason. She needs to always meet their expectations, but actually, she passes all of them every time. That's why everyone is so pleased with her, especially her girlfriend, Minjoo, who keeps supporting her. But she can’t falter, that’s why she’s overworking, not noticing that the same people are getting worried over her.


Okay, maybe she’s at fault for overdoing things. She even made Minjoo upset because of her job once, and maybe, that’s the sign already that she should chill and slow down, and just match other people’s pace.


“That’s why, get your up, close your laptop, and go home.” President Kim demanded which caught Yujin off guard, she was about to complain and plead to at least finish the document today but the man continued speaking. “And you’ll get two weeks off to relax, with pay, Ahn.” He dropped the bomb.


Yujin’s eyes widened, everything just happened too fast and looks like she doesn’t have a say in this. President Kim is the boss, boss of the bosses. His words are absolute and the blue haired woman knew she couldn’t refuse it.


President Kim noticed her dreaded expression, walking closer to her and patted her shoulders. “Minjoo has plans for you two so now you better go home.” He said with a chuckle, even moving his hand to ruffle her blue hair. Yujin just pouted.


“Go, enjoy your day off with my daughter and spend it to the fullest.”



“Hi, love!” Minjoo greeted a tired looking Yujin with a hug, pressing a kiss on her jaw.


It instantly lit the blue haired woman back, hugging back tightly, greedily in need of her lover’s warmth and comforting jasmine scent. Oh, this is what home feels like. This is all she just needed, a hug from her favorite person and she’s good to go.


“Hi, I missed you.” Yujin mumbled through her shoulders which made Minjoo chuckle, breaking the hug and gave her a light pat on the cheek, then pressing a kiss on the corner of her lip.


Giggling, Minjoo rubbed her chin fondly. “We were together just this morning, Yuj.” She said, and the younger woman pouted, embracing her girlfriend once more, eliciting another giggle from her but hugged her back anyway.


“So? I always miss you like crazy,” Yujin confessed and Minjoo laughed, pulling her into a soft and short kiss. When the older woman pulled away, there’s a grin plastered on her face as she rested her forehead against Yujin’s, panting lightly.


“Let’s go back to Jeju.” Minjoo whispered.


Yujin’s eyes widened. “For real?” She asked, a smile started to form onto her lips. The older woman nodded, laughing.


“That’s why I asked father to force you to have days off!” Minjoo exclaimed, leaning closer to Yujin again and wrapped her arm around the younger woman’s waist, tucking her chin on her lover’s broad shoulders then leaned closer to her reddening ear. “I know you missed the others so much.” She softly said.


The blue haired woman almost exploded in happiness, hugging Minjoo and then started to shower her with kisses because of too much happiness. Just the thought of meeting her family that she left in Jeju so she could be with Minjoo and get a nice job after more than a year of not seeing them once again made Yujin happy, and oh boy, she missed her friends back there too!


Both of them visited last year, they always do annually or two times a year after she moved in with her girlfriend in the city four years ago but ever since she got promoted, she got even busier so she didn’t communicate with her family that much anymore nor went to Jeju to give them a visit this year.


She greatly missed them so much, so this sudden plan brought Yujin to joy.


“Thank you, really, Joo…” Yujin muttered, hugging her tightly once again and Minjoo giggled, patting her back.


“Of course. I miss our family there too, y’know?” The older woman responded with a grin then added, “So, pack up. We will leave tomorrow morning. I already prepared everything, our tickets and all.” She instructed and Yujin nodded, although the flight was early than she expected, the earlier, the better!


Pressing another kiss on her girlfriend’s lips, she smiled, giving her a fond look before dashing to their room, she could hear Minjoo’s chuckles from the living room and Yujin can’t help but to grin as she packed her stuff. Excited for tomorrow because she’s going home and because of how much she’s in love with Kim Minjoo.



“Ahn Yujin!”


Yujin laughed wholeheartedly as she spread her arms wide and ran to meet Eunbi halfway and engulfed her into a warm hug while Minjoo just giggled at the corner as she watched them fondly.


Of course, Eunbi was the most excited to meet Yujin again after a long time, the two cousins remained very close with one another.


After their hug and cackles, Eunbi broke the hug and went to Minjoo, also pulling her for a soft hug. “Hey there! I missed you too, y’know?” She said, ruffling Minjoo’s hair.


“Likewise, unnie. How’s the business?” Minjoo responded as the three of them walked off the port. Too bad, the others are not free to meet them at this very moment and the two understand. After all, they are all adults now, working adults. But they all promised to come later in the afternoon to meet them, like old times.


Eunbi hummed, playing with the car keys with her hand. “Oh, it’s stable! How’s getting your degree?” She asked back, and they reached the parking lot and spotted Eunbi’s car immediately.


Yujin yawned behind them, obviously tired from the trip, and let the two talk. She and her cousin catch up a lot so they don’t really need to speak with each other that much, while Minjoo rarely talks with Eunbi during video calls because she’s too busy with her studies and stuff.


“Difficult as expected but I can manage. A year left more and I’m ready to establish my own clinic.” Minjoo answered with a giggle, climbing to the car while Yujin went back to the trunk to place their luggages behind before sitting beside her while the oldest among them three went to the driver’s seat after locking the back.

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eloo_el #1
Chapter 2: idk what to say anymore your story's are all masterpiece!!! im really grateful that I discover your story's 💓💓💓💓
turtlerabbitpeach #2
Chapter 3: beyond amazing ✨
avi927 #3
Re-reading this masterpiece again ✨
Chapter 3: 💙💙💙👏👏👏
pandamaos #6
Chapter 3: I’ve been finding time to sit and read this story. Oh yes,,, it’s GOOD good!! Love it!!!
snsdsoshigg #7
Chapter 3: I'm one of those readers that didn't know the existence of this special chapter. Thank you for posting this Zero-nim! I love this <3
1760 streak #9
Chapter 3: thank you!!!! love it!!!
andaengdaeng0901 #10
Chapter 2: still waiting for special chapter👀