sequel: three years.

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Three years.



After three long years, Minjoo finally got the courage to come back to Jeju-do and meet the woman whom she still loves up until today.



It was funny, it was supposed to be a summer fling only but, in the end, it became more serious than she thought. She fell deeply in love with this certain surfer with striking blue hair and dimpled cheeks that even after three years of trying to move on, she’s still harboring feelings for her.



Why did she just not come back earlier, you may ask? Fear ate her up, she was so terrified and still terrified. She was so excited for summer to come, can’t even sleep properly because she was overthinking about everything might happen and even started to count the long days until summer approaches but then, fear started to rise up. She became scared of just, simple everything.



You can’t blame Minjoo for that. She became scared at the thought that Yujin might’ve found someone else already, given that she’s attractive, for sure a lot of beautiful ladies are already hitting up on her. That thought seriously gave a bad churn into Minjoo’s stomach, a jealousy churn whenever she thought that the surfer already got someone by her side. It really haunted her every day, those scary negative thoughts, to the point she couldn’t eat and sleep properly, drowning herself with school works so she would forget that damn beautiful face of Yujin, just even for a few hours.



It terrified her so badly, especially that they don’t even contact each other, just blindly waiting for each other. She didn’t dare to look up for Yujin’s contacts or social media accounts for her to reach out, she didn’t also even dare to ask Yuri how was the surfer whenever they have a talk through Instagram, whenever they somewhat enter that topic, Minjoo would chicken out and give out a fake reason to get out of that conversation. She’s curious as a cat, she badly wanted to know what Yujin was currently doing with her life but for sure, she would go crazy if she ever learns that Yujin’s with another person that’s not her.



She noticed how badly Yuri wanted to talk about her and Yujin however, she’s the main problem, she didn’t speak about it at all until finally, her childhood friend gave up and would just talk to her occasionally and didn’t force herself to insert Yujin as their topic.



After that, Minjoo decided to finally move on, saying to herself that those feelings would fade soon after not seeing each other for too long. She just spent her summer having a trip to Italy with her family, shoving back the thoughts of Yujin waiting for her to appear at Jeju-do. She did say she can’t promise, so she let it be, trying not to let it go through her.



A year passes once again, Minjoo is certain that her feelings never faded, she tried to accept that fact but she can’t. She found it ridiculous. She and Yujin just barely spent two months with each other yet she’s very attached to her, it’s sickening. Even with her denial phase, she didn’t date anyone, finding everyone so … plain after meeting such a wonderful person like the surfer, nothing interests Minjoo anymore. She thought it’s just a phase, just deciding to focus on studying instead. But the real reason is, she just can’t date anyone because she still loves Yujin, she can’t see herself with anyone that isn’t Yujin.



However, it terrified her more, especially that it’s been so long— for sure, Yujin had given up waiting for her and moved on, finding herself a better person that could stay by her side for a long time, unlike Minjoo.



She gave herself another year to move on. She spent another summer in Maldives with Sakura and Wonyoung. Mentioning the two, they don’t know what Minjoo’s deal was. They knew that she still loves Yujin but never spoke of it. And oh, they are now dating, finally.



Minjoo can still reminisce how she hallucinated a lot back at Maldives while watching the surfers surf along the blue waves. She sees Yujin every ing where, it reminded her of everything. Their trip was cut short because of that very reason, they were supposed to be spending their whole two months there but it became three weeks only after Minjoo decided to get out of that very place.



That’s when she realized how she’s still into Yujin. Her feelings never faded at all; it hurts a lot. Two ing years of not contacting nor seeing each other yet she’s still so attached, so in love. The thought of Yujin’s smile alone made her day go wonderful, yet it brought sting into her heart because she badly wanted to see that smile with her own pair of eyes again.



It made her think a lot, and took her months to finally decide that the next summer, she would go back to Jeju-do and see Yujin, no matter what will happen, she will face it. Yujin’s anger towards her, she will bravely face it all and brace her heart for everything that will happen. After all, it’s understandable if the surfer would hate her but this time, Minjoo gained some courage to finally face all of it. It took her a while, yes, but at least she wanted to make things right.



If Yujin would accept her apologies and still accept her as a friend then that would be more than enough to Minjoo, even if she wanted something more between them, she wouldn’t push her luck after literally ghosting Yujin for three years. She just wanted to personally see that Yujin is finally happy without her, and so, she could move on and have inner peace, hopefully.



A month before summer approaches, she already invited Wonyoung and Sakura to come with her to Jeju-do again, it made the two ecstatic because they surely missed that place and the Jo’s, also the female surfing squad. They mostly kept in touch with Chaeyeon and Yena, constantly liking and commenting on each other’s pictures and stuff. Minjoo didn’t follow them though, she actually shut out all of her social media accounts a month when they reached home that very summer to avoid the temptation of going through Chaeyeon or Yena’s feed to stare at Yujin’s photos. However, she created another private one and informed Yuri about it, she only posts pictures of sceneries there and nothing else, she doesn’t use it always too.



And now, finally, she just freshly graduated as a medical student, about to enter a prestigious medical school in a few months and ready to fly to Jeju-do again. She already prepared everything, she also told Mrs. Jo not to inform Yuri about their arrival as she wanted to surprise her, she also told her best friends to keep their mouths shut and not tell any of the surfers about it, they’re going to surprise them.



Minjoo ran her fingers through her brown locks, yes, she already dyed it to a normal color because whenever she sees her pink hair, it just reminded her of Yujin complimenting her hair. She then wore her limited-edition Chanel sunglasses and crossed her arms, looking down at the scenery below her. Upon seeing that familiar island, her heart started to beat wildly, reminding her that she’s just above Jeju at this very moment and in a few hours, she might meet that certain surfer again. She took a deep breath and braced herself, tilting her head down to glance at the blue bracelet wrapped around her wrist.



Smiling, Minjoo averted her gaze from it after feeling a faint warmth spreading on her chest upon glancing at the bracelet that Yujin had given her as a remembrance. It’s been a while since she ever wore it. After a few months of wearing it years ago, she just took it off and kept it hidden, treating it as a treasure because whenever she glanced at it, there would be a pang on her heart because it reminded her of Yujin.



She also kept that hoodie very well; she’s actually bought it with her but doesn’t have enough courage to wear it. She would wear that very clothing every time she felt sad, it comforted her a lot, she would always think that the warmth that she’s getting from the hoodie was Yujin’s warmth.



After a few minutes, they heard the announcer speaking, announcing that they are ready to land on the runway and prepare themselves. Minjoo’s heart leaped, clearing and looked at the couple in front of her, they were also fixing their belongings, looking excited. Her gaze then shifted to the stranger beside her, this stranger is a woman, in her mid-forties.



But she shrugged it off and just minded her own business.







“Wow! We’re finally back!” Wonyoung exclaimed the moment they exited the airport, waiting for Mr. Jo to arrive. “It’s been a while, Jeju-do~” She sang, spinning around while her girlfriend just laughed at her before looking at the tense Minjoo, her smile faded and sighed.



The brunette took a deep breath, glancing at her Blancpain watch wrapped around her other wrist, Mr. Jo would arrive in less than five minutes. She just stomped her foot down to the ground out of boredom, watching Wonyoung take pictures of the view from her peripheral vision when suddenly Sakura popped out beside her.



“I don’t know what exactly is going through your mind,” The Japanese woman started off coolly and crossed her arms, watching her girlfriend fumble on her phone. “But don’t be nervous alright? We’re here. Always,” She added, briefly glancing at her best friend, making the latter smile.



“Of course, thanks Kkura-unnie.” Minjoo muttered with a small smile, huffing out in amusement as their gazes met for a second.



After waiting for a few minutes, a familiar black van came into view and it came to a halt in front of them, surely, it’s Mr. Jo. And she was right, the passenger door opened, revealing Mrs. Jo. The old woman squealed and immediately went to them for a hug, she hugged and kissed them one by one while Mr. Jo just smiled at them as a greeting.



They then entered the van after tucking all of their bags behind, happily chit-chatting and catching up with their lives. The older woman was so glad to see them again after years, very vocal about it that they would always coo at her adorableness.



“Wow, it’s been a while, ladies. You guys are all grown-up now! Much more beautiful than last time we’ve met,” Mrs. Jo once again complimented and even leaned away from the passenger seat to pinch Minjoo’s cheeks. “You, young woman! Why did it take long for you to come back, huh!? Me and Yuri missed you guys a lot!” She faked a disappointed tone and even pouted, the brunette could only giggle.



“Not only us, the female surfers’ squad too!” Mrs. Jo added and went back to her original position, which made Minjoo freeze. Her and Mrs. Jo’s gazes met through the rear mirror, the old woman gave her a meaningful look and the brunette immediately understood, it’s half curious and half apologetic but she never dared to mention a specific name.



Yuri must’ve told her about her and Yujin’s. After all, it was known that they had something going on between them after that farewell kiss three years ago but Mrs. Jo didn’t speak any of it, as if she was careful. She’s grateful but it made her tense too since she knows all of them are curious what’s the deal between them still but never asked about it even once as they respect both of them.



After an hour, they finally reached the rest house, and Minjoo is very nervous at this point, that she wanted to back out and throw up but no, she’s already here, might as well bravely face it.



They got off the van, taking some of their bags as Mr. Jo offered that he would bring the others inside with a worker’s help.



Minjoo observed the rest house as they entered the gate, walking through the pathway. It's still the same, as usual, there was some renovation and stuff but nonetheless, it’s still the same, it’s all too familiar. Her eyes landed on the porch and immediately blushed when she reminisced that she and Yujin shared their first kiss in that very area. She averted her gaze so quickly as they approached the main door.



“Yuri doesn’t know a single thing about this! I just excused that me and her Father would visit an old friend in town and asked her to stay here.” Mrs. Jo whispered, obviously excited.


Wonyoung clapped happily, eyes glimmering. “I miss Yuri-unnie~” She whispered back which earned a chuckle from the older woman.



They then finally entered the house, the three of them scanning the interior and spotted some changes but almost all of it stayed the same from the last time, they already felt comfortable and home. Their gazes lingered for a while until Mrs. Jo called out for Yuri.



“Jo Yuri! Come here, we have visitors!” Mrs. Jo shouted to the kitchen; a little bit giddy.



The three of them readied themselves, excited to meet their old friend after three years of not seeing each other. Their hearts started to drum wildly when they heard a familiar hum coming from the kitchen, and light footsteps getting nearer and nearer.



Yuri exited the kitchen, eyes perked up in curiosity, freezing almost immediately upon seeing those familiar faces from the middle of the living room, grinning at her.



“Oh my god!” She exclaimed, very surprised, and even covered due to too much shock. The four of them just stared at each other for a quite a while, checking each other out and huddled into a group hug after Yuri squealed and ran to them, the three meeting her halfway.



Yuri had some changes, she has a flaming red hair now and her looks became more mature now. Same goes for the three, the red haired woman thought that they became taller and more beautiful, also mature.



“Damn, you guys, it’s been a while!” Yuri exclaimed as they broke the group hug, she then turned to her mother who’s grinning sheepishly at her, she gave her a knowing look before looking back at her friends.


“Surprise~” Minjoo exclaimed, Yuri glared at her playfully before pulling her into another hug.



“God damn, Minjoo. You became more beautiful than ever, holy crap.” Yuri complimented, even brushing her brown hair in amazement, very struck at how her friend’s godly beauty became sharper in a span of three years. Minjoo blushed, smiling. “You too, Yuri-ah, nice hair~” She said, chuckling.



The red haired then turned to the two, also giving them side-hugs. “You guys too, wow, Wonyoung-ah, you became taller!” She was in awe.


Wonyoung cheekily smiled at the older woman, throwing a wink. “Ey, unnie, you look so good too~”



“I heard you guys became official two years ago, wow, congrats!” Yuri said which made Sakura chuckle, giving her a pat on the shoulders. “Thanks, bud.”



Mrs. Jo then piped in. “You guys should catch up later alright? Me and Yuri will cook you guys some lunch while you three unpack and rest for a while, I will call for you after we finish. Sounds good?” She offered, and the four of them nodded in agreement. They bid goodbye for the meanwhile and went upstairs.



Minjoo noticed the look Yuri gave her as she walked up to the stairs, she returned it back. Her friend needed answers, she wanted to talk about it. The brunette sighed, that was what she was talking about but whatever, she’s going to answer all of it, she can’t avoid it forever. For now, she’ll get a rest and unpack first, also gather some strength by relaxing at the balcony.



She finally reached her room, and she can’t help but to smile, memories started to flood her brain but she tried her best to shrug it off and sat on the side of the bed, eyeing her bags neatly placed on the corner, deciding to unpack first before she unwinds to the balcony.



After a few minutes, she finally fixed everything into place, they would stay for two months again so she neatly stocked her belongings and necessities where they belonged, like old times then hid her bags in the stock room.



The brunette then slid the curtains to the side, bright sunlight greeting her that she needed to squint her eyes for a bit since it caught her off-guard. The light illuminated her room, making the place brighter and clear.



She opened the sliding door and walked outside, letting the breeze and sunlight kiss her skin as she took a few strides to the railing, leaning in there and took a lungful of air. The familiar scent of the sea invaded her smelling senses.



And when she opened her eyes, the wonderful view of Jeju Beach greeted her, calm and glimmering blue in front of her. She smiled and enjoyed the scenery, she surely missed it. Taking a good look for a few minutes, her gaze darted down to the backyard, the pool is still there, a unicorn floater floating alone around the water.



A sense of familiarity hit her like a jet after a while of scanning the surroundings. It was her daily routine back then, waking up early and walk here to the balcony, watch the sun rise from the horizon as she waited for Yujin’s presence and morning greetings.



Her grip on the railing tightened, her heart started to ache after reminiscing those wonderful memories, so beautiful yet it pains her so much. Thoughts started to appear endlessly inside her brain. Is Yujin still delivering fish here? Is Yujin still a surfing teacher? And so many more. Oh, how she missed that old routine.



She stayed for a while, too lost with her thoughts until she felt herself getting hot and sweating because of the summer heat. With that, she went back inside to take a rest for a while before she went back downstairs.







The lunch was lively and full of happy chats, catching up with one another’s lives. Turns out, Yuri and Yena are already dating since two years ago, just four months before Wonyoung and Sakura became official. Yuri didn’t really directly say that she’s dating Yena to Minjoo, she didn’t have to because Minjoo already had a hunch when Yuri kept posting pictures of her and Yena. It didn’t surprise them, they immediately teased and gushed over them, demanding for some stories of her and that surfer lover of hers.



They spent an hour talking about Yuri and Yena’s strong and blooming relationship, Wonyoung squealing from time to time whenever the red-haired would tell her a story about how Yena officially courted her for a few months and how they became officially together. Also, about their dates and how sweet and gentle Yena is to her. The three can tell how much Yuri adores and loves her girlfriend, and vice versa.



After that, Sakura excused herself to her room since she’s suffering a mild headache, she wanted to sleep it off and became drowsy after drinking medicine so she went to her room with Wonyoung, her worried girlfriend offered to massage her temples until she falls asleep, also reasoning out that she’s sleepy because of jetlag.



Minjoo and Yuri remained on the veranda, the brunette was tired but not sleepy, besides, it’s the perfect timing to talk everything with Yuri.



When Wonyoung and Sakura went away, an awkward silence engulfed them, not knowing how to start a conversation with each other. Minjoo gulped and took a deep breath, finally speaking up first as she stared at Yuri who’s giving her meaningful gazes across the table.



“I know you have a lot of questions; sorry I couldn’t manage to answer it before and kept avoiding it. Are you still up hearing it even if it's been a while since then? Do you still care?” The brunette carefully asked, playing with her fingers on her lap.



Yuri sighed, leaning on the table, and nodded. “Yes, I’m still up hearing it all, Minjoo-ah. Why do you keep pretending that nothing happened between you and Yujin? Like she never existed at all,” She blurted out and Minjoo had to bite her lower lip, her chest burning in guilt and embarrassment.



It took a few moments before Minjoo could mutter something. “I was afraid, Yuri,” She murmured and hung her head down low, in despair. Yuri gave her a worried and pitiful look but she didn’t manage to see it as her gaze was just fixed on her feet.



“Elaborate further, Minjoo, please. So, I could understand it better,” The red-haired woman pleaded, sadness and a little bit desperation lingering around her voice. Minjoo complied without the slightest bit of hesitation, blabbering anything she could say and what she had felt over the last three years and answered Yuri’s questions.



It felt like forever, Minjoo couldn’t even breathe properly as Yuri threw those questions to her and she answered it all as much as possible. Finally, after quite a while, everything’s clear and settled, it frustrated Yuri a bit but she can’t help but to slump on the backrest of the chair, trying to sink all of that information she wanted to hear from Minjoo for years.



The brunette remained silent, just staring at Yuri as she caressed the blue bracelet with her other hand’s thumb, running it along on the details.



Yuri then took a deep breath, her eyes darting to her again. “I understand your actions, Minjoo-ah but still,” She paused, the brunette’s breath hitched. “It’s still a little bit unreasonable for you to do that. I tried to tell you thousands of times but you ignored it, avoided it— Yujin waited for you every single day.” She added, in the form of a whisper.



Her heart crushed when she heard ‘waited’, past tense, Yujin gave up, Yujin broke her promise but Minjoo understood, why is she being like this when it’s clearly her own fault for not showing up or reaching out early?



“Sorry,” Is what could all Minjoo say. Yuri sighed again, a little bit stressed out because of this talk but her chest felt light after her questions were finally answered. “It’s all in the past now. But I have one last question, Minjoo.” She said in a serious tone.



Minjoo braced herself for another, nodding to Yuri to say that she’s alright and ready to answer it.



“Have you finally moved on from Yujin?” The bomb finally dropped.



The brunette gritted her teeth as her heart drummed wildly after hearing that question, she looked away, clenching her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Yuri noticed it but didn’t say anything, patiently waiting for Minjoo to answer it.



“Want an honest answer?” Minjoo finally mumbled after a few minutes. The red haired woman silently gazed at her, looking at her intently.



“No,” She responded, eyes soulless, staring directly at Yuri’s eyes. “No matter how hard I try, I just can’t. I still love her,” Minjoo truthfully answered, there’s a churn on her stomach and lump on but she tried her best not to stutter as she delivered her answer.



It didn’t surprise Yuri. “Then, why are you here? To chase her again? Is that it? After all of that,” She asked, jaw clenched, tone nonchalant but Minjoo didn’t faze and just replied smoothly. Yuri has the right to be angry and disappointed, after all, she’s Yujin’s close friend and Minjoo knew that she’s just protecting her, she perfectly understood her actions.



“Another no,” The brunette blankly answered. “I just wanted to have closure with her, I have no other intentions,” She added and took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m aware of what I did so I’m here to ask for some forgiveness because it still haunts me. I want inner peace. I’m not here to chase her or what. I would be more than happy if she would accept my apologies and treat me as a friend, if not, then I’m alright with it. I deserve it,” She said, biting her lower lip as she ignored the painful sting on her rampaging heart.







Minjoo glanced at the clock, it’s almost midnight. After eating dinner, she went to sleep, only to wake up three hours later and can’t seem to go back to sleep again. The rest house was so quiet, Wonyoung and Sakura are definitely sleeping now while the Jo’s are back to their house just beside their own, they finally bought their own house a year ago but they still go to the rest house almost every day.



She opened the fridge and saw cans of beer stocked, but she’s not in the mood for a can, she wanted something a little bit harder than a mere beer. Her eyes roamed around, trying to find some other types of alcoholic beverages and perked up when she saw a bottle of wine, immediately grabbing the bottle. There’s only half left but that would do, the alcohol percentage is high enough.



After her and Yuri’s talk earlier, she had this urge to drink but Mrs. Jo was around so she couldn’t easily get some liquor. The red haired admitted she was disappointed, Minjoo expected that already, however, she cleared out that she’s not really angry at her. It made the brunette’s chest light, somehow. They then diverted the topic away, not liking how heavy the atmosphere was when they talked about it.



Minjoo skipped along the stony pathway, to the door where lead the beach and opened it, walking down to the mini stone stairs until she reached the cool and soft sand.



The wind is cool and not that harsh, enough to complement Minjoo’s gloomy mood. She then walked to her favorite spot by the shore, plopping down on the soft sand and watched the sea gently produce waves. It was calming, Minjoo liked the quietness although she could hear some noises from the main beach and gentle sounds of crashing waves by the shore, it relaxed her.



She opened the cap of the bottle and drank right through it, not bothering to bring a cup or whatsoever, she’s going to finish this all anyway. Minjoo let her mind run, remembering those old memories. This is the exact spot where Yujin and Minjoo shared their proper conversation back then, drinking beers.



The brunette huffed, yeah, she almost died back then and Yujin saved her. Oh, old memories.



By the time she finished the whole bottle of wine, she was already tipsy, she’s still aware of her surroundings and all, her vision is just hazy and her head is a little bit light. She buried the bottle on the sand, letting half of it to poke out and chuckled at it, finding everything so amusing suddenly.



She decided to go back inside and rest, it’s been an hour since she went outside and her eyelids are getting heavier. She slowly stood up and tried to regain her balance, rubbing her droopy eyes before turning around.



However, she saw two figures from the distance, getting nearer and nearer, Minjoo shrugged it off, thinking it was just some random couple roaming around but somehow, her feet won’t coordinate and stayed rooted on her spot, eyes glued to the two people walking towards her direction while talking.



Her heartbeat started to speed up for unknown reasons, she suddenly felt so giddy and her hazy vision somewhat cleared like a crystal. Minjoo’s eyes stayed still at the tall person walking on the right side, she doesn’t know why but she can’t help but to stare at that woman, she figured out because of the curvy proportions and long blue hair.



Long blue hair.



Minjoo wanted to throw up upon realizing something. Finally, the people are close enough for Minjoo to see their faces clearly even with poor lighting, she can’t be mistaken, she’s not hallucinating either.



It’s definitely Ahn Yujin. Her summer fling, the woman she loves, the woman she left three years ago. Minjoo froze, but her shaking eyes stayed still, scanning the taller woman’s appearance.



For the past years, her features sharpened even more, looking more mature and taller, also her body became broader because of surfing, probably. She looks so attractive and beautiful than Minjoo last seen her. Her hair is still blue, so silky and soft, also longer too. She’s just so speechless, seeing the woman she’s so in love with again after three years in the flesh just made her malfunction.



She felt chills running through her spine, cold sweat forming on her forehead, she’s feeling a lot of different emotions all at once. So happy, embarrassed, giddy, sad— all of them are mixed.



She badly wanted to shout out her name, run to her, pull her into a warm and tight embrace and never let go of her again but she’s not that selfish, not after all of that, she doesn’t even have the right to hug her anymore. So, holding back the extreme urge, she just stayed still and watched her movements. Her eyes unconsciously darted to her companion and suddenly, her stomach churned so bad, there’s a painful sting in her heart when she witnessed how they talked with each other, smiling and happy.



Minjoo can’t bring herself to smile, she’s happy for Yujin because she’s obviously happy without her, she just assumed in the first place anyway.



The woman she’s with is very beautiful, so tall and slender, very adorable eyes and cheeky yet sweet smile. She looks like she’s a keeper too, and a very nice girlfriend. Minjoo’s at ease even though her heart is thumping so crazy because of jealousy and anger.



She didn’t notice that she stared too much which caught the two’s attention as they walked nearer but she’s drowning in her thoughts to notice that a certain blue haired woman finally saw her and even stopped walking to inspect her closer, eyes widening in shock when she recognized the frozen woman from the distance.






Instantly, it snapped her back to reality. The said woman shook her head to collect her thoughts and blinked for a bit to fight off the drowsiness seeping through her body. It’s been a while since she ever heard Yujin’s voice, still so husky and melodic, like a beautiful song right into her ears. She can’t even fight off the grin that’s forming on her lips when Yujin called her name, the first thing she did and said after they finally met again after long years.



Minjoo looked up once again and finally, their gazes met as a gust of wind passed through them. She looked at those glimmering chestnut orbs intently, seeing through it. She can see how deeply shocked Yujin was upon seeing her but aside from that emotion, she couldn’t point anything else although she knew she’s also suffering from waves of emotions like the brunette.



“Minjoo? Is that really you?”



There was a crack on Yujin’s voice as she whispered that, it’s not only Yujin’s voice that cracked that very moment, also Minjoo’s heart.



“Yes,” The brunette forced herself to answer even though she can feel drying. “Hi, it’s been a while.” She rasped out, the corner of her lips twitching as she tried her best to give out a smile, but it’s a broken and sad smile.



She can see how visibly Yujin’s body started to shake after she responded. Minjoo’s shoulders slumped as she watched the blue haired woman turn to her companion and said something to her that Minjoo couldn’t hear because of the loud beating of her raging heart.



After a few seconds of interacting, the unknown woman gave Yujin a worried look before taking a step backward, her sharp gaze turning to Minjoo and threw a meaningful look and fully turned around, walking away from them, leaving the both of them alone by the shore.



Minjoo’s heartbeat pace started to quicken again, her eyes still glued at Yujin and when their gazes met once again, the brunette swore she forgot to breathe for a few seconds. They just stared at each other, unmoving on their spots, the wind howling at them— the sea and moon watching the ex-lovers.



She doesn’t want to assume but Minjoo can clearly see the longing inside Yujin’s chestnut orbs. She gulped, clenching her jaw as she tried to stay standing, feeling her legs getting jelly because of how intense the surfer stared down at her, she felt so and weak under her sharp and heavy gaze.



Bracing herself, she decided to finally break the silence and speak up first. With balled fists, she faked out a wavy smile. “So,” She started off, her lower lip because of too much nervousness. “I can see that you have someone now.” She mustered up a little bit courage for her to say that and she hissed how her heart acted up after those words rolled out from her tongue.



Yujin looked confused at first, her brows formed into a furrow, opening and closing like she wanted to say something but can’t form it into words. Minjoo let out a small giggle because she looked like a fish gobbling water.



“That’s good,” The brunette added, squinting her eyes as she felt it slowly closing. She shouldn’t have drunk that wine with a high alcohol percentage, now she can’t help but to feel sleepy even if she’s having a conversation with Yujin, wait, she called that a conversation? Pfft.



“I have inner peace now upon seeing you happy with another, I’m happy that you’re happy…” She slurred as she can feel her vision crossing and doubling, drowsiness taking her over and voice trailing off.



Probably because of the light feeling in her chest, sleepiness won over her because of that very reason. Everything felt so light that time so she can’t help but to let sleep engulf her whole, she can feel her body going so light, like she transformed into a weightless feather.



She even managed to throw out a sweet smile to Yujin and before her vision darkened, she could see the surfer running towards her.



Damn it, Ahn Yujin






Minjoo fluttered her eyes open, her vision adjusting, and was greeted by the familiar view of her room’s ceiling. She let out a yawn before pulling herself up to sit, only for her head to pound painfully.



Hissing, Minjoo tried to ease the pain by massaging her aching temples, regretting drinking last night. Regrets always come at last.



The brunette gave herself a few minutes to calm down and when the pounding calmed down a bit, she decided to slip out from the comforter and go downstairs, trying to recall what happened last night. She can remember bits but it’s too hazy and thinking of it made her head ache even more so she just let it be, waiting for it to smoothly build up into her head like puzzles.



She groggily walked down to the stairs, scratching her disheveled hair and stretching her stiff muscles and joints as she strode down towards the kitchen, where she could smell a very pleasant scent of delicious soup and coffee. She glanced over to the wall clock to glance at the clock, it’s almost 9 in the morning already, for sure, the pair of girlfriends are already awake but she can’t feel their presence around the house.



Peeking her head to the door, she instantly smiled when she saw a familiar red-haired stirring something on the pot, Mrs. Jo is not around but only Yuri, making breakfast and seemingly hang-over soup for Minjoo.



She slowly made her way towards the countertop, resting her elbows there and hung her head down low. “Ugh, my head hurts so bad,” She muttered which earned Yuri’s attention, turning around to greet the brunette.



“Good morning to you too, Minjoo.” Yuri greeted, not chirpy, not plain either, just enough for Minjoo to learn that she knew that she drank alcohol last night. “Sit down, the soup would be ready in a few minutes.” She said and the brunette pouted, taking a seat on the chair.



“Where’s Wonyoung and Sakura?” Minjoo asked Yuri, noticing that they’re not around at all.


Yuri replied immediately. “With Mom, they insisted on going with her at the market,” After that, silence engulfed them.



The brunette huffed and rubbed her nape. “What happened last night?” Minjoo asked, mumbling to herself but Yuri heard it and responded.


“Well, what can you remember?” She threw a question. The brunette hummed, thinking, she can now remember some few bits of it clearly.



“Uhh, I went to the shore alone and drank wine… After that, I don’t know anymore. How did I even reach my room? I can remember myself passing out though,” She honestly said, staring at the window as she tried her best to recall everything, some parts were still hazy.



Yuri tilted her head, giving her an amused look. “Anything else?” She asked, waiting for her answer. Minjoo shook her head, patting the side of her head like it would give her memories fast. The red-haired gave her a very disappointed and sad look before turning her body to the stove again.



It made her wonder; Yuri didn’t give her answer on how she got into her room when she can clearly recall that her vision darkened somehow when she was still on the shore. That was so mysterious but she just shrugged it off, she’s perfectly fine anyway, she doesn’t feel anything odd around her body which made her feel at ease because for sure, no one took advantage of her last night.



But then, she remembered her dream. It’s Yujin.



Her heart immediately skipped a bit the moment she remembered her dream from last night. She and Yujin stared at each other so longingly and lovingly, much to her dismay, nothing much really happened in that dream— it suddenly went all black after quite a while.



“I dreamt of Yujin,” Minjoo blurted out all of a sudden, getting Yuri’s attention and even faced her. “We just stared at each other, I think we’re on the beach. I think I said something to her but I can’t seem to recall it,” She said. Yuri gave out a hum, a signal that she’s listening to her. The brunette doesn’t mind sharing it with Yuri since the latter is all aware of her feelings for the surfer.



“W-Wait, she was with someone, a woman then she went away. After that, me and Yujin just stared at each other. What a weird dream indeed,” She muttered and groaned in frustration because she can’t pinpoint something.



The red haired chuckled at her cute reaction before turning her back against her once again to focus on stirring and cooking. “Well, I think it’s not a dream at all,” She replied cheekily.



It made Minjoo snap her neck towards her direction, confused but her body suddenly lit up. “What do you mean by that?” She quietly asked, blinking confusedly. Yuri turned the stove off before turning back to her with a small smile.



“Someone brought you here last night, she said you suddenly fell asleep. That savior of yours is actually here, still sleeping on the couch. She’s very worried that she insisted on staying here through the night,” The younger one among them explained, even puckering her lips towards the direction of the living room.



Minjoo’s heart started to beat wildly again, assuming, hoping that the savior of hers is the same person that she’s currently thinking of right now.



Without thinking clearly, she hastily stood up from her chair, almost knocking it down and created a loud screeching noise. Her eyes wide and whole body tensed. She robotically turned to the direction of the door that would lead to the living room, gulping. She turned to Yuri again, feeling helpless and nervous but the latter just gave her an encouraging smile and nod. “Go. Wake her up so you two can eat together and talk everything out, alright? I’ll prepare the food now,” She ordered and went to the cabinet, opening it to grab the utensils, plates, and bowls to use.



Minjoo’s lips quivered, her eyes softening as she stared at Yuri. She then took a deep breath, trying to gain some braveness and strength. With jelly legs and drumming heart, she slowly made her way to the living room, breath hitching whenever she took a step forward.



The leather couch finally came into view. Minjoo’s feet came into a halt when she noticed strands of blue hair sticking out and resting on the armchair of the couch.



Perhaps, the brunette felt her heart bursting all over, she felt so relieved and happy yet sad at the same time but whatever, she needed to wake the sleeping figure up and finally have a talk with her. It took her years in order to gain enough courage and strength to face Yujin again so she can’t be a coward and chicken out now when her target is just literally a few feet away from her, in deep slumber.



Taking another deep breath, Minjoo quietly walked closer to the couch until she could perfectly see the sleeping person on the couch. Her heart swelled at the sight.



Yujin looked so peaceful, her eyes closed and few strands of her blue hair covering her godly face, there’s no drool coming out from her slightly agape mouth and her arm stretched across the cushion that’s resting on her stomach while she used her other arm as another pillow for her head, left leg thrown over and resting on top of the backrest of the couch.



There’s no blanket draped around her but her clothes are thick and long enough to provide her enough warmth on a very cold night. She’s wearing a black tracksuit and track pants, looking so comfy.



Minjoo sighed, guilt bubbling up on her stomach and covered her face with her hands, feeling herself breaking down. Yujin is so beautiful, very beautiful and it hurts the brunette so badly. Why didn’t she just come back sooner? If she did then she and Yujin are probably in a real relationship now.



God damn it, she regretted it all. She should’ve chased for this woman, she should’ve come back for this woman but no, she just had to be paranoid and a coward.



She stayed still, hands covering her face and muffled sounds started to intensify around the quiet and cozy living room, letting her thoughts and regrets eat her up that she forgot her real purpose, to wake Yujin up and eat together, talk together.



She’s too busy crying that she didn’t even notice that she woke a person up from her lovely slumber because of her sobs, slowly sitting up and stared at her for a few seconds before finally doing a move.



Minjoo instantly froze when she felt something moving on her waist, circling and clinging into her middle. Warmth immediately spread around her body, a familiar warmth that she missed badly. She can’t help but to release a choked sob when she finally processes what’s happening.



Yujin is hugging her waist, her head resting on her stomach contentedly and half of her upper body pressed against her thigh. The surfer embraced her tightly, comforting her as she cried.



When Minjoo calmed down a bit, she finally uncovered her messy face and looked down, blue hair greeting her. Slowly, she lowered her hand, Yujin’s blue locks so gently while her other hand rested on the taller’s back.



“Why are you crying?” The surfer asked, her voice still hoarse and raspy since she just woke up, but her tone is tainted with worriedness and faint sadness also. Minjoo bit her lower lip, couldn’t bring herself to answer that question because she doesn’t know the very reason why she’s crying either.



Suddenly, the familiar warmth faded away as Yujin pulled herself away. It made Minjoo wince, already missing that very warmth. The blue haired woman stood up, towering over her, Minjoo noticed that she grew a few inches taller.



But what the surfer did next made her freeze again. Yujin pulled her into a proper embrace, caging her between her arms, and doesn’t have any slightest idea to release her from her hold for the meantime— like she’s scared that Minjoo might leave her again.



The brunette’s breath hitched when she felt Yujin burying her face into her brown hair, pressing a soft kiss on top of her head. Her heart instantly reacted, flipping in happiness and satisfaction. And Minjoo slowly hugged the surfer back

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eloo_el #1
Chapter 2: idk what to say anymore your story's are all masterpiece!!! im really grateful that I discover your story's 💓💓💓💓
turtlerabbitpeach #2
Chapter 3: beyond amazing ✨
avi927 #3
Re-reading this masterpiece again ✨
Chapter 3: 💙💙💙👏👏👏
pandamaos #6
Chapter 3: I’ve been finding time to sit and read this story. Oh yes,,, it’s GOOD good!! Love it!!!
snsdsoshigg #7
Chapter 3: I'm one of those readers that didn't know the existence of this special chapter. Thank you for posting this Zero-nim! I love this <3
1760 streak #9
Chapter 3: thank you!!!! love it!!!
andaengdaeng0901 #10
Chapter 2: still waiting for special chapter👀