Chapter 2

Passionate hostility

The part of the day he was dreading the most was here; lunch time. Baekhyun may not have had many friends at his old school but at least he had people to sit with during lunch. Sure, him and his two other friends would sit in a library and not talk much but at least he wasn't alone. You would have to be the biggest outcast to sit alone at lunch.

A part of Baekhyun was telling him to just it up and sit with Chanyeol but the more rational part of him told him that there was absolutely no way he was going to eat peacefully with the entire school watching him. And then there was Chanyeol's ex-girlfriend. He was lucky he had Sehun around to stand up for him but it's not like Sehun will be there next time. Something about her eyes screamed that she was crazy and would go to any length to make Chanyeol hers again. Usually, he wouldn't care about someone like her but knowing just how filthy rich she was, she could do anything and get away with it.

Maybe he could just sneak off to the library and eat there? Sure, he would look like a major loser but then again, nobody would know. It would be fine. Only problem was, he had no idea how to get to the library. He spent his entire free period walking around the school hoping to find the library but his search was futile. The school was enormous.

He sighed as students passed by him, talking excitedly. Thankfully for him, they didn't give him too much attention. He was excited, hoping that they were bored with him and would move on to something else. After listening in to two girls talking about one of their classmates getting plastic surgery, he was relieved. Wow, they move on fast he thought, unconsciously following the crowd until he arrived at the place he was avoiding. The cafeteria.

The cafeteria looked fancier than any restaurant Baekhyun had ever been to - not that he's been to many restaurants - and it was extremely crowded. The brunette felt like he was going to suffocate around so many people. He turned around, about to walk away until he heard his name.

"Baekhyun!! Come sit here," Chanyeol shouted excitedly, gesturing for the smaller male to sit next to him.

He could feel every single person's eyes on him, staring at him - analyzing him. Among the crowd, he saw a pair of wide, familiar eyes stare him down with disapproval. Kyungsoo. And if it couldn't get any worse, across from Chanyeol sat the person he wanted to avoid most. His ex girlfriend, Yujin. He wished he could disappear.

The amount of pressure he felt was unfathomable. He wanted nothing more than to just walk away and never deal with this situation again. It's not like he had a choice however; after being called out like that in public, he had to sit with Chanyeol. So, after awkwardly standing there for a few seconds, he made his way to the table.

He took a seat next to Chanyeol, blinded by how bright the male's smile was. Across from him, he could almost feel Yujin stare him down. On the other side of him sat Sehun, looking amused at the whole situation.

"What a lunatic," Sehun mumbled as he looked at Yujin, just loud enough for Baekhyun to hear.

After what happened in the classroom, Baekhyun had no idea what to think of the blonde. He had already formed his opinion on Sehun after they first met, deciding to stay away as much as he could from the male. But after the male stuck up for him, he felt an odd sense of comfort around the other. Unlike Chanyeol, he wasn't oblivious to his surroundings. It seemed like Sehun could understand what he was feeling.

"How did your classes go Baekhyun? Did you enjoy them?" Chanyeol asked, looking over at the brunette with a wide smile on his face, showcasing his perfect teeth.

"They were alright I suppose. Pretty uneventful honestly," he replied, causing a glare from Yujin and a snicker from Sehun.

"Baekhyun, Sehun and I have a class together. English. Too bad you aren't with us, it would've been a lot of fun," Yujin interrupted, her voice annoyingly high-pitched. She had a sweet smile on her face, her eyes wide and innocent looking. It would be easy to fool anyone with a face like hers.

The silence afterwards was so unbelievably awkward, Baekhyun could feel the immense tension in the air. Everyone in the table were listening to their conversation but even they went turned away after Chanyeol didn't respond.

"What class do you have after this Baekhyun?" Chanyeol questioned, turning his body so thy he was looking directly at Baekhyun.

If Yujin was mad earlier, she was raging now. Her face turned bright pink, obvious humiliation on her face. Not only did Chanyeol ignore her, he ignored her for his servant?

"Math with a teacher named... Mrs. Soo," Baekhyun pulled out his schedule, looking through his classes.

"Oh my gosh! We're in the same class together!you, me and Sehunnie!" Chanyeol remarked excitedly, his food untouched as he talked to the brunette.

"Who says I'll show up?" Sehun retorted, taking a bite of his kimbap.

"I said you have to show up. You've been skipping way too much lately, you're pretty much failing every single class you're in. I know your parents don't care but do you really not want to graduate?" Chanyeol chastised the annoyed looking male.

"I'll graduate anyway. My parents will do anything to make sure I don't embarrass them," Sehun said, rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun was curious after hearing Sehun's response. The bitterness was clear in his voice and it didn't take a genius to tell that Sehun didn't have a good relationship with his parents. Is that why he was skipping classes? To purposely anger his parents?


"Fine. I'll go to class. But only because Baekhyun will be there."

Baekhyun's head shot up at the mention of his name, his cheeks turning bright red against his will. He mentally cursed, why was he getting flustered over something like that? He was not the type to blush... ever.

If he wasn't so busy being shy, he would've noticed the way Chanyeol's smile dropped, instantly replaced with a frown.


There was a strange tension in the air after lunch. Baekhyun wasn't sure what happened but Chanyeol was suddenly very quiet, the wide smile no where to be found, instead replaced with dark, brooding eyes and a frown on his face. He walked away from them, leaving him and Sehun to look at each other in confusion.

"Sehun, can I ask you something?" Baekhyun questioned, staring at Chanyeol's back as he walked ahead of them.

"Yeah sure, anything."

"What happened with Chanyeol and Yujin? Why did they breakup? It seems like he really doesn't like her. Why does she sit with you guys though?" Baekhyun asked, all his curiosity coming out as he asked the questions he had been thinking of for the last hour.

"Well, Chanyeol never really liked her. He convinced himself that he had feelings for her when he didn't. I tried telling him he didn't really like her but he's a giant idiot, he's too kindhearted to hurt anyone's feelings and he felt bad because she's had a crush on him for literally ever. They dated and she because so obsessive and controlling. She refused to leave him alone for even a second and controlled every aspect of his life. He obviously got really tired of it and tried breaking up with. You know what she said when he tried breaking up with him? She said no. She literally refused to be broken up with," Sehun rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed as he talked about Yujin. "I wasn't lying when I said she was a psychopath. She made her parents sign a business deal with Chanyeol's parents and would threaten him whenever he tried to end it. After a while, when it became too much for Chanyeol to handle, he told his parents and they ended the business deal. Chanyeol threatened Yujin by telling her he would take legal action against her. He wasn't actually going to but it was enough to scare her. She still doesn't give up though. She tells everyone she's still his girlfriend and she sits with us because she has to make sure no one catches Chanyeol's attention. He usually doesn't ignore her like that because she'll create a scene so I'm not sure what happened today but I'm glad he did. I always tell him to just tell her to off but that never listens."

Baekhyun was at a loss for words at Sehun's explanation. Was she really that crazy? Oh god, what if she actually tries harming him now that she thinks he's a threat to her relationship with Chanyeol?

"Yo! Kai where were you at lunch today?" Sehun called, turning his attention to a tall, tanned male who had a girl on his lap. She was giggling as he rest his head on her neck, looking like he was whispering something in her ear.

The male looked up at them, a lazy smirk on his face. "I was a bit busy," he said with a wink, causing another fit of giggles from the girl on his lap. His dishevelled appearance made it clear what - or who - he was busy with during lunch.

Sehun laughed, rolling his eyes as he took a seat next to Kai.

Baekhyun looked around, seeing Chanyeol sitting in the back. Everything about his aura screamed that he wanted to be left alone. The brunette looked behind him, seeing Kyungsoo stare him down once again. Unlike before, there was a different emotion he was radiating. Instead of the disappointment earlier, he just looked hurt. His eyes were wide and there was a slight pout on his face, causing a sense of guilt in Baekhyun.

He looked at Sehun, an apologetic smile on his face as he turned around, sitting down on the empty seat next to Kyungsoo. Turning towards the boy, he smiled, hoping to make friends with the other. The other was a bit strange but also interesting. He wanted to get to know the male more.

"Why are you sitting there?" Kyungsoo questioned, raising an eyebrow at Baekhyun.

"Oh I... I thought you wanted me to sit here? You looked really upset I thought it was because I sat with Chanyeol when you told me to ignore him-"

"Upset? I'm not upset at all I don't know what you're talking about," Kyungsoo rebutted, turning away quickly, looking flustered.

Baekhyun was confused. Why did he look so sad earlier if it wasn't because of Baekhyun?

"I warned you to stay away from them. If you're not going to listen to me then don't be surprised when you get hurt," Kyungsoo finished, crossing his arms as the disappointment from earlier returned.

"Hurt? Did Chanyeol hurt you?" Baekhyun asked, getting more curious as to why Kyungsoo was so against Chanyeol.

"I never said that..." Kyungsoo's eyes widened, looking flustered once again. "I'm just saying, his friend group— they aren't good people. They are s and bullies. They also have tons of admirers who could easily hurt you if you get too close to them. Stay away Baekhyun, I'm warning you again."


Chanyeol's mood didn't improve after the day was over. The car ride home was even more quiet, the air filled with a tension that was almost unbearable. The taller male could feel Baekhyun's gaze on him, probably wondering what happened to make Chanyeol's mood shift.

It was embarrassing how much of an effect Baekhyun had on him. He had only known the boy for two days and yet, the feelings he felt for the smaller were stronger than anything he felt for anyone else. Even the girl he had dated- Yujin - he had no feelings for. With Baekhyun it was natural, he didn't have to force himself to feel something. The emotions he felt around the brunette were overwhelmingly intense. It terrified him knowing that it was most likely going to be one-sided.

And then there was Sehun. His best friend had always flirted like it was his full-time job. The blonde had messed around with most of the girls in their school garnering him the title of their school's "player." Despite all the attention Sehun got, the boy had never been in an actual relationship. According to the male, he didn't want to commit to just one person. Unlike Chanyeol, who was admittedly a hopeless romantic, Sehun didn't want to settle down.

It shouldn't upset Chanyeol so much that his best friend keeps flirting with his crush knowing that it was just Sehun's nature, but it did. It was the first time he had ever seen Sehun flirt with a boy. He honestly didn't know his best friend's uality, he just assumed the other was straight. Not that it ever mattered to Chanyeol. It just worried him to see how close the two were already getting. After all, who would choose him over Sehun?

"Is everything okay Chanyeol? You've been quiet ever since lunch. Did something happen?" Baekhyun asked, looking concerned as he stared at Chanyeol.

The giant mentally groaned when he could feel the heat on his cheeks and at that tip of his ears. When was he going to stop getting so flustered over every single thing Baekhyun did? It lifted his spirits knowing Baekhyun cared enough about him to worry when he was clearly upset.

"No! Nothing happened!" He loudly exclaimed, grimacing at how defensive and suspicious he sounded. He could tell Baekhyun didn't believe him when the brunette looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Right..." he replied before deciding to drop it. "Anyways, I really appreciate how much you tried to make me feel welcome, even though everyone else made me feel the opposite," he finished with a laugh, smiling adorably.

That little giggle followed by Baekhyun's stunning smile was enough to make Chanyeol's heart soar.

"Anything for you."


Ever since Baekhyun started working for them, though it hadn't be long, dinner had become Chanyeol's favourite time of the day. He would drown out his parent's boring business talks and daydream about his crush while eating the scrumptious food made by the brunette. Chanyeol may be biased but anything Baekhyun cooked was better than all the food he's had at five-star hotels.

"Chanyeol, your teacher just called to tell you he's gonna get you to do a retest because you failed one of your tests," Joonmyeon stated, interrupting Chanyeol's fantasy of his and Baekhyun's wedding day.

"Son, you failed a test? your marks have already gone down a lot lately. What's going on here?" His dad questioned in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a tutor anymore ever since he left the country. Mrs. Byun used to tutor me sometimes but now, she's not even available," Chanyeol answered, hoping his explanation calmed his parents down so they weren't too mad. Truth was, Chanyeol hated studying and wasn't one of those people who were naturally good at school. However, he needed to maintain good grades to inherit his parent's business. He had been getting tutored since he was a child.

"How about Baekhyun? That boy has incredible grades and was even number one at his old school. Since his mom used to tutor you, it shouldn't be too hard for him. We can just pay him more," Mrs. Park suggested, looking at her husband for approval.

"And then we won't have to find another tutor for Chanyeol. Good idea. Chanyeol? What do you think?"

"Uh... Baekhyun?" The thought of spending even more time with his crush made him unbelievably excited but at the same time, he didn't know how he would be able to focus on schoolwork with Baekhyun teaching him. He would probably embarrass himself by staring and getting lost in the other boy's eyes or fantasizing about their future.

"Are you sure he has enough time to tutor me? Don't you guys think he'll be too busy with cooking and his own schoolwork? I don't want to cause him too much stress," Chanyeol answered, thinking of how much work Baekhyun already had to deal with.

"It's alright son. He needs the money. Especially with the state his dad is in."

"Sun Hee!" His dad interrupted his mom, giving her a stern look, as if telling her to shut up.

"What? What do you mean he needs the money? And what about his dad?" Chanyeol questioned, noticing the secretive glances between his parents.

"I mean, his dad is so old now that he couldn't continue working for us and they aren't well off dear. They can barely afford the basics, Baekhyun is lucky to be working for us."


"How are you so bad at biology? It's the easiest subject. All you have to do is memorize a few things!" Baekhyun shook his head, looking through all of Chanyeol's old tests with a disapproving look.

"I'm.. I have a bad memory," Chanyeol responded, turning red as he saw all the bad marks on the top of his tests.

"It's okay Chanyeol, not all of us can be good at everything," Baekhyun stated with a wink, taking out some flash cards.

"I'll test you on a couple of things so I can see exactly what you need to work on,"

"But you've seen my tests! I !!" Chanyeol whined, already dreading this study session. He wasn't that bad at other subjects, it was just biology. Baekhyun probably thought he was stupid.

"Chanyeol. It's okay to not be good at something. What's not okay is not trying to get better. You're smart, you can do anything. I believe in you."

'Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush. , too late' Chanyeol thought, biting his lip as he looked down at his lap.

"Thanks Baek. You should be a motivational speaker, you know like the ones who go to schools to talk. But not the boring kind more like the cute, funny kind."

"Cute, huh?" Baekhyun questioned with a smirk.

"Uh, that's not what I meant!" Chanyeol quickly rebutted, getting flustered.

"So I'm not cute?" The brunette asked, an exaggerated pout on his face.

"No!!! You're cute. The cutest."

Baekhyun laughed at Chanyeol's reaction. He loved teasing the taller.

"I was wrong about you Chanyeol."

"What do you mean by that?" The heir asked, quickly attempting to recover from his embarrassment.

"I thought you were like those bratty rich kids who think they can get away with anything and get everything handed down to them. I thought you had no regard for other people's feelings and I thought you would be self-centred," Baekhyun admitted.

"I think you're talking about Jongin," Chanyeol laughed. "Not all rich people are s. I mean, a lot of them are but not all of them."

"I know that now. I feel bad for judging you before even knowing you. I think it was just me being jealous that you were born with more privilege than me," Baekhyun said with a smile.

"I'm glad to prove you wrong Baek. I'm grateful to be born with the privilege I have. I could never be able to work as hard as you do everyday."

Baekhyun's smile widened and he looked at Chanyeol with a slight blush on his face.

"Thanks, Chanyeol. I'll do anything I can to help my father."

The brunette looked down, biting down on his lip. His expressions looked pained like he was trying his best to hold himself together.

It reminded Chanyeol of dinner. What did Baekhyun mean by help his dad? After his parents refused to tell him why Mr. and Mrs. Byun stopped working for them, he asked Joonmyun, just to get told that both of them were "too old." Was that why Baekhyun was sad?

Before Chanyeol could ask what he meant, a certain blonde male jumped in from his window, a blank look present on his face as he sat down on Chanyeol's bed.

"What are you doing here?!" Chanyeol yelled, more aggressively than he meant to.

"My parents were nagging me so I left. Why are you mad? I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Sehun questioned with a smirk and a raise of his eyebrow.

"Uh no, I was just helping Chanyeol study," Baekhyun retorted.

"Oh? Cute, smart and can cook? Is there anything you can't do?"

"We're busy Sehun. Leave us alone so we can study," Chanyeol interrupted bitterly before Baekhyun could reply to Sehun.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you two. Just pretend I'm not here."


"What's the role of prolactin in the body?"

"Uh! I know this one wait give me a minute!" Chanyeol closed his eyes, gripping his head as if he was trying to activate his brain.

"Oh cmon dude, it stimulates milk production. Lactin, lactose." Sehun rolled his eyes at his friend, wondering how the other was so stupid to not get this.

"Yeah I knew that," Chanyeol huffed, the tip of his ears turning red. He had no idea how Sehun knew that when the boy hadn't even opened a textbook for years.

"Okay... function of insulin?" Baekhyun continued, ignoring the bickering between the two friends.

"Controls blood glucose levels and helps turn the glucose into energy," Sehun answered uninterestedly.

"Hey! He's asking me, not you!" Chanyeol whined, crossing his arms.

"It's not my fault you at this. You're taking ages to answer," Sehun shrugged.

"Guys, stop fighting. It's okay Chanyeol, you'll get the next few."


"Function of estrogen?"

"Regulates the menstrual cycle and plays a role in the development of secondary characteristics."


"Regulates water retention in the body."


"Regulates mood, appetite, sleep, memory, all that jazz."


"Affects the body's ability to regulate blood pressure."

"Wow... that's all of them. That was incredible Sehun, you're really good at biology." Baekhyun praised after Sehun answered everything correctly.

"How the hell did you do that. You sleep through all our classes together. Aren't you failing bio?" Chanyeol questioned, a look of astonishment on his face.

"Yeah, I've got like a 30% in that class. It's easy as hell but I don't give a . I don't do any of the lessons and I just guess on all the tests," Sehun rebutted, shrugging.

"What?! But you know everything! If you tried you would have at least a 90% in that class!" Baekhyun exclaimed, looking outright offended that Sehun didn't care about his grades.

"It doesn't matter in the end. Whether I have a 90 or 30, my parents still won't care."

Sehun always had that unbothered facade but Chanyeol could see right through his best friend. He knew how much it hurt the blonde that his parents didn't pay him any attention. All this rebellion was a desperate plea for his parents to look at him, to scold and care for him.

"They're your parents Sehun. They care for you more than you could imagine. Maybe they have a hard time showing it? Some parents don't show you how much they love you. But they do," Baekhyun's voice turned soft as he approached the blonde, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"If they cared for me why haven't they called me to ask me where I am? I've been gone for over two hours now and they probably haven't even realized."


"It's fine Chanyeol. Just, keep going with your study session. I really won't bother you this time," Sehun sighed, laying on Chanyeol's bed before closing his eyes.


As much as Chanyeol was worried about his best friend, the ugly feeling of jealousy came back when he noticed the frown on Baekhyun's face. Out of all the emotions he felt, the most overpowering was the insecurity. Sehun was always more confident than him and now he was smarter too? The vile feelings he felt during lunch came back tenfold and now he couldn't focus on anything school-related.

Everytime he looked at Baekhyun, the brunette was glancing at the boy in his bed with a worried look. With every glance, Chanyeol could feel his body get warmer, the fury lighting up inside him. He knew his anger was irrational but much like the overwhelming affection he felt for Baekhyun, it was uncontrollable.












Baekhyun wasn't surprised to see all the angry insults written on his locker in red ink. "" "scum" "peasant" "beggar" and in the middle of it all, in huge letters, "gold digger." The brunette snickered when he heard all the whispering behind him. It seemed like half the school surrounded his locker, waiting to see his reaction in anticipation. He rolled his eyes when he opened his locker, seeing his books drenched.

"For the geniuses who did this... at least be creative if you're going to bully me. This is pathetic," he said, taking his biology book out, mentally laughing at how soft these kids were compared to the kids at his old school. If it was those kids bullying him, they wouldn't just pour water on his books, they would probably rip his books to shreds and put weed in his locker to get him kicked out.

It amused him that these spoiled rich kids thought they could bully him so easily. He knew what reaction they wanted from him and the last thing he was going to do was entertain them.

Before he could walk away from the crowd, Chanyeol and Sehun made their way to his locker. It was funny how all the students separated to make way for them as if they were royalty.

"What is this?!" Chanyeol screamed, looking infuriated as he looked at all the words written on his locker and then the wet book in his hands.

"It's fine Chanyeol it's no big deal," he reassured the boy, holding his arm as the taller turned to the crowd.

"Whoever did this will pay for it. I'll make sure you get kicked out of this school," Chanyeol threatened, glaring at all the students one by one, as if he was waiting for someone to confess.

Sehun just stood there, raising a brow as he stared down the crowd. "This is pathetic. Do any of you have lives? Or is this the only entertainment you get?" he questioned, rolling his eyes

"Let's just go, we'll be late to class." Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol by the hand, dragging him away from the crowd of terrified students with Sehun following behind the pair.

"Don't you have another class Sehunnie?" Baekhyun asked, slowing down so that Sehun wasn't trailing behind them.

The blonde boy shrugged, looking down at their interlocked fingers. There was a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach that he couldn't describe. It made him... angry.

"Yeah I'm just going to skip my class. I don't give a about chemistry anyway. I mean, not that I give a about any of my classes. I'll probably just skip all my classes today, I don't feel like showing up."

"What the hell Sehun. Where are you going to go?" Chanyeol questioned, clearly frustrated at his friend's lack of care for his education. It wasn't new for Sehun to skip but he would usually show up for a class or two, either to take a nap, annoy the teacher or flirt with girls. Either way, all that mattered to Chanyeol was that his friend at least attended his classes.

"Jieun texted me earlier. She told me to meet her on the roof," Sehun responded with a wink.

"Sehun! I swear to god if you skip any of your classes today..." Baekhyun hissed, his arms crossed as he glared up at the taller with the most terrifying expression on his face they had ever seen. He looked like he was shooting daggers at Sehun from the way he was staring him down.

" ... fine. I'll go to class, whatever. I'll just take a nap."

Baekhyun's entire expression morphed into the brightest smile that spread across his entire face, showing his pearly white teeth.

Chanyeol in a breath, mesmerized by the brunet's beauty. He wasn't the only one either. Everyone who witnessed Baekhyun smile were captivated by how ethereal he looked. It was as if an angel had graced their presence, as if he was too stunning to be human.

Chanyeol didn't realize how long he was staring until Baekhyun's hand lightly brushed against his shoulder. "Chanyeol? Are you okay? We're going to be late to class, let's get going."

Sehun watched as they walked away, holding a hand against his chest where his heart was beating like crazy. He had no idea what just happened but that smile... it made his heart flutter. The boy's eyes widened when he felt his cheeks heat up as he thought of Baekhyun's smile again.

'what the is wrong with you are you blushing?!' He thought, frantically shaking his head at the thought of blushing. Maybe he wasn't feeling well and that's why he was warm. Maybe it was something he ate.

Sehun didn't realize how crazy he looked as he stood there, blushing like a love struck idiot, until he noticed everyone staring at him in confusion. He glared at everyone staring before waking away, the scene of Baekhyun smiling continuously replaying in his brain.


Baekhyun was hoping that the locker situation would be all he had to deal with today but seeing that he had become queen bee Yujin's biggest rival, he should have known that it wouldn't be that easy.

He and Chanyeol were a couple of minutes late to class but thankfully, they didn't get yelled at, just told to sit down and be earlier next time. The first couple minutes of class were quiet as they did their assignments, until a gasp was heard.

"My wallet! Mr. Gwan, my wallet is gone!"

Everyone turned towards Yujin, who was frantically looking through her backpack and her desk for her wallet. "Someone took it! I know it!"

"Now Yujin, we shouldn't be so quick to assume. Are you sure you didn't forget it in your locker? Or maybe you forgot it somewhere else?" Mr. Gwan questioned the girl.

"No! I never took it out of my backpack! Someone stole it I know it! Please Mr. Gwan can't we check everyone's backpacks?"

Baekhyun was shocked when Mr. Gwan agreed, forcing everyone to open up their backpacks. This was such an invasion of privacy.

He turned towards Chanyeol, who just shrugged before opening up his backpack. Baekhyun also grabbed his backpack, taking out all his notebooks and textbooks. After taking out the contents of his bag, he turned to the side of the backpack, ping it before finding a fancy, Gucci wallet.

"That's it! My wallet!" Yujin yelled, racing over to Baekhyun's desk before grabbing the wallet. She opened it up, inspecting inside.

"Thank god! All the money and cards are still in there!"

"What the hell! I didn't steal your wallet!" Baekhyun exclaimed, looking at Yujin in astonishment.

"Then why was it in your backpack? Of course it was you! No one is else is poor enough to steal my wallet. We knew you were a gold digger but a thief too? How embarrassing."

"That's enough Yujin!" Chanyeol interrupted, his face turning red from fury. "Baekhyun is not a thief nor is he a gold digger!"

"Why are you defending him Channie? You saw the wallet in his backpack, didn't you? He's just trying to fool you! Don't fall for it!"

Baekhyun stood up, facing the teacher. "Please Mr. Gwan, I didn't do this. I have never and would never steal in my entire life. I'm being framed," he said, as sincerely as possible.

He ignored all the snickers from his classmates who were clearly entertained by the whole ordeal.

"I'm going to have to take you to the principal's office Baekhyun. You can discuss this with the principal," Mr. Gwan replied, a look of pity on his face.

"What! But he didn't do anything! What the !" Chanyeol yelled, looking furious as he watched Mr. Gwan leading Baekhyun outside of the classroom.

"No swearing in my class! All of you sit down and be quiet! I better not hear a word from any of you!"

As Baekhyun walked out of the class, he turned around. His eyes met with Kyungsoo who looked at him with a look of pity.

'I told you so' Kyungsoo mouthed.

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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
oshbyuns #2
oof major second lead syndrome vibes from sehun ahh as a sehun biased and sebaek enthusiast im already feeling hurt 😩 loving the story till now and chanyeol is downright adorable ☹🖤 i hope he becomes more confident as the story progresses ^-^ <3
cloudyish #3
Chapter 5: Oh my god! I felt so bad for Kyungsoo 😭 how did those jerks get his diary 😱 this is so sad cute Kyungsoo has suffered so much! y Jongin seems like Jerk Jongin here 😠 and Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun now that is a explosive combo! Cutie Baek, adorable Chanyeol and Handsome Sehun ☺️ but poor sehun is really suffering baby hun! I hope he and his parents reconcile and he learns to have fun in a positive outlook at life! I am really looking forward to reading more ❤️ Thank you for this lovely story 🥰
collin12 #5
Chapter 5: Omg Kyungsoo ;-; god I hope he gets his revenge somehow! And I wonder where this story will go :o can’t wait to read more! And thank you for updating <3
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo' s story is so sad and heartbreaking! I don't keep a diary anymore for that reason!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 4: So more of the inner workings of richie rich high school exposed - mad love triangle of sebaekchan and introduction of kaisoo - getting good author-nim ✌️
Chapter 8: Dang this is all so unfair to Baekhyun :(
I hope karma gets all of them, he deserves better T^T
Thanks for updating, this was great!
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 8: Evil bratty classmates - hopefully Baek won't get in trouble!!
Chapter 7: Yaay thank you for the update, it was really nice! And even educational for revising my knowledge hehe loves it! I really enjoy reading this story, it's so good!