
Passionate hostility

Baekhyun could feel the warm droplets running down his flushed cheeks. He would've been embarrassed to be crying in front his classmates had this been any other situation. However, when you find out your father has been hospitalized, the last thing on your mind is other people. 


He stared at his teacher in horror, his breath in in order to avoid the oncoming sob. "W-what do you mean? What happened? Is he okay? Where's my mom, is she okay? I-I need to go see them—"


"Baekhyun, let's step outside," the teacher mentally scolded himself for telling the boy such tragic news in front of the rest of the class. He was new and had never dealt with situation like this. Seeing the boy shake so furiously terrified him but he attempted to remain calm. 


Once they stepped outside and Baekhyun was given permission to leave, he ran like he had never before, wiping the tears away as it was clouding his vision. Once he reached the bus stop, he let his emotions come out without a care. It was unlike him to cry so openly; he had a strong personality and was never the type of person who showed his emotions. But, his parents were his weakness. He loved them with everything he had. 


It was extremely difficult for him to control himself in the bus. He could sense all the stares on him even with his head down. The bus ride wasn't ending, it felt like time froze and he was stuck in a dirty bus seat while his dad slowly entered his grave. 


He probably looked like a maniac as he ran to the desk, frantically asking which room his parents were in. Like a madman, he rushed to the room, uncaring as he bumped into a couple of people who angrily cursed at him. 


The sight that met him was one he would never forget. Stereotypically, men were meant to be more stoic, not showing their emotions and especially not crying. However, his family were as untraditional as it gets. His mother was like a stone. It was scary sometimes how she emotionless she was. His father on the other hand, was overly emotional. He would never forget the time his father had to control his tears while watching the lion king. 


It was strange seeing his mother sob. It brought so much fear in Baekhyun's heart that he could barely function. His vision was blurry, it felt like the whole earth was shaking and when he saw his father lying unconsciously on the hospital bed, his heart completely stopped. 


"Baek! Baby!" 


He felt the fragile but strong arms embrace him, the warmth of his mother's tears on his skin. 


"Mom... mom what happened?" He questioned once he mustered the courage to speak. Never before did he feel so much fear. Not when he fell from the roof, not when he almost drowned. Never. 


"Your dad he.. he had a . He's in a coma baby... he's fighting for his life." 


Baekhyun didn't notice when he fell to the ground, body shaking like a tiny leaf in the middle of a windstorm. He didn't notice the loud sobs come out of his mouth. All he could think of was the kindest person he knew. His father. 













After the tears dried up and his body physically could not produce any more, he turned to his mom. "What do we do now mom? Did the doctors say when he will be back? How are we going to pay our bills without dad?"


His response was silence, and then a sigh. 


"I don't know baby, I don't know when he will be okay. Also... I need you to do something for me baekkie. Please, for me and your father."


Baekhyun looked at her in confusion. It sounded like she was begging. Why would she beg? He would do anything for his parents. They could ask him to jump into an active volcano and he would do it. After all, the sacrifices they made for him didn't even compare to anything he's done for them.  


"Of course mom. I would do anything for you two. Anything at all."


There was another moment of silence and suddenly, Baekhyun was beginning to feel uneasy. "Mom?"


"Baek. I need you to take our positions in the Parks household. You know that your dad was the top chef there, they don't want anyone else but him but now that he and I are both unable to work, they want you. Baby, they are going to double the salary and they will send you to the same private school that their son goes to. All you have to do is cook their meals and watch their son. Please Baekkie." 


Baekhyun was speechless as he processed the information and then, he felt the rage. 


"What! Mom! No! I can't work for them! They are horrible people! They have treated you and dad so terribly when you guys have been working for them for years! You and dad have worked endless hours for them and they haven't even given us a raise! You guys missed my birthdays and all my school events because they wouldn't let you guys off! They have treated us like garbage for years! I told you and dad to quit so many times!" The outrage poured out of Baekhyun, he had never yelled at his mother before. The instant regret hit when he saw the look on his mother's face. 


"Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. Look, I'll get a third job if I have to. I know it'll be hard for me to work three jobs while going to school but I will do my best to make it work," he finished, placing his hand over his mom's as he looked her in the eyes. 


"Baekhyun, your father and I have done everything in our power to provide for you. No matter how hard it was for us to work such long hours and miss out on seeing our son. I know you hate them and feel they have mistreated us but this is an opportunity that will never come back. Can't you let go of your ego for us son? Just this once. It's the only time I'll ask you to sacrifice for us. Please Baekhyun."


Baekhyun hated them, so so much. It nearly killed him when he said yes to working in their house but he knew that all that mattered was his parents. He would sacrifice for them and he would work until both his parents were proud.









A/N: I came up with this story at literally 2am because quarantine got me thinking. I will try my best to update this as much as I can. If anyone is looking for a Chanbaek story to read, I’d really appreciate if you guys check out my other stories: trustworthy lies and sheltered. Thank you guys for reading!

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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
oshbyuns #2
oof major second lead syndrome vibes from sehun ahh as a sehun biased and sebaek enthusiast im already feeling hurt 😩 loving the story till now and chanyeol is downright adorable ☹🖤 i hope he becomes more confident as the story progresses ^-^ <3
cloudyish #3
Chapter 5: Oh my god! I felt so bad for Kyungsoo 😭 how did those jerks get his diary 😱 this is so sad cute Kyungsoo has suffered so much! y Jongin seems like Jerk Jongin here 😠 and Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun now that is a explosive combo! Cutie Baek, adorable Chanyeol and Handsome Sehun ☺️ but poor sehun is really suffering baby hun! I hope he and his parents reconcile and he learns to have fun in a positive outlook at life! I am really looking forward to reading more ❤️ Thank you for this lovely story 🥰
collin12 #5
Chapter 5: Omg Kyungsoo ;-; god I hope he gets his revenge somehow! And I wonder where this story will go :o can’t wait to read more! And thank you for updating <3
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo' s story is so sad and heartbreaking! I don't keep a diary anymore for that reason!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 4: So more of the inner workings of richie rich high school exposed - mad love triangle of sebaekchan and introduction of kaisoo - getting good author-nim ✌️
Chapter 8: Dang this is all so unfair to Baekhyun :(
I hope karma gets all of them, he deserves better T^T
Thanks for updating, this was great!
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 8: Evil bratty classmates - hopefully Baek won't get in trouble!!
Chapter 7: Yaay thank you for the update, it was really nice! And even educational for revising my knowledge hehe loves it! I really enjoy reading this story, it's so good!