Be By My Side

Stay With Me
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A/N: So as promised to some of my readers, I'm going to be leaving some tissues here for tears. Please grab as much as you need. :) *Tissue for tears*

Hyukjae entered the cemetery and was making his way towards the largest tree on site. There was an old single swing attached to it and the cold wind around the graveyard swayed it enough so it looks like someone was using it. However, Hyukjae knew better than to think that the wind was the cause for its movement. He could see a small girl sitting on it and her feet, which barely reached the ground, was pushing against it. As soon as she was made aware of his presence, she cheered and immediately jumped off the swing causing said object to swing faster. 

"Hyukkie! You're back!" She ran and quickly held onto his hand. "Were you crying again?"

Hyukjae held her hand back and tried to show her a cheerful smile. He ignored her question and instead asked his own. "Did you do something bad again? Why are you on the timeout swing?"

She pouted her lips and vehemently shook her head. "I didn't!"

"Jihae," Hyukjae narrowed his eyes, his tone hinting that he knew she was lying.     

"I didn't, I swear!" Then she pursed her lips a little and tried to open her eyes as wide as she can trying to gather some sympathy from him. "I just wanted to play...but then the kid followed me and wasn't looking so he fell..."

Hyukjae was still not quite convinced that was the whole story. "And?"

"That's it! I swear!"

Hyukjae furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "If that was all then why would they put you on the swing?"

"Because the boy fell into an open grave." 

Both Hyukjae and Jihae looked up to see an elderly woman coming up to them with a disappointed look on her face. Jihae immediately hid herself behind Hyukjae while the latter looked at her and shook his head disapprovingly before looking up and putting on a charming smile towards the woman approaching them. 

"Halmeoni! How are you?"

She stopped about a meter away from them but her look never changed. "You're not any better either," she scolded. "I bet you were off haunting that old flame of yours, weren't you?"

Hyukjae pouted at the word "haunting." "Halmeoni, you know there's nowhere else for me to be in."

"Aigoo~" She lighltly brushed her knuckles against Hyukjae's forehead. "When are you young people gonna learn to let go? That poor man can't move on because of you."

"Halmeoni, that's not fair!" Hyukjae whined. "What if it's me who can't move on because of him?"

"Hyukjae, we talked about this. So long as they still feel your presence their sixth sense and subconscious will continue to pull you. It's up to you to decide how much longer you'd want to prolong the pain for."

Hyukjae's eyes saddened once more hearing those words from her. It's not like this was the first time he's heard it. He's heard it dozens of times since he's met the lovely dead people roaming around the cemetery, but it doesn't mean the reality of it all hurt him any less. Hyukjae wanted a little more time with Donghae and the latter wanted to be with him again...was it so wrong to stay with him like this?   

"Hyukkie," Jihae called interrupting his train of thought. "Look," She pointed towards the direction of his grave and saw Heechul, Hankyung and his parents walking up to his plot. Even from a distance, Hyukjae could make out the flowers that Hankyung carried and placed over his tomb as the present Donghae had gotten him for his birthday. 

"So pretty." He heard Jihae giggle but upon looking at her, she was staring at a different direction. He followed her line of sight and right there, at another distance, Hyukjae saw Donghae leaning against a tree watching his family stand over his grave from afar. His heart broke seeing such distance between them. Heechul and Donghae used to be so close. Before his death, Heechul had always treated Donghae like his own brother...sometimes, he thinks, even more than him.


"Hyung!" Hyukjae whined rubbing the sore spot over his head. "I'm your dongsaeng! Why aren't you taking it easy on me?"

"Shut up, monkey." Heechul teased while shuffling the cards. "I can't be playing favoritism here. I'm a just and fair judge."

"Fair?! You were totally giving Donghae hints!" Hyukjae glared at the laughing man next to him. "Yah! Stop cheating!"

"I'm not cheating!" Donghae exclaimed raising an innocent hand. "Heechul hyung is the one giving me good cards."

"This is a conspiracy! I'm not playing anymore," Hyukjae crossed his arms and turned his body away with a pout. He could hear Heechul cackling behind him and a strong set of arms creeping their way around his waist before an annoying mop of dark hair started tickling the side of his neck. 

"Aw, don't be mad, Hyukkie." Donghae snuggled closer to Hyukjae hoping to work his charm on him. "I really wasn't cheating."

"Tsk. You were conspiring with Heechul hyung. That's the same thing."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic," Heechul said but Hyukjae refused to look at him. "The cards were chosen in random, you silly monkey."

"Heechul hyung just likes you more than me," Hyukjae accused and then faked cry which caused Donghae's arm to tighten around him. "He doesn't love me anymore."

"Yah!" Heechul screeched and then grabbed one of the sofa pillows and threw it at Hyukjae's head. Like always, it hit the top of his head which simply made Hyukjae's act even more dramatic. 

"Ah! See! Abuse! Heechul hyung's hitting me now because of you."

"Annoying brat."

Donghae merely chuckled and decided to play along with Hyukjae. "Oh no, my baby." Donghae tackled Hyukjae to the ground and started planting kisses all over his face which made Hyukjae squirm under him. "I'll kiss the pain away."

"Agh! No! Yah! Get away from me!...Hyung!...Heechul hyung help!..."

Donghae wasn't swayed by his cries for help and kept peppering Hyukjae with kisses. Heechul, who had completely lost interest in the game, turned his back against the two lovebirds and looked through their stack of take out menus in order to decide what they should order for dinner. Hyukjae's call for help fell on deaf

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I was going to put "Stay with Me" as the finale song *for obvious reasons LoL* but "Somebody New" seemed more fitting.
I hope you liked the story ^_^ Thank you! <3


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purple_88 #1
Just a foreword but already feel so angsty. I love it!!
Eh?? I suscribe it alr... but i don't think that I read it already. Okay then, i might read it asap
1578 streak #3
Chapter 25: If it weren't for that deus ex machina of the time control watch, I thought we were all in for one more round of angst with everyone finding the letters and going through it again before Donghae somehow stopped Hyukjae from giving up and leaving again. Glad you showed the characters (and us readers) mercy though, author-nim. Maybe, after turning back the clock this will be the first lifetime through all their fated reincarnations where they actually get to spend most of it together? Hopefully it changed the course of their future Iives too, to they won't be such tragic star-crossed lovers. A harrowing but romantic story, thanks for sharing! ♡
Nishinoya_yuu #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT <3 EVERY PART OF ITTTT. I have been a fan of your stories and I dont think you remember when I was so excited that I found you on twitter! I just want to say that you did a great job! This is @heemiyah btw hehe.
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 25: So loved this story. The love Hae and Hyuk had was unreal. I'm so happy u wrote it. Thanks for sharing! ❤
Chapter 26: I honestly didn't know if I was going to get through this as the angst was really getting to me, but thankfully there was a happy ending. It wasn't where I thought the story would go, but I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I wonder if Donghae will eventually forget about the four years like a bad dream?
Leox801 #7
Chapter 26: This was so so so well written omg!!! I teared up a lot in the middle my heart legit ached huhu especially the part where hyukjae projected his insecurities for that short while during their flashback :((,,, anyway omg they are so sweet and lovely together thank you so much for this story!! <33
Chapter 26: Your video was so good DB!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
21 streak #9
Chapter 26: The fantasy mixed with real life reminds me of Goblin, one of favorite dramas, and I love you for that authornim! I knew no one could resist their love story, even celestials are as whipped as us fans. Also, thank you so much for the adorable video, I hope you find the inspiration you need 🥰
Nightprincess55 #10
Chapter 26: This was such a cute video. It fits the story very well. Good luck with the writer's block! I hope inspiration finds you easily. Thank you for all of your hard work!