A Hint

Stay With Me
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Hankyung ran out of the dance room as fast as his legs could carry him and hid inside his office. As soon as he had shut the door behind him, he fumbled with his phone trying to look for Heechul's name to call him. However, once his eyes finally landed on his name, his hands froze over the dial button as he contemplated about what exactly he was going to say to him. 

He couldn't just go, "Hey, remember the guy who has a really strong resemblance to your brother? Well, he also dances like him and carries the same signature moves as him and I'm sort-of freaking out because I really think that Eunhyuk might be Hyukjae." The latter would not only hang up the phone on him - he might even drive all the way down to the studio just to kick his for even mentioning that crazy theory to him. 

Hankyung sighed and took several deep breathes to calm himself and slowly put his phone away. He pursed his lips together and tried to think of a rational reason as to why Eunhyuk was reminding him of Hyukjae. Dance might not be a scientific recognized fingerprint but to a trained eye, one could distinguish a distinct move like it's their own signature. Almost like how each singer has their own pitch. Even those who have the same timber couldn't really have the exact same sound so why was his own eyes tricking him? 


"Hyung!" Hyukjae whined as Heechul cackled uncontrollably on the floor after effectively disrupting their practice (again) with his crazy dance moves. He looked towards Hankyung for some help but the other was too busy laughing along with Heechul to pay him any mind. Hyukjae felt an arm wrap around his waist followed by a faint vibrate of the person's body against his back and knew he was laughing as well. "Hae! It's not funny. We gotta get this routine finished."

Donghae grinned at Hyukjae then looked over at Heechul again who was trying to follow after Hankyung's moves, and although he did it very similaryly, the way he exagerrated his hips and the soft limber of his body wave made it look just a bit more feminine than how they intended it to be. Hyukjae was stomping his feet in annoyance since he was really nervous about his first competition and all Heechul has done to support him was to make fun of him. 

"Oh, lighten up, you brat." Heechul said after seeing Hyukjae's continued pout. "It's not that big of a deal. You've been in many competitions before."

"No," Hyukjae denied. "I've been in many talent shows before. This is my first real competition and I don't want to look like a joke."

"You won't," Hankyung said as he pulled Heechul behind him to prevent him from saying anymore "brotherly advice" to Hyukjae. "We got this routine down and I'm sure you'll do great for your solo."

"Yeah, specially when you go like this," Heechul tried to imitate Michael Jackson's infamous pelvis but didn't necessarily posessed the same articulate body coordination and looked more like frog flipped over on his back. The only move that he seemed to have completely on the nose with was the way he moved his pelvis up and down but that was only because he taught that move to Hyukjae when he was 5 and thought it was the cutest thing in the world his dongsaeng's ever done. 

"Hyung, stooop it!" Hyukjae whined while burying his face behind Donghae's neck at the second hand embarrassment he was feeling since Heechul hasn't stopped doing the same move over and over again for 10 seconds. There's only so much pelvic--compliment he could take without it being ridiculous. 

"Oh, come on, Hyukkie. Do it with me!" Heechul made a serious face then started to move around the room looking like he was riding on a horse. Hankyung didn't want to leave his lover hanging and followed suit, trying to copy his move in a more dancer type way. Hyukjae and Donghae both burst out laughing watching the two of them chase after each other. Donghae still had his arm wrapped around Hyukjae comfortably and once he was sure Hankyung has Heechul distracted with his moonwalk, he placed a kiss on the side of Hyukjae's neck. 

"You know, Heechul hyung's a pretty decent dancer. Why don't you have him join you guys in the contest?" Donghae teased. 

Hyukjae scowled and looked at Donghae as if he was crazy. "We'd get disqualified the second he starts dancing to 'Annie.'"

Donghae couldn't help himself and laughed out loud at Hyukjae's reaction since it was almost too cute how serious he looked. Without even thinking about it, he placed a quick kiss on his lips effectively shifting Heechul's focus back on them. 

"Yah! Lee Donghae! Did you just kiss my brother while I'm in the room?!"

This time, it was Hyukjae's turn to laugh seeing Donghae open and close his mouth like a fish, trying to come up with an explanation as to why he would kiss his boyfriend in front of his brother. Heechul was glaring at Donghae and as soon as he took that first step towards them, Donghae released Hyukjae from his arms and bolted out the door. Heechul was quick on his feet and immediately ran after him, intending to keep his older brother promise to kick his if he ever sees him doing anything to taint his brother's innocence. 

"Should I help him?" Hankyung asked Hyukjae when they both heard Donghae's muffled yell of "But he's mine!" Followed by Heechul's "I'll show you what's yours! Come here, you !"

"Nah," Hyukjae said as he nonchalantly closed the door and started the music again in an unnecesarily high volume. 

End of Flashback

Hankyung leaned back on his office chair with both hands rubbing the side of his temple. He could feel the stress and exhaustion overtaking his body which any other day would drain the life out of him but today, he's glad to be feeling this way because there's just no way that Eunhyuk could be Hyukjae. They're two different people and as much as he would love to have Hyukjae back in their life, he'd accepted the fact that he died four years ago and has somewhat moved on from it. His phone vibrated on his desk and looked to see that Kyuhyun has messaged him. 

Fr: Kyu

You okay?

Hankyung had  a moment to reflect on what he just did and silently groaned realizing how he must have freaked out Eunhyuk and the others with the way he ran out of the room. 

To: Kyu

Yeah...I was just feeling tired. Let's pick up on it tomorrow. 

Fr: Kyu

Okay - I'll send Eunhyuk home. 

Hankyung replied with a quick "okay" and put the phone back down on the table. Everything was quiet for a while with his mind at a complete blank on what to do or what to think. He imagined for a second what would Hyukjae say if he had met Eunhyuk. Would the two of them freak out seeing each other's doppelganger? Would they be best friends? Hyukjae was always a friendly person. Hankyung smiled when he recalled the first time he met Hyukjae. 

Heechul was planning on introducing him to the family for the first time but when they got there his parents had left for a sudden out-of-town meeting and Hyukjae was lounging upside down on the sofa, watching TV while munching on some popcorn. Still not quite used to the Korean culture (or language) Hankyung chose not to say anything and just let the siblings wrestle it out with Heechul grabbing the remote to turn the TV off and popcorn spilling out of Hyukjae's mouth as he tried to glare at Heechul for interrupting his afternoon show. 

"Can you focus - I was gonna introduce Hannie to Mom and Dad today but since

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I was going to put "Stay with Me" as the finale song *for obvious reasons LoL* but "Somebody New" seemed more fitting.
I hope you liked the story ^_^ Thank you! <3


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purple_88 #1
Just a foreword but already feel so angsty. I love it!!
Eh?? I suscribe it alr... but i don't think that I read it already. Okay then, i might read it asap
1587 streak #3
Chapter 25: If it weren't for that deus ex machina of the time control watch, I thought we were all in for one more round of angst with everyone finding the letters and going through it again before Donghae somehow stopped Hyukjae from giving up and leaving again. Glad you showed the characters (and us readers) mercy though, author-nim. Maybe, after turning back the clock this will be the first lifetime through all their fated reincarnations where they actually get to spend most of it together? Hopefully it changed the course of their future Iives too, to they won't be such tragic star-crossed lovers. A harrowing but romantic story, thanks for sharing! ♡
Nishinoya_yuu #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT <3 EVERY PART OF ITTTT. I have been a fan of your stories and I dont think you remember when I was so excited that I found you on twitter! I just want to say that you did a great job! This is @heemiyah btw hehe.
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 25: So loved this story. The love Hae and Hyuk had was unreal. I'm so happy u wrote it. Thanks for sharing! ❤
Chapter 26: I honestly didn't know if I was going to get through this as the angst was really getting to me, but thankfully there was a happy ending. It wasn't where I thought the story would go, but I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I wonder if Donghae will eventually forget about the four years like a bad dream?
Leox801 #7
Chapter 26: This was so so so well written omg!!! I teared up a lot in the middle my heart legit ached huhu especially the part where hyukjae projected his insecurities for that short while during their flashback :((,,, anyway omg they are so sweet and lovely together thank you so much for this story!! <33
Chapter 26: Your video was so good DB!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
21 streak #9
Chapter 26: The fantasy mixed with real life reminds me of Goblin, one of favorite dramas, and I love you for that authornim! I knew no one could resist their love story, even celestials are as whipped as us fans. Also, thank you so much for the adorable video, I hope you find the inspiration you need 🥰
Nightprincess55 #10
Chapter 26: This was such a cute video. It fits the story very well. Good luck with the writer's block! I hope inspiration finds you easily. Thank you for all of your hard work!