Chapter -16


"Sehun get UPPPPP!!!!!" Cara yelled from the bathroom door. She remembered waking up Sehun before going into the bathroom; still he was sleeping like a baby.

Cara was excited will be an understatement. Mrs. Oh asked her to be in office at 10, she was all ready before 8. As Mrs. Oh had already hired a maid for household help it helped a lot to save time. Now she has time to overlook the documents Mrs. Oh gave her. Before going into the study she looks at Sehun again. Gosh he was still asleep, in this way he will be late. He never sleeps this long. May be he was tired.

Cara went to bed and sat near Sehun. She slowly moved to Sehun’s ear and blew hard into it. Sehun woke up in a jerk.

"It's your first day with this new project Mr. Oh. Now get up or you will be late." Cara said sitting straight.

"Ummm. .... Little one. I am deaf now." Sehun said in a sleepy voice, of course Cara found it cute. She smiled at him and wished him a good morning. Sehun smiled back.

"Very good morning my little Satan." Sehun said pinching her cheek.

Sehun went into the bathroom to get freshen up. Cara sat there a little while watching Sehun's steps before going into the study.

Cara now understood she already has a soft spot for Sehun; she did not do it intentionally. But she could not help it. She tried her best to ignore that feeling, but now she did not want to run from that thing anymore. May be she was not completely ready but she won't use it as excuse anymore. Even if she is not ready yet she may push herself to be. Cuz she knew these things may take time, she needs time too, so she won't rush it. But she will try to take care of her heart now rather than ignoring it.

But there always have been a 'what if'.... what if she ends up hurting herself and Sehun. She always knew love is someone's strength but she always has made it her weakness. She becomes a controlling and worns out the person, which leads to make things complicated. She believed.... no she knew... she was not worthy enough to love and be loved. Yes she feared being teared apart from the one she loved but what she feared more was that she will be the one to do it with her own hands. She wanted to love. But she was scared of love. She was scared of herself. She does not want love to take control over her. She did not want to hurt Sehun. So should she... allow herself to take steps towards Sehun? Now she doubts.

"Little one.... you had breakfast?" Sehun asked from her door.
"Ummm. .. No no... I will eat later." Cara replied looking towards his direction.
"Its quarter past9... do you want to be late on your very first day?" Sehun asked crossing his arms.
"Oh gosh... I did not even realize...." Cara said standing up from the seat.

"Don't worry I am a good driver." Sehun smiled as Cara looked frightened.

"Let's grab something and leave. You have your work too." Cara said grabbing her bag and rushing down the staircase.

"Good morning my babies." Grandma greeted them with a hug.

"You two look great in formal clothes too. Especially that tie complements your suit." Granny complemented looking at Sehun.

Till now Cara did not notice Sehun wore the tie Cara has gifted him, a smile came on her lips.

"My wifey brought me that oldie." Sehun said smiling widely. Cara's cheeks felt hot; perhaps it was first time Sehun called her like that.

Sehun's car stopped in front of 'Elegance' by 9:50. Just like a gentleman he came out of the car and opened the door for Cara.

"Thank you." Cara said with a smile.

"I will go inside now." Cara said as she came out.

"Mn." Sehun nodded with a smile.

Cara looked at him for one more time and starred walking towards the glass door of Elegance.

"Little one..." Sehun called and Cara immediately looked back as if she was waiting for it.

Sehun ran towards her and held her two arms in his hand and placed a soft kiss on her temple.

"I believe in you. Fighting!" Sehun said smiling brightly.

"All the best Hunniee. I can't wait till share my first day of work after I get home." Cara said in a not so loud voice keeping the eye contact. Sehun’s heart skipped a bit.

Sehun stayed there until Cara vanished into the glass door. A girl in her late forty’s welcomed Cara at the reception. Cara bowed a little to show respect to the lady in front of her.

“Welcome Mrs. Oh.” The lady bowed back. “I am Song Mi-ra, personal assistant of Madam Oh.”

“Hello Mrs. Song. Thank you for welcoming me.”

“Please let me take you to your cabin. Madam is in a meeting right now, she will meet you at your cabin.”

“Yes, sure. Please lead the way.”

“Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. You have all the contact details of different departments in here.” Mira said showing a brochure.

“Do I need to do anything for the time being?” Cara asked as Mira opened the door to go out.

“I am not too sure, cause Madam just asked me to bring you here. She said she will meet you. I don’t think the meeting will take long.” Mira answered in a humble voice.

“Ah sure, no problem at all.” Cara nodded in an understanding manner.

Cara opened the documents Mrs. Oh gave her the other day and reread the key points she had underlined.

Sehun had few meeting lined up for the day. After finishing the third meeting in row, he finally had time to have coffee. Deadline for their project was brought forward. They had less time than he had expected over every other thing it’s was all new. The work, the type of project, the team, everything. He was nervous would be an understatement. The last sip of coffee came early than expected as well. With a sigh Sehun started arranging the task; that would be given to his team members.

A text message flashed on his screen from Cara. His smile instantly finds his way to his lips. His ‘Little one’ texted.

How is your work going?” The message read.

“Having an adventurous day ;) what about you?” Sehun texted back.

I am having a good day till now. Actually wanna ask you something! May I?” Cara texted little hesitantly.

“Of course, since when you need permission, huh? I am all yours. I mean… all ears ;) ”Sehun asked smiling.

“Umm… is your office far?” Cara asked biting her nails.

Why do you ask? Don’t tell me you are asking me out on a date!!!” Sehun teased Cara.

No… it’s just a lunch.. Urgh let it. Just forget it. See you at home.

Ahh… wait… where are you going?” Sehun asked laughing, imagining how he made Cara blush.

Mom is here… Talk to you later.” Cara texted and placed the phone facing its screen downwards, her face still showing a light shade of pink.

Sehun resumed his work with a smile on his face.


After the meeting was over, Mrs. Oh introduced Cara to the office, which was of course an awkward moment for Cara. Anyhow, she had now a few files on her table to work on before the meeting; she had to join with Mrs. Oh after having lunch. A knock on the door took her attention, it was a girl of age around Cara. “Ma’am! May I come in?” she asked in a humble voice.

“Yeah sure… please come in.” Cara said looking towards the door. Cara remembered her from earlier, when Mrs. Oh introduced her to the marketing department. “Good afternoon Ma’am, I am Jiang Aera, Group head of L’collection project.”

“How may I help you, Miss Jiang?” Cara asked as she was seated in front of her.

“Ah I was asked to assist you for the meeting as Madam Oh can’t make it on time; she urgently had to meet someone.” She said like not a very big deal, when it was actually a big bomb for Cara. Okay, so now she was not assisting someone for meeting, she was being assisted. That too the one she barely knows, no wrong, she does not know at all. , she again remembered, it was her first day at office for god’s sake. What is she going to do now? She will mess everything up.

“oh.” Cara managed to speak that much.

“So Ma’am let me tell you about the project in details……” by the time Aera finished explaining everything Cara could see how professional she was.

“Ma’am I have also met this client more than once. I am quite familiar with them. We are just going the explain everything and get their feedback, more like, make them sign our deal.” Aera said a smile never leaving her lips.

“Get yourself together Cara, you can do it.” Cara said to herself and brought a smile on her face. By the time they were done, it was past lunch time.

“we still have an hour left before meeting.” Aera said looking down at her stomach. Cara smiled at her knowing what she was implying. “Let’s have lunch before heading out.” Cara said standing up from her seat.

“Perfect.” Aera said clicking her fingers of both hand in a dramatic way. Cara was not sure, how she manage to find such items each time, let it be her besties or a stranger on train or a colleague at office.

“You are not planning to go to canteen, are you?” Aera asked as they descended to the ground floor. “where else?”Cara asked confused.

“Let that to me, I will take you somewhere delicious.” Aera said smiling brightly.

“We can’t be late.” Cara said slightly worried.

“we won’t be late, ma’am, trust me.” Aera said moving her hand up and down in air.




Sehun noticed it was already half past 1 by the time he was done with meeting. He held the file with a slightly heavy heart; it was indeed a bad day. He decided to skip the lunch and went through the files once again.


After finishing the lunch Cara went inside the meeting room, it was not time yet, for which she was thankful. Her heart was throbbing against her chest loudly, almost making it audible to others. 

"Its going to be okay. Don't be nervous." Cara said to herself putting her hand on her chest. Her index finger touched something. She slowly moved her hand to touch it properly,  the pendant. 

She softly brushed her thumb against the pendant and automatically her eyelids shut down.

"Breathe..." Cara remembered in her mind; Sehun said to her while bidding bye. She breathed. Slowly her heartbeat came back to normal. Slowly opening her eyes she looked at the table in front of her. This chance did not come to her easily. She has to wait long to sit here. The chance she had today was the chance to prove herself. She can't let her anxiety take this opportunity from her. She won't let it. 

"I can do it." Cara said to herself and took a sip of water. Her thumb and index finger pressed the pendant for the last time and she took a long breath before opening the laptop to start the presentation. 

It went well.

She did it.

Of course, it was not that easy.

Still she did it.

For the first time in years she was feeling proud of herself.

Sehun must be proud of her too. She can't wait to share this feeling with him.

Sehun’s stomach growled as he was aimlessly kicking the sand beneath his feet. Waves breaking and returning to the womb of sea at a distance of 3 to 4 meters from where Sehun was. He took out the phone and see the time, he decided to return home; it was already half past nine. His work ended almost an hour ago. He just felt like taking a walk at the beach. Starting the engine Sehun headed home. 

Cara smiled as Grace shared her coffee date experience. "Smile more. You look prettier." Cara said keeping a hand on Grace's hand.

"Hmm..hmm..." Grace said rolling her eyes.

"You know what unnie...I had never thank you." Cara said rubbing Grace's hand. 

"I did nothing to deserve your thanks." Grace said looking at Cara.

"I am thankful for your presence. I never had a sibling, I have always longed for one. Although my three besties are nothing less than sisters for me. But I am grateful for having a elder sister on whose lap I can always lie and who will pat my head just like this." Cara said putting her head on Grace's lap and bringing her hand to her head. Grace started patting her head. 

"You know what I have never thanked universe for bringing you in our life. Trust me our boy had the luck." Grace smiled widely. 

"I don't know unnie. I am not even sure if I deserve someone like Sehun." Cara said in a low voice.

"Why did you think so? As long as both of you care for each other. As long as both of you are willing to put efforts for each other. You deserve each other. It is not necessary to complicate every thing. Just go with flow and at times when you really feel you don't deserve the said person just try to make yourself better rather than running away giving that lame excuse. This is what I learnt from my experience." Grace said still slowly caressing Cara's hair. 

"I am not going to run away but what if I can't make myself better." Cara said sitting down. 

"When the time will come you will automatically become better without even realizing. Until then don't pressurise yourself for becoming better. Just you have to remember, You are yourself and that's enough. Relationships don't need to be dynamic always. It can become static at times and trust me it will be beautiful. "











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Chapter 22: No one is wrong when it's between the parent and the child. Parents, from their experiences don't want their children to go through trouble while children have their own ways they want to experience and Cara did a great job explaining that to Mrs Oh. She's grown up a lot. Missed Cara and Segun content tho. They're always so mushy mushy making my heart greedy for more. But anyways, there'll be date in the next chapter, yayyy...
Chapter 21: It's really good that they talked instead of Sehun and Cara keeping their fear, insecurity, past in themselves and making the misunderstandings grow between them. Such a full of feeling like chapter. Loved it!!!
Chapter 20: This episode is a whirlwind of emotions, for both Sehun and Cara.... Where Cara is scared because Sehun, what happened with him, how's he, where's he.... Sehun, there's lost.... Because of everything... Cara, her voice note, the words he heard, his reality... He started questioning everything. Still hope is such a cruel thing... Wherever it sees any possibility, it's just rushing in and Sehun just wants to hold the pieces... Even if he's afraid that it might not be a possibility!!! I'm excited to see their progress and how Sehun and Cara will manage this
Chapter 17: Ok bro, damn you scared me saying you've deleted it. I was so scared. Don't you dare to dlt it as its my birthday gift and it's also close to my heart. Coming to the chapter, it's such a beautiful one, and while we all were expecting Sehun to be perfect, he's not. He's his flows. Still he's great cuz he's trying to learn and I'm very happy that Cara is taking steps now. And kiss hdjsjjsjdj I want the scene to be described fully in the next chapter and kiss kckdhdjsn of course I want that. Awesome work, waiting for the next chapter. Jiayou JDJDKSJ ♥
Chapter 16: Why does it feel like your own married life, your 1st day at your work and you relationship with your didi? Anyways it's good to see cara happy tho I wanted a little more of sehun and cara. Still I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter and love this chapter. You Rock dude!!
Chapter 15: It's so good to see them taking steps, Cara even scared thinking and trying to get better and Sehun being vocal a little. It shows how small changes improves a relationship. I'm proud of them. Tho, I think Cara should speak her heart a little more but I'm proud of her that she's trying. I love their progress with each other and Cara's progress with her dad. It's a lovely chapter. Waiting for more:)
Chapter 14: Wow, quite a chapter it is. How much I wanted them to kiss,wow!! Sehun is really amazing, respecting Cara and all and I'm so happy that Cara steeped ahead and kissed Sehun. That's right my girl, go and kiss your man breathless lol. Uh-huh, I just don't want them to be awkward and don't talk about it. Just talk and kiss some more love birds. Aww, Mr Park is finally letting go a little. Good luck uncle, you can do it. I love the chapter, please update next One soon :)
Chapter 13: Uh-huh, Cara's dad isn't as strict as it seems. Of course their thoughts are not something acceptable but it's what they've been taught since they're young. So, I can't particularly blame them but it'd be good if they try to change them. And it's such a sweet gesture that Sehun's respecting Cara's privacy and Cara is trying to take steps for a better future. I love this chapter :)
1101 streak #9
Chapter 11: Sehun's mom and Cara's dad are match made in heaven . both are ist pigs and unreasonable gits.
That cooling moment is sweet and hopefully Cara won't go back to her shell once again !!
Maybe Sehun will just show his father in law his right place.
I hope the candle light dinner goes well !!
Thank you for updating !!
1101 streak #10
Chapter 10: Aw this chapter was cute. Glad that no heavy stuffs just both of them being each other and all that.
Good to know more about past life off cara and doing stuffs with someone you love is really amazing.
Thank you for updating.