1 | The Magic of First Love

Because of You
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"The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end."

― Benjamin Disraeli


The loud music rang through her ears as the rough soju burned , making her wince from the slight pain running down the length of her neck. Rounds of laughter echoed endlessly throughout the room, reviving from one table to another, while the clinking of glasses matched harmoniously with the loud speakers of the darkened space.


Like how it always was on a typical Friday night, the club was packed with both soon-to-be college students and upperclassmen, enjoying their temporary escape from the loads of work waiting for them back home.


A large chunk of girls crowded around the stage as they watched him finish the last song of the night—the last song that always captured their hearts with ease.


After thanking the crowd, he exited the stage and followed his band mates to the bar to quench their thirst.


Of course, the girls trailed closely behind, encircling him as he slumped down on one of the revolving stools and ordered himself a glass of his favorite drink.


Su Min observed him from the distance as he indulged himself in the arms of attractive, semi- strangers surrounding him. She let out a noiseless sigh, convincing herself that this was just another night and that everything was just part of the gig.


Today marked their four-year anniversary, but it felt like she was celebrating it alone…just like how she single handedly celebrated the previous one. There was nothing special, nothing prepared—nothing at all, except for another insignificant and unmemorable night.


Ever since Jongin and his band started working at the club, their relationship had been kept a secret between the two of them, his band mates, and a couple of their close friends. Their so-called manager felt it was better for the band’s image if all members were portrayed as available bachelors in order to attract more female support.


She admits it was a good idea and their fan base did increase significantly, but she was beginning to question how much more of this "female support" her boyfriend really needed. For how much longer did she have to share him with other women?


But despite her selfish thoughts and silent complaints, she knew how important performing and music was to him, so she decided to go along with it.


Su Min kept her gaze on the figure sitting on the bar stool with one girl crawling all over him while he lightly caressed another girl’s face with the tips of his fingers.


That bastard. She thought.


She clenched her hand into a loose fist and forced herself to look away. It was always better to pretend it didn't happen, than repeatedly make excuses that would eventually become meaningless words. Besides, there was really nothing more she could do. In the eyes of others, the two of them just happened to be in the same circle of friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.


As she gulped down another shot of the painful yet calming rice wine, someone tapped her shoulder from behind. Su Min turned her head slightly to the side and looked up, only to find a very attractive guy with a charming smile standing behind her, his hair partially covering the top left side of his face.


"Excuse me," he began coolly with that same heart-pounding dimpled smirk still intact on his face, "would you care to dance?"


She stared at him, slightly open-mouthed and somewhat surprised. "I'm sorry?" she asked, not a hundred percent sure she heard his question correctly.


"Would you like to dance?" he repeated, leaning in closer so she could hear him better.


How embarrassing. She thought. He probably thinks I lacked in the hearing department.


"Um…well," she struggled to reply. Su Min, get it together!


Unable to respond, she glanced at her three best friends and asked for assistance with her eyes. She was hoping they would turn him down for her, maybe with something along the lines of "sorry, but she's taken (by that jerk over there)" or even "you shouldn't. She's horrible at dancing (obviously a lie)" but instead of blurting out one of the two, they simply responded with grins of approval.


"She'd love to!" one of her girlfriends shouted over the loud music.


"Please go ahead. Take her!" another one commanded the strikingly handsome stranger.


Sigh…these girls, I swear.


With nowhere to escape, Su Min flashed a soft smile and hesitantly stood up.


The guy offered his hand like a well-groomed gentleman and enchantingly returned a grin as he led her to the edge of the dance floor.


As soon as the two of them found a spot spacious enough, he made his way behind her, delicately placing his hands on her sides. While her hips swayed in the same direction as his, she felt his arm encircle her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer to him.


Well for sure, this guy knows his stuff. Su Min thought.


"Is it your first time here?" she shouted over the thundering beats.


"Yeah, just visiting my some of my friends!" he responded in the same manner.


When the music neared the end, he spun her around and just before she could lose her balance, he supported her back with his other arm, freezing them in that cliché dip position.


Unintentionally, her eyes locked with his and they stared at each other motionlessly with hastened heartbeats.


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Decided to revise an older story (one shot)! Please check out the adaptation of "This Thing Called Love" featuring Junmyeon: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1478014/this-thing-called-love (ch. to be released tonight) XD


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MissMong24 #1
read this for the second time and i can’t believe i didnt leave a comment the first time?!??? i love this story so much. the classic case of how your first love will always have a special place in your heart
Chapter 40: im not even halfway through and im feeling so angry already 😤😤 chanyeol doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment
Chapter 4: Why is Jongin such an here? 😭 I love him but it's hard to love his presentation in this fic. Lol. Will he have character development? Bcause he's such an here😒
ladykwonxiwu #4
Chapter 52: Chanyeol deserved better. Can I have Loey instead?
Congratulations on the bid
shawols4lyf #6
Chapter 52: Re-reading again and my heart breaks every time for chan yeol. I hope he finds his girl tho.
aleezay #7
beautiful poster, just checked this story is complete and thinking to start it
KimHyeJoo #8
Chapter 52: This story need more recognize! It’s so wonderful!
Thanks for sharing it. I’m sorry for Chanyeol, but he deserve someone who equally love him
kworld320 #9
Chapter 52: Oh my heartu! I’m so in love with this story.
I did a marathon reading and I really just couldn’t stop. Bittersweet. All the while I thought the ending would be with Chanyeol but the first love was so great It was just the ending we really wanted.
Nicely written and worth the read.
So up vote worthy!
Those silent readers, it won’t take much of you time to upvote! Pls do so!
Chapter 52: Oh shoot, I was rooting for Chanyeol but even I couldn't deny that Su Min's heart was really set on Kai.