

           The sea was bright blue and almost sparkling as far as he could see from the top of the ridge. The beach spanned out below him in each direction, white and soft to the touch. Jinki closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the cool breeze blew against him. Today the rest of his life began and he wasn’t prepared for it. The sun was barely over the horizon and the village was bustling with life more than normal. The excitement of a visiting pack increased the number of people awake before the sun had. Slipping from their home and up the hill unseen had been harder than usual. They weren’t even here yet, and his life was changing already. 

           They as in his betrothed and his family. There was no point in dwelling in the maybes and uncertainties. There was very little the man could do to change the pact between the two lands, and Jinki just happened to be the bargaining chip. Soft footsteps approached from behind him, but he only smiled as the other person spoke. “It’s time to get ready, Jinki.”

           He opened his eyes as he stood, holding his cloak tighter around his shoulders and gazing down at Jonghyun. The beta had been in his service for as long as he could remember. He wondered if he’d be able to take his friend with him when he moved, or if Jonghyun would want to. He couldn’t in good conscious force his friend to go somewhere he didn’t wish. “Have the scouts reported seeing their party?”

           “The owls just returned. They’ll be here before midday.” 

           “I see,” Jinki took one last look at the ocean before taking the well-worn path with bare feet. He smiled as Jonghyun offered his elbow as he approached, and quickly took it to continue down toward town. 


           He fiddled with the tassels of his dress uniform, frowning at how stupid he must look. He looked up when Jonghyun softly tapped at his chin. The man was smiling as reassuringly as he could, but Jinki’s stomach still twisted uncomfortably. “How are you feeling?” 

           “Like a cattle walking into an auction.”


           “I just spent the last few hours bathing and being poked and prodded to look the prettiest I could be to fetch a higher price.” He sighed, “That’s what this meeting is, Jonghyun. It’s not to see if I like him or if I want to go along with this. It’s for the Elders to look over trade agreements and how much I’m worth to the heir of their pack. To make decisions that dictate the rest of my life without my opinion.”

           “Unfortunately we cannot argue the hand we are dealt in this life, but we can be optimistic. I am told by merchants and travelers that the Choi Pack has beautiful mountain ranges surrounding their lands. There are so many stars visible that scholars always go to observe them. They are known for their fighting ability and how safe their city is within it’s walls.” Jonghyun walked around to fix the few clay beads tied in his hair down his back. Each bead had a mark carved into it, showing Jinki’s accomplishments in archery, hunting, and leadership. “You’ll be well protected and cared for. You’d be mated to the next Chief. Your children will never know hardship. Your Betrothed is said to be very handsome. He could be a very nice man.”

           “He also could be a giant .” Jinki gave a little grin before letting it fall. “I don’t want this... To mate someone I may meet twice and live in a world that’s foreign. No matter how pretty their land is, it’ll still be a prison.”

           “I wish I could protect you from this.” Jonghyun’s voice is barely over a whisper, fingers still caught in Jinki’s hair for a moment before he lets them fall. “You know if I could I’d mark you... Save you from this.”

           “I know.” Jinki slowly turned, smiling as he squeezed the man’s hand. “A life with my best friend wouldn’t be so bad.” 

           The bells rang signaling the gates being opened. Jinki pressed his lips together as they both looked out the window toward the front of the keep. He closed his eyes as a kiss was pressed to his cheek. “No matter what happens, you’ll always have me.” 

           “Even if it means living in a foreign city?” 

           “I’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth Jinki just like you would for me.” 


           Someone to his left softly hisses ordering him to smile, but Jinki just lifts his chin and doesn’t as he eyes the group stepping closer to them. At the head of the small pack, is their Chief, thick furs on his shoulders and a nasty scar running the length of his left eye. His fingers are covered in crudely made rings, a large broadsword on his hip. Jinki watches as his father steps forward, gripping the man’s hand and bumping chests in greeting. He knows the young man just to the left of the visiting chief is eyeing him hungrily, can feel his piercing eyes straight on him. “We welcome you to our fine pack, Malchin. I do hope you enjoy your stay.”

           “It’s good to see you again, Jaesuk. It’s been too long.” Malchin gestures to his right, “This is my eldest son, Myungdae.” 

           Jinki fights the urge to swallow thickly as all eyes fall on him when his father holds out his hand for him to take. “This is my only, Jinki.” 

           Myungdae is a few inches taller, wide shoulders, and bold eyes. He’s pretty, in a rugged sort of way. His dark hair is cut short to his scalp and Jinki can count four weapons on him with just a quick glance at his form. When Myungdae smiles, it’s almost easy to be alright with all this. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jinki.” 

           “I hope we both find what we desire out of this meeting, Myungdae.”

           As they walked to the adjacent banquet hall, all Jinki wanted to do was rip his arm from Myungdae’s hold. He could very well walk into a room without posing as the arm candy he was sure the Choi’s wished as a mate for their son. Sitting with his back straight in his chair, Myungdae across from him and his parents on either side, Jinki looked past the visiting Alpha to find Jonghyun against the wall. The beta smiled reassuringly, and it was enough for a little while to play his part.


           Without the added decorum of the banquet hall, the banners around the room and without the added number of people, the small office of Jinki’s father seemed almost suffocating. He wasn’t sure if he should be appalled that he was being bought with trade goods and promises, or flattered with the amount the Choi’s believed him to be worth. Just when he was sure his father would sign the contract without a word of input from him, Jaesuk turned toward him. “Is there anything you wish to add, son?” 

           “Oh, yes.” He gave a little smile, folding his hands on top of the table. “I want a guarantee that I am allowed to visit home at least once a year if weather and circumstances allow. Thrice once I bare you children. I want them to know their other grandparents.”  

           Malchin nodded his head. “Agreed. I wouldn’t refuse that right of yours.”

           “Your pack, while strong, is known for the battles it rages and the warriors you train. If something were to happen to Myungdae, I need to be sure that any child I give you will not be taken away from me.”

           “We don’t take children from their carriers.”

           “Not on paper, but I hear stories from other carriers, Chief Choi.” He kept his gaze on the older wolf, knowing this was a test of strength. If he broke in any way it would be seen as weakness. “This mating is to bring our packs closer together, for you to have access our abundance of natural resources, and for us to receive the protection your army gives. I agreed to do this for my people, but I must be selfish in this. I will not have my children taken if your wars take their other father from them.”

           It’s Malchin who breaks the eye contact, turning to whisper quietly with his son. When their conversation ended, both men were looking at Jinki, but Malchin nodded. “Agreed. Anything else?” 

           Jinki finds Jonghyun’s eyes from where he’s standing in the corner, waiting to be called on if he’s needed, before looking back at Malchin. “I want the final say in my guards and personal servants while I live within your pack.”

           Myungdae’s hand curls into a fist on the table, brows furrowed as he angrily asks, “Do you not trust my people to protect you?”

           “I am to live in a world I have never even visited, surrounded by people from a culture I have yet to learn. I do not doubt your people’s ability to protect me from outside forces who wish to deal me harm, but they will not make me feel safe in the way my own people, or those I choose, would.” Jinki softly lets out a deep breath before finishing. “You won’t always be with me during my heats. I do not wish strangers to have access to my nest or the ability to walk through whenever they wish.”

           Malchin places a hand over his son’s fist, bowing his head kindly. “It is not our place as Alpha’s to question what makes an omega feel safe. We agree to your terms.” 


           All of his life had been lived here in his pack, but as Jinki gripped the reins of his horse, looking at his home disappearing on the horizon, he swallowed the lump in his throat. He had thought that he’d have more time to prepare to leave, but customs say they are to get mated in the Alpha’s pack. The quicker this is done, the easier the transition of their alliance will go through. Three weeks. Three weeks until his heat was meant to hit and he’d be bound to a man he knew almost nothing about. It’d take almost two of those weeks to get to their pack up the mountains. A few days wasn’t enough to make a nest, to feel safe within it enough to want to mate, let alone mark each other.

           He slowly looked over at Jonghyun, who was smiling even if his eyes gave away his worry. “You alright?” 

           “I will be.” He took a deep breath, tearing his gaze away from the life he knew. “This has just happened so fast, Jonghyun. I’ll miss it here.” 

           “You’ll be back. This isn’t goodbye forever.”

           “I know.” 

           Someone clearing their throat to their right, made both men look over. There on horseback was a young man, hair longer than most other men in their caravan, the emblem of the Choi pack embossed into the leather of his chest piece. His voice is quiet but deep as he says, “We must get going if you don’t want to be separated from the rest of the pack.” 

           “Apologies. Just taking one last look.” Jinki gently kicks the side of his horse, bowing his head at the man. “Thank you for fetching us.”

           “Looking out for our own. That’s what family does.” 

           Taking a better look at the man’s small face, it dawns on him the slight resemblance the man has to Myungdae. “Are you related to my betrothed?”

           He smiles, and it’s so different than that of the other Alpha, soft and warm around the edges. Jinki finds it easier to trust him, even if that thought makes him want to pull back immediately. “My name is Minho, I’m his younger brother.” 


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961 streak #1
Chapter 4: I had wanted to read this before it looked abandoned. I'm so glad you updated. I hope you would have tine for more updates. Thank you.
Chapter 4: I can't believe you updated!! That too on jinki's birthday 🥺 i hope you can update this fic more often! It's so beautiful 🥺
Chapter 2: Amo esta historia 💗
mandarina97 #4
Chapter 3: the plot is exquisite, i need to know what's gonna happen next. i'm so freaking excited. you are talented writer.
Chapter 3: I found this story after (stalking) going through your stories and this is really interesting! I'm not sure if you're going to keep updating it, but I loved what I read so far.
Chapter 3: New reader here! ✌✌✌
Hope you will update soon.
Chapter 3: Aww I am so glad that Jinki has Jonghyun and Minho looking out for him ♥
Minho acts and feels more like Jinki's alpha when compared to his brother who only wants to screw him :((
SHINee_2508 #8
Chapter 3: Finally, A update ♥♥ it's one of those stories that always keeps you on edge of the seat. I wish you update constantly author-nim ♥♥
Love the forward... "you know the deal" LOL