

For as long as Minho has known Jinki, his voice had always been a defining factor of his being. Neither are sure who the man will be if he loses it forever.


First, This is for summer of shinee, prompt 81 which was, After undergoing vocal polyp surgery, Jinki isn't allowed to speak. While putting on a brave face, he feels lonelier than he expected. Minho helps him see the light in any way he can.

I had many plans for this, but life happened. I do hope this is still enjoyable and I do plan on revisiting it at a later date <3

Second, Selcouth means Strange, unusual, rare; unfamiliar; marvelous, wondrous. I decided to go with the unusual and unfamiliar, to eventually, Marvelous


Just cross posting <3


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961 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is very nice.
Jinki wanted to voice it out!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: Me encantó son muy lindos
Chapter 1: Me encantó son muy lindos
Jongluv83 #4
Chapter 1: I love this story. My favorite line is "he was falling in love with his friend, if not already too far gone to stop himself from sliding too far in". He's past the point of no return. And I'm glad he didn't beat around the bush. Happy ending 😊
Chapter 1: I read this in summer of SHINee and I love this
Onho always so sweet