More than best friends

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Minju arrived at the hospital where her eomma works at. She really missed her even though her mother forgot about her competition yesterday, she is walking a little bit faster than the normal, feeling excited to meet her mother. She’s on the hallway now where Joohyun’s office is located, Minju was about to knock when she heard her Joohyun eomma’s laugh. The latter wonder who’s making her mother laugh like that, so she decided to listen to their conversation even though it’s not right, her curiosity got the best of her.

“H-hey stop it B-bogum-shi… my stomach is aching from too much laughter.”

“See, I made you laugh so hard, you were so down a while ago but look at you now. You look more beautiful when laughing.” A man named Bogum told her mother and then she heard another voice, it was a voice of a young boy.

“My dad is right you’re getting more beautiful when you’re laughing. By the way I want to thank you for taking care of me back then, I heard it was your 4th wedding anniversary, but you still chose to take care of me Joohyun eomma.” Joohyun was taken a back and shocked was evident on Minju’s face as the boy called her mother his mom.

“Park Jihoon… why did you call your doctor like she’s your mom.”

“Well I don’t have a mom right now and I want her to be my mom soon, you two looks good together.”

“She’s already married Jihoon-ah. Don’t mind him Joohyun, he’s just joking.”

“Well it’s not a good joke.” Minju thought to herself.

“It’s okay Bogum-shi maybe he just misses having a mom. Jihoon-ah you can call me mom if it’s just the two of us.” Joohyun felt pity for the boy as he loses his mother at a young age, she can’t imagine leaving Minju alone, so she let Jihoon to call her that when there’s just the two of them.

“Really? Can I really do that?” the boy asked Joohyun with excitement in his voice.

“Yes, Jihoon-ah.” As the latter heard her mother’s response, Minju’s mood suddenly changes and she walked out feeling annoyed and betrayed. Minju suddenly want to see her mommy Seulgi, so she hopes that Seulgi is at home right now. Minju opened the front door of the mansion and run quietly to her mommy Seulgi’s Office but before she could check if her mom is there, she heard her voice, Minju peeked  at her office and saw Seulgi talking with her friend Sunmi.

“Seul, I’m sorry for last night. I know it’s just a mistake and you love your family so much, so I’m sorry for trying to ruin it.”

“You don’t need to say sorry Sunmi, it’s also my fault. Let’s just forget it.”

“Well it’s my last visit to you because I’m going back to US for good, and I just want to tell you that you did good in accepting Minju, she’s a really nice kid.”

She’s about to go to her room when Sunmi’s statement caught Minju’s attention.

“but I’m still wondering Seul, how can you easily accept Minju in your life? Well, at first, I thought Minju was your biological daughter, but it turns out that she’s the daughter of the man who caused the death of your own daughter. How could that happened?”

“Well, I just found out when I got home after I proposed to my wife. My lawyer said that the perpetrator of that accident was Kim Jun-myeon but we cannot give Chaeyeon’s death justice because that man also died that day so I promised that I will make sure his sins will be passed on to her daughter and that his daughter will regret being his child and Seungwan happens to know him and told me that he was scolding and hurting his wife. He even cheated with another woman, but her wife chose to stay with him for their daughter’s sake. Seungwan then revealed to me that his wife was Joohyun and that criminal was Minju’s father that’s why I didn’t show up for a week, but I failed cause I already fell in love with the kid."

“So, in the end you couldn’t give your own daughter’s death a justice.” Seulgi nodded.

As soon as

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 24: 🩷🩷🩷
1752 streak #2
Chapter 24: dang i saw that heartbreak coming
1752 streak #3
Chapter 23: uwu ^^
1752 streak #4
Chapter 22: uh oh i smell trouble ...
1752 streak #5
Chapter 21: this chapter just scream uwu between minyul
1752 streak #6
Chapter 20: I’m so happy!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Finally! About time they finally get through that homewrecker situation and fix their family dynamics. I'm so damn grateful for someone doing the right thing and speaking up against wrong and malicious behavior. A bit salty on the timing though. Minho should have told about Bogum earlier instead of allowing things to happen since he already knows from the get-go how wrong it is to pursue, much less want, to get somebody's woman at the cost of breaking a family. That's outright selfishness and malicious intentions right there. What if Bogum didn't say that he hoped that Minju dies so he can swoop in and try harder to sway Joohyun towards him? Would Minho still tell the truth or would he opt to play it safe and turn the other way? Minho is another case altogether with his conditional morals. It's good that he finally fessed up, but that's the only good thing I can see from him.
Chapter 19: It really isn't a good joke just like what Minju thought. Jihoon already knew that Joohyun missed her 4th wedding anniversary and yet he still wanted her to be her new mother then had the audacity to call her mom. I know that he is a kid, but even he must know some boundaries and all it entails considering that he can already understand and comprehend greater and far complex things. Minju would definitely feel off and uncomfortable especially since she found Joohyun apparently spent time with other people instead of their family. The fact that she also entertained Jihoon's fancy to call her mom rubs salt to the wound since Joohyun already got a daughter and yet there she is allowing a random kid call her mom and spending time with him. Joohyun should have drawn some lines already instead of continuing to permit Jihoon and Bogum to do their thing. What if the kid slyly calls Joohyun out of the blue in public and Bogum would just laugh it off like it is an ordinary thing to happen? People would definitely get ideas regarding Joohyun and that particular family having closer relations when in reality there isn't. Honestly, I think the whole situation is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode. Seulrene might have mended their relationship, but there is no way to know that this situation at the hospital won't come back to bite people in the . Minju's still feeling the after effects after all.

As for the situation with Seulgi, Minju really showed maturity and good understanding despite being left unattended and unnoticed by her parents and getting a revelation about her father. She has been strong and reliable everytime something goes wrong that it is just a matter of time for her to break....and it seems like that time came right now. Being too strong can also lead to brittleness. It's a good thing she has Yuri by her side to air out her concerns and problems. Yuri supports and comforts her. She makes up for what Minju's parents cannot.
1752 streak #9
Chapter 19: Oh minju!!! :’(
Chapter 18: I don't know about Minju though. She could have heard Seulgi and Sunmi's discussion, but then she could have also just went in passing and then went away to visit her friend Yuri. There is a very small chance that is still the premises though. Very small chance.