Summer Rain

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The days, months and years had passed Minju was now eleven years old and a grade 5 student.

“Eomma! Mommy!” Minju runs excitedly towards her parents and gave them a hug.

“Seems like our minguri has something important to say~” Joohyun said.

“I ranked first this semester and won first place on a music performances competition with Yuri in our school.” Minju chirped happily, the proudness of the two are visible on their faces.

“Your daughter is really a gifted one, after mastering guitar in a short amount of time, she is also now good at playing piano.” Seungwan complimented.

“Thanks for the compliment aunt Seungwan but if it isn’t for Yuri’s beautiful voice that complimented well with my composition, we would not have won the first place.” Minju said while looking sweetly at her best friend.

“Yuri-ah… Can we hear again your angelic voice?” Seulgi asked.

“It’s my pleasure to sing a song just for you auntie.” She smiled at them.

“Let’s reserve that for later ladies because Seungwan and I prepared a dinner party for the two stars of the night, let’s go to the dining area and start celebrating.” Joy proudly said.

Minju’s eyes got bigger as soon as they arrived at the table. She is impressed by all the foods that Joy prepared to which Joohyun takes the opportunity to peck Minju by her lips.

“Eomma…. I’m already eleven but you still do that.” Minju pouted and lowered her head, Joohyun patted her daughter’s while hugging her and said in a cute tone voice,

“My baby is growing up too fast, so let eomma do it once more, hmm?” Joohyun is looking lovingly at her daughter’s eyes which Minju knows she cannot turn down so she just complies with what her mother wants.

The night goes on and the two performed their winning piece at the competition, the four adults was amazed at how good the two were. After that the Kang family went home to their house and their daily routine started all over again.

One morning the Kang family goes jogging at their huge family estate.

“Mommy Seulgi wait for me!” Minju jogs towards Seulgi.

“Let’s wait for your Joohyun eomma there at the bench my dear.” Seulgi said while jogging. Minju and Seulgi finally arrived at the bench and immediately laid their tired body down followed by Joohyun.

“Yah you two really needs to get more fit. Hyunnie, you should exercise more it’s good for the body.” Seulgi teases her wife more.

“Seulgi-ah were not the same age, I’m a bit older than you remember?” joohyun said in annoyed tone.

“Then you should exercise more cause you’re not getting any younger.” Joohyun sent her wife a deathly glare.

“Yah Kang Seulgi!” Seulgi then run around the big tree as Joohyun’s trying to catch her. Minju smiled at the scene she is witnessing and thought,

“I’m really lucky to have this lovely family and I wish for more happy and genuine moments like this.” Joohyun finally caught Seulgi by back hugging her and Minju went to their side to join the fun. The family’s laughter echoed lovingly at the Kang’s estate, they laid down at the grass and admire the blue sky above them.

“The sky is very clear today, it is very beautiful especially when I am lying beside the two most important people in my life. I love you so much Mommy, eomma.” Minju said and then the tears slides down on the girl’s cute little cheeks.

“Omo, Minju-ah why are you crying?” Seulgi holds her daughter’s face and wipes the tears away.

“I’m just so happy mom.” Minju smiled at her mother and Seulgi kissed her daughter’s temple.

“So am I, I’m blessed to have you both.” Seulgi said as she hugs her daughter tightly.

Joohyun is looking at them lovingly and with a teary eye she said,

“I love you both, mind sharing me some hugs and kisses?” Joohyun asked in a cute tone, Minju and Seulgi attacked her with hugs and kisses. They spend the whole day happily by cuddling and teasing each other.


Seulgi is now at the bed waiting for Joohyun when she suddenly s her arms behind Seulgi. it was a warm gesture that Seulgi always get from her wife, they’re married for almost three years now but Seulgi still can’t get enough of the indescribable feeling whenever Joohyun back hugs her.

“Seulgi-ah…” her wife whispered softly.

“Do you have something to say my love?” Seulgi asked, Joohyun hesitated a bit before continuing,

“I might get busy these coming weeks so… this means I’ll be home late than the usual.” Joohyun said feeling sorry.

“It’s okay love, thanks for informing me.” Seulgi faced her wife and kissed her forehead to give her comfort. Joohyun drifted to sleep while Seulgi is caressing her hair and the day after that was the day she became so much busy.

The saddest part was her wife barely goes home now, Joohyun was spending the nights at her quarters in the hospital she was working. Seulgi understand that her wife’s work requires so much time but she just can’t ignore the loneliness she’s feeling right now, so instead of sleeping alone Seulgi decided to sleep in Minju’s room. Minju hugged her tighter and mumbled,

“Mommy here’s a warm hug for you. I know you’re sad right now because eomma cannot go home these past few days and was busy with work. If you want I can be your warm blanket while eomma is not around.” she tighten her hug and buried her face in Seulgi’s chest, The latter is touched by the little girl’s gesture so she hugged her tight in return and kissed the crown of her hair.

“I need to be strong and be cheerful for this little girl in my arms.” Seulgi thought so she decided to just do her best in understanding her wife and taking care of their daughter.

Two weeks had passed when Joohyun finally went home.

“Eomma! Welcome home, we missed you so much.” Minju runs to her mother as Seulgi follows her and secured the two women in her arms.

“Let’s eat dinner now eomma. Mommy Seulgi prepared all of your favorites.” Minju excitedly announced and J

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 24: 🩷🩷🩷
1752 streak #2
Chapter 24: dang i saw that heartbreak coming
1752 streak #3
Chapter 23: uwu ^^
1752 streak #4
Chapter 22: uh oh i smell trouble ...
1752 streak #5
Chapter 21: this chapter just scream uwu between minyul
1752 streak #6
Chapter 20: I’m so happy!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Finally! About time they finally get through that homewrecker situation and fix their family dynamics. I'm so damn grateful for someone doing the right thing and speaking up against wrong and malicious behavior. A bit salty on the timing though. Minho should have told about Bogum earlier instead of allowing things to happen since he already knows from the get-go how wrong it is to pursue, much less want, to get somebody's woman at the cost of breaking a family. That's outright selfishness and malicious intentions right there. What if Bogum didn't say that he hoped that Minju dies so he can swoop in and try harder to sway Joohyun towards him? Would Minho still tell the truth or would he opt to play it safe and turn the other way? Minho is another case altogether with his conditional morals. It's good that he finally fessed up, but that's the only good thing I can see from him.
Chapter 19: It really isn't a good joke just like what Minju thought. Jihoon already knew that Joohyun missed her 4th wedding anniversary and yet he still wanted her to be her new mother then had the audacity to call her mom. I know that he is a kid, but even he must know some boundaries and all it entails considering that he can already understand and comprehend greater and far complex things. Minju would definitely feel off and uncomfortable especially since she found Joohyun apparently spent time with other people instead of their family. The fact that she also entertained Jihoon's fancy to call her mom rubs salt to the wound since Joohyun already got a daughter and yet there she is allowing a random kid call her mom and spending time with him. Joohyun should have drawn some lines already instead of continuing to permit Jihoon and Bogum to do their thing. What if the kid slyly calls Joohyun out of the blue in public and Bogum would just laugh it off like it is an ordinary thing to happen? People would definitely get ideas regarding Joohyun and that particular family having closer relations when in reality there isn't. Honestly, I think the whole situation is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode. Seulrene might have mended their relationship, but there is no way to know that this situation at the hospital won't come back to bite people in the . Minju's still feeling the after effects after all.

As for the situation with Seulgi, Minju really showed maturity and good understanding despite being left unattended and unnoticed by her parents and getting a revelation about her father. She has been strong and reliable everytime something goes wrong that it is just a matter of time for her to break....and it seems like that time came right now. Being too strong can also lead to brittleness. It's a good thing she has Yuri by her side to air out her concerns and problems. Yuri supports and comforts her. She makes up for what Minju's parents cannot.
1752 streak #9
Chapter 19: Oh minju!!! :’(
Chapter 18: I don't know about Minju though. She could have heard Seulgi and Sunmi's discussion, but then she could have also just went in passing and then went away to visit her friend Yuri. There is a very small chance that is still the premises though. Very small chance.