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Chosen | Yves x Reader
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง ย 


"I'll take you to our quarters."

When those words left the queens lips I froze. Like moments before a soft murmur breaks out among the council, the warrior standing up once more with an incredulous look on his face while the beret-wearing man widens his eyes in shock. They look between me, the king and the queen as the woman's words sink in. So perhaps I should've been prepared for what came next, perhaps I should have anticipated the reaction. Nonetheless I find myself jumping as the warrior glares me down.

"Please, my queen, think this through. The girl can not be trusted!"

The man on his side readjusts his headpiece and unbinds his leather book, readying himself to write once more. His voice comes out a stark contrast to the warriors, soft. But there was no mistaking the likewise sceptical glance he shoots me a second too long.

"I agree. It is far too dangerous. We do not know enough! Please, my King, do something-"

"Enough!" A dirty look instantly washes over the kings face at the dig against his wife, displeased with the change of events. The two males quiet once more but the warriors fists stays clenched by his side. For a moment I felt a sickly feeling rise in my gut. There was something wrong about him. His anger, his negative energy. Perhaps he was just caught up that I knocked him out? In his feelings for being shown up byย me?

Before I can dwell on it much longer the thought it pushed to the back of my mind as the king continues.

"Remember your places. You do not speak to me or your queen in such way. The queen has made her choice. Respect it."

I didn't realise I was holding my breath until Olivia's shoulder brushed up against mine once more, a calming wave floating over my body. She could feel my stress.

The warrior seems to battle himself, biting his tongue as he debates whether he should say something. But he stays mute. He backs down at the words of the king but instead of sitting down this time, he rushes a bow and walks away from the table. I couldn't see where he went as his retreating figure escapes the light of the candles. I could only presume he left.

An awkward silence follows the mans departure, leaving me to rock back and forth on the balls of my feet. I felt uncomfortable. I already felt so out of place in this alien world, and it was clear to me I wasn't as welcomed as they wanted me to believe.

The queen breaks the silence by coughing. Once she's sure she has our attention she takes her hand off her husbands shoulder and walks her way towards us, swerving around the oval table, elegant in her strides. She holds the bottoms of her dress up so she can move freely, her back straight and head held high. Everything about her screamed royalty-- the guards loitered around the edges of the room all bowing in respect like a synchronised routine. She raises her hand and they all stand once more. I can only stare in awe.

She looks down at me an Hyejoo as a smile threatens to crack at the corner of her lips but it's gone as quick as it came.

"So be it. We shall go."



Time seems to pass by in a blur, no longer standing before the council in the overseers temple but rather walking my way into pureย luxury.

I couldn't believe my eyes. For what felt like the nth time today--ย already-- I'm taken aback by where I found myself now.

It felt like only minutes ago had the queen lead us out of the temple and we began our ride to 'their quarters'-- whatever that was suppose to mean. I didn't know where we were going but I had a hunch: ย I expected a castle, one of those Game of Throne empires fit for the rich and powerful. Fighting my jitters of riding a horse for the first time-- Olivia knew this too, she teased me the minute my arms wrapped around one of the queens guards so tight he complained about his circulation-- I can't stop my eyes from widening as a breath of air escapes my lips.

Instead I was met with a large, yellow mansion surrounded by forest-- grand and so,ย soย incredibly beautiful. It looked like a palatial palace scaled down to be a family home, birds chirping away in their branches when the horses neigh, guarding pulling on their reigns so we're coming to a slow stop at the top of the gravel path.ย 

If I thought dad and I's new house was impressive nothing could compare to this.

Looking down at my tattered clothes I'd never felt so out of place before. Olivia turns towards me and nudges her shoulder against mine for what felt like the thousandth time today.

"It's beautiful, right?"

"Yeah." I nod my head and let out a low whistle. Itย was.ย  Above the front door is a balcony of some sort, four guards standing post and looking down at us with their spears in their grasps. Olivia follows my gaze and chuckles softly.

"Wait til' you see the castle."

"Eh?!" My eyes widen in shock, mouth falling open impossibly further. Olivia cracks a grin as I shake my head incredulously. "There's a castle too?! What the hell is this place then!"

Before Olivia can respond a new voice beats her to it.

"Our home."

I turn to face the sound and am met with the eyes of the Queen. Following close behind her are the guards, synchronised in their movements. But I pay them no mind as the woman gives me a small smile.

"The King and I thought it would be safer to raise our daughter outside of the castle. Too many enemies and too little trust." She purses her lips together and shakes her head.

It made sense. The first thing I noticed upon arriving is the large hedge maze seemingly surrounding the forest. Their home--ย it was meant to stay a secret.ย 
And then it dawns on me. I furrow my eyebrows, her and the soldiers words running through my mind.ย 

"With all due respect, you really trust me enough to bring me here?" It didn't make sense. We'd just met about ten minutes ago and from the way she made it sound-- trust didn't come easy in their family.

So I'm taken aback once more when she levels me with a firm gaze.

"No. But I trust the overseer with my life, and he seems to trust you."


But then my eyes land on Olivia. The girl stands besides us almost awkwardly with her hands clasped together behind her back, out of place in the conversation. I quirk an eyebrow and nod my head towards the raven haired girl.

"And Olivia? Do you trust her?"

ย Olivia perks up at the mention of her name and shares some type of knowing glance with the older woman. I don't miss it, now darting my eyes between the two of them confused. Noticing my questioning stare the younger girl shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Let's just say I'm close with the family."

There was probably a million different ways I could interpret that. Her vagueness has me opening my mouth to retort and push the question further, but before I can say anything else I'm stopped when one of the guards suddenly appears in front of us. He bows and looks at the queen.

"The word has been sent, m'lady. The princess will arrive soon."

The princess? Somehow I can't ignore the sudden nerves which crash against me.ย What do her clothes look like?ย  What doesย sheย look like?
I didn't realise I was tuning out of the conversation until the queen's next words has me scrambling back to reality.

"-perfect. Ready my carriage. But first... Y/N."

"S-sorry. Yes?"

"I'd like to have a word with you. Hyejoo ready some clothes. I'm sure Sooyoung won't mind."

Sooyoung? Is that-

Before I can question it Olivia mocks a salute and stalks away, speeding inside the mansion so quick until I couldn't see her any longer. For a moment I wondered how she seemed to know the house so well, but I push this thought aside. The Queen raises a hand and turns to face the guards behind us, motioning for them to stay. I don't miss the way they shoot aย veryย specific look in my direction, but I also don't miss the arch of the woman's eyebrow which has them gulping and conforming.

Talk about a power play,ย the thought makes me grin. But I shake my head as the woman starts walking along the gravel path, motioning for me to follow. Together we walk past the many bushes and flowerbeds which decorate the outside of their home, ground crunching beneath our feet. Being alone with the older woman for the first time since we met in the temple I don't miss the sudden change in her demeanour. It almost felt like she'd let some type of guard down, her shoulders relaxing and her eyes closing as she takes in the breeze against her face and the forest-sounds whistling around us. Once we've created some distance from the guards she begins.

"I pity you."


As if noticing my confusion and realising how harsh she sounded, she bows her head apologetically. She clarifies.

"I'm sorry. I can't begin to imagine how scared you must feel. It can't be easy waking up and being somewhere else, especially when it's so unlike what you're use to. You must have family, too.." She pauses, giving me time to mull over her words.

"I do. A father."

A small smile crosses my lips at the memory of the man but it washes away as fast as it came. For a moment I feel guilty. Guilty for not looking for him, for accepting whateverย thisย is instead of fighting to find him. That car crash.. was he okay?ย Am I okay?

The woman seems to notice my internal dilemma and pauses. She stops in the middle of the path and meets my eyes. Now that I could get a good look at our surroundings it looked like we'd walked around to the back of the large house. What looks like maids can be seen bustling about on the large white patio, some more snipping away at overgrown bushes under a pergola in the centre of the yard. It looked like a courtyard, large and beautifully sculptured, tulips bringing a lively contrast to the garden. My eyes catch sight of what looks like an apple tree but I'm given no time to investigate as the queen continues, our eyes meeting once more.

"I don't know you well, but you must know that you are strong. I don't know what I'd do if I was in your situation with my daughter. She's my life. If I lost her then I think I'd just about lose myself, too."

A reminiscent smile crosses the woman's matured face as she scans me over.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. The night the overseer told us about you he mentioned my daughter. Promise me, Y/N. Promise me you will keep her safe."

I furrow my eyebrows. For a second I pause, confused. I still didn't knowย whoย her daughter was, and I still didn't understand my place in allย this.

"I'm sorry, but I don't even know why or how orย whatย I'm doing here. As far as I'm aware I'm just in some fever dream."

I purse my lips together into a grim line as I admit my thoughts to the women.ย 

"I think this is all a mistake."

The woman listens

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Chapter 11 has been updated.
I did not mean to publish chapter 12 without making the edits; my apologies.


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1188 streak #1
Chapter 38: OH!? WE HAD THE BALLS!?
Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 1: re-reading this in 2023! one of the best stories i've ever read :))
Chapter 36: daaaamn. this has lots of reference and hell of twists. this is really good. thought this was a unfinished but it was an open ending. this is really good. worth reading
Chapter 35: OHHH DAMN!
This ladies and gentlemen, is a hell of plot twist! Oh ma god, it's just amazing the way you write this fanfic, I could feel everything, as If I was living every chapter. I was so confused as Y/N.
Now that I know the truth, I want justice hahaha
Everyone forget about my existence?
You played me good, I'm running out of words...
Can't wait for more, take care!
1188 streak #6
Chapter 35: ๐Ÿ˜ฏ oh wow
veery interesting
it is mind blowing!!
Chapter 31: Oh my god kimchi!

I love double updates Ç.Ç

Trust no one, it's the only thing that came into my mind. Everything is confuse, and this feeling is amazing, because you pay more attention and create a Lot of theories...

Incredible as always, author!

Can't wait for more!

Take care~
1188 streak #10
Chapter 29: To say I completely binged read this entire thing, my jaw is on the floor