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Chosen | Yves x Reader
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซย ๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฒ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ย 



Dฮ›Y ฮฃIGฮ‰ฦฌ


I feel my heart thumping erratically in my chest, wind knocked out of me as I manoeuvred around the floor. My feet seemed to carry me seamlessly as if they had a mind of their own: as if I was performing a dance routine that I'd practised to perfection. At least, that's what it felt like until a body knocks against mine roughly.

I fall to one knee and stare back at the girl standing above me, eyes wide and lips parted to take in quick breaths of air. Jungeun holds the dull blade of a practise sword against my neck, just pressing into my skin. She cracks a grin.

"You are getting better."

She pulls the sword back and brings it back to her side, offering me a hand to stand up. Far too prideful, I shake it off and pull myself to my feet, huffing.

"Yeah, better at prolonging my ownย death."

The sound of Olivia scoffing a laugh has me tearing my attention her way for the briefest of seconds. She sat on the floor with her head in her palms, watching. Whatever tension between her and Jungeun yesterday seemed to have disappeared.

Unlike Olivia's amusement, Jungeun tuts and shakes her head.

"I am serious. You are a fast learner, Y/N. You bring yourself down for not getting a hold of things faster, but you must realise we never had only twelve days. We had ourย whole lives."ย My eyes follow her as she moves swiftly back into position. She motions for me to do the same, then offers another small grin. "It is almost like you were born to be a fighter like thatย Muhammad Aliย of yours...or so I have heard."

This time I grin. I didn't expect her to remember.ย 

Now that Jungeun and I were back on good terms, I felt more comfortable. More comfortable to speak freely and get back to my old scheme. I roll my eyes before winking sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, forย sure. Who knows, maybe after him I'll even come for your title..."

Instead of retaliating, she chuckles. "Just as the overseer intended. It would not surprise me. According to him, you are destined for things far beyond myself and Hyejoo. Isn't that right?"

Jungeun turns towards the raven haired girl, and I follow her gaze. But instead of meeting her familiar childish, mischievous smile as I intended-- her lips are pulled tightly together into a sour grimace.ย  She nods.ย 

"He did give her his journal." She turns to look me directly in the eye. And despite the small hint of a smile taking over her face, there's no mistaking the awkward feeling that cements itself in my stomach at her next words. Maybe it was just my imagination, but she seemedย pissed.ย "You are privileged already in just eight days."


"Yes, I know." Olivia cuts Jungeun off with a wave of her hand, dismissing the lecture before she could begin.ย 

But the moment I look back to gauge Jungeun's reaction I knew it was far from over. Her lips pursed together, a thoughtful grimace on her face. But the moment we lock eyes, her apprehension disappears as quick as it came. She defuses the tense atmosphere with a short cough.


Before I have time to register her words, she begins sparring once more. I'm given barely enough time to dodge out of the way of her heavy hit, side stepping around her quick frame. This continues for several more minutes before a thought dawns on me, my mind still reeling from Olivia's words only moments ago. When Jungeun dodges away from one of my jabs, Iย  hesitate.

"The overseers journal... what's so important about it?" I'm practically out of breath by the time I finish my sentence, stumbling over my words.ย 

I don't miss the way she hesitates but it's gone as quick as it came, and she's humming. She doesn't let up her relentless pace even once. It amazed me how well she could speak so clearly and fight at the same time.

"The overseer is a powerful man, Y/N. His journal is a passage to his thoughts and his life. As far as I knew, it was kept hidden before it came to your possession." And then her face suddenly sobers, completely washing over with seriousness. Her next words leave a shiver running down my spine.

ย "You protect it with your life, Y/N, as long as you have it. In the wrong hands it could compromise everything the overseer holds secret."

She accentuates her last word with a particularly hard blow, and I just manage to block it in time. Without meaning to, another question dawns on me. A sour taste rises in my mouth as I wait a few moments before asking again.

"Has anybody... had it before me? Or you know, stole it?"

At that she completely pauses as if taken aback. Taking advantage, I send a hard kick to her chest which has her toppling over onto the floor with a heavyย 'thud'.ย She looks up at me, half impressed and half annoyed at the distraction, before reality seems to catch up to her. And she hesitates. I hold my breath.ย 

"I..." She pauses. And then she shakes her head, and the heavy feeling in my chest increases tenfold. "No. Nobody has had it but the overseer."

My shoulders deflate. I try my best to hide the disappointment that was fighting to cross my face as Jennie's words come back to me.


Years ago I stole his journal... there is a missing page..


The moment she disappeared last night I flicked through the pages of the journal to see if she was telling the truth.ย She was.ย Between one of the last few pages was a missing segment. It looked as though someone had torn a page out and tried to hide it, haphazard parchment sticking out from the spine. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it before. But then again,ย I was never looking before she told me.


They avoid your questions because they know you will believe them... who is there to fill in the gaps?


In this moment I just stand still. Even as Jungeun stands up and dusts her pants off, all I can do is pause. I asked Jungeun already knowing the answer. But I wanted to see if she would be honest. If she would lie, and as Jennie warned, would expect me to believe her.ย 

The sound of Jungeun groaning tears me from my thoughts. I watch her as she stretches, dismissing our conversation as she turns to Olivia.

Olivia watched us the whole time with a thoughtful look on her face, but the moment we lock eyes it washes away as quick as it came. Jungeun sighs.

"Anyway, I think that is all for today. You are much better than the first time we sparred. I am more than confident you can defend yourself in combat."

Yet another question etches across my mind for the nth time, but this time I keep it to myself. I didn't know whether she was being honest or if she was just trying to stop me before I could probe for any more answers. Nonetheless, I offer a small, tight smile.


Jennie offered me answers. She offered me honesty. She offered to help me. But it was all at a cost.


I internally scowl. I couldn't be thinking about it. There's no way I could possibly consider it... right?

Before I can think too hard into it, the sound of the training room door opening tears me back to reality. I turn on the spot and instantly lock gazes with a pair of dark browns, the same pair that has my shoulders stiffening and ring burning on my finger. The same pair that has me narrowing my eyes into slits as we practically stare each other down.

Jungkook stands, regal armour and all, with his hand on the hilt of his spear as he looks between us. But then they settle on me once more. I pay no mind to the two guards who close in on either side of him, pay no mind to the sceptical glances shared between the girls behind me.

Jungkook speaks through his teeth, voice deep and uninviting.

"Your presence is required before the king. He would like to talk."

No words are uttered as I nod stiffly. I didn't know what to say. Somehow with no context I could already tell that something felt off. I hadn't even moved a foot yet and I could just smell trouble.

When I finally move, Jungeun moves too. She moves like a blur as she appears besides me, ready to walk out the room by my side, accompanying me.ย  But she's stopped when Jungkook's spear presses against her chest just as quickly.

I completely forgot they were fast--ย reallyย fast until now. It's then I realise Jungeun was going easy on me, not using her full strength when we sparred.

"No." Jungkook and Jungeun seem to have a silent battle as they eyed each other down, and then she's backing down with a huff-- tearing her gaze to the floor. Now that she was no longer commander, there wasn't much she could do. She didn't have the same power and liberties as before.

Jungkook continues, a triumphant, sly smirk tipping the corner of his lips.


"She must go alone."





The door to the throne room is pushed open by two guards at its entrance, but they don't follow us as Jungkook pulls me inside. The tight grip on my forearm had me wincing in pain. Maybe it was just my imagination but I could've sworn his fingers pressed tighter and tighter with each step we took further into the large room. I yank my arm away to get rid of his strong grip, but he doesn't let up. He shoots me a second long glare that I don't fail to measure with my own.ย 

"Let go of me!" I seethe, frustration clear on my face. Jungkook shakes his head and scowls. I could practically feel his spit on my face.ย 

"Not aย chance."ย 

The whole trip over was spent in silence. My mind was racing with possibilities, trying to figure out why the King wanted to talk

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Chapter 11 has been updated.
I did not mean to publish chapter 12 without making the edits; my apologies.


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 38: OH!? WE HAD THE BALLS!?
Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 1: re-reading this in 2023! one of the best stories i've ever read :))
Chapter 36: daaaamn. this has lots of reference and hell of twists. this is really good. thought this was a unfinished but it was an open ending. this is really good. worth reading
Chapter 35: OHHH DAMN!
This ladies and gentlemen, is a hell of plot twist! Oh ma god, it's just amazing the way you write this fanfic, I could feel everything, as If I was living every chapter. I was so confused as Y/N.
Now that I know the truth, I want justice hahaha
Everyone forget about my existence?
You played me good, I'm running out of words...
Can't wait for more, take care!
1197 streak #6
Chapter 35: ๐Ÿ˜ฏ oh wow
veery interesting
it is mind blowing!!
Chapter 31: Oh my god kimchi!

I love double updates Ç.Ç

Trust no one, it's the only thing that came into my mind. Everything is confuse, and this feeling is amazing, because you pay more attention and create a Lot of theories...

Incredible as always, author!

Can't wait for more!

Take care~
1197 streak #10
Chapter 29: To say I completely binged read this entire thing, my jaw is on the floor