The Whole View

on opposite ends
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Jisoo never knew much about romantic love or the kind of love that's different from the ones you feel towards your family or friends. She was always busy with other things to even spare it a second thought. She was also so engrossed with herself to even socialize with others, and she had this dilemma that's been going on for a few years now, ever since she started in Hogwarts actually.


At a young age, she had always been pampered by her parents as she was the only child but she was bad at making friends during middle school which she didn't know why that was until the Hogwarts letter came. She was different in the most literary and figurative sense. She was not a full muggle, she was also not a full witch (or at least, she didn't consider herself one because she never even knew about the wizarding world until she turned eleven), she was neither black or white but she was the gray area in between. 




She's always felt so insecure whenever she's at Hogwarts, surrounded by prominent pureblood families like Taehyung or balanced mixtures of half-bloods like the rest of her classmates. Jisoo and Bona didn't know how to categorize themselves at first, the former just thought of herself as a muggle with magic in her blood. Ancient magic that had run deep in their family but got lost because it was muddled with muggle blood, as explained in the books one time. She also felt like some of the older books in the library were very explicit with their words, not bothering to cover up that muggle-borns like Jisoo have blood that's been "polluted".


Jisoo always felt like she didn't belong anywhere, not in the muggle world, not even in the wizarding world. Who would want someone lik her? This questions rang inside her head so many times that it's why she worked extra hard, why she lived up to her name under Ravenclaw House, why she's always studying and practicing spells more than the others because she doesn't want to fall behind. She wants them to know that she's just as witty, just as competent and just as brilliant as the rest of them. It's why she bends her backs over books, pouring all of her energy into studying and striving for things like being a prefect or even the Head Girl so that they would see her skills are in par with theirs. 


She hides her weakness and flaws to showcase the underlying bundle of talents she has. And it's worked so far, nobody seems to question her or undermine her abilities despite being muggle born. It also garnered some attraction towards her, some tolerable and others... well, others are attraction in the form of what Taehyung allegedly feels for her. 


"But I've already confirmed it, verbal and physical confirmation. I like you." Taehyung is so bold when it's just the two of them, alone in the small space of a carriage pulling them towards Hogsmeade. Jisoo couldn't bring herself to stand him up, not when Bona was breathing down her neck all morning so that she wouldn't leave her sight and possibly escape (Jisoo had no plans of even escaping, how could she when Bona wouldn't even leave her alone). "Nothing you say or do will change that."


"But... why," the words finally escape her lips and hangs in the air above their heads. There's a sort of awkward tension that only Jisoo feels, because it seems like Taehyung is not bothered at all. He's bundled up in casual clothes like Jisoo but there's a scarf around his neck because he told her he gets cold easily sometimes even though it's spring. He's smiling at her despite her hesitance, despite her lack of knowledge about the fact that he likes her, in every sense of the word.


Taehyung smiles with his mouth closed. His cheeks puff up, big and chubby despite the angular features of his face. "Why do you want to know?" 


"It's really just so sudden. All I ever do is glare at you or roll my eyes or sometimes I even put you in detention." Jisoo points out. When she says it like that, it makes it seem they really didn't have much interaction aside from their short bickers and little arguments that are always so one-sided because she's the only one that's either annoyed or angry or both. 


Come to think of it, she can't recall a moment he was every upset or angry with her. He never even showed as much as scowl her way.


Taehyung chuckles and the sound of it rings all around the small carriage they occupied. "You make it seem like you don't like me."


"I don't like you," she says, but then quickly adds, "Not in that sense."


"But you agreed to come today," Taehyung tilts his head to the side. He continues to smile at her, and Jisoo doesn't want to admit it out loud, but it's his smile that's making her feel nervous. "You were the one who told me we should go on this date."


Jisoo sighs in exasperation and looks out the small window but there's not much to look at except rolling valleys and mountains in the distance, she's only looking away from him because she doesn't want to see his laidback smile anymore. "I was too caught up in my mood at the time." It's a weak excuse, and its obvious he doesn't buy it. 


He's staring at her, she can see him do so from the corner of her eye. "You still came though and that's all that matters to me."


Right when they arrive, Jisoo feels the hunger clawing inside her stomach. She unconsciously rubs a hand on her belly as they walk to the main entrance of Hogsmeade, an action that Taehyung does not miss so he leads her straight away to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop which just makes this date all the more real because this place is littered with couples and young lovers. Jisoo has never been inside the shop until today so she tries not to blush when they walk side by side as they enter. But at least it was better than a dingy pub like the Hog's Head or The Three Broomsticks. 


Taehyung is surprisingly much more calm and subdued. He asks her what she wants in a soft voice, not the booming and loud one he uses in the halls that always earns him a smack from the nearest professor. He recommends her some good food when it's clear that Jisoo doesn't know what to order. He points to this and this and this and finally settles on something they both think she would like. She appreciates how he asks her for her opinion, what she wants, and that he doesn't make decisions on his own. He's so thoughtful, but she's not sure if this is just a front he's putting up just to project a good image. 


"You don't have to be so nice," Jisoo murmurs, twirling her fork on the rose pasta he ordered for her. It was good, a little spicy beause of the beetle sauce but it suited her taste just fine. Taehyung explained he's been here before because of Jimin and his failed dates, he said it as if he's never been on a date himself until today. "It's not like I don't know who you really are in school. You don't have to, you know, try."


Taehyung doesn't seem offended at all, and that was another thing about him when it came to dealing with Jisoo and her snarky remarks and side comments, he never took them to heart and he was never angry at her for over anything she ever said even though she had said a lot of mean things to him before. "But I'm not trying." he says plainly. 


She frowns at him. "You're acting nice and polite." 


"I'm not acting, Jisoo." He snickers. "Is my behavior right now unusual for you? Does it make you uncomfortable?"


"Yes," she says with no ounce of hesitation. "Sort of. I'm just not used to you being like this."


"And maybe that's the problem then," he says, but there's a twinkle in his eye that Jisoo can't quite decipher. "You've always seen me as a sort of troublemaker, which is understandable by the way. I can be a tad too annoying at times, even Jimin and my other friends can't stand me when that happens. Whenever I'm around, trouble ensues or at least that's what they whisper in the halls, right? But that's not all I am, Jisoo."


Jisoo casts her eyes down, unable to look at him as his words try to sink in her. 


Taehyung clears his throat and puts down his spoon. "Kind of like how you're not just limited to being the smart prefect girl in class, because that's not the whole of you. That's just a part of you, a side of you most of us see and live with. But I'm not like most people, it's why I asked you out. Because.... because I wanted to get to know you better. I wanted to see the whole of you."


The whole of Jisoo. He asked her out, bugged her for weeks and practically harassed her about it just because he wanted to get to know her on a deeper, more personal level. Taehyung was so persistent and keen, other girls might have been fond of such a trait but Jisoo had been irked at first. She was annoyed with him, as always, and she found it bothersome. But now that he reveals to her the reason behind why he did it and why he wanted to do it, she actually feels sort of touched. 


Someone wants to know her, see her, every part of her. The whole view of her. 




"I'm just curious about you." 


Jisoo hadn't expected those words to come out of his mouth, she was thrown aback by his answer. Why would someone like Taehyung, an interesting ball of enigma, be curi

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072223. new update, chapter 29 is up!


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chickenwing_ac #2
Chapter 34: i am beyond shocked at the ending and so i glad i decided to check for any updates tdy 😭
1129 streak #4
Chapter 33: Bona don't leave Jisoo 😭😭😭
Bserius6 #5
Chapter 25: update please 😭😭😭
_petal_ #7
Chapter 32: Ahhhh....not Jungkook as well.
1129 streak #8
Chapter 32: Man I still can't believe Nayeon did that...Oh my I kinda knew it the moment Jungkook said he will go with her to the next horcrux that he will betray/leave her... And I think Hoseok or Jennie will free Tae...
_Vante #9
Chapter 31: I like the way this story is going but maybe that's because I am a er for angst and stuff. Keep up the good work and hoping to see the next chapters as quickly as possible.
1129 streak #10
Chapter 31: That's not fair Tae why only Jisoo have to swear? What about you? So if the dark lord controlled you and ordered you to kill her she won't be able to defend herself?