Another Name On The Paper

on opposite ends
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It's difficult to tell where the destruction starts and where it ends. The aftermath of the battle clearly tells a tale of lives lost to the triumph of evil. The wreckage is far more worse than she had imagined or seen in the newspapers; this is like a bloodbath but without the actual blood splattered along the cobblestone streets. Large rocks and rubble that was once Gringotts scatter around her in a pile of wasted effort and devastating defeat. 


Jisoo clenches her fists by her side. She stands in the middle of the carnage. Gringotts was situated in the heart of Diagon Alley but the Ministry made sure to evacuate everyone out of the area before the Death Eaters had arrived so there were no civilian casualties, or at least that's what she had read in the paper. She looks around and only two shops are open, the rest have either been closed down or damaged from the battle here. There's not a single soul in sight, just Kim Jisoo trying to figure out how to make this feeling of helplessness and hopelessness from inside her disappear.


But there was something else bothering her. It's a strange sensation that she's felt ever since she arrived in the Ministry and it didn't seem to be in tune with her current turmoil of emotions.


Jisoo knew what it was like being tracked because that's what made her a good tracker herself. 


She walks over chunks of stone, eyes scanning her surroundings for anything out of the ordinary that she might have missed on her first perimeter check when she arrived just a minute ago.


She sees him standing in the shadows of the dilapidating buildings a few meters away and Jisoo bravely trudges forward without hesitation, wand at the ready. Her feet carry her to a secluded alleyway where the Confedaration spy stood, standing before her with a smug look on his face that Jisoo wants to wipe away with a hex.


"Bold of you to put a tracking spell on me." She's not sure if she should be angry or annoyed or impressed at the fact that she hadn't noticed she was being tracked right when the spell had hit her, it must've been because she was so rattled back at Dedham to have realized it sooner. 


The man pushes the sleeves of his robes back to reveal a gold watch and bare, smooth skin with no Dark Mark in sight. "That took you thirty-four minutes to realize." He's here in Diagon Alley because he had followed her. 


"Shorter," Jisoo says rather defensively. "I had to talk with my superior."


The man, whose name she still doesn't know but she'll find out soon one way or another, regards her with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you here though?" Again, he talks to her as if they were talking about the most mundane things and worse, as if they knew each other. 


"Why are you talking so casually to me?" She decides that this spy is annoying her but she doesn't want to show it too much because he seems like the type of person who would revel at the thought of pushing Jisoo's buttons too far. "What's your mission exactly? Why are you following me? I thought you'd be just a messenger, like a sort of warning signal for the Ministry." Apparently she thought wrong because he was still sticking around and poking his nose in other people's business. 


He smirks and there's something so sly in his smirk that makes Jisoo tighten her hold on her wand. He may not have the Dark Mark but she should still have her guard up. "Miss Kim, I thought you'd be more professional than that. Though, I suppose that one year off has hindered your skills and work etiquette drastically." 


She would have snapped, but because she had more important things to do than to confront this imbecile, she calmed herself down and tried not to break his neck in half. Instead, she raises her wand.


The man before her tenses and is about to move until he realizes she's pointing it at herself. She lifts the tracking spell he had placed on her before shooting him a deadly glare and turning around, walking back to the wreckage in the center of the Alley.


Jisoo tried to focus. She tried to imagine in her head what the confrontation here had been like, what the Aurors - some of them her friends, all of them her coworkers before - had felt in their final moments. They were here to protect the bank, they probably protected it with all their might but still, they had failed to do so because any wizard who came across Kim Taehyung always ended up dead. 


Taehyung slew anyone, wizard or muggle, who got in their way. How ruthless. She wonders if he'll still keep his end of the deal if she ever did meet him face to face, wand to wand. She reckons he probably knew by now that she was back in the scene, all thanks to Jimin and Taeyong's plan. There was no escaping her task now, their own final confrontation would happen soon but Jisoo just needs to figure out where he's hiding and how to efficiently capture him when the time does come. 


"Why are you following me?" Her voice is like a low growl. She looks back over her shoulder, at the Confederation spy walking over fallen columns and large chunks of stones just behind her. Why wasn't he leaving yet? 


The man rolls his eyes and kicks a rock to the side. The clouds above their heads hung low and gray, it was going to rain soon. He looked up at Jisoo, hands clasped in front of him. "If I were to be very frank with you, you know what intrigued me the most when I read the profile of the most notorious Death Eater in history?" he said all of a sudden, and he said all of this while looking at Jisoo. He didn't wait for her response. "It certainly wasn't the number of people he killed over the past years or his entire family's allegiance to the Dark Lord's cause." 


He pauses, still looking at her dead in the eye. Jisoo already knows what he's about to say next. 


"What intrigued me most is that the Auror assigned to him by the Ministry is the same Auror who let him escape in their 'almost capture' over a year ago." His lips are a thin line, he's waiting for a reaction.


Jisoo refuses to give him one, even if she feels like he had struck her. She doesn't know how or where he got this information from because even Jinyoung and the Minister were unaware of this as far as she knew, or were they?


No, they must be oblivious to it because they still wanted to recruit her.  She remembers that night in Nottingham a little more vividly now; they had been on his tail, on a chase and suddenly Jisoo is knocked off her broom by a spell and Taehyung was standing right in front of her with a killer look in his eyes that he couldn't act on and Jisoo's hand was trembling like how it was trembling right now.


If the Confederation knew about that, what else did they know? And why hadn't they ratted her out to the Ministry? 


He walks closer towards her, two slow steps forward. "And when we dug up more, my surprise turned into curiosity as we found out that the same Auror used to be his fiance." His big blow, but Jisoo is skilled at keeping on a poker face even when her heart is shattering inside. "Why didn't it work out? Don't want a Death Eater to be the father of your children? I can see how that would be complicated. Well, I should tell you that I'm single but I'm afraid I can't fit in your standards of men with an aptitude for murder."


Jisoo whips out her hand that was holding onto her wand and in a split second, she has it pointed under the Confedaration spy's chin. Of course she can't do anything but just threaten him, she's in a public place and is subjected to Ministry rules. "You talk a lot. Do you want me to blow your head off?" Though, she doesn't care about Ministry rules at the moment. 


He snorts and pushes her hand away. "Not around the civilians, Miss Kim." 


She looks around. What once was an empty alley now had less than a dozen people milling around, hiding in the shadows or peering through broken windows as they looked down at the two of them - at Jisoo and this - with fearful eyes. Some of them are even rushing away without looking back, afraid that something seriously deadly would result from Jisoo's threat. She sees one particular woman standing near a closed down flower shop staring right at her. 


Jisoo's attention snaps back to the man and she steps back, letting her arms fall to her sides. "You think you know me just because of the reports piled up on your desk." She scowled. "And you think I'm going to betray the Ministry and in extension, the Confederation, because you've deluded yourself with the idea that I'd go and be a criminal like Taehyung. Well, I'm very sorry to disappoint you,

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072223. new update, chapter 29 is up!


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chickenwing_ac #2
Chapter 34: i am beyond shocked at the ending and so i glad i decided to check for any updates tdy 😭
1129 streak #4
Chapter 33: Bona don't leave Jisoo 😭😭😭
Bserius6 #5
Chapter 25: update please 😭😭😭
_petal_ #7
Chapter 32: Ahhhh....not Jungkook as well.
1129 streak #8
Chapter 32: Man I still can't believe Nayeon did that...Oh my I kinda knew it the moment Jungkook said he will go with her to the next horcrux that he will betray/leave her... And I think Hoseok or Jennie will free Tae...
_Vante #9
Chapter 31: I like the way this story is going but maybe that's because I am a er for angst and stuff. Keep up the good work and hoping to see the next chapters as quickly as possible.
1129 streak #10
Chapter 31: That's not fair Tae why only Jisoo have to swear? What about you? So if the dark lord controlled you and ordered you to kill her she won't be able to defend herself?