

[ C H A P T E R  T H R E E ]



Yongsun thought things would changed since they’re all grown up now, and since they’ve been apart for a few years but she guessed it’d always be the same between her and her sister — they’d always fight over everything and took days to get over it because they both had too much pride in themselves to apologize first. They love each other so much, but they also fought too much that it stressed Yongsun out.


Sitting with her legs crossed on a couch in Eric’s apartment, she stuffed a spoonful of the chocolate ice cream she found in his fridge into in hope it’d make her a tad bit happy, but all she got was a brain freeze that annoyed her even more. Eric watched her continuously stuffing her face with ice cream with a frown, and he sighed. Leaning towards her, he grabbed both the ice cream tub and her spoon away from her. 


    “Is it Byul or your sister this time?” 


Yongsun wished it was Byul, because at least Byul was always the first one to send her pictures of puppy to reconcile with her after their fight. Her sister was exactly like she is, and perhaps that was why Yongsun thought fighting with Yonghee always made her feel worse than when she did with Byul. With her brows still furrowed deeply on her face, she sighed and shifted in her position so she’d laying down on his laps — she’s exhausted, and she didn’t even know why. 


    “My sister.” She paused for a good one minute. “Over laundry, can you even believe it?”


    Eric smiles. “You know I’d believe you even if you said you fought over the television remote, because that’s how siblings always are.” 


Yongsun wanted to say not him and his brothers though, because they obviously love and get along with each other better than Yonghee and her do. She took his hand into hers, and started fiddling with his fingers just so she could keep herself occupied while she ranted about whatever was bothering her, and she likes how Eric never seemed to mind it. Instead, he encouraged her even more and Yongsun would always felt bad at the end of the day for always taking that for granted and never had the courage to tell him how grateful she is for that.


    “Maybe sharing a house together with her is a bad idea.” 


    “Maybe not sharing a house together with her is a bad idea.” 


Yongsun looked up and shot him a glare to which he only shrugged. But, she knew he was right. It was ridiculous of her to say something of that sort out of spite, when she knew they both clearly filled in each other’s needs and weaknesses when they actually got along. Yonghee looked after her like a mom because they lived away from their parents — she had always been the mom between the two of them. From preparing food to making sure she’s safe and healthy and beautiful, Yonghee always felt like a mom to her.


When she was sick once while Eric was abroad, Yonghee was the one who nursed her all night without a complaint even though she has to go in early for her own works the next day. Yongsun sighed, maybe this time she really has to be the one to apologize first. Maybe only when one of them made the effort to put down their pride first will the other learn to do so as well. 


    “How do you get along so well with your brothers?” 


    “You have no idea.” Eric said to which Yongsun raised her brows at him confusedly. 


    “Eddie and I never see things on the same line even up until these days, but we just learned to get over it. Back then we got into a huge fight because of it to the point where we even physically hurt each other and got grounded for it, but now I guess we just learned to accept our differences and the fact that we’ll always see things differently.” 


    “So, you just learn to respect each other instead of fighting over it?” 


    “There are time we still fought over it, but mostly yes.” 


    She sighed and tugged on his hand a little. “Easier said than done, my sister and I can’t do that for the lives of us.” 


Yongsun guessed maybe it’s easy for him because he has always been very understanding and generous, even to people he’s not close with. But, that was never really the case with her, she has always been someone who stood by her own decision on her own ground, maybe a little bit too excessive sometimes that even when people told her it’s wrong, she’d still think it’s right if she believed in it. She couldn’t bring herself to accommodate to anyone else even when she knew she was also at fault, and as much as she hates herself for it, she did not know how to very open about her own feelings.


Yongsun stole a glance at Eric, sometimes — perhaps a few times, she wondered what if their differences get in between them, and sometimes she had this underlying thought that what if they weren’t meant to be because of these differences. 


She hoped not, because someone like him is rare to come by and Yongsun knew, by chances if fate deemed they’re not fit together in the future, she’d never be able to move on and find anyone else who would be able to replace him, but by all means if that really happened, she prayed he’d be able to move on and find someone better because Yongsun, ever since the first day they met, had always felt like Eric deserved someone better than her. 


Maybe, or maybe not. She closed her eyes, taking the silence as a comfort to stop her train of thoughts. Only fate can decide, but one thing she has learned for sure from her past was every hello has its good bye.



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TTahgaseTT #1
Chapter 19: this fanfic gives me butterflies 🥺🦋 2 years late I just wanted to say thank you for writing this beautiful story 💗
soaleiousav #2
Chapter 19: Can you make a sequel??? Pls.
Chapter 4: oh oh ohbo
Chapter 2: i ing miss them already.. .
I just finished the wgm Ddongie couple and I wanted more. Though Im a huge moonsun shipper, it'd be nice if the both Solar and Eric dated. That's why I'm here to drown my poor poor self into fanfics.
HotPotatoSweetPotato #8
Chapter 9: Ohhh was this an actual show and if yes can you link me?
moomooradish #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this wonderful story and best of luck with your classes!